58 resultados para Suspense
Delivering lectures to large groups of students can provoke high levels of anxiety, particularly for new lecturers (Exley and Dennick, 2009). Further, to provide an informative and engaging lecture requires a teacher who is confident, has a sound knowledge and well developed teaching skills (Bentley-Davies, 2010). Thus, new lecturers often need experience and supervision to develop the tacit knowledge and insight into their own style and persona when teaching in order to feel confident when delivering a lecture (Quinn and Hughes, 2007). Considering this model, therefore, may potentially contribute to a lecturers’ development and performance in the classroom. This paper will present the results of the second phase of a two-stage mixed method study that investigated the similarities between lecturing and acting. Twelve in-depth interviews where undertaken with lecturers within one School of Nursing in The United Kingdom. Findings, established a model of ‘persona adoption’ that represents a series of stages that lecturers may go through to both develop and take on a persona when lecturing. This persona is often different from the way they lecturers present themselves in other parts of their working life. The first stage of this model of persona adoption is when the lecturer is subjected to a range of ‘influencing factors’ that provide not only the basic information about a lecture, but also the perceptual stimuli about giving a lecture on a specific subject, to a particular number of students, at a certain academic level. These influencing factors then inter-play with the ‘facets of the individual’, which represent the lecturer’s self-concept, subject knowledge base and philosophy of teaching. This may result in a cognitive dissonance between these ‘facets’ and the ‘influencing factors’, so affecting the lecturers’ perceptions, thoughts and feelings about having to give that particular lecture. This results in the lecturer undertaking specific ‘back stage preparation’ during which they decide on the content and modes of delivery to prepare in light of that discourse. It may result in delivering the information via single or multiple methods, which during the lecture will require various levels of interaction and participation from the students. Just prior to the lecture, the lecturer builds or ‘puts on their persona’ and gets into role, making their initial impact with the group. They use the ‘elements of acting’ as proposed by Tauber and Mester’s (1994) e.g. animated voice and body, space, props humour and suspense and surprise to portray and maintain their persona. This leads the to lecturer demonstrating either positive or negative ‘persona characteristics’ in terms of appearing confident, knowledgeable, fluent in the technical skills of delivering the lecture, being interesting and engendering interaction with the students, or not. These characteristics, may or may not, potentially heighten student interest, attention and attitudes to learning as suggested by Tauber and Mester (1994). This depends on whether the lecturer has successfully used the persona and if the lecturer has been able to engage students in the lecture, in competition with other factors that may be taking the students’ attention. Although the model suggests a linear process, to a great extent, the elements might be more interdependent and interrelated. This might suggest that depending on the lecturer’s perception of their effectiveness during the lecture, that they may decide to continue or adapt their persona and methods to appear more confident. Furthermore, depending on how successful the lecturer perceived the session to be, both their reflections ‘in’ and ‘on’ practice could influence how they teach in the future (Zwozdiak, 2011). Therefore, these reflections become part of the facets of the individual, via the ‘reflective feedback loop’, in the model, which then in turn influences progression through the model in subsequent lectures. This study concluded that these lecturers went through a process whereby they compare the demands of the lecture with their own knowledge base and skill, this resulted in them undertaking specific preparation in terms of content and delivery style, then they adopted their persona immediately prior to entering the lecture, maintain it throughout the lecture via the use of the elements of acting to achieve an informative interactive lecture. The results of which then feedback into their self-concept as a lecturer and consequently may affect the persona they project in future lectures. If lecturers, therefore, can take a step back to consider how they deliver lectures and the way they can deliberately, yet apparently naturally, use their voices, bodies, space and humour in meaningfully, they engage their students in lecture, it will not just result in them being perceived as a good lecturer, but also be a genuine act of education.
Préface et notices accompagant la republication de sept romans parus dans la collection Spécial Police dans les années 1950 et 1960. Ces romans de suspenses psychologiques à l'atmosphère sombre, inquiétante étaient parfois désignés par les initiés sous le nom de « Romans de la nuit ».
Cette anthologie regroupe sous ce titre sept oeuvres dont l'intrigue prend la forme d'un piège à la mécanique implacable, ainsi resituées dans leur contexte culturel
. Cette mort dont tu parlais
• C'est toi le venin
• Des yeux pour pleurer
• Le Monte-charge
• L'homme de l'avenue
• La Pelouse
• Une seconde de toute beauté
Através da análise comparativo/intertextual do conto Don Juan, de E.T.A. Hoffmann e do libreto da ópera Don Giovanni, de Mozart, da autoria de Lorenzo da Ponte, o objectivo deste artigo foi pôr em relevo a relação intrínseca, presente em muitas das obras de E.T.A. Hoffmann, entre a escrita e a música, explicável pela enorme sensibilidade musical deste autor, a que não só dedicou a sua vida, como também produziu várias obras musicais. Tal como na ópera Don Giovanni, de Mozart, a escrita de Hoffmann é dirigida por uma batuta imaginária, apresentando o suspense próprio dos enigmas, cuja revelação é suspensa por um entreacto – neste caso, uma carta escrita a um amigo, em que nos é apresentada uma reformulação do mito de Don Juan – entreacto este que vem prolongar o mistério e nos encaminha para um finale, em que a progressão da melodia e a sequência narrativa se unem mais uma vez. Por seu turno, na análise puramente intertextual, é feita uma tentativa de estabelecer, de forma clara, os paralelismos existentes com o pré-texto, isto é, com o libreto da autoria de Lorenzo da Ponte, bem como com outros pré-textos presentes no texto de forma mais esbatida, mas cujo peso é, também ele, significativo para a criação do novo mito de Don Juan, um homem sempre consciente do absurdo da existência, interpretação esta que abriu caminho para novas abordagens do mito, do herói e da história. Tal como em muitas outras obras, o pós-texto procura, em geral, apropriar-se do texto pressuposto, tentando ultrapassá-lo em mestria, o que acontece com este texto de Hoffmann, literária e semanticamente mais rico que o seu pré-texto.
From a narratological perspective, this paper aims to address the theoretical issues concerning the functioning of the so called «narrative bifurcation» in data presentation and information retrieval. Its use in cyberspace calls for a reassessment as a storytelling device. Films have shown its fundamental role for the creation of suspense. Interactive fiction and games have unveiled the possibility of plots with multiple choices, giving continuity to cinema split-screen experiences. Using practical examples, this paper will show how this storytelling tool returns to its primitive form and ends up by conditioning cloud computing interface design.
Le rôle du parent est important dans le développement de la compétence en lecture de jeunes enfants et lire à son enfant est une pratique de littératie familiale fortement encouragée par la société. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire cet accompagnement parental notamment en lien avec les stratégies de compréhension utilisées entre un parent et son enfant lors de la lecture à voix haute. Nous avons observé 10 parents lire un abécédaire, un texte narratif avec intrigue, un texte narratif sans intrigue et un texte informatif à leur enfant de cinq ans. Il s’avère que les stratégies utilisées par les parents et leurs enfants diffèrent selon le genre de texte. Les élèves ayant de faibles résultats (reconnaissance des lettres et de leurs sons, rappel du texte, compréhension du vocabulaire réceptif et de la morphosyntaxe) utilisent également moins de stratégies de compréhension lors de la lecture à voix haute que les enfants présentant de meilleurs résultats. Nous avons également vérifié l’étayage offert par les parents d’enfants présentant de bonnes et de faibles compétences en lecture. Ces deux groupes de parents se distinguent par la qualité et la fréquence de l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension. En effet, nous remarquons que les parents qui guident leurs enfants dans l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension sont davantage associés aux enfants démontrant une bonne compétence en lecture. Finalement, nous avons aussi vérifié les pratiques de littératie familiale (temps d’exposition et accessibilité à la lecture, modélisation par les membres de la famille, attitude des parents envers la lecture et mise en place d’activité favorisant la conscience phonologique de l’enfant). Seule la mise sur pied d’activités favorisant la conscience phonologique a pu être liée au rendement des enfants.
La présente étude vise à analyser la manière dont le corps de Diadorim est représenté dans le roman Diadorim, de João Guimarães Rosa. Pour ce faire, je propose une analyse des principales rencontres entre ce personnage et Riobaldo. Lors de la première rencontre de ces deux personnages, encore adolescents, il est déjà possible d’entrevoir à quel point le corps de Diadorim échappe à la pleine représentation dans le discours du narrateur, ce que l’on remarquera également à leur seconde rencontre, à l’âge adulte et intégrés à la bande des jagunços. Les différentes façons de désigner le compagnon et le suspense par lequel Riobaldo retient l’interlocuteur et, par conséquent, le lecteur, contribuent également à l’effet énigmatique génèré par le corps de Diadorim. L’ambiguïté autour de la sexualité de ce dernier est constante. Enfin, la dernière rencontre coïncide avec la mort et la révélation de la nature féminine du personnage. On observe, toutefois, que cette découverte n’est pas entièrement assimilée par Riobaldo qui, à son tour, doit répéter l’expérience vécue, par la parole, afin d’essayer de déchiffrer l’énigme autour du personnage de Diadorim.
Una adivinanza es un libro como este, un misterio que tira del lector. Acertar es llegar a saber con seguridad pero por una especie de fortuna o casualidad, eso también se relaciona con lo fantástico y lo inexplicable. Se ha querido enmarcar las formas enigmáticas de la lengua y la cultura en la presente obra, en un soporte atractivo, porque se introduce como novedad la riqueza plástica y la creatividad de las imágines. Las adivinanzas contenidas en el presente documento tienen la solución un poco lejos, para que la tensión sea más placentera, el suspense más largo, la tentación a descubrir de inmediato hace pensárselo dos veces... como en las cosas importantes de la vida.
Resumen basado en el que aporta la revista
Analizar la dicotomía existente entre el mensaje que transmite el universo deportivo a través de sus teóricos y docentes y el que suministran los medios de comunicación escritos. Conocer las actitudes y opiniones de alumnos de Enseñanzas Medias sobre el deporte y los diferentes mensajes que de él reciben. Muestra representativa de 800 alumnos de 60 centros de enseñanza pública y privada de Navarra, de FP, BUP y COU, del curso 1989-90. Páginas deportivas de siete diarios españoles de gran tirada. En total, se revisaron 98 ejemplares correspondientes a una semana de febrero y otra de julio del mismo año. De forma introductoria, se estudia la definición del concepto de deporte a partir de una revisión bibliográfica de autores que han tratado el tema desde perspectivas diferentes: docencia, Ciencias de la Educación, Sociología y Psicología, considerando tanto los elementos educativos, valores y satisfacciones que inciden en el hecho deportivo como las causas que añaden tensión y perturbación. A continuación, se estudian las razones por las que el deporte despierta un interés periodístico relevante, abordando un análisis comparativo de contenido de la prensa deportiva. Una vez establecidos los patrones de contenido agresivo en estos medios, se plantea, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, el conocimiento de las relaciones entre el escolar, el deporte y los distintos mensajes que recibe al respecto. . 1.- El deporte pone en contacto al individuo con un comportamiento moral, y su grandeza estriba en principios de respeto mutuo e igualdad de oportunidades. La salvaguarda de estos principios conduce a la necesidad de una ley y a un ejercicio de autocontrol. 2.- Los conflictos, la competencia, la proximidad del acontecimiento, el suspense y la narración sobre lo excepcional constituyen los elementos de la mercancía informativa deportiva. 3.- Fútbol, baloncesto y ciclismo comparten el dominio informativo. Los deportes de contacto son los más agresivos en cuanto al lenguaje. 4.- Entre la población estudiada, se constata un predominio del mensaje deportivo emitido por el profesor por encima del elaborado por el periodista, a pesar de la gran penetración de éste, debida al elevado consumo de deporte a traves de los medios de comunicación. 5.- El escolar comparte con el docente la opinión de que el deporte contribuye al desarrollo humano porque, a través de él se realiza un aprendizaje de valores como la cooperación, compatible a su vez con una aceptación de la disciplina y de las reglas como compromiso que hace posible el juego. La mayoría opina que los medios de comunicación ofrecen una representación del deporte en la que predominan los aspectos de dinero, resultados y rivalidad. A medida que aumenta la edad de los escolares y, por tanto, su razonamiento moral, aumenta su rechazo a los comportamientos antideportivos y agresivos. 6.- Un 61 por ciento de la muestra comenzó a informarse por la prensa deportiva antes de los 14 años.
EL DR. JEKYLL Y MR. HYDE evoca el lado oscuro de la condición humana e ilumina mundos ocultos bajo la delgada capa de las convenciones sociales, transmitiendo al lector la sensación de horror que suscita el descubrimiento de lo abominable dentro de la realidad cotidiana. Su soberbia calidad literaria, su perfección formal y la economía de medios de su argumento han hecho de este admirable relato un clásico de la novela corta que admite varias lecturas no contradictorias entre sí: desde la entrega al eficaz suspense de la trama, a su interpretación como una fábula sobre la ambigüedad moral del hombre, escenario para la perpetua lucha entre el bien y el mal.
Dos rasgos importantes de la generación del 98 se observan en José Martí: uno es su preferencia por el ensayo y esa preferencia se abre espacio dentro del gran crecimiento del periodismo moderno. Hizo de su periodismo un gran ensayismo de gran porte crítico y artístico. Los del 98 no fueron ninguno hombres de acción, pero si Martí hasta el extremo de morir por su causa. Está en contra de esta guerra del sistema colonial español (nunca contra el pueblo español), como contra el colonialismo americano. Por todo ello, pude afirmarse que el único cubano preparado para afrontar política y culturalmente el viraje histórico del 98 fue el mismo, cuya muerte tres años antes fue tan trágica como involuntario había facilitado aquel viraje. Había presentido la intervención de Cuba por Estados Unidos. Choca también la ausencia en términos generales del tema norteamericano en la generación del 98. pudo ser por el trauma interno, salvo en Ortega que este tema no desapareció. Sin embargo, los cubanos del 98 y sus descendientes, en cambio, no han podido olvidar la amenaza que José Martí previó como peligro consciente para Cuba. En los umbrales del tercer milenio, el nuevo 98 se nos presenta como amplificación a nivel planetario de lo que empezó con la explosión del Maine enla bahía de la Habana. Ya no hay enmienda, ni suspense, ni alternativa. El todo poderoso imperio norteamericano sigue salvando el mundo. Los marines son el ejército de salvación mundial.
The fear related to dental procedures can be acquired through disturbing experiences and/or negative cultural influences related in experiences of previous generations. Such influences may be present in diverse forms of cultural expression: in the cinema, plastic arts, music, literature, and diverse vehicles of printed and visual media. This research aimed investigates the images of fear related to the dental service and dentist in motion pictures. The study has qualitative approach, which used the documentary analysis of movies. The data collection was accomplished through research in the Internet by means of the Google tool (http://www.google.com.br), using the describing words filme and dentista . A total of 44 films were found. Of these, after selective criterion for films with scenes showing interaction between dentist and patient in the execution of clinical procedure, only 24 films were enclosed. Then, these were registered in data base created for this research. After second selective criterion of inclusion (scenes with suggestion of dental anxiety), 15 films remained. As regards cinematographic gender, the films with scenes showing "dental anxiety" varied between comedy (8), horror (3), drama (2), thriller (1) and childish (1). Of these films, scenes with images of situations that suggest fear of the dentist and his job were selected and described. The images were categorized by the identification of negative characteristics that incite "dental anxiety". Then, the classification of the categories was proceeded detaching the most recurrent characteristics in the scenes: situation of fear in the waiting-room; pain; instrument coarse/rudimentary; coarseness of the dentist; torture; and low qualification technique. The waiting-room was observed as a place of great tension, due to the noises coming from the dental attendance. The pain related to the Dentistry was the predominant subject in the majority of films (14), associated to others negative characteristics. The rudimentary aspects of procedures and instruments, and the coarse attitudes of the professional could be observed too. The dentist was characterized as confused, sadist, violent, insensitive, incompetent person and disturbed. Such results suggest that, despite the technological advances of the profession, the image of the dentist and his job is still transmitted in a negative way aspect and reinforces the dental anxiety
This study explores the symbolism of evil way in the novel Grande sertão: veredas, by Guimarães Rosa, regarding faustian pact by Goethe, and so tries to understand how the rosiana language are present to the strategies which put in suspense the effectiveness of the demonic agreement and enable, with poetic intensity, different interpretations, especially as regards the anguish of the human condition. This research thus has drawn upon the Mythical Symbolism, in Literary Criticism and aspects of Metaphysics, in addition to analyzing classic literary essays in approaching of Rosa s masterpiece structure. It has also demonstrated that the incorporation of the Faust legend in Grande sertão reflects the same desire for happiness that is not done completely, and in this manner, instigates a discussion about the limits to the satisfaction of being human. Therefore, it has observed that epic narrative of ex-gangster Riobaldo to the doctor of city speculates on human man, in the continuous learning of his passing
The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.