928 resultados para Stress (Psychology) - Measurement


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Team is a widely represented phenomenon in sport. Despite this fact, sport psychology has yet to answers the question why some teams deliver more successful Performance and produce higher interpersonal satisfaction among athletes than others. While group cohesion, defined as "a dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs" (Carron, Brawley, & Widmeyer, 1997, p.°213) is considered to be one important factor contributing to performance, cognitive aspects of team performance depict a complementary view. More specifically, attitudes, efficacy beliefs, role understanding, common goals, and communication are present in any group of two or more people playing Sport together. The interactions between these cognitions and motivation, cohesion, performance, and satisfaction in teams sport is yet an under researched area in sport psychology. Reference Carron, A.V., Brawley, L.R., & Widmeyer, W.N. (1997). The measurement of cohesiveness in sport groups. In J.L. Duda (Ed.), Advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement (pp. 213-­226). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Program Planning, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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S/N 017-024-01040-5


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Objective: To investigate the psychosocial impact of young caregiving by empirically validating prominent qualitative themes.. This was achieved through developing an inventory called the Young Caregiver of Parents Inventory (YCOPI) designed to assess these themes and by comparing young caregivers and noncaregivers. Method: Two hundred forty-five participants between 10 and 25 years completed questionnaires: 100 young caregivers and 145 noncaregivers. In addition to the YCOPI, the following variables were measured: demographics, caregiving context, social support, appraisal, coping strategies, and adjustment (health, life satisfaction, distress, positive affect). Results: Eight reliable factors emerged from the YCOPI that described the diverse impacts of caregiving and reflected the key themes reported in prior research. The factors were related to most caregiving context variables and theoretically relevant stress and coping variables. Compared with noncaregivers, young caregivers reported higher levels of young caregiving impact, less reliance on problem-solving coping, and higher somatization and lower life satisfaction. Conclusions: Findings delineate key impacts of young caregiving and highlight the importance of ensuring that measures used in research on young caregivers are sensitive to issues pertinent to this population.


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Introduction – Why do we need ‘biomarkers? Biomarkers of protein oxidation Introduction Major issues/questions Protein carbonyl biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations in use Protein thiol biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Aliphatic amino acid biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Oxidised Tryptophan Biomarkers Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Oxidised tyrosine biomarkers Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Formation of neoepitopes on oxidised proteins Validation of assays for protein oxidation biomarkers Relationship of protein oxidation to disease Modulation of protein oxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Future perspectives Introduction to lipid peroxidation biomarkers Introduction: biochemistry of lipid peroxidation Malondialdehyde Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Conjugated dienes Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of use LDL lag phase Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of use Hydrocarbon gases Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Lipofuscin Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitation on use Lipid peroxides Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Isoprostanes Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Possible new biomarkers of lipid oxidation Relationship of lipid peroxidation to disease Modulation of lipid peroxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Functional consequences of lipid peroxidation Contribution of dietary intake to lipid peroxidation products Biomarkers of DNA oxidation Introduction Confounding factors Units and terminology Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage Lymphocytes as surrogate tissues Measurement of DNA damage with the comet assay Practical details Storage, stability, and limitations of the assay Measurement of DNA base oxidation by HPLC Practical details Storage, stability and limitations of the method Measurement of DNA base oxidation by GC–MS Biochemistry of 8-oxoguanine, adenine and fapy derivatives Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations of the method Analysis of guanine oxidation products in urine Method of measurement Limitations and criticisms Immunochemical methods Methods of measurement Storage, stability, and limitations of the assay 32P post-labelling Method of measurement Limitations and criticisms Validation of assays for DNA oxidation Oxo-dGuo in lymphocyte DNA Urinary measurements DNA–aldehyde adducts Biochemistry Method of measurement Products of reactive nitrogen species Endpoints arising from oxidative DNA damage Mutations Chromosome aberrations Micronuclei Site-specific DNA damage Relationship of DNA oxidation to disease Modulation of DNA oxidation biomarkers by antioxidants Direct and indirect effects of oxidative stress: measures of total oxidant/antioxidant levels Visualisation of cellular oxidants Biochemistry: histochemical detection of ROS Method of measurement Limitations, storage and stability Measurement of hydrogen peroxide Biochemistry Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Measurement of the ratio of antioxidant/oxidised antioxidant Biochemistry Method of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Total antioxidant capacity Biochemistry Terminology Methods of measurement Storage, stability and limitations on use Validation of assays for direct oxidant and antioxidant biomarkers Relationship of oxidant/antioxidant measurement to disease Modulation of oxidant/antioxidant biomarkers by dietary antioxidants Induction of genes in response to oxidative stress Background Measurement of antioxidant responsive genes and proteins Effects of antioxidant intake on the activity of antioxidant enzymes


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Objective: There are currently no adult mental health outcome measures that have been translated into Australian sign language (Auslan). Without a valid and reliable Auslan outcome measure, empirical research into the efficacy of mental health interventions for sign language users is unattainable. To address this research problem the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), a measure of general functioning, was translated into Auslan and recorded on to digital video disk for use in clinical settings. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine the reliability, validity and acceptability of an Auslan version of the ORS (ORS-Auslan). Method: The ORS-Auslan was administered to 44 deaf people who use Auslan as their first language and who identify as members of a deaf community (termed ‘Deaf’ people) on their first presentation to a mental health or counselling facility and to 55 Deaf people in the general community. The community sample also completed an Auslan version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Results: t-Tests indicated significant differences between the mean scores for the clinical and community sample. Internal consistency was acceptable given the low number of items in the ORS-Auslan. Construct validity was established by significant correlations between total scores on the DASS-21-Auslan and ORS-Auslan. Acceptability of ORS-Auslan was evident in the completion rate of 93% compared with 63% for DASS-21-Auslan. Conclusions: This is the only Auslan outcome measure available that can be used across a wide variety of mental health and clinical settings. The ORS-Auslan provides mental health clinicians with a reliable and valid, brief measure of general functioning that can significantly distinguish between clinical and non-clinical presentations for members of the Deaf community.


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Academic pressure among adolescents is a major risk factor for poor mental health and suicide and other harmful behaviours. While this is a worldwide phenomenon, it appears to be especially pronounced in China and other East Asian countries. Despite a growing body of research into adolescent mental health in recent years, the multiple constructs within the ‘educational stress’ phenomenon have not been clearly articulated in Chinese contexts. Further, the individual, family, school and peer influencing factors for educational stress and its associations with adolescent mental health are not well understood. An in-depth investigation may provide important information for the ongoing educational reform in Mainland China with a special focus on students’ mental health and wellbeing. The primary goal of this study was to examine the relative contribution of educational stress to poor mental health, in comparison to other well-known individual, family, school and peer factors. Another important task was to identify significant risk factors for educational stress. In addition, due to the lack of a culturally suitable instrument for educational stress in this population, a new tool – the Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA) was initially developed in this study and tested for reliability and validity. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from convenient samples of secondary school students in Shandong, China. The pilot survey was conducted with 347 students (grades 8 and 11) to test the psychometric properties of the ESSA and other scales or questions in the questionnaire. Based on factor analysis and reliability and validity testing, the 16-item scale (the ESSA) with five factors showed adequate to good internal consistency, 2-week test-retest reliability, and satisfactory concurrent and predictive validity. Its factor structure was further demonstrated in the main survey with a confirmatory factor analysis illustrating a good fit of the proposed model based on a confirmatory factor analysis. The reliabilities of other scales and questions were also adequate to be used in this study. The main survey was subsequently conducted with a sample of 1627 secondary school (grades 7-12) students to examine the influencing factors of educational stress and its associations with mental health outcomes, including depression, happiness and suicidal behaviours. A wide range of individual, family, school and peer factors were found to have a significant association with the total ESSA and subscale scores. Most of the strong factors for academic stress were school or study-related, including rural school location, low school connectedness, perceived poor academic grades and frequent emotional conflicts with teachers and peers. Unexpectedly, family and parental factors, such as parental bonding, family connectedness and conflicts with parents were found to have little or no association with educational stress. Educational stress was the most predictive variable for depression, but was not strongly associated with happiness. It had a strong association with suicide ideation but not with suicide attempts. Among five subscales of the ESSA, ‘Study despondency’ score had the strongest associations with these mental health measures. Surprising, two subscales, ‘Self-expectation’ and ‘Worry about grades’ showed a protective effect on suicidal behaviours. An additional analysis revealed that although academic pressure was the most commonly reported reason for suicidal thinking, the occurrence of problems in peer relationships such as peer teasing and bullying, and romantic problems had a much stronger relationship with actual attempts. This study provides some insights into the nature and health implications of educational stress among Chinese adolescents. Findings in this study suggest that interventions on educational stress should focus on school environment and academic factors. Intervention programs focused on educational stress may have a high impact on the prevalence of common mental disorders such as depression. Efforts to increase perceived happiness however should cover a wider range of individual, family and school factors. The importance of healthy peer relationships should be adequately emphasised in suicide prevention. In addition, the newly developed scale (the ESSA) demonstrates sound psychometric properties and is expected to be used in future research into academic-related stress among secondary school adolescents.


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Depression is a serious condition that impacts the academic success and emotional well-being of the university students globally. Keeping in view the debilitating nature of this condition, the present study examined the stability of the factor structure and psychometric properties of the University Student Depression Inventory (USDI; Khawaja and Bryden, 2006). There is a need to translate and validate the scale for Persian speaking students, who live in Iran, its neighboring countries and in many other Western countries. The scale was translated into the Persian language and was used as part of a battery consisting of the scales measuring suicide, depression, stress, happiness and academic achievement. The battery was administered to 359 undergraduate students, and an additional 150 students who had been referred to the mental health center of the University of Tehran as clinical sample. Confirmatory factor analysis upheld the original three-factor structure. The results exhibited internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent, and divergent validity, and discriminant validity. There were gender differences and male had higher mean scores on Lethargy, Cognitive\emotion, and Academic motivation subscales than female students. Findings supported the Persian version of the USDI for cross-cultural use as a valid and reliable measure in the diagnosis of depression.


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A recurring feature of modern practice is occupational stress of project professionals, with both debilitating effects on the people concerned and indirectly affecting project success. Previous research outside the construction industry has involved the use of a psychology perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ) to measure occupational stress, resulting in the identification of one stressor – demand - and three sub-dimensional emotional reactions in terms of worry, tension and joy. The PSQ is translated into Chinese with a back translation technique and used in a survey of young construction cost professionals in China. Principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to test the divisibility of occupational stress - little mentioned in previous research on stress in the construction context. In addition, structural equation modelling is used to assess nomological validity by testing the effects of the three dimensions on organizational commitment, the main finding of which is that lack of joy has the sole significant effect. The three-dimensional measurement framework facilitates the standardizing measurement of occupational stress. Further research will establish if the findings are also applicable in other settings and explore the relations between stress dimensions and other managerial concepts.


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Work stress is after musculoskeletal disorders the second most common work-related health problem in the European Union, affecting 28% of EU employees. Furthermore, a 50% excessive cardiovascular disease risk among employees with work stress is reported. High job demands combined with low job control according to the Job Demands-Job Control model, or high effort combined with low rewards according to Effort-Reward Imbalance model, are likely to produce work stress in the majority of employees. Atherosclerotic wall thickening is a validated marker of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study examined the role of childhood and adolescent factors as antecedents of work stress and early atherosclerosis, and in the relationship between them. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, (the CRYF project) started in 1980 when the participants were at the age of three to 18 years. Follow-ups have been conducted every three years until 1992, after that in 1997 and 2001, and the latest is ongoing in 2008. The participants parents reported their socioeconomic position in 1980 and 1983, and their life satisfaction in 1983. Biological risk factors were measured in 1980 and 2001. Type A behaviour was reported in 1986, 1989 and 2001. In the 2001 follow-up when the participants were aged 24 to 39, work stress was assessed from responses to questionnaires on job demands-job control and effort-reward imbalance, and education. Ultrasound measurement of the carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was used to assess atherosclerosis. There were 755, 746, 1014 and 494 participants in studies I-IV, respectively. The results showed that low parental socioeconomic position and parental life dissatisfaction during childhood and adolescence predicted higher levels of job strain 18 years later, and that education mediated the relationship between parental socioeconomic position and job strain. Childhood and adolescent family factors were not related to the effort-reward imbalance. Parental life satisfaction was associated with high rewards at work among the men, and high parental socioeconomic position was associated with high reward among the women. Among the men, the eagerness-energy component of Type A behaviour across different developmental periods predicted increased CIMT. Among the women, hard-driving component of Type A behaviour predicted decreased CIMT. Low leadership characteristic in adolescence and early adulthood was associated with both high job strain and increased CIMT, and attenuated the relationship between job strain and CIMT to non-significance in men. The current findings add to the literature on the relationship between job strain and health literature in adopting a developmental perspective. The results imply that work stress does not completely originate from work. There are childhood and adolescent environmental and dispositional effects on work stress and CIMT several years later, and these partly seem to operate through educational attainment.


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The properties of thin films depend to a large extent upon their mechanical stability which in turn is dependent on the intrinsic stresses developed during evaporation. This paper describes a simple method for the measurement of stresses in thin films by the use of real-time holographic interferometry.


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A new method based on analysis of a single diffraction pattern is proposed to measure deflections in micro-cantilever (MC) based sensor probes, achieving typical deflection resolutions of 1nm and surface stress changes of 50 mu N/m. The proposed method employs a double MC structure where the deflection of one of the micro-cantilevers relative to the other due to surface stress changes results in a linear shift of intensity maxima of the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the transilluminated MC. Measurement of such shifts in the intensity maxima of a particular order along the length of the structure can be done to an accuracy of 0.01mm leading to the proposed sensitivity of deflection measurement in a typical microcantilever. This method can overcome the fundamental measurement sensitivity limit set by diffraction and pointing stability of laser beam in the widely used Optical Beam Deflection method (OBDM).