135 resultados para Sturnira lilium


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本实验以大百合和百合东方杂种系“索蚌”为材料,对大百合、百合杂交的亲和性、大百合离体培养及其耐热性进行了研究,以期为大百合与百合杂交育种及相应的耐热百合材料的筛选、种质保存、新品种快繁及栽培应用提供理论依据。   以大百合为母本,百合为父本,对属间杂交授粉后花粉管的行为进行观察,结果表明:大百合与百合属间杂交授粉后,百合的花粉在大百合的花柱内的伸长过程中,出现少部分花粉管末端分叉、膨胀或变细,胼胝质大量不规则沉淀,及部分花粉管在伸长过程中受阻等不亲和现象,但大部分花粉仍能够正常萌发,穿过花柱道,进入子房,到达胚珠,且能够观测到早期的胚。虽然杂交亲和性与花粉管的行为有关,但杂交的成功与否还受到受精后诸多因素的影响,还需要从胚胎学和遗传学方面进一步探讨。   以大百合的鳞片、叶柄和子房为外植体,进行离体培养,结果表明:大百合的鳞片和叶柄外植体均可成功地诱导小鳞茎,叶柄相对更容易。鳞茎诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+NAA0.5-1.0mg/ml +BA2.5mg/ml +KT2.5mg/ml +蔗糖3%+琼脂0.7%,28周后,每个外植体平均可以分化4-11个小鳞茎;叶柄诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+NAA1.0-2.0mg/ +BA2.5-3.0mg/ml +KT2.5-3.0mg/ml +蔗糖3%+琼脂0.7%,26周后,每个外植体平均可以分化3-9个小鳞茎。同时也发现,用鳞茎作为外植体,污染率较高。在大百合的子房离体培养实验中发现:BA和KT 是影响大百合子房分化途径的关键因素,其浓度分别为0.1-1.0mg/L、2.0-4.0 mg/L和高于4.0mg/L时,外植体分别分化为愈伤组织、芽和叶。外植体分化的基本培养基以N6、B5为佳。愈伤组织诱导小鳞茎的最佳培养基为MS+0.1-0.5mg/L NAA +2.5mg/L BA+2.5mg/L KT +10%蔗糖+0.7%琼脂。在1/2MS +3%的蔗糖+0.7%琼脂+1%活性炭的生根培养基上,生根率为100%。炼苗一周后移栽,长势良好。   对长至5-6片真叶的大百合植株在不同高温(30℃、35℃和40℃)下,分别进行4h、10h及24h(热胁迫10h,然后在22℃对照温度下缓苗14h)的热胁迫处理,测定了不同处理下,植株的净光合速率(Pn),实际光化学效率(φPS2),最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和叶片的相对电导率,游离脯氨酸含量,可溶性蛋白含量,以及叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性。结果表明:大百合对30℃的高温胁迫有较好的适应能力,表现为可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸等渗透调节物质的积累,抗氧化酶活性的提高,以及缓苗后细胞膜的自我修复和光合能力的恢复;随着胁迫温度的升高(35℃、40℃)和胁迫时间的延长(4h、10h),大百合一方面对高温胁迫做出了积极的响应,另一方面,光系统的光合能力,细胞膜的稳定性,抗氧化酶的活性,也受到了一定程度的伤害,在缓苗后,细胞膜的稳定性、细胞的渗透势、抗氧化酶的活性等都在一定程度上得到恢复。   


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百合是重要的球根花卉,是世界五大切花之一。我国的百合野生资源丰富,但百合鲜切花生产与世界花卉大国相比仍然存在差距,优质的商品种球大量依靠进口,实现商品种球国产化能够促进百合鲜切花生产和农业经济发展。温度是影响百合生长发育最重要的因子之一,影响百合鳞茎发育,限制百合的分布区域。 百合鳞茎具有自然休眠的特性,低温处理是目前打破百合鳞茎休眠的最常用的方法。低温处理期间,鳞茎内发生复杂的反应,淀粉水解,鳞茎内的淀粉酶(α-淀粉酶和β-淀粉酶)活性增加,可溶性糖主要是蔗糖积累;可溶性蛋白质含量增加,游离氨基酸在鳞茎相对幼嫩的器官中集中;休眠解除期间脱落酸和玉米素核苷含量呈下降趋势,赤霉素含量呈上升趋势且活性增高,鳞茎各部位生长素都有上升,一些其他生长调节剂如Me-JA和多胺对解除百合鳞茎也有作用。低温处理期间,鳞茎内各种激素相互作用,共同调控鳞茎的休眠状态。利用低温处理打破百合鳞茎休眠的过程中,温度要求控制在稳定的范围内。利用冰箱低温处理打破百合鳞茎休眠的实验中,放入样品前冰箱内的温度在所设定温度±1℃范围内波动,且不同部位温度均匀;但冰箱内放入样品后,其内部不同部位的温度相差较大,表现为上部温度高,下部温度低,冰箱内部不同部位温度差异很大。 从百合资源在中国的分布看,华北地区的百合资源相对稀缺,温度是限制其生长的重要环境因子。新铁炮百合能够在炎热的华南地区露地栽培,将其在华北地区进行区域化露地栽培实验,对百合栽培应用推广,扩大栽培面积,降低运输成本,以及保证鲜切花质量有重要意义。通过气体交换测定的光合作用是对高温最敏感和综合的生理指标,可以在植物生长和生物量积累未发生明显变化之前揭示高温的影响。本研究通过人工气候箱,设定四个温度梯度:25℃,32℃,38℃,44℃,处理2h,通过测定新铁炮百合幼苗的光合特性研究其耐热程度、探讨可能的耐热机制。结果表明:净光合作用速率(Pn)在小于38℃时下降幅度不大,大于38℃后显著下降,随着处理温度的提高,气孔导度(Gs)呈下降的趋势,胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)则上升,而气孔限制值(Ls)下降。高温下,两品种叶片最小荧光(Fo)无明显变化,最大荧光(Fm)和光系统II(PSⅡ)最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)下降程度较小;光下,PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)呈下降趋势,44℃处理后显著下降;NPQ随处理温度的提高而上升;处理温度升高,SOD、APX、CAT、POD活力增强。研究表明新铁炮百合能够耐受32-38℃的高温;热胁迫下,叶片通过提高非光化猝灭和抗氧化酶活性两种机制来抵御高温胁迫。


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En los pastizales naturales se encuentran muchas especies de gramíneas asociadas a endófitos asexuales del género Neotyphodium. La persistencia de la simbiosis en las comunidades ha sido asociada a los beneficios que el endófito le confiere al hospedante frente a situaciones de herbivoría y estrés abiótico. El objetivo general de esta tesis es evaluar el impacto de la presencia del endófito sobre el desarrollo de otros hongos que forman asociaciones patogénicas con el mismo pasto hospedante y estudiar de qué manera esta triple interacción se relaciona con el resto de la comunidad y el ambiente abiótico. Como sistema de estudio se utilizó a la gramínea anual Lolium multiflorum, su endófito Neotyphodium occultans y hongos con estrategias de vida contrastantes que colonizan distintos tejidos en distintos estadios del hospedante y generan cambios diversos en su demografía y ecología. La hipótesis general de esta tesis es que la presencia de endófitos altera tanto de manera directa como indirecta la interacción entre la planta hospedante y la comunidad de patógenos, y que estos cambios impactan sobre la permanencia de la simbiosis y su interacción con el resto de la comunidad vegetal. A través de un meta-análisis y experimentos manipulativos en laboratorio, invernáculo y a campo demostramos que el mutualismo reduce la infección por diversos hongos patógenos a través de mecanismos tanto fisiológicos como ecológicos, e impacta sobre otras especies de pastos. La conclusión general de esta tesis es que esta triple interacción está lejos de ser simple como fue planteado en sus inicios. Esta interacción es compleja e incluye a otros organismos de la comunidad, tanto como mediadores de la infección o como beneficiarios de los efectos de la simbiosis.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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La fertilisation chez les plantes dépend de la livraison des cellules spermatiques contenues dans le pollen à l’ovule. Au contact du stigmate, le grain de pollen s’hydrate et forme une protubérance, le tube pollinique, chargé de livrer les noyaux spermatiques à l’ovule. Le tube pollinique est une cellule à croissance rapide, anisotrope et non autotrophe; ainsi tout au long de sa croissance à travers l’apoplaste du tissu pistillaire, le tube pollinique puise ses sources de carbohydrates et de minéraux du pistil. Ces éléments servent à la synthèse des constituants de la paroi qui seront acheminés par des vésicules de sécrétion jusqu’à l’apex du tube. Ce dernier doit aussi résister à des pressions mécaniques pour maintenir sa forme cylindrique et doit répondre à différents signaux directionnels pour pouvoir atteindre l’ovule. Mon projet de doctorat était de comprendre le rôle du cytosquelette dans la croissance anisotrope du tube pollinique et d’identifier les éléments responsables de sa croissance et de son guidage. Le cytosquelette du tube pollinique est composé des microfilaments d’actine et des microtubules. Pour assurer une bonne croissance des tubes polliniques in vitro, les carbohydrates et les éléments de croissance doivent être ajoutés au milieu à des concentrations bien spécifiques. J’ai donc optimisé les conditions de croissance du pollen d’Arabidopsis thaliana et de Camellia japonica qui ont été utilisés avec le pollen de Lilium longiflorum comme modèles pour mes expériences. J’ai développé une méthode rapide et efficace de fixation et de marquage du tube pollinique basée sur la technologie des microondes. J’ai aussi utilisé des outils pharmacologiques, mécaniques et moléculaires couplés à différentes techniques de microscopie pour comprendre le rôle du cytosquelette d’actine lors de la croissance et le tropisme du tube pollinique. J’ai trouvé que le cytosquelette d’actine et plus précisément l’anneau d’actine localisé dans la partie sub-apicale du tube est fortement impliqué dans la croissance et le maintien de l’architecture du tube à travers le contrôle de la livraison des vésicules de sécrétion. J’ai construit une chambre galvanotropique qui peut être montée sur un microscope inversé et qui sert à envoyer des signaux tropistiques bien précis à des tubes polliniques en croissance. J’ai trouvé que les filaments d’actine sont impliqués dans la capacité du tube pollinique à changer de direction. Ce comportement tropistique dépend de la concentration du calcium dans le milieu de croissance et du flux de calcium à travers des canaux calciques. Le gradient de calcium établi dans le tube pollinique affecte l’activité de certaines protéines qui se lient à l’actine et dont le rôle est la réorganisation des filaments d’actine. Parmi ces protéines, il y a celles de dépolymérisation de l’actine (ADF) dont deux spécifiquement exprimées dans le gamétophyte mâle d’Arabidopsis (ADF7 et ADF10). Par marquage avec des proteins fluorescents, j’ai trouvé que l’ADF7 et l’ADF10 ont des expressions différentielles pendant la microsporogenèse et la germination et croissance du tube pollinique et qu’elles partagent entre elles des rôles importants durant ces différents stades.


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A comparative analysis of G-banded karyotypes was performed for seven species of Chiroptera, representing two families (Phyllostomidae and Molossidae). Despite the differences in diploid and fundamental numbers, extensive homologies between six karyotypes were identified: A . planirostris, P. lineatus, S. lilium, G. soricina, P. hastatus (Phyllostomidae) and M. rufus (Molossidae). Robertsonian rearrangements and pericentric inversions account for the differences between the karyotypes of phyllostomid and molossid species. The homologies and rearrangements observed reinforce the monophiletic origin of phyllostomids and the inclusion of species in different subfamilies. In situ hybridization with genomic DNA revealed considerable conservation of the karyotypes, including C. perspicillata, that did not show G-band homologies with the other species analyzed. For the first time, chromosomal evidence is presented of a common origin for Phyllostomidae and Molossidae.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Effects of pulsing with different concentrations of gibberellin plus benzyladenine (GA(4+7) + BA), a proprietary mixture of GA(4+7) plus BA in a commercial floral preservative (GA(4+7) + BA + preservative), or a propriety mixture of sugar plus acidifier developed for bulbous flowers (floral bulb preservative) were studied on postharvest performance and quality of cut lily (Lilium hybrids) and gladiolus ( Gladiolus hybrids) flowers. Pulsing of cut stems of lily with GA(4+7) + BA at 5 or 2 mL.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA + preservative for 20 hours at 3 +/- 1 degrees C extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis of 'Cobra'oriental lily and 'Cappuccino'and Pot Corn'asiatic lily. Cut 'Orange Art'asiatic lily performed best when pulsed with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1. For cut gladiolus, pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1 extended the vase life of 'Alice', 'Mammoth', and 'Passion', while 'Scarlet'had the longest vase life when pulsed with 5 mg.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA. GA(4+7) + BA + preservative also extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis, but the floral bulb preservative had no effect on vase life extension or preventing leaf chlorosis of lilies. Gladiolus cultivars had no or minor leaf chlorosis during vase period. Overall, overnight pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA + or GA(4+7) + BA + preservative extended the vase life and prevented leaf chlorosis


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Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.


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In a borehole in the southern outskirts of the town of Göttingen, limnic sediments of several Pleistocene warm periods occur intercalated with coarse solifluction debris and gravel of the river Leine. Pollen analysis of the limnic sediments in a borehole at Ottostrasse gave evidence of three warm periods of interglacial character, followed by three interstadial phases. The warm phases are separated one from another by stadial phases with, at least in one case, indications of periglacial solifluction. This sequence belongs to the Brunhes magnetic epoch. The pollen data allow to exclude an Eemian or Holsteinian age of the warm period sediments. Thus a Cromerian age is assumed, though the exact position of the newly described warm periods within the ''Cromerian'' remains uncertain. A section in a borehole at Akazienweg is of Holsteinian age.


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1. Late glacial and postglacial sediments from three former lakes in the Lake Garda area (Southern Alps) were investigated. 2. The pollen diagram from Bondone (1550 m) shows an older phase rich in NAP. A younger one corresponds with the Younger Dryas time according to two radiocarbon determinations. In the Preboreal no climatic deterioration could be found. 3. At first plants, which are nowadays typical for snow-ground, pioneer and dwarf shrub associations, immigrated into the surroundings of Bondone. In Alleröd times larch and pine appeared as the first trees. At the beginning of the Preboreal dense forest existed in that region. During the Alleröd timber line was at about 1500 m. 4. In the pollen diagrams from Saltarino (194 m) and Fiavè (654 m) an oldest period rich in NAP is followed by two stadial and two interstadial phases. Tree birches and larches immigrated during the oldest interstadial phase. 5. In the case of Saltarino and Fiavè only a preliminary dating could be made. A correlation seems to be possible with diagrams published by Zoller as well as with the diagram of Bondone. Discrepances in dating, which arise then, are discussed. According to the two possibilities of dating the youngest stadial is synchronous either with the so-called Piottino stadial or the Younger Dryas time. Consequently the oldest interstadial phase of Saltarino corresponds either with the Bölling or with a pre-Bölling interstadial. The last possibility seems to be more probable. 6. In the southern part of the Lake Garda area reforestation was preceded by a long shrub phase mainly with Juniperus. At about 650 m there was a period with Pinus mugo and only with a small amount of Juniperus before reforestation. A phase with Betula nana well known from areas north of the Alps could nowhere be found. 7. In the area under study larch appeared as the first tree. Lateron it has been the most important constituent of the forests near timber line. Birch, which plays an important role as a pioneer tree in Denmark - for instance at the transition of the pollen zones III/IV - as well as in Southern Germany during Bölling time, was of less importance at the southern border of the Alps. In that area the spreading of Pinus occurred very early causing dense forests. 8. During the last stadial phase (probably Younger Dryas time) dense forests with Pinus and Larix existed at 650 m. In the lower part of the Lake Garda area, however, both thermophilous trees as Quercus and herbs frequently occurred. This leads to the conclusion that during this time tree growth was limited by dryness in lower altitudes of the border of the Southern Alps. Pinus and Juniperus, however, do not show higher values in this period, a fact which cannot yet be explained. 9. A list of plants, which were found in the sediments, is compiled. Helodium lanatum, Dictamnus albus, Mercurialis cf. ovata, Buxus, Cerinthe cf. minor, Onosma, Anthericum and Asphodelus albus are findings, which are of special interest for the history of the flora of that region.