907 resultados para Social identities
Esta tese de doutoramento é um estudo de caso que tem por objeto o Museu da Língua Portuguesa a partir de agora MLP , instituição inaugurada em 20 de março de 2006, e sediada no centro da capital paulistana, no prédio da centenária Estação da Luz. O museu, patrocinado pelo governo do estado de São Paulo e a Fundação Roberto Marinho em parceria com outras empresas públicas e privadas, utiliza uma iconografia diversificada, ancorada em novas tecnologias da comunicação. Nossa abordagem tem como ponto de partida as noções de língua, patrimônio e museu que, embora pertencentes a distintas cartografias teóricas, são fenômenos sociais que põem em questão a representação de identidades sociais, a memória e o esquecimento, as estratégias de poder. Tendo como bases teóricas as categorias de dialogismo bakhtiniano, de memória social (HALBWACHS) e as relações entre memória, discurso e poder (FOUCAULT), nosso objetivo é descrever e analisar a trama discursiva do Museu da Língua Portuguesa, levando em conta seus narradores oficiais e oficiosos, seu discurso expositivo em múltiplos formatos e, sobretudo, as réplicas de seus visitantes. As questões de pesquisa que formulamos dizem respeito aos sentidos de língua e de literatura musealizados no MLP, aos sentidos de patrimônio aí encenados, e aos sentidos da própria designação de museu. A leitura e interpretação do MLP que fizemos, com o aporte das réplicas de seus visitantes, nos levaram a destacar o que o MLP lembra as formações discursivas que atravessam sua proposta expositiva e o que o MLP esquece
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
This paper challenges the fixed boundaries that ethnographers have often constructed between religious insiders and outsiders. Drawing on Neitz's observations, it argues that the main task of reflexive fieldwork is locating the self in relation to ambiguous and shifting boundaries. We offer a comparative analysis of the experiences of two differently socially located researchers to illustrate how religious identity emerges as a continuum, on which one's place is negotiated with one's research participants. We also examine the importance of intersecting multiple identities. Finally, the paper questions whether social identity categories are the primary way that we relate with our respondents. It explores the spiritual and emotional dimensions of research relationships and argues that these may transform, reinforce and generally interact with social identities. Comparing our experiences, we outline the consequences of these reflections for data gathering and analysis.
This study investigated the development of national in-group bias in 5-11-year-old children. Three hundred and seven English children were asked to attribute characteristics to their own national group either on its own or in conjunction with attributing characteristics to one of two national out-groups, either Americans or Germans. The importance which the children ascribed to their own national identity in relationship to their other social identities was also assessed. It was found that, with increasing age, there was an increase in the number of negative characteristics attributed to the national in-group, and an increase in the number of positive characteristics attributed to the two out-groups, the net result being an overall reduction in in-group bias across this age range. However, in-group favouritism was still exhibited at all ages. Greater importance was attributed to national identity with increasing age. However, the characteristics attributed to the English in-group did not vary as a function of the comparative out-group which was present while the attributions were being made. The presence of a comparative out-group also did not affect the importance that was ascribed to the national identity. These findings suggest that children are relatively insensitive to the prevailing comparative context when making judgments about national groups.
This article explores social, economic and political relations on two British Dependent Territories (BDTs) -- Montserrat and Gibraltar. This article notes that though BDTs are British colonial constructions, created, sustained and modelled upon and by Britain, they differ from Britain in that they have political constitutions. They also exhibit an ambiguous dependence and independence upon and with Britain. This article goes on to look at social and economic relations on Montserrat and Gibraltar before comparing and contrasting the political climates on each BDT. Throughout this article, it is suggested that there is a dynamic tension between formal and informal aspects to managing life. Finally, this article concludes with a discussion about the suitability of the split between Executive and Legislative Councils in these two BDTs.
We examine experiences of collective self-objectification (CSO) (or its failure) among participants in a ‘multicultural’ St Patrick's Day parade. A two-stage interview study was carried out in which 10 parade participants (five each from ethnic majority and minority groups) were interviewed before and after the event. In pre-event interviews, all participants understood the parade as an opportunity to enact social identities, but differed in the category definitions and relations they saw as relevant. Members of the white Irish majority saw the event as being primarily about representing Ireland in a positive, progressive, light, whereas members of minority groups saw it as an opportunity to have their groups' identities and belonging in Ireland recognized by others. Post-event interviews revealed that, for the former group, the event succeeded in giving expression to their relevant category definitions. The latter group, on the other hand, cited features of the event such as inauthentic costume design and a segregated structure as reasons for why the event did not provide the group recognition they sought. The accounts revealed a variety of empowering and disempowering experiences corresponding to the extent of enactment. We consider the implications in terms of CSO, the performative nature of dual identities, as well as the notion of multicultural recognition.
The present study investigates how attendees at national celebratory crowd events-specifically St. Patrick's Day parades-understand the role of such events in representing and uniting the national community. We conducted semi-structured interviews with people who attended St. Patrick's Day parades in either Dublin or Belfast. In year 1, full-length interviews were conducted before and after the events (N=17), and in years 1 and 2, shorter interviews were conducted during the events (year 1 N=170; year 2 N=142). Interview data were analysed using thematic analysis, allowing the identification of three broad themes. Participants reported that (i) the events extend the boundary of the national group, using participation to define who counts as Irish; (ii) the events strategically represent the nature of the national group, maximising positive images and managing stereotypical representations; and (iii) symbolism serves to unify the group but can also disrupt already fragile unity and so must be managed. Overall, this points to a strategic identity dimension to these crowd events. We discuss the implications of these findings for future research in terms of the role of large-scale celebratory events in the strategic representation of everyday social identities.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Territorial - Especialidade: Geografia Humana
Abstract Past research has addressed the issue of male underachievement in literacy as an issue of global concern. This qualitative study focused on one subgroup of males which the literature highlighted as most at risk of educational underachievement in the Canadian educational landscape: male Caribbean immigrants to Canada. The research questions that framed the study sought to gain insight into the educational experiences of this group of learners so that ways through which their literacy achievement as measured by academic performance and classroom engagement could be projected. New literacy studies view literacy as socioculturally bound in social, institutional, and cultural relationships (Gee 1996). Literacy can therefore be thought of as an extension of self that Lankshear and Knobel (2006) assert is always connected to social identities. Central to the research questions as a result of this perspective was the discovery of the ideologies of reading held by the participants and their connections to literacy practice. Supplementary questions delved into socially valued literacy practices and ways in which learners saw themselves as Black males reflected in the Canadian educational framework. In this qualitative study with an interview design, data were collected through individual semistructured interviews with the 4 participants and through a focus group session with all the participants. The findings depicted that identity, interests, and ideologies of reading all influenced the literacy practices and engagement of Caribbean males. The findings documented are valuable as they provide a fresh perspective surrounding the educational experiences of the male Caribbean learner and can present insights which can lead to enhanced academic engagement and improved student achievement for this group of learners.
L'étude de la formation d'une communauté épistémique québécoise en santé publique en ayant recours à l'interactionnisme-structural permet d'appréhender ce phénomène social sous l'angle d'une influence réciproque entre d'une part des acteurs sociaux interagissant entre-eux et d'autre part, des conceptualisations variées des objets de santé publique; ces éléments sociaux et sémantiques subissent des transformations simultanées. Notre étude démontre et illustre qu'au même moment où un réseau social de chercheurs prend forme, une thématique nouvelle prend place et rallie ces mêmes chercheurs, non pas seulement dans leurs relations sociales, mais dans les idées qu'ils manipulent lors de leur travail de production et de diffusion de connaissances; les identités sociales se lient, mais pas au hasard, parce qu'elles partagent des éléments sémantiques communs. C'est notamment en explorant 20 ans de collaborations scientifiques à l'aide d'outils d'analyse de réseaux, d'analyse en composantes discrètes et par l'exporation de treillis de Galois que cette étude a été menée. Notre approche est principalement exploratoire et une attention toute particulière est portée sur les aspects méthodologiques et théoriques du travail de recherche scientifique.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Une des caractéristiques fondamentales des policiers et des agents correctionnels est le recours légitime à la coercition pour imposer leur autorité. Cette force publique doit donc, en théorie, avoir le dessus sur toute forme de force privée. Dans l’étude des phénomènes de violence, cette caractéristique rend leur victimisation singulière. À ce jour, les formes d’influence, de pressions indues et d’intimidation vécus par les agents de la force publique demeurent relativement peu étudiées. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont d’améliorer notre compréhension des dynamiques d’intimidation, de soulever les différents enjeux pour la force publique et de proposer une théorie de l’intimidation criminelle. La force publique étant, avant toute chose, une émanation de l’État, nous avons commencé par analyser la problématique de l’intimidation criminelle de manière plus globale. En testant la théorie de l’action de sécurité (Cusson, 2010), nous avons constaté qu’une force publique intimidée et corrompue entraîne une perte de légitimité et une inefficacité du système judiciaire dans sa lutte contre la criminalité. Nous avons ensuite adopté une perspective interactionniste pour comprendre les dynamiques d’intimidation au quotidien. Nous nous sommes demandés quels étaient les éléments qui rendaient une intimidation crédible et grave pour les policiers. En identifiant leur monde d’objets (Blumer, 1986), nous avons constaté que les actes d’intimidation qui survenaient en dehors du cadre professionnel étaient jugés plus graves par les policiers et que l’appartenance de l’intimidateur à une organisation criminelle entraînait une augmentation de la gravité de la menace. Ensuite, nous nous sommes interrogés sur la notion d’identité sociale des agents correctionnels victimes d’intimidation (Tedeschi et Felson, 1994). Nous avons constaté que les intimidations mineures mais répétées avaient tendance à modifier les pratiques professionnelles des surveillants. Une analyse intégrée de ces perspectives met en lumière l’existence de deux formes d’intimidation : une intimidation réactive et peu sévère en nature et une intimidation planifiée et grave. Elle soulève également trois enjeux pour la force publique : son aspect symbolique, la transformation de son action et sa légitimité. En intégrant ces enjeux, une théorie de l’intimidation criminelle est proposée. En dernier lieu, des solutions préventives et répressives sont avancées pour lutter contre ce phénomène.
Estudo de caso sobre a construção de memórias e identidades sociais no Bairro da Maré, a partir do acervo fotográfico do Arquivo Documental Orosina Vieira - ADOV, criado por um grupo de indivíduos que militam na organização não-governamental denominada Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré (CEASM). Constituem os objetivos desta pesquisa a análise dos processos de criação do ADOV, uma reflexão sobre o acervo resultante destas políticas de aquisição e uma abordagem sobre a exposição fotográfica “Memórias da Maré”, encaradas enquanto estratégias de construção da memória e identidades do Bairro Maré. Este estudo utilizou o método antropológico da observação participante e a pesquisa documental. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Museologia (Mestrado Memória Social - UNIRIO)