778 resultados para Social justice - Study and teaching (Higher)


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This study addressed the problem of instructor support for self-directed learning, specifically, learner-directed program planning, within a classroom setting in higher education. A combination of survey, interview, document analysis, and observation was used to assess and evaluate the attitudes and practices of a sample of full-time faculty at an Ontario university. Eighty-seven percent of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were not supportive of self-directed learning, especially in terms of student participation in program planning. Planning was seen as the responsibility of the instructor. Instructors were least open to student participation in the planning of the evaluation of learning. However, there was considerable stated support for other of the basic principles of adult education. The remaining 13% of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were fully supportive of self-directed learning. Instructional practices were analyzed in relation to the instructors' stated beliefs. Although practices reflected, in many instances, instructors' statements of support, there were some significant discrepancies between apparent support for the concept of self-directed learning and actual classroom practice. Both beliefs and practice were compared to a research model of self-directed learning. Most instructors did not have a concept of self-directed learning as comprehensive as that described in the research model. Instructor support for self-directed learning was profoundly influenced by the university setting. It was concluded that more strenuous attempts to research, enhance, and promote instructional and institutional support for self-directed learning in higher education are warranted.


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The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to determine how the Practical Nursing and Pharmacy Technician programs in one southern Ontario community college could more effectively accommodate ESL learners' communication needs. The literature review examined (a) linguistic issues, such as language testing and second-language learning theories, (b) organizational matters, such as ESL curriculum and teacher training, and (c) affective issues, such as motivation for second-language learning, learning styles, and the student-teacher relationship. I gathered perceptual data from the programs' administrators, faculty members, and ESL learners. Eleven participants took part in individual interviews or a focus group session. The results suggest that ESL learners need assistance with discipline-specific vocabulary and cultural nuances. College ESL learners' weak communicative competence, together with misleading acceptance standards for ESL learners and limited support available to faculty members and to students, decrease opportunities for successful completion of the programs. The results point to re-assessment of the college's admission policies and procedures, program evaluation practices that consider the needs of ESL learners, discipline-specific language support, and strategies to enhance the ESL student-teacher relationship. The study highlights theory relating to ESL learners' self-perception and engagement, as well as the importance of including the voice of college ESL learners in educational research. The results suggest that despite ESL learners' perseverance in completing their studies, power imbalances remain. The college has yet to implement organizational strategies such as discipline-specific communications and ESL courses and extended language support that could meet the communication needs of ESL learners in the two programs.


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Els estudis de pedagogia de la Universitat de Girona s’han dotat d’un Full de Ruta. El document el composen dotze eixos de treball que són ambiciosos però que, els redactors, consideren necessaris en un moment en què el pedagog ha traspassat l’àmbit escolar per diversificar la seva actuació cap a altres àmbits com són el social, el cultural, el de la comunicació o el laboral


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En el marco del nuevo cambio del modelo de enseñanza y de aprendizaje del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se pretende dar a conocer el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje a través de una metodología activa llevado a cabo en la asignatura de Didáctica de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en los estudios de la Licenciatura de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en la Universidad de Alcalá. Los objetivos que se han perseguido en el desarrollo de esta metodología son los siguientes: facilitar un conocimiento más profundo y duradero mediante un aprendizaje activo, favorecer una participación del alumnado en el proceso evaluador, adquirir determinadas competencias necesarias para el ejercicio profesional, beneficiar un aprendizaje por comprensión frente a un aprendizaje memorístico y establecer una mayor interacción entre profesor-alumno y entre alumno-alumno. Para ello, se ha utilizado una combinación de diferentes estrategias metodológicas que potencian la participación activa y autónoma de los alumnos en su propio proceso de aprendizaje a nivel cognitivo, afectivo y social y donde la profesora ha pretendido ser una mediadora y facilitadora del aprendizaje del alumnado, resolviendo dudas y dando las directrices del camino que debe seguir. Igualmente, en la evaluación también ha participado el alumnado a través de la coevaluación, autoevaluación y heteroevaluación del alumnado. De esta forma, a través de una metodología activa en las clases se ha pretendido fomentar un aprendizaje activo a partir de una orientación del aprendizaje por medio de la propia experiencia: aprender a aprender; de la participación del alumnado en el proceso evaluador, del desarrollo del espíritu crítico y de la creatividad, de una orientación de la educación hacia un ambiente socializante, del fomento de la iniciativa del alumno y de la creación de un clima de investigación. No obstante, la profesora, en un proceso de autoevaluación de su propia enseñanza, ha encontrado una serie de limitaciones o inconvenientes en el uso de este tipo de metodología


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El alumno percibe una gran diferencia entre la educación secundaria y la educación universitaria al comenzar sus estudios de grado. Los programas de orientación que ayudan a afianzar la integración social y académica de los alumnos de nuevo ingreso contribuyen a evitar el abandono de los estudios iniciados en un centro universitario. La Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (FI-UPM) cuenta con cuatro años de experiencia en la implantación de un programa de mentoría para la orientación y acogida de alumnos de nuevo ingreso, contribuyendo, junto a otras medidas, a una disminución notable de la tasa de abandono. Este bagaje ha permitido la definición de un Plan de Orientación y Acogida para el nuevo título acorde con el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), que incluye tres acciones de carácter complementario. En primer lugar, el Proyecto de Inicio para Alumnos de Nuevo Ingreso, el cual combina los aspectos de orientación y acogida con la realización de un proyecto en equipo en los primeros cuatro días del curso que permite la evaluación de las competencias de trabajo en equipo y presentación oral. En segundo lugar, el Plan de Acción Tutorial tiene como objetivo orientar al alumno a lo largo de toda la carrera universitaria, en especial en lo referente a la matriculación, para aumentar la eficiencia del alumno en los créditos superados frente a los matriculados. Como tercera acción, el Proyecto Mentor se complementa con las dos anteriores al proporcionar una orientación entre iguales, la cual tiene que acomodarse a las nuevas condiciones en las que se desarrollan los planes de estudio acordes al EEES


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This communication explains a experience for the introduction of English terminology in a technical degree of higher education. We present the methodology and assessment procedures used to evaluate the way the students perceived the introduction of terminology in English in two different subjects from 3rd and 5th year courses of a Computer Science degree in which English was not the vehicular language. We propose a strategy based on two main pillars, namely: 1) The design of materials, explanations, and exams, paying particular attention to the way in which the specific terminology was exposed to the students, and 2) The assessment of the impact in the students by means of the analysis of the feedback trough a set of enquiries. Our experience showed that the students responded very positively to the introduction of English terminology, and presented an affirmative feedback about the impact that an improvement of their linguistic abilities would have in their future work. Further, we present statistics regarding the use of English as the vehicular language for technical reports, which is envisaged as very useful by the students. Finally, we propose a set of questions for further debate which are centered in the role that English terminology should pay in technical degrees, and about the way in which universities should deploy resources in English languages within the different Syllabus


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El cine es una de las recreaciones humanas más extraordinarias que se conoce desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. En el contexto del cine como recurso formativo, se inscribe la asignatura optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que ya cuenta con seis ediciones en la Diplomatura de Enfermería (Universidad de Barcelona). En cada edición se ha escogido, como objeto (sujeto) de estudio, un problema de salud diferente: cáncer, trastornos de la nutrición, Violencia Contra la Mujer (VCM), etc. La VCM es la expresión de un orden social basado en la desigualdad, que deriva de la asignación de roles diferentes a los hombres y a las mujeres, en función de su sexo. El cine como ficción muestra la realidad de la VCM de diversas formas, pero hace falta trascender el simple visionado de las imágenes para escuchar y mirar la VCM científicamente. Este trabajo describe el plan docente de la optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que incluye el taller: Análisis cinematográfico aplicado a la VCM. Este taller se considera como la intervención correspondiente a un diseño preexperimental de comparación con grupo estático y cuyos resultados se presentan en este trabajo


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Un projecte del Departament de Ciències Mèdiques, amb el suport del Consell Social de la UdG, proporcionarà preparacions anatòmiques plastinades als sis instituts públics de la ciutat de Girona


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Els participants de la Xarxa d’Innovació Docent en Aprenentatge Reflexiu provenim de disciplines acadèmiques i d’àmbits professionals diferents (Infermeria, Psicologia, Turisme i Educació Social) des dels quals la pràctica docent desenvolupada ens ha portat a aprofundir en l’aprenentatge reflexiu com a metodologia d’ensenyament aprenentatge per millorar la formació dels estudiants. En el context de la UdG, i feta una revisió dels dissenys de les assignatures de segon curs dels estudis de Grau de la UdG, es pot dir que en Graus de sis de les nous Facultats, la reflexió és esmentada de forma majoritària a nivell d’activitats d’aprenentatge i en d’altres a nivell de competències.


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This folder contains a single document describing the "rules and orders" of the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The document begins by defining the subjects to be taught by the Hollis Professor including natural and experimental philosophy, elements of geometry, and the principles of astronomy and geography. It then outlines the number of public and private lectures to be given to students, how much extra time the professor should spend with students reviewing any difficulties they may encounter understanding class subject matter discussed, and stipulates that the professor's duties shall be restricted solely to his teaching activities and not involve him in any religious activities at the College or oblige him to teach any additional studies other than those specified for the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Furthermore, the rules establish the professor's salary at £80 per year and allow the professor to receive from students, except those students studying theology under the Hollis Professor of Divinity, an additional fee as determined by the Corporation and Board of Overseers, to supplement his income. Moreover, the rules assert that all professorship candidates selected by the Harvard Corporation must be approved by Thomas Hollis during his lifetime or by his executor after his death. Finally, the rules state that the Hollis professor take an oath to the civil government and declare himself a member of the Protestant reformed religion. This document is signed by Thomas Hollis and four witnesses, John Hollis, Joshua Hollis, Richard Solly, and John Williams.


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In this proposal, John Winthrop explains the need to replace damaged "electric globes" used in the College's collection of scientific apparatus. He states that Benjamin Franklin, at the time residing in London, was willing to seek replacement globes for the College's collection. Winthrop then proceeds to assert that the College should acquire "square bottles, of a moderate size, fitted in a wooden box, like what they call case bottles for spirits" instead of the large jars included in the scientific apparatus, because those jars cracked frequently.


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Nathaniel Freeman made entries in this commonplace book between 1786 and 1787, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The book includes the notes Freeman took during three of Hollis Professor Samuel Williams' "Course of Experimental Lectures," and cover Williams' lectures on "The Nature & Properties of Matter," "Attraction & Repulsion," and "The Nature, Kind, & Affections [?] of Motion." These notes also include one diagram. The book also includes forensic compositions on the subjects of capital punishment, the probability of "the immortality of the soul," and "whether there be any disinterested benevolence." It also includes a poem Freeman composed for his uncle, Edmund Freeman; an anecdote about Philojocus and Gripus; an essay called "Character"; a draft of a letter to the Harvard Corporation requesting that, in light of the public debt, the Commencement ceremonies be held privately to lower expenses and exhibit the merits of economy; and an "epistle" to his father, requesting money. This epistle begins: "Most honored sire, / Thy son, poor Nat, in humble strains, / Impell'd by want, thy generous bounty claims."


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This leather-bound volume contains excerpts copied by Jonathan Belcher from books he read while he was a student at Harvard. The excerpts come from a variety of sources including periodicals and contemporary publications. The inside cover has Belcher's bookplate with the motto, "Sustine. Abstine." The back cover has some additional personal information including reference to French lessons with "Mr Law Merciers," and notes of the dates when he began certain books/essays.


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Bound volume containing a late 17th century handwritten mathematical and astronomical text in one hand. The text is separated into mathematical and astronomical sections with rules, instructions for performing calculations, tables, and drawings. The subjects include arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and trigonometry, and segments have titles such as "Subtraction," "A decimal table of English coince," "Logarithes & their use," and "To find the true place of the sun." The text is undated and unattributed but references Briggs, Oughtred, Ramus, and Apollonius. Certain tables are calculated from latitudinal and longitudinal numbers associated with Boston, and many of the examples use dates in the 1670s and 1680. The manuscript pages are mounted onto unruled pages, and some of the manuscript pages are fragments.


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Manuscript notebook, possibly kept by Harvard students, containing 17th century English transcriptions of arithmetic and geometry texts, one of which is dated 1689-1690; 18th century transcriptions from John Ward’s “The Young Mathematician’s Guide”; and notes on physics lectures delivered by John Winthrop, the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at Harvard from 1738 to 1779. The notebook also contains 18th century reading notes on Henry VIII, Tudor succession, and English history from Daniel Neal’s “The History of the Puritans” and David Hume’s “History of England,” and notes on Ancient history, taken mainly from Charles Rollin’s “The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians.” Additionally included are an excerpt from Plutarch’s “Lives” and transcriptions of three articles from “The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle,” published in 1769: “A Critique on the Works of Ovid”; a book review of “A New Voyage to the West-Indies”; and “Genuine Anecdotes of Celebrated Writers, &.” The flyleaf contains the inscription “Semper boni aliquid operis facito ut diabolus te semper inveniat occupatum,” a variation on a quote of Saint Jerome that translates approximately as “Always good to do some work so that the devil may always find you occupied.” In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Harvard College undergraduates often copied academic texts and lecture notes into personal notebooks in place of printed textbooks. Winthrop used Ward’s textbook in his class, while the books of Hume, Neal, and Rollin were used in history courses taught at Harvard in the 18th century.