981 resultados para Stuart Hall


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El presente trabajo da cuenta de las representaciones y expresiones que sobre los jóvenes colombianos se construyen y difunden a través de la telerevista La Sub 30, y que tienen como fundamento las intencionalidades de un discurso gubernamental que se gesta desde el Plan Nacional de Cultura y Convivencia del Ministerio de Cultura, a partir del año 2006. En el trabajo se analizan los sentidos que se configuran en el programa y que emergen como representaciones de los jóvenes: lo generacional, lo artístico y lo productivo. Se toma como objeto de estudio ocho emisiones de la telerevista La Sub 30, emitidos a comienzos del primer semestre de 2009. Se opta por una metodología cualitativa de enfoque hermenéutico orientada con aportes teóricos de Stuart Hall, Scott Lash, John Urry, Nikolas Rose y Norman Fairclough. El corpus de análisis está compuesto por fragmentos de discurso verbal de los directores programa, sus presentadores y los jóvenes invitados, los cuales dialogan y se discuten sobre los sentidos que subyacen en ellos. Los resultados se organizan en categorías que permiten evidenciar referentes que caracterizan las representaciones y expresiones de los jóvenes colombianos en la telerevista La Sub 30.


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En el mundo cada cinco minutos se produce un suicidio en adolescentes por problemas inherentes a su sexualidad. Frente a este escenario la genealogía de los discursos médico, jurídico y literario se entreteje apretando los hilos, convirtiéndose en cábala del suicidio; un reflejo difuso de una realidad menos ficcional y más dolorosa. A pesar de las cifras alarmantes, no se ha trabajado el tema; menos aún con la perspectiva de encontrar relación entre los discursos históricos que en su búsqueda de poder y control han dibujado sobre los cuerpos, representaciones de una disciplina heterosexual. Es indispensable una perspectiva cualitativa, reflexiones que aporten a una práctica ética diferente, que incluya los nuevos cuerpos filosóficos, legales, concibiendo al adolescente como sujeto, con la agencia que deben tener sus cuerpos. En contraste en la literatura (¿mundo ficticio?) se describe y resignifica de manera exhaustiva esta realidad, rescatando la capacidad creativa y re-creativa del lenguaje. Esto por un lado permite analizar los contextos y coyunturas sociales, culturales; y, por otro interpretar los imaginarios sociales y las metáforas que refuerzan este contexto. Como mencionara Stuart Hall, a través de la representación conectamos el lenguaje al sentido y la cultura. Y esto nos licencia a referirnos al mundo real pero también a un mundo ficticio. Esta exploración pretende aportar a esta problemática mediante la descripción de esa compleja interseccionalidad y la identificación de posibles intersticios en el lenguaje que pudieran dar sentido y descodificar ciertas incertidumbres, contribuir a cambios micro sociales y, quizás, conducir a lo que pudiera ser el comienzo de un diálogo más amplio que empuje posicionamientos y cambios estructurales, frente a discursos vetustos que siempre encuentran mecanismos para reinventarse. ¿Cómo se representan y entretejen los discursos de homoerotismo1 adolescente y suicidio representados en las novelas Conquering Venus de Collin Kelley, Suicide Notes de Michael Thomas Ford? Lo podremos averiguar examinando las matrices discursivas del homoerotismo y su castigo, la homosexualidad; analizando el suicidio como un acto humano complejo, incomprensible, un tabú en nuestra sociedad, e identificando en las novelas escogidas, las intersecciones entre homoerotismo y tendencias suicidas en el cuerpo adolescente.


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According to many accounts, a key paradigm for understanding art in Post WWII Britain is one of Englishness versus internationalism or abstraction versus realism . These terms have a rich inflection of meanings that have been subject to interrogation over the last few decades. Anwar Shemza came to Britain and practiced his art at a time when these competing claims were at their height. In a postcolonial reading entitled “Black Diaspora Artists in Britain: Three ‘Moments’ in Post-War Britain” Stuart Hall recently used David Scott’s framework of a ‘problem space’, that is discursively defined through questions, tensions and conjunctures, that couched the entry of what he describes as first waive British commonwealth artists into critical visibility in Britain. This can be characterized in part by the reviews of WG Archer and GM Butcher, both supporters of Shemza and prominent critics of the period. Hall includes Shemza in this framework that defines the work and his aspirations as constituted through the tensions of what was perceived to be anti-colonialist aims of modernism through universalism and the ‘nativist’ current in anti-colonial nationalism . This text will focus particularly on the problematic of Landscape as a ‘problem space’ of vernacular and modernism, over here and over there. The aim is not to define Shemza within the tradition of English landscape nor to exclude him but to position him within a discursive field of landscape and modernism in mid twentieth Century art.


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Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att visa hur män och kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund framställs i svenska så kallade invandrarfilmer från år 2000. De frågeställningar jag arbetat utifrån är: Hur porträtteras män samt kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund i de svenska ”invandrarfilmerna” från år 2000? Vilka stereotyper kan man tänkas finna? Har det skett någon förändring i hur män och kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund porträtterats i svensk film? För att få svar på frågorna har jag genomfört textanalyser av fem filmer - Jalla! Jalla! av Josef Fares, Före stormen av Reza Parsa, Vingar av glas av Reza Bagher, Det nya landet av Geir Hansteen Jörgensen samt Bastarderna i paradiset av Luis R. Vera - utifrån teorier om genus, ”ras” och etnicitet. Teorierna har jag hämtat från bland andra Anthony Giddens, Yvonne Hirdman, Laura Mulvey, Paulina de los Reyes, Charles Ramírez Berg och Stuart Hall. Dessutom har jag jämfört filmerna med Rochelle Wrights studie av svenska filmer med invandrarkaraktärer från 1970-1990-talet för att se om det har skett någon förändring i gestaltningen av personer från andra delar av världen. Analyserna har visat att trots att filmerna från år 2000 är regisserade av personer som själva har invandrarbakgrund, så gestaltas invandrarna generellt sätt utifrån grova stereotyper. Det mest framträdande dragen i stereotyperna är att dessa, oavsett kön, gestaltas som avvikande samt som en del i en familjegrupp. Invandrarmän framställs som barnsliga, våldsbenägna, aggressiva samt som förtryckande gentemot kvinnor. Invandrarkvinnor framställs som konstiga, maktlösa, isolerade, okunniga offer samt som underordnad gentemot män. De filmer som delvis avviker, och som därmed uppvisar förändringar jämfört med tidigare filmer, är Före stormen och Det nya landet. I Före stormen har man nämligen kastat om könsrollerna. Invandrarmannen är underordnad gentemot kvinnorna, samtidigt som han gestaltas som en helt vanlig individ. I Det nya landet gestaltar man invandrarmän på ett mer positivt sätt. Fastän dessa gestaltas som grova stereotyper, revideras de på ett påtagligt sätt. De omarbetas genom att man tillskriver invandrare fördjupade egenskaper som är oförutsägbara under filmens gång. Vidare attribuerar man dem en logik som bidrar till att åskådarna nu får tillgång till att se på invandrarmän ur ett annat perspektiv, bortom den ensidiga stereotypbilden.


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These studies investigated whether lupin kernel fibre (LKF) could be formulated into palatable fibre-enriched foods demonstrating effects in humans of potential benefit to health. High-fibre baked goods of acceptable palatability were formulated using LKF and consumption of LKF resulted in potentially beneficial effects on satiety, insulin and cholesterol.


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Engineers Australia is the Australian professional body that accredits undergraduate engineering programs. It espouses an ‘outcomes-based’ program accreditation philosophy, but imposes mandatory ‘process’ requirements for off-campus programs that are in addition to the requirements for conventional on-campus programs. The focus on off-campus engineering study raises the question: how can learning outcomes, regardless of mode of study, be effectively measured? The current answer appears to be ‘graduate attributes’. The literature reveals a range of sophistication in approach to graduate attributes from identifying desirable graduate attributes, through to evidence-based certification of individual student attainment of graduate attributes. Many engineering accrediting bodies around the world identify student portfolios as a strategy for demonstrating student attainment of graduate attributes. The increasing use of online technology by students and educators alike, including as part of assessment, means that many of the reported applications of student portfolios are online portfolios. The effectiveness of online student portfolios will depend on them being embedded in day-to-day educational practice, rather than being an optional extra given a low priority by busy students. This paper presents a survey of the related literature and briefly outlines a project in progress at Deakin University to trial an online student portfolio.


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In engineering, distance/off-campus study is an essential element of access to education for those in remote locations and/or seeking to upgrade their qualifications via the lifelong learning route whilst employed. Internationally, engineering education accrediting bodies have moved toward outcomes-based assessment of graduate competency, but are still struggling to relinquish their historical attachment to the measurement of inputs. A genuinely outcomes-based accreditation system based on the demonstrated individual student attainment of appropriate graduate attributes (which might be delivered/gained by a range of means) offers the best way forward for an equitable, representative and socially just undergraduate engineering education system that encourages suitably qualified candidates from a range of social, employment, educational, gender, age and geographic circumstances to aspire to the professional sphere of the engineering workforce. Until outcomes-based education becomes the norm in engineering, it is likely that distance learners in engineering will face significant difficulties.


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Applications of mobile technologies for engineering education can be found in the literature, but, many of the reported applications are aimed at the online (wirelessly), on-campus, synchronous and proximal use of mobile technologies. Mobile technologies in engineering education can encompass more than the proximal teaching and learning environment-they can be offline, asynchronous and at a distance from the classroom. This paper reports on the initial application of `podcasting' in a wholly online engineering study unit. It presents the rationale for, technical development details of, and, limited evaluation of this initial podcasting trial.


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Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known methodology for engineering design education due to a number of benefits it is claimed to offer. This paper presents the initial offering of a first-year engineering PBL unit at Griffith University in Australia. An evaluation of student perceptions of the unit revealed that students generally enjoyed the experience, with the oral presentation aspect receiving the lowest satisfaction rating. There was no significant difference in the ratings between any demographic grouping, suggesting that all students were able to participate in, and experience, the unit in essentially the same way. The best aspects of the unit and those aspects needing improvement were similar to the findings of other investigations documented in the literature. It is proposed that future offerings of the unit will reduce the number of design projects from three to two per semester and will attempt more sophisticated individualisation of marks for group work activities.


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The paper interrogates the literature on online cultural and religious identities through a critical engagement of Stuart Hall's work on new ethnicity and regimes of representation. It suggests that this literature conflates Hall's notion of ‘new ethnicity’ with one that argues that online cultural and religious identities are ‘new’ because of transnational and global processes, the pervasiveness of computer-mediated communication and the global mobility of immigrants. Thus, current research on online ethnic and religious identities underestimates the complexity of Hall's concept and to highlight this complexity we ponder the extent to which new online ethnicities – as expressed in the current literature – reflect, construct or renegotiate so-called offline ethnicities. The paper concludes that online ethnic subjectivities, while providing alternative representations to counteract the dominant racist discourse within host societies, still reflect mimic essentialist voices.


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The interest of this paper concerns the problem about the migrant house – why has it been so difficult to define? In order to examine the problem of the lack of literature on the migrant house it is important to look at the literature on the Australian house, and to examine how the migrant house is positioned or not included in this literature. It will approach this through what is accepted as discourse analysis, but with a particular position informed by the work of Stuart Hall on representation.


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The mechanical properties of advanced composites are essential for their structural performance, but the surface finish on exterior composite panels is of critical importance for customer satisfaction. This paper describes the application of wavelet texture analysis (WTA) to the task of automatically classifying the surface finish properties of two fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite construction types (clear resin and gel-coat) into three quality grades. Samples were imaged and wavelet multi-scale decomposition was used to create a visual texture representation of the sample, capturing image features at different scales and orientations. Principal components analysis was used to reduce the dimensionality of the texture feature vector, permitting successful classification of the samples using only the first principal component. This work extends and further validates the feasibility of this approach as the basis for automated non-contact classification of composite surface finish using image analysis.