923 resultados para Stability (Stabilité)


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It is well-known that crystalline materials obtain their fundamental physical properties from the molecular arrangement within the solid, and altering the placement and or interactions between these molecules can impact the properties of the particular solid. Solid state chemistry looks at an attempt to alter the chemical and physical solid-state properties of APIs through many different strategies as the formation of salts, polymorphs, hydrates, solvates, and cocrystals. The final aim of this work is to study the chemical and physical propriety of new crystal structures. The work consists of three parts. The first is the cocrystallization of α,ω-alkanedicarboxylics acids with pirimidine. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of this adduct have been carried out at RT, 150 and 200 K. The cocrystals show an alteration of their melting point similar to pure acids. The two significant deviations are for the cocrystals with succinico and glutarico acids. The second object of work is the structure determination of β polymorph undecandioic acids. In literature is known the other polymorph α. We observed that the thermodynamic relation for this dimorphics system is monotropic. In the third part we synthesized and analyzed the stability of four new salts of serine and oxalic acid. This project highlights the advantage of the solid state synthesis.


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Il lavoro cerca di valutare il possibile ruolo della Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilita’ nell’area Balcanica. Il Trattato fondativo della Comunita’ assegna a questa l’obiettivo di condurre una cooperazione in campo energetico al fine diffondere istituzioni e normative condivise, quali elementi di superamento del conflitto: tuttavia, sono molti gli ostacoli posti su questo cammino sia di natura interna alla regione che esterna, per l’influenza di fattori e poteri internazionali interessati all’area. Il processo di transizione in molti dei paesi del quadrante non e’ ancora concluso e molti sono i nodi politici successivi ai processi di disgregazione della Federazione Jugoslava ancora presenti e non risolti. I progetti di corridoi energetici portati avanti dall’Unione Europea, Stati Uniti e Russia, concentrano sui Balcani un interesse sempre alto e tali attenzioni potrebbero influire sui processi d’area e sulle scelte politiche da compiersi. Sullo sfondo di tutto cio’ un altro importante fattore contribuisce alle dinamiche in corso: la crisi economica ha fatto sentire la sua presenza anche nella regione balcanica e questo crea importanti squilibri che devono essere valutati alla luce di processi di cooperazione quale quello della Comunita’ Energetica.


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The research field of the Thesis is the evaluation of motor variability and the analysis of motor stability for the assessment of fall risk. Since many falls occur during walking, a better understanding of motor stability could lead to the definition of a reliable fall risk index aiming at measuring and assessing the risk of fall in the elderly, in the attempt to prevent traumatic events. Several motor variability and stability measures are proposed in the literature, but still a proper methodological characterization is lacking. Moreover, the relationship between many of these measures and fall history or fall risk is still unknown, or not completely clear. The aim of this thesis is hence to: i) analyze the influence of experimental implementation parameters on variability/stability measures and understand how variations in these parameters affect the outputs; ii) assess the relationship between variability/stability measures and long- short-term fall history. Several implementation issues have been addressed. Following the need for a methodological standardization of gait variability/stability measures, highlighted in particular for orbital stability analysis through a systematic review, general indications about implementation of orbital stability analysis have been showed, together with an analysis of the number of strides and the test-retest reliability of several variability/stability numbers. Indications about the influence of directional changes on measures have been provided. The association between measures and long/short-term fall history has also been assessed. Of all the analyzed variability/stability measures, Multiscale entropy and Recurrence quantification analysis demonstrated particularly good results in terms of reliability, applicability and association with fall history. Therefore, these measures should be taken in consideration for the definition of a fall risk index.


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Nowadays it is requested more investigations on alternative rearing systems that are able to improve poultry welfare and to warrant high-quality and safe meat products. This thesis work was focused on the evaluation of the oxidative stability of poultry meats, obtained with different rearing systems, diets (supplemented with bioactive compounds), and packaging conditions. The thesis work was divided into the following parts: - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems on the quality, fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of poultry thigh and breast meat belonging to different product categories (“rotisserie” and “cut-up” carcasses); - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems and packaging conditions on the shelf-life of poultry thigh meat stored at 4°C for 14 days, and the effects of feed supplementation with thymol (control diet and diet with 2 different concentration of thymol) and packaging conditions on lipid oxidation of poultry thigh meat shelf-life (stored at 4°C for 14 days). The oxidative stability of poultry meat was studied by means of the spectrophotometric determinations of peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. - Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of different flavonoids (thymol, luteolin, tangeretin, sulforaphane, polymethoxyflavones, curcumin derivates) to detect their biological activity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells in vitro, in order to study more in depth their action mechanisms. It was evaluated the cell vitality (MTT assay), nitrite concentration and protein profile. The study was focused on the identification of potential dietary bioactive compounds in order to investigate their biological activity and possible synergic effects, and to develop new suitable strategies for long-term promotion of human health, in particular against cancer.


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Il presente lavoro tratta la stabilità del fronte di scavo, rinforzato con barre di consolidamento ed interessato da drenaggi in avanzamento, di gallerie sotto falda in rocce tenere o terreni. Tale studio è stato sviluppato dal progetto di Tesi attraverso l’analisi all’equilibrio limite che approssima il fronte di scavo con un rettangolo e considera un meccanismo di rottura composto da un cuneo, a tergo del fronte, caricato da un prisma. Il metodo descritto consente di tenere conto dell’effetto stabilizzante delle barre, mediante una distribuzione della pressione di supporto non uniforme. Nel caso di gallerie sotto falda, lo stesso metodo permette inoltre di considerare l’effetto destabilizzante dei gradienti idraulici. Sono state ricavate soluzioni analitiche per la valutazione della stabilità, ed implementate successivamente nel software di analisi numerica MATLAB. Dalle analisi condotte è emerso che il numero minimo di barre per garantire la stabilità del fronte di scavo è in molti casi elevato e risulta impossibile da porre in opera in terreni scarsamente coesivi o in gallerie sotto elevati battenti d’acqua. Per risolvere questa situazione si può prevedere l’inserimento di drenaggi in avanzamento, con lo scopo di diminuire i gradienti idraulici nei pressi del fronte della galleria. Il modello che descrive il nuovo andamento dei carichi idraulici, considerando la presenza di dreni, è stato realizzato con il software commerciale agli elementi finiti COMSOL. Una volta determinati gli andamenti dei carichi idraulici, sono stati condotti studi parametrici sull’effetto dei dreni combinato con gli elementi di rinforzo. Dopo tali analisi sono stati ricavati nomogrammi adimensionali che tengano conto della presenza contemporanea delle barre e dei dreni. Tali diagrammi costituiscono uno strumento utile e valido per la progettazione del rinforzo del fronte di scavo. Infine sono stati realizzati confronti fra casi di studio reali e risultati ottenuti dal modello.


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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare la stabilità di uno spettro raggi X emesso da un tubo usurato per analisi cardiovascolari, in modo da verificare il suo comportamento. Successivamente questo tipo di analisi sarà effettuata su tubi CT. Per raggiungere questo scopo è stato assemblato un particolare set-up con un rivelatore al germanio criogenico in modo da avere la miglior risoluzione energetica possibile ed alcuni particolari collimatori così da ridurre il flusso fotonico per evitare effetti di pile-up. Il set-up è stato costruito in modo da avere il miglior allineamento possibile nel modo più veloce possibile, e con l'obiettivo di rendere l'intero sistema portabile. Il tubo usato è un SRM Philips tube per analisi cardiovascolari; questa scelta è stata fatta in modo da ridurre al minimo i fattori esterni (ottica elettromagnetica, emettitori) e concentrare l'attenzione solo sugli effetti, causati dalle varie esposizioni, sull'anodo (roughness e bending) e sul comportamento di essi durante il surriscaldamento e successivo raffreddamento del tubo. I risultati mostrano come durante un'esposizione alcuni fattori di usura del tubo possono influire in maniera sostanziale sullo spettro ottenuto e quindi alterare il risultato. Successivamente, nell'elaborato, mediante il software Philips di ricostruzione e simulazione dello spettro si è cercato di riprodurre, variando alcuni parametri, la differenza riscontrata sperimentalmente in modo da poter simulare l'instabilità e correggere i fattori che la causano. I risultati sono interessanti non solo per questo esperimento ma anche in ottica futura, per lo sviluppo di applicazioni come la spectral CT. Il passo successivo sarà quello di spostare l'attenzione su un CT tube e verificare se l'instabilità riscontrata in questo lavoro è persiste anche in una analisi più complessa come quella CT.


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The aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge and the identification of the main physical and chemical characteristics of the soil that affect the structural stability of soil types forming the soil cover of the plain of Sidi Bel Abbes region for agricultural use by excellence. Structural stability is an indicator of the cohesion of soil aggregates. This is a parameter that expresses the ability of soil aggregates to resist degradation in general the impact of rain or excess water. Measuring the structural stability makes it possible to evaluate the sensitivity a soil crusting and erosion. The results showed that soils subject of our study are stable and very stable with a slight difference. We have a statistical study made it possible to establish a correlation between the structural stability and other physical and chemical soil parameters measured )fersiallitic red soil and brown calcareous soil( such as organic matter content, the rate of total limestone and soil texture, to better explain the stability or instability of the soil structure and to establish a relationship between these parameters and the structural stability. // Keywords: Sidi Bel Abbes, chemical characteristics, physical, structural stability, soil, plain, fersiallitic red soil, brown calcareous soil


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Problématique : Les prématurés évoluent dans l’unité néonatale qui présente une intensité lumineuse parfois forte et variable, ce qui a pour effet de provoquer une instabilité physiologique, ainsi qu’une augmentation du niveau d’activité motrice chez ces derniers. Par ailleurs, le contrôle de l’éclairage à l’unité néonatale favorise la stabilité physiologique et réduit le niveau d’activité motrice des prématurés. Deux méthodes de contrôle de l’éclairage ont été étudiées, soit l’éclairage tamisé constant et l’éclairage cyclique. Or, la méthode de contrôle de l’éclairage la plus appropriée au système nerveux immature des prématurés est inconnue et il y a ambivalence en ce qui concerne les résultats des études ayant évalué ces deux modes de contrôle de l’éclairage. But : Le but de cette étude était de mesurer les effets de l’éclairage cyclique versus l’éclairage tamisé constant sur la stabilité physiologique et le niveau d’activité motrice de prématurés nés entre 28 et 32 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Méthode : Un essai clinique randomisé a été réalisé. Les 38 prématurés recrutés dans une unité néonatale de niveaux II et III d’un hôpital universitaire, ont été randomisés dans l’un des deux groupes d’intervention, soit le groupe exposé à l’éclairage tamisé constant ou celui exposé à l’éclairage cyclique. Ces deux types d’éclairage ont été appliqués pendant 24 heures. La stabilité physiologique a été mesurée par le score Stability of the Cardio Respiratory System in Premature Infants (SCRIP) et le niveau d’activité motrice a été mesuré avec un accéléromètre (Actiwatch®). L’intensité lumineuse à laquelle les prématurés ont été exposés a été mesurée de façon continue à l’intérieur de l’incubateur à l’aide d’un photomètre. Résultats : L’analyse des données révèle qu’il n’y aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes d’intervention en ce qui a trait à la stabilité physiologique (valeur-p du score SCRIP de 0,54 à 0,96) et au niveau d’activité motrice (valeur-p de 0,09 à 0,88). Les participants des deux groupes ont manifesté une stabilité physiologique et un niveau d’activité motrice comparables. Conclusion : Des interventions de contrôle de l’éclairage doivent être adoptées à l’unité néonatale, que ce soit des interventions qui permettent la mise en œuvre de l’éclairage cyclique ou de l’éclairage tamisé constant, dans le but de favoriser l’adaptation du prématuré à l’environnement de l’unité néonatale. Des recherches additionnelles sont requises afin d’identifier la méthode de contrôle de l’éclairage (éclairage cyclique ou éclairage tamisé constant) qui doit être implantée à l’unité néonatale.


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Problématique : Les prématurés évoluent dans l’unité néonatale qui présente une intensité lumineuse parfois forte et variable, ce qui a pour effet de provoquer une instabilité physiologique, ainsi qu’une augmentation du niveau d’activité motrice chez ces derniers. Par ailleurs, le contrôle de l’éclairage à l’unité néonatale favorise la stabilité physiologique et réduit le niveau d’activité motrice des prématurés. Deux méthodes de contrôle de l’éclairage ont été étudiées, soit l’éclairage tamisé constant et l’éclairage cyclique. Or, la méthode de contrôle de l’éclairage la plus appropriée au système nerveux immature des prématurés est inconnue et il y a ambivalence en ce qui concerne les résultats des études ayant évalué ces deux modes de contrôle de l’éclairage. But : Le but de cette étude était de mesurer les effets de l’éclairage cyclique versus l’éclairage tamisé constant sur la stabilité physiologique et le niveau d’activité motrice de prématurés nés entre 28 et 32 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Méthode : Un essai clinique randomisé a été réalisé. Les 38 prématurés recrutés dans une unité néonatale de niveaux II et III d’un hôpital universitaire, ont été randomisés dans l’un des deux groupes d’intervention, soit le groupe exposé à l’éclairage tamisé constant ou celui exposé à l’éclairage cyclique. Ces deux types d’éclairage ont été appliqués pendant 24 heures. La stabilité physiologique a été mesurée par le score Stability of the Cardio Respiratory System in Premature Infants (SCRIP) et le niveau d’activité motrice a été mesuré avec un accéléromètre (Actiwatch®). L’intensité lumineuse à laquelle les prématurés ont été exposés a été mesurée de façon continue à l’intérieur de l’incubateur à l’aide d’un photomètre. Résultats : L’analyse des données révèle qu’il n’y aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes d’intervention en ce qui a trait à la stabilité physiologique (valeur-p du score SCRIP de 0,54 à 0,96) et au niveau d’activité motrice (valeur-p de 0,09 à 0,88). Les participants des deux groupes ont manifesté une stabilité physiologique et un niveau d’activité motrice comparables. Conclusion : Des interventions de contrôle de l’éclairage doivent être adoptées à l’unité néonatale, que ce soit des interventions qui permettent la mise en œuvre de l’éclairage cyclique ou de l’éclairage tamisé constant, dans le but de favoriser l’adaptation du prématuré à l’environnement de l’unité néonatale. Des recherches additionnelles sont requises afin d’identifier la méthode de contrôle de l’éclairage (éclairage cyclique ou éclairage tamisé constant) qui doit être implantée à l’unité néonatale.


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La disciplina del pareggio di bilancio è in continua evoluzione, soprattutto a fronte delle nuove esigenze finanziarie per contrastare la pandemia. Questo elaborato, studiando la governance economica strutturata dopo la crisi dei debiti, le derivanti scelte italiane in materia di costituzionalizzazione del pareggio di bilancio e le conseguenze sulle autonomie locali, dimostra come il sistema di gestione delle finanze pubbliche a livello comunitario si stia completando, generando un rapporto normativo ciclico tra il livello europeo e quello locale. Ne è emersa una conflittualità tra le Regioni e lo Stato, che è analizzata al fine di comprendere la giustiziabilità costituzionale del pareggio di bilancio, osservando le esigenze di bilanciamento tra l’equilibrio finanziario e la tutela dei diritti sociali. La Corte Costituzionale ha recentemente conferito, in via giurisprudenziale, alla Corte dei Conti la potestà di svolgere un controllo diretto di costituzionalità del rispetto dell’equilibrio di bilancio degli enti nazionali e territoriali. Particolare attenzione viene data, poi, a seguito degli effetti della pandemia da Covid-19 sui bilanci degli Stati. A fronte della crisi pandemica, per la prima volta dall’approvazione del TSCG, la Commissione ha attivato la clausola di salvaguardia generale per sospendere il Patto di Stabilità (c.d. escape clause). Questa clausola ha permesso ai Paesi di ricorrere agli scostamenti di bilancio. Viene infine analizzato il piano “Next Generation EU”, che centralizza i prestiti verso gli Stati membri nel bilancio dell’Unione ed attinge dal mercato dei capitali le risorse necessarie per finanziare un totale di 750 miliardi, attraverso l’emissione di obbligazioni “Eu Bills”. Per la prima volta nella storia, l’Unione, nelle parole della Commissione, agisce sui mercati come se fosse uno Stato. La portata straordinaria del NGEU, con l’emissione di titoli europei, porta ad una sostanziale mutualizzazione dei debiti ed appare come un passo fondamentale verso il completamento dell’UEM e di un sistema federale.


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The aim of this investigation was to compare the skeletal stability of three different rigid fixation methods after mandibular advancement. Fifty-five class II malocclusion patients treated with the use of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and mandibular advancement were selected for this retrospective study. Group 1 (n = 17) had miniplates with monocortical screws, Group 2 (n = 16) had bicortical screws and Group 3 (n = 22) had the osteotomy fixed by means of the hybrid technique. Cephalograms were taken preoperatively, 1 week within the postoperative care period, and 6 months after the orthognathic surgery. Linear and angular changes of the cephalometric landmarks of the chin region were measured at each period, and the changes at each cephalometric landmark were determined for the time gaps. Postoperative changes in the mandibular shape were analyzed to determine the stability of fixation methods. There was minimum difference in the relapse of the mandibular advancement among the three groups. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in postoperative stability. However, a positive correlation between the amount of advancement and the amount of postoperative relapse was demonstrated by the linear multiple regression test (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that all techniques can be used to obtain stable postoperative results in mandibular advancement after 6 months.


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High pressure homogenization (HPH) is a non-thermal method, which has been employed to change the activity and stability of biotechnologically relevant enzymes. This work investigated how HPH affects the structural and functional characteristics of a glucose oxidase (GO) from Aspergillus niger. The enzyme was homogenized at 75 and 150 MPa and the effects were evaluated with respect to the enzyme activity, stability, kinetic parameters and molecular structure. The enzyme showed a pH-dependent response to the HPH treatment, with reduction or maintenance of activity at pH 4.5-6.0 and a remarkable activity increase (30-300%) at pH 6.5 in all tested temperatures (15, 50 and 75°C). The enzyme thermal tolerance was reduced due to HPH treatment and the storage for 24 h at high temperatures (50 and 75°C) also caused a reduction of activity. Interestingly, at lower temperatures (15°C) the activity levels were slightly higher than that observed for native enzyme or at least maintained. These effects of HPH treatment on function and stability of GO were further investigated by spectroscopic methods. Both fluorescence and circular dichroism revealed conformational changes in the molecular structure of the enzyme that might be associated with the distinct functional and stability behavior of GO.


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Polymeric nanoparticles have been developed for several applications, among them as carrier system of pesticides. However, few studies have investigated the fate of these materials in the environment in relation to colloidal stability and toxicity. In nature, humic substances are the main agents responsible for complexation with metals and organic compounds, as well as responsible for the dynamics of these nanoparticles in aquatic and terrestrial environments. In this context, the evaluation of the influence of aquatic humic substances (AHS) on the colloidal stability and toxicity of polymeric nanoparticles of chitosan/tripolyphosphate with or without paraquat was performed. In this study, the nanoparticles were prepared by the ionic gelation method and characterized by size distribution measurements (DLS and NTA), zeta potential, infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy. Allium cepa genotoxicity studies and ecotoxicity assays with the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were used to investigate the effect of aquatic humic substances (AHS) on the toxicity of this delivery system. No changes were observed in the physical-chemical stability of the nanoparticles due to the presence of AHS using DLS and NTA techniques. However some evidence of interaction between the nanoparticles and AHS was observed by infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies. The ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that humic substances can decrease the toxic effects of nanoparticles containing paraquat. These results are interesting because they are important for understanding the interaction of these nanostructured carrier systems with species present in aquatic ecosystems such as humic substances, and in this way, opening new perspectives for studies on the dynamics of these carrier systems in the ecosystem.


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Sunlight exposure causes several types of injury to humans, especially on the skin; among the most common harmful effects due to ultraviolet (UV) exposure are erythema, pigmentation and lesions in DNA, which may lead to cancer. These long-term effects are minimized with the use of sunscreens, a class of cosmetic products that contains UV filters as the main component in the formulation; such molecules can absorb, reflect or diffuse UV rays, and can be used alone or as a combination to broaden the protection on different wavelengths. Currently, worldwide regulatory agencies define which ingredients and what quantities must be used in each country, and enforce companies to conduct tests that confirm the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and the UVA (Ultraviolet A) factor. Standard SPF determination tests are currently conducted in vivo, using human subjects. In an industrial mindset, apart from economic and ethical reasons, the introduction of an in vitro method emerges as an interesting alternative by reducing risks associated to UV exposure on tests, as well as providing assertive analytical results. The present work aims to describe a novel methodology for SPF determination directly from sunscreen formulations using the previously described cosmetomics platform and mass spectrometry as the analytical methods of choice.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the color change of three types of composite resins exposed to coffee and cola drink, and the effect of repolishing on the color stability of these composites after staining. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen specimens (15 mm diameter and 2 mm thick) were fabricated from microhybrid (Esthet-X; Dentsply and Filtek Z-250; 3M ESPE) and high-density hybrid (Surefil; Dentsply) composites, and were finished and polished with aluminum oxide discs (Sof-Lex; 3M ESPE). Color of the specimens was measured according to the CIE L*a*b* system in a refection spectrophotometer (PCB 6807; BYK Gardner). After baseline color measurements, 5 specimens of each resin were immersed in different staining solutions for 15 days: G1 - distilled water (control), G2 - coffee, G3 - cola soft drink. Afterwards, new color measurement was performed and the specimens were repolished and submitted to new color reading. Color stability was determined by the difference (ΔE) between the coordinates L*, a*, and b* obtained from the specimens before and after immersion into the solutions and after repolishing. RESULTS: There was no statistically signifcant difference (ANOVA, Tukey's test; p>0.05) among the ΔE values for the different types of composites after staining or repolishing. For all composite resins, coffee promoted more color change (ΔE>3.3) than distilled water and the cola soft drink. After repolishing, the ΔE values of the specimens immersed in coffee decreased to clinically acceptable values (ΔE<3.3), but remained signifcantly higher than those of the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: No signifcant difference was found among composite resins or between color values before and after repolishing of specimens immersed in distilled water and cola. Immersing specimens in coffee caused greater color change in all types of composite resins tested in this study and repolishing contributed to decrease staining to clinically acceptable ΔE values.