984 resultados para Specialized knowledge


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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Gegenstand des Beitrags ist die kritische Diskussion der elf Kernkompetenzen des Orientierungsrahmens "Globale Entwicklung". Ausgehend von einer theoretischen Reflexion der Domänenspezifität des Lernbereichs und des zugrundeliegenden Handlungsbegriffs wird die Fokussierung der Kompetenzziele auf die sechs Kompetenzen Fachwissen, politische Urteils- und Handlungsfähigkeit, Perspektivenübernahme, Reflexionsfähigkeit und Umgang mit unsicherem Wissen vorgeschlagen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Ausgehend von einer allgemeinen Definition beschreibt der Beitrag zentrale Merkmale und Anforderungen Kompetenzorientierten Unterrichts sowie dessen bildungspolitische und lerntheoretische Hintergründe. Diese allgemeindidaktische Perspektive wird mit den Bedingungen und Zielsetzungen im Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung verknüpft. Die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen, die sich bei der Umsetzung Kompetenzorientierten Unterrichts zeigen, werden anhand eines Unterrichtsbeispiels aus dem Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung ausgeführt. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf komplexen Problemen als Ausgangspunkt, auf der Ermöglichung von Selbststeuerung durch die Schüler/-innen sowie auf der Erarbeitung reichhaltiger Ergebnisse, die eine sinnhafte Kommunikation und Vernetzung von Wissen erfordern. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit dem Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung wurden Anregungen gegeben, die Themen nachhaltige Entwicklung und globale Entwicklung im Unterricht in allen Schulfächern aufzugreifen. Die drei naturwissenschaftlichen Schulfächer Biologie, Chemie und Physik haben sich bislang sehr unterschiedlich auf das Thema eingelassen. In der Biologiedidaktik finden sich sowohl Forschungsarbeiten als auch Unterrichtsvorschläge; für Chemie und insbesondere Physik existieren hingegen nur sehr wenige Ansätze. Im Rahmen der zu erwerbenden Bewertungskompetenz, wie sie durch die Bildungsstandards in den Fächern Biologie, Chemie und Physik beschrieben wird, ist nachhaltige Entwicklung als ein mögliches Thema, ein Kontext anzusehen. Vor diesem größeren Hintergrund wird die gängige unterrichtspraktische Literatur in allen drei Fächern exemplarisch zusammengefasst. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP) wurde im September 2015 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ausgerichtet. Zum Tagungsthema „Authentizität und Lernen - Das Fach in der Fachdidaktik“ diskutierten neben den Plenarreferentinnen und -referenten eine große Anzahl an Tagungsgästen. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die ausgearbeiteten Beiträge der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Nützlichkeit des Einsatzes von Computern in Schule und Ausbildung ist schon seit einigen Jahren unbestritten. Uneinigkeit herrscht gegenwärtig allerdings darüber, welche Aufgaben von Computern eigenständig wahrgenommen werden können. Bewertet man die Übernahme von Lehrfunktionen durch computerbasierte Lehrsysteme, müssen häufig Mängel festgestellt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, ausgehend von aktuellen Praxisrealisierungen computerbasierter Lehrsysteme unterschiedliche Klassen von zentralen Lehrkompetenzen (Schülermodellierung, Fachwissen und instruktionale Aktivitäten im engeren Sinne) zu bestimmen. Innerhalb jeder Klasse werden globale Leistungen der Lehrsysteme und notwendige, in komplementärer Relation stehende Tätigkeiten menschlicher Tutoren bestimmt. Das dabei entstandene Klassifikationsschema erlaubt sowohl die Einordnung typischer Lehrsysteme als auch die Feststellung von spezifischen Kompetenzen, die in der Lehrer- bzw. Trainerausbildung zukünftig vermehrt berücksichtigt werden sollten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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O sucesso de uma gestão baseada na estratégia reside, no aproveitamento racional e eficiente dos seus recursos humanos, financeiros e organizacionais, bem como na sua capacidade para concretizar objectivos e alcançar resultados. Esta dissertação foi elaborada baseando-se no pressuposto que, a selecção e a aplicação de um Instrumento de Apoio à Gestão em unidades privadas de fisioterapia (UPF’s) permitirão induzir níveis acrescidos de melhoria do desempenho individual e/ou organizacional. Constituiu objectivo geral da mesma contribuir para a sensibilização e a difusão alargada das ferramentas de apoio à gestão que, aplicadas naquelas unidades, poderiam induzir níveis acrescidos de melhoria do desempenho. Definiram-se ainda três objectivos específicos consubstanciando preocupações relacionadas com a reprodução do conhecimento especializado em gestão, com a sua aplicação específica no terreno e com a subjacente criação de valor individual e organizacional. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem de Estudo de Caso, inspirada na técnica focus-group, aplicada a três UPF’s, e os resultados obtidos através das análises efectuadas permitiram identificar a ausência da aplicação de instrumentos de apoio à gestão e de avaliação de desempenho, bem como níveis elevados de desempenho, satisfação e autonomia nos profissionais de fisioterapia, constituindo estes a base para justificar a necessidade urgente da elaboração de um plano de implementação de um sistema de avaliação de desempenho nas unidades estudadas. /ABSTRACT: The success of a management based on strategy relies in the rational and efficient use of its human, financial and organizational resources, as well as its ability to achieve objectives and results. This thesis was developed, based on the assumption that the selection and application of a management support instrument in private physiotherapy units would induce higher levels of individual performance and / or organization. It was general objective the contribution to the sensibilization and diffusion of tools to support management, which applied in those units, could induce higher levels of performance. There were defined three specific objectives which concerned whereabouts with the reproduction of specialized knowledge in management, with its specified applicability in the work field and with the underneath creation of individual and organizational value. The applied methodology was a case study, inspired by the focus-group technique applied in three private physiotherapy units, and the results obtained through the analysis allowed the identification of lack of use of any support management tools and performance evaluation, as well as high standard levels of performance, satisfaction and professional autonomy in physical therapists, being this the base for justifying the urgent need for developing an implementation plan of a performance evaluation system applied to these units.


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This article seeks to justify why it is possible to speak about a culture of background investigations in Portugal, or even in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the 17th-18th centuries. It will emphasize three points: the huge number of people who made qualifications in Portugal and in the overseas Empire; how it created specialized knowledge and the need for specialized officers to deal with it; to demonstrate how the culture of qualification conditioned behaviors in different social groups.


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Scientists interested in the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, and their control, have recently been studying cells in the interstitium of tissues that express the c-kit antigen (Kit(+) cells). These cells have morphologic features that are reminiscent of the well-described pacemaker cells in the gut, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). The spontaneous contractile behavior of muscles in the urinary tract varies widely, and it is clear that urinary tract Kit(+) interstitial cells cannot be playing an identical role to that played by the ICC in the gut. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that they do play a role in modulating the contractile behavior of adjacent smooth muscle, and might also be involved in mediating neural control. This review outlines the properties of ICC in the gut, and gives an account of the discovery of cells in the interstitium of the main components of the urinary tract. The physiologic properties of such cells and the functional implications of their presence are discussed, with particular reference to the bladder. In this organ, Kit(+) cells are found under the lamina propria, where they might interact with the urothelium and with sensory nerves, and also between and within the smooth-muscle bundles. Confocal microscopy and calcium imaging are being used to assess the physiology of ICC and their interactions with smooth muscles. Differences in the numbers of ICC are seen in smooth muscle specimens obtained from patients with various pathologies; in particular, bladder overactivity is associated with increased numbers of these cells.


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BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals regularly read the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) as one of the various sources of information on the risks of drug use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the teratogenic potential of various antiepileptic drugs and to compare these data with the information provided by the SmPCs. METHODS: A literature search on the teratogenic risks of 19 antiepileptic agents was conducted and the results were compared with the information on the use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs of 38 commercial products available in Switzerland and Germany. RESULTS: The teratogenic risk is discussed in all available SmPCs. Quantification of the risk for birth defects and the numbers of documented pregnancies are mostly missing. Reproductive safety information in SmPCs showed poor concordance with risk levels reported in the literature. Recommendations concerning the need to monitor plasma levels and possibly perform dose adjustments during pregnancy to prevent treatment failure were missing in five Swiss and two German SmPCs. DISCUSSION: The information regarding use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs is heterogeneous and poorly reflects the current state of knowledge. Regular updates of SmPCs are warranted in order for these documents to be of reliable use for health care professionals.


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Background & Research Focus Managing knowledge for innovation and organisational benefit has been extensively investigated in studies of large firms (Smith, Collins & Clark, 2005; Zucker, et al., 2007) and to a large extent there is limited research into studies of small- and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). There are some investigations in knowledge management research on SMEs, but what remains to be seen in particular is the question of where are the potential challenges for managing knowledge more effectively within these firms? Effective knowledge management (KM) processes and systems lead to improved performance in pursuing distinct capabilities that contribute to firm-level innovation (Nassim 2009; Zucker et al. 2007; Verona and Ravasi 2003). Managing internal and external knowledge in a way that links it closely to the innovation process can assist the creation and implementation of new products and services. KM is particularly important in knowledge intensive firms where the knowledge requirements are highly specialized, diverse and often emergent. However, to a large extent the KM processes of small firms that are often the source of new knowledge and an important element of the value networks of larger companies have not been closely studied. To address this gap which is of increasing importance with the growing number of small firms, we need to further investigate knowledge management processes and the ways that firms find, capture, apply and integrate knowledge from multiple sources for their innovation process. This study builds on the previous literature and applies existing frameworks and takes the process and activity view of knowledge management as a starting point of departure (see among others Kraaijenbrink, Wijnhoven & Groen, 2007; Enberg, Lindkvist, & Tell, 2006; Lu, Wang & Mao, 2007). In this paper, it is attempted to develop a better understanding of the challenges of knowledge management within the innovation process in small knowledge-oriented firms. The paper aims to explore knowledge management processes and practices in firms that are engaged in the new product/service development programs. Consistent with the exploratory character of the study, the research question is: How is knowledge integrated, sourced and recombined from internal and external sources for innovation and new product development? Research Method The research took an exploratory case study approach and developed a theoretical framework to investigate the knowledge situation of knowledge-intensive firms. Equipped with the conceptual foundation, the research adopted a multiple case study method investigating four diverse Australian knowledge-intensive firms from IT, biotechnology, nanotechnology and biochemistry industries. The multiple case study method allowed us to document in some depth the knowledge management experience of the theses firms. Case study data were collected through a review of company published data and semi-structured interviews with managers using an interview guide to ensure uniform coverage of the research themes. This interview guide was developed following development of the framework and a review of the methodologies and issues covered by similar studies in other countries and used some questions common to these studies. It was framed to gather data around knowledge management activity within the business, focusing on the identification, acquisition and utilisation of knowledge, but collecting a range of information about subject as well. The focus of the case studies was on the use of external and internal knowledge to support their knowledge intensive products and services. Key Findings Firstly a conceptual and strategic knowledge management framework has been developed. The knowledge determinants are related to the nature of knowledge, organisational context, and mechanism of the linkages between internal and external knowledge. Overall, a number of key observations derived from this study, which demonstrated the challenges of managing knowledge and how important KM is as a management tool for innovation process in knowledge-oriented firms. To summarise, findings suggest that knowledge management process in these firms is very much project focused and not embedded within the overall organisational routines and mainly based on ad hoc and informal processes. Our findings highlighted lack of formal knowledge management process within our sampled firms. This point to the need for more specialised capabilities in knowledge management for these firms. We observed a need for an effective knowledge transfer support system which is required to facilitate knowledge sharing and particularly capturing and transferring tacit knowledge from one team members to another. In sum, our findings indicate that building effective and adaptive IT systems to manage and share knowledge in the firm is one of the biggest challenges for these small firms. Also, there is little explicit strategy in small knowledge-intensive firms that is targeted at systematic KM either at the strategic or operational level. Therefore, a strategic approach to managing knowledge for innovation as well as leadership and management are essential to achieving effective KM. In particular, research findings demonstrate that gathering tacit knowledge, internal and external to the organization, and applying processes to ensure the availability of knowledge for innovation teams, drives down the risks and cost of innovation. KM activities and tools, such as KM systems, environmental scanning, benchmarking, intranets, firm-wide databases and communities of practice to acquire knowledge and to make it accessible, were elements of KM. Practical Implications The case study method that used in this study provides practical insight into the knowledge management process within Australian knowledge-intensive firms. It also provides useful lessons which can be used by other firms in managing the knowledge more effectively in the innovation process. The findings would be helpful for small firms that may be searching for a practical method for managing and integrating their specialised knowledge. Using the results of this exploratory study and to address the challenges of knowledge management, this study proposes five practices that are discussed in the paper for managing knowledge more efficiently to improve innovation: (1) Knowledge-based firms must be strategic in knowledge management processes for innovation, (2) Leadership and management should encourage various practices for knowledge management, (3) Capturing and sharing tacit knowledge is critical and should be managed, (4)Team knowledge integration practices should be developed, (5) Knowledge management and integration through communication networks, and technology systems should be encouraged and strengthen. In sum, the main managerial contribution of the paper is the recognition of knowledge determinants and processes, and their effects on the effective knowledge management within firm. This may serve as a useful benchmark in the strategic planning of the firm as it utilises new and specialised knowledge.


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Assembly is an important part of the product development process. To avoid potential issues during assembly in specialized domains such as aircraft assembly, expert knowledge to predict such issues is helpful. Knowledge based systems can act as virtual experts to provide assistance. Knowledge acquisition for such systems however, is a challenge, and this paper describes one part of an ongoing research to acquire knowledge through a dialog between an expert and a knowledge acquisition system. In particular this paper discusses the use of a situation model for assemblies to present experts with a virtual assembly and help them locate the specific context of the knowledge they provide to the system.