785 resultados para Suárez de Hernández, Gabriela


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This paper presents and analyzes the first literary-journalistic chronicle writen and published by Miguel Hernández: “Defensa de Madrid. Madrid y las ciudades de Retaguardia”, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This chronicle is the first one of a series establishing a new and personal type of journalism: literary chronicles –poetical and political-. Miguel Hernandez published his masterpieces in different newspapers as a war reporter, with his own name and with a pen-name, playing roles of director and political commissar in different newspapers in the war-trenches. Thematically, this first article shows his personal and political engagement, as well as his desire and strategy to protect the capital city of Spain: Madrid. Methodologically, the analysis is an approached to linguistics in social sciences, which presents some of the personal characteristics and style of the chronist Miguel Hernández. Thus, it becomes patent that the so-called New Journalism (narrative and literary), which flourished in the 70s, had already been deeply and efficiently practiced by Miguel Hernández 40 years before. That is the reason why Miguel Hernández deserves to be added to the well-known collective of chronicle writers that have already been rescued to this moment. His literary style and quality are installing him in a outstanding position as well as pioneer of the genre nowadays known as New Journalism that in his case, it is politically engaged


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Las cooperativas son entidades con una gran presencia económica y social en España, y tienen una gran influencia en la economía rural de las zonas donde están ubicadas. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las cooperativas agroalimentarias, centrándose en las productoras de aceite de oliva para determinar los principales factores que condicionan su comportamiento en la Red. En el presente estudio se analizan sus sitios web y se determina qué tipo de información aporta, tanto datos generales como datos de comercialización. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca la relación que pueda existir entre el tamaño de la cooperativa, su actividad exportadora o la actividad de comercio electrónico con la presencia online, mediante una regresión logística. De esta manera podremos conocer si realmente la implantación de nuevas tecnologías en las cooperativas permite desarrollar una óptima actividad económica.


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This paper provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the profile of the entrepreneur who decides to start business through a labor society in the context of the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. Thus, first the Social Economy is presented as an important alternative to creating and promoting employment, which seeks to combine economic and social objectives in the development of activities. Subsequently, focusing on labor companies, updated its importance in the regional economy for later data and through the analysis of two samples are available, set the attributes or most significant characteristics of these entrepreneurs.


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The purpose of this article is to give a report about a research related with the conditions of inclusion of students with disability in a Chilean university. This research is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. To collect the data required, a survey was developed, which was applied to 38 students with disability. The main results reveal a high retention rate of students, who exhibit a positive perception of their inclusion in their university life and also a high level of satisfaction with most of the services provided. Seven out of ten students surveyed recognize having received some sort of education care from their programs to pursue their studies. However, there still exists a lack of connection between the current initiatives developed at the university to support the enrollment and permanence of students. Added to this fact, there is a lack of protocols and training for teachers and staff. In this study it is proposed that the university must establish a management system that defines objectives, strategies and actions that contribute to improve inclusion of people with disabilities.


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Esta empresa se orienta a elaboración y comercialización de uvillas deshidratadas, dirigido al mercado Nacional, la razón de ser de esta empresa, es ofrecer un producto que mantenga las características de la fruta, en este caso las uvillas, intactos, lo cual constituye el éxito de nuestra empresa. Además se busca brindar una alternativa diferente al consumidor para que pueda elegir, esto se obtendrá sujetándose al estudio de mercado el cual dará pautas sobre las que la empresa va a desarrollarse. Con este estudio se pretende demostrar que la elaboración y comercialización de la uvilla deshidratada es una oportunidad para emprender en un nuevo negocio, el cual ayudar al crecimiento económico en el país.


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Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Salud en el Trabajo) U.A.N.L., 2001.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con especialidad en Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia)


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Tesis (Lic. en Enfermería, con especialidad en Salud Comunitaria) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Informática Administrativa) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) U.A.N.L.