78 resultados para Startups


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The main thrusts of this TEDx talk are rooted in findings from original research by Rob Perrons concerning the role of industry clockspeed on technology-focused startups. The study involved extensive exposure to five member companies from the Shell Technology Ventures portfolio of companies over a three-year period, and shed new light on the specific mechanics that were contributing to these companies’ inability to get traction for their respective innovations within the marketplace. This evidence is also being coalesced into scholarly and scholarly publications—but this TEDx talk was a first release of a few of these high-level findings.


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Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Creating New Value covers all of the major aspects of innovation strategy and capabilities, including leadership of innovation, creativity, design led innovation, open innovation, management of the innovation portfolio and new product development processes. Ultimately, innovation is accomplished by people, and this book recognises the critical contribution of leadership and organisational culture to developing and promoting innovation behaviours. For startups and entrepreneurs, the book covers the practical, powerful tests that a new idea should be subjected to, as well as providing an overview of the entrepreneurship process. Another feature of the book is the detailed presentation of the practices common to highly innovative organisations that distinguishes them from low innovating organisations. Underpinned by research, this information is translated into an innovation audit tool that can be used by managers or students alike.


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A new aerodynamic principle of flame stabilization and combustion intensification, the coflow jets with large velocity difference, is described. One or more small high-velocity jets of air or steam, injected off the axis and in the same direction as the low-velocity main fuel-air flow into the combustor, create a large recirculation zone of high turbulence intensity in which the combustibles and high temperature gases are effectively mixed, so that stable and intensive combustion can be maintained even for fuels with poor ignition. A pulverized coal combustor based on the principle mentioned above is shown to be characteristic of excellent combustoom and a simple structure. A number of precombustors of this type are in operation at some power stations and industrial boilers of China. Using such precombustor, successtul startups and part-load operation of the boilers have become available under conditions of unpreheated air and low-grade coal with volatiles as low as 15% and ash content as high as 30%. This principle shows good promise as an attractive new technology of combustion.


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Strikingly, most literature suggests that market competition will push firms to take creativity/innovation seriously as matter of death or survival. Using the data, we examined creativity methods (Napier and Nilsson, 2008; Napier, 2010) in conjunction with three influential cultural values – namely risk tolerance, relationship, and dependence on resources – to assess how they influence decisions of entrepreneurs.The primary objective of this study focuses on perceived values of entrepreneurship and creativity in business conducted within a turbulent environment. Our initial hypothesis is that a typical entrepreneurial process carries with it “creativity-enabling elements.” In a normal situation, when businesses focus more on optimizing their resources for commercial gains, perceptions about values of entrepreneurial creativity are usually vague. However, in difficult times and harsh competition, the difference between survival and failure may be creativity. This paper also examines many previous findings on both entrepreneurship and creativity and suggests a highly possible “organic growth” of creativity in an entrepreneurial environment and reinforcing value of entrepreneurship when creativity power is present. In other words, we see each idea reinforcing the other. We use data from a survey of sample Vietnamese firms during the chaotic economic year 2012 to learn about the ‘entrepreneurshipcreativity nexus.’ A data set of 137 responses qualified for a statistical examination was obtained from an online survey, which started on February 16 and ended May 24, 2012, sent to local entrepreneurs and corporate managers using social networks. The authors employed categorical data analysis (Agresti, 2002; Azen & Walker, 2011). Statistical analyses confirm that for business operation, the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit could hardly be separate; and, this is not only correct with entrepreneurial firm, but also well established companies. The single most important factor before business startup and during early implementation in Vietnam is what we call “connection/relationship.” However, businesspeople are increasingly aware of the need of creativity/innovation. In fact, we suggest that creativity and entrepreneurial spirit cannot be separated in entrepreneurial firms as well as established companies.


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Creativity is often defined as developing something novel or new, that fits its context, and has value. To achieve this, the creative process itself has gained increasing attention as organizational leaders seek competitive advantages through developing new products, services, process, or business models. In this paper, we explore the notion of the creative process as including a series of “filters” or ways to process information as being a critical component of the creative process. We use the metaphor of coffee making and filters because many of our examples come from Vietnam, which is one of the world’s top coffee exporters and which has created a coffee culture rivaling many other countries. We begin with a brief review of the creative process its connection to information processing, propose a tentative framework for integrating the two ideas, and provide examples of how it might work. We close with implications for further practical and theoretical directions for this idea.


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While much research has focused on entrepreneurship and creativity in developed economies, the notions of both topics are still embryonic in many emerging economies. This paper focuses on entrepreneurs in one such economy, Vietnam, to understand the perceptions of entrepreneurs about the role that innovation and creativity may play in their own entrepreneurial ventures and success. This is important because before reaping benefits from entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs need to decide when and on what conditions they start based on their calculations of required resources and predictions of likely outcomes. The research also sought to understand how "creativity," broadly applied ("innovation" and "creative performance") affects the ways that entrepreneurs think about and anticipate their own success and decisions. In essence, the study suggests that the higher the entrepreur’s creativity is, the more likely she or he is to start a new business and believe success will result. Future research could examine whether history, industry and geographic location matter in entrepreneurs’ perceptions as well as whether transition/emerging economies like Vietnam may have different views altogether about the two key concepts.


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This paper introduces new results obtained from a statistical investigation into a 3071-observation data set collected from a Vietnamese nationwide entrepreneurship survey. From established relationships, such factors as preparedness, financial resources and participation in social networks are confirmed to have significant effects on entrepreneurial decisions. Entrepreneurs, both financially constrained and unconstrained, who have a business plan tend to start their entrepreneurial ventures earlier. Also, financial constraints have a profound impact on the entrepreneurial decisions. When perceiving the likelihood of success to be high, an entrepreneur shows the tendency for prompt action on business ideas. But when seeing the risk of prolonging the waiting time to first revenue, a prospective entrepreneur would be more likely to wait for more favorable conditions despite the vagueness of "favorable". Additionally, empirical computations indicate that there is a 41.3% probability that an extant entrepreneur who is generating revenue sees high chance of success. Past work and entrepreneurial experiences also have positive impacts on both the entrepreneurial decisions and perceived chance of success.


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University Science Park incubators (USIs) have emerged as a means by which Government, academia and business can develop high technology business firms (spin out HTBFs) from initial conception through to becoming established small firms, which are ready to move beyond the Science Park confines. Although there is considerable literature on how USIs can be improved and developed there is a paucity of studies, which explore how lifecycle development within HTBFs in USIs can affect how they use the unique resources and opportunities of the USI. Moreover, there is a focus on single point in time studies, which do not adequately investigate the longitudinal dynamics of HTBF lifecycle development within USIs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the longitudinal use of the unique resources of the USI by HTBFs at different lifecycle stages. The research methodology involved 18 HTBFs within two separate USIs. A series of longitudinal interviews and focus groups were conducted with HTBFs and USI staff over a 36-month period. NUD*IST software was used in developing the coding and analysis of transcripts. The results show that a HTBF's propensity to make effective use of the USI's resources and support increases as the lifecycle stage of the company increases and the small-firm searches for independence and autonomy. Therefore, further research is required to investigate the following two outstanding questions; firstly, which usage pattern is associated with the HTBF's ultimate success or failure in the marketplace? And secondly, are there any services missing from the observed array that the USI could provide to enhance the HTBF's degree of ultimate success? © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As incubadoras de empresas(doravante IE´s) assumem um papel fundamental no âmbito do empreendedorismo e incentivo ao investimento. A partir de novas ideias, estas organizações articulam, conjuntamente com o empreendedor, um pensamento estratégico para o desenvolvimento do negocio. Estas entidades surgiram assim, com o intuito de apoiar a criação e o crescimento de micro e pequenas empresas, como startups, proporcionando-lhes um leque de serviços de apoio e de consultaria no âmbito administrativo, financeiro, jurídico, marketing, informático, promovem sinergias entre as empresas incubadas e dinamizam a relação entre as universidade e o tecido empresarial com vista á construção de uma sociedade cada vez mais competitiva. Em Portugal, a primeira IE´s surgiu em 1987, conhecida por Grupo Aitec, direccionada para as tecnologias de informação e comunicação(doravante TIC). Ao longo dos tempos foram surgindo diversas incubadoras pelo país e em 2012 encontravam-se 56 incubadoras em actividade. Presentemente o país atravessa uma grave crise económica, com um deficit das contas publicas elevado e uma taxa de desemprego na ordem dos 17%. Neste contexto. as IE´s possuem um papel fulcral no apoio á criação do autoemprego, reduzindo o risco do negócio, com diminuição dos custos operacionais das empresas e a promoção de networking. As incubadoras começam fundamentalmente a subarrendar espaços a empresas pequenas, em 1970 as incubadoras foram criadas para estimular os récem-licenciados a desenvolverem as suas ideias de negócio, mais tarde em 1975, surgiram para reaproveitamento dos prédios e a oportunidade da terciarização, por ultimo em 1983 as incubadoras serviam para facilitar a investigação para a industria. O objectivo desta investigação resulta de um cruzamento entre três áreas distintas, a gestão das incubadoras, a satisfação de clientes e o comportamento dos incubados. Ao analisar as incubadoras Portuguesas, sob ponto de vista dos modelos de gestão, cada incubadora pode optar pelo modelo que for mais apropriado á sua gestão e equipa, é importante salientar que a estratégica da incubadora deve estar bem definida. O principal objectivo deste estudo de caso, é proceder a uma avaliação do desenvolvimento do Instituto Empresarial do Minho(doravante IEMinho) com base na satisfação das empresas instaladas, nos motivos de saída mencionados pelas empresas e uma comparação com as restantes incubadas da região Norte. Neste sentido, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido no seio da organização IEMinho, incubadora de base tecnológica. Em concreto, é importante salientar que foi realizada uma primeira abordagem teórica ao tema (com base na literatura) e realizada uma caracterização da IEMinho, de uma forma geral este estudo tem vários objectivos que se pretende que sejam alcançados,como:(i) a analise do modelo de gestão utilizado pelo IEMinho, (ii) a avaliação da satisfação das empresas instaladas, (iii) a analise comparativa de alguns dados dos incubados e ex-incubados, (iv) a investigação do motivo de saída das empresas e(v) comparação da prestação da IEMinho com as restantes incubadoras da região Norte de Portugal.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Vivemos cada vez mais numa era de crescentes avanços tecnológicos em diversas áreas. O que há uns anos atrás era considerado como praticamente impossível, em muitos dos casos, já se tornou realidade. Todos usamos tecnologias como, por exemplo, a Internet, Smartphones e GPSs de uma forma natural. Esta proliferação da tecnologia permitiu tanto ao cidadão comum como a organizações a sua utilização de uma forma cada vez mais criativa e simples de utilizar. Além disso, a cada dia que passa surgem novos negócios e startups, o que demonstra o dinamismo que este crescimento veio trazer para a indústria. A presente dissertação incide sobre duas áreas em forte crescimento: Reconhecimento Facial e Business Intelligence (BI), assim como a respetiva combinação das duas com o objetivo de ser criado um novo módulo para um produto já existente. Tratando-se de duas áreas distintas, é primeiramente feito um estudo sobre cada uma delas. A área de Business Intelligence é vocacionada para organizações e trata da recolha de informação sobre o negócio de determinada empresa, seguindo-se de uma posterior análise. A grande finalidade da área de Business Intelligence é servir como forma de apoio ao processo de tomada de decisão por parte dos analistas e gestores destas organizações. O Reconhecimento Facial, por sua vez, encontra-se mais presente na sociedade. Tendo surgido no passado através da ficção científica, cada vez mais empresas implementam esta tecnologia que tem evoluído ao longo dos anos, chegando mesmo a ser usada pelo consumidor final, como por exemplo em Smartphones. As suas aplicações são, portanto, bastante diversas, desde soluções de segurança até simples entretenimento. Para estas duas áreas será assim feito um estudo com base numa pesquisa de publicações de autores da respetiva área. Desde os cenários de utilização, até aspetos mais específicos de cada uma destas áreas, será assim transmitido este conhecimento para o leitor, o que permitirá uma maior compreensão por parte deste nos aspetos relativos ao desenvolvimento da solução. Com o estudo destas duas áreas efetuado, é então feita uma contextualização do problema em relação à área de atuação da empresa e quais as abordagens possíveis. É também descrito todo o processo de análise e conceção, assim como o próprio desenvolvimento numa vertente mais técnica da solução implementada. Por fim, são apresentados alguns exemplos de resultados obtidos já após a implementação da solução.


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Com o crescente aumento de utilizadores e da importância no quotidiano de uma grande parte da população mundial, a Internet disponibiliza hoje às empresas, um conjunto de oportunidades que devidamente aproveitadas, se poderão traduzir na captação de novos clientes e no aumento da notoriedade da marca. Tem-se assistido nos últimos anos a um crescimento considerável do investimento das empresas em Marketing Digital, fazendo uso das mais variadas ferramentas que potenciam e aumentam a sua presença online. Decorrente do aumento de competividade no meio digital, têm surgido diversos casos de startups que desenvolveram e aplicaram técnicas e acções de marketing digital inovadoras, que se traduziram num crescimento exponencial do seu número de clientes/utilizadores. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como principais objetivos identificar o conceito de Growth Hacking, principais tácticas e ferramentas utilizadas, e avaliar qual impacto que o mesmo poderá ter para o sucesso de uma organização no meio online. Recorrendo ao estudo de dois casos de sucesso é feita uma análise das estratégias adotadas pelas empresas Uber e Dropbox e apresentadas as principais caraterísticas que as diferenciam e que permitiram o seu sucesso no meio digital.


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Research in Crowdfunding is an emerging priority within the field of Entrepreneurship. Hundreds of platforms provide nowadays multiple Crowdfunding schemes which are intended to make it easier for entrepreneurs and others to collect money from the crowd. However, only a few campaigns become successful as others don’t reach the pre-established funding goal. It is thus necessary to keep on understanding the dynamics of these platforms and the factors which justify success. The asymmetry of information has been shown to be a delicate issue as people perceive quality in different manners. As so, this research aims to understand which components of perceived quality mostly influence investments decisions. Mainly Entrepreneurship and Marketing theories were explored along the way. This is research follows a causal approach where nineteen hypotheses are tested. An experimental survey was conducted and data was collected from 127 people who were asked to evaluate one of the most important pieces of any Crowdfunding campaign – the pitch video – and consequently invest on the presented products.