800 resultados para Small and medium-size enterprise


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Field lab: SME competitiveness


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The small and medium enterprise (SME) sector has been the major source of well-being and employment opportunities in regional Australia. Consequently, fostering the innovative capacity of SMEs in regions that are struggling to grow their economies and distribute the growth fairly while not degrading the environment has never been more important. While SMEs generally face more uncertainties in relation to resources (e.g. financial, human and social capital) when compared to larger businesses, collaborative, cuttingedge mechanisms to enhance innovation capabilities of regional SMEs are lacking. This paper responds to this gap and proposes a Living Laboratory – an open, multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder action research platform where innovations can be co-created, tested and evaluated in the every-day environment of SMEs – as a way to strengthen the SME sector in regional Australia.


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This research explored how small and medium enterprises can achieve success with software as a service (SaaS) applications from cloud. Based upon an empirical investigation of six growth oriented and early technology adopting small and medium enterprises, this study proposes a SaaS for small and medium enterprise success model with two approaches: one for basic and one for advanced benefits. The basic model explains the effective use of SaaS for achieving informational and transactional benefits. The advanced model explains the enhanced use of software as a service for achieving strategic and transformational benefits. Both models explicate the information systems capabilities and organizational complementarities needed for achieving success with SaaS.


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This article examines new product development (NPD) in small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises (SMEs) in two technology-based industries: medical devices and process control automation devices. A conceptual model that categorizes factors that contribute to the success of a new product was established. The data were collected from a sample of 62 Brazilian SMEs. The conceptual model was tested to examine the relationships between NPD practices and new product success. Data analysis reveals that new product success in medical device companies is related to organizational characteristics such as NPD proficiency and marketing skills; while in process control automation device companies, they deal in a large degree with product differentiation, innovation and capability to analyze the targeted market. Due to the relatively small sample size, caution should be exercised when interpreting the results.


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eLearning through its flexibility and facility of access is seen as a major enabler of lifelong learning (LLL), as a catalyst of change and a chance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve their business and to integrate into European market. But so far the eLearning in the context of vocational educational training has been mainly adopted by large enterprises, while only little activity can be observed in SMEs. The question arises what the chances and challenges for SMEs are and what is the experience with its usage. In this paper after a presentation of key issues in eLearning chances and challenges of eLearning for SMEs are discussed and experiences are exemplified by three EU-funded eLearning projects. The focus lies on the ongoing project ARIEL - Analysing and Reporting the Implementation of Electronic Learning in Europe - coordinated by the Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT).


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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) share the biggest part in Myanmar economy in terms of number, contribution to employment, output, and investment. Myanmar economic growth is thus totally dependent on the development of SMEs in the private sector. Today, the role of SMEs has become more vital in strengthening national competitive advantage and the speedy economic integration into the ASEAN region. However, studies show that SMEs have to deal with a number of constraints that hinder their development potential, such as the shortage in power supply, unavailability of long-term credit from external sources and many others. Among them, the financing problem of SMEs is one of the biggest constraints. Such is deeply rooted in demand and supply issues, macroeconomic fundamentals, and lending infrastructure of the country. The government’s policy towards SMEs could also lead to insufficient support for the SMEs. Thus, focusing on SMEs and private sector development as a viable strategy for industrialization and economic development of the country is a fundamental requirement for SME development. This paper recommends policies for stabilizing macro economic fundamentals, improving lending infrastructures of the country and improving demand- and supply-side conditions from the SMEs financing perspective in order to provide a more accessible financing for SMEs and to contribute in the overall development of SMEs in Myanmar thereby to sharpen national competitive advantage in the age of speedy economic integration.


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Firms began outsourcing information system functions soon after the inception of electronic computing. Extant research has concentrated on large organizations and large-valued outsourcing contracts from a variety of different industries. Smaller-sized firms are inherently different from their large counterparts. These differences between small and large firms could lead to different information technology/information system (IT/IS) items being outsourced and different outsourcing agreements governing these arrangements. This research explores and examines the outsourcing practices of very small through to medium-sized manufacturing organizations. The in-depth case studies not only explored the extent to which different firms engaged in outsourcing but also the nuances of their outsourcing arrangements. The results reveal that all six firms tended to outsource the same sorts of functions. Some definite differences existed, however, in the strategies adopted in relation to the functions they outsourced. These differences arose for a variety of reasons, including size, locality, and holding company influences. The very small and small manufacturing firms tended to make outsourcing purchases on an ad hoc basis with little reliance on legal advice. In contrast, the medium-sized firms often used a more planned initiative and sought legal advice more often. Interestingly, not one of the six firms outsourced any of their transaction processing. These findings now give very small, small-, and medium-sized manufacturing firms the opportunity to compare their practices against other firms of similar size.


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A cikk a magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások logisztikai költségeit vizsgálja a nemzetközi kutatások tükrében és a 2009-es közel kétezer hazai KKV-re kiterjedő „Vállalkozások helyzetének felmérése” alapján. A hazai logisztikai költségeket leginkább a vállalatméret és az ágazat befolyásolja. A magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások ki nem szervezett szállítási és raktározási tevékenységei a hazai fuvarozóknak és raktárszolgáltatóknak jelentős piacbővülést jelenthetnének. Ez azonban csak látens piacbővülés, mivel a hazai KKV-k nem tervezik, hogy szállítási és raktározási tevékenységeiket nagyobb arányban szervezzék ki. Ez részben azzal magyarázható, hogy a feldolgozóipari, mezőgazdasági és kereskedő kis- és középvállalkozások viszonylag nagy arányban tekintik a logisztikát alapvető képességnek. Nemzetközi viszonylatban a magyarországi KKV-k magas logisztikai költségszintekkel szembesülnek, melynek mérséklésével az adminisztrációs terhek csökkentéséhez hasonló megtakarítást lehetne elérni. ____ This article examines total logistics costs and its components of the Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises in the light of international researches. It shows that company-size and its sector are the most important drivers of logistics costs and its components according to „Survey of position of enterprises”, which covered nearly 2000 Hungarian SMEs in 2009. It also proves that transport and warehousing demand of the Hungarian SMEs means a significant market growth for national carriers and warehouse providers. It is only a latent growth, because the Hungarian SMEs do not plan to outsource their transport and warehouse activities in a greater extent. The relative high level of logistics as a core competence among processing industry, agriculture and trade SMEs can be a partial explanation to this. The Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises face with high logistics costs in international comparison. Its reduction may bring similar savings as reduction of administrative burdens.


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Purpose of this paper:
Recent literature indicates that around one third of perishable products finish as waste (Mena et al., 2014): 60% of this waste can be classified as avoidable (EC, 2010) suggesting logistics and operational inefficiencies along the supply chain. In developed countries perishable products are predominantly wasted in wholesale and retail (Gustavsson et al., 2011) due to customer demand uncertainty the errors and delays in the supply chain (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). While research on logistics of large retail supply chains is well documented, research on retail small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) capabilities to prevent and manage waste of perishable products is in its infancy (c.f. Ellegaard, 2008) and needs further exploration. In our study, we investigate the retail logistics practice of small food retailers, the factors that contribute to perishable products waste and the barriers and opportunities of SMEs in retail logistics to preserve product quality and participate in reverse logistics flows.

As research on waste of perishable products for SMEs is scattered, we focus on identifying key variables that contribute to the creation of avoidable waste. Secondly we identify patterns of waste creation at the retail level and its possibilities for value added recovery. We use explorative case studies (Eisenhardt, 1989) and compare four SMEs and one large retailer that operate in a developed market. To get insights into specificities of SMEs that affect retail logistics practice, we select two types of food retailers: specialised (e.g. greengrocers and bakers) and general (e.g. convenience store that sells perishable products as a part of the assortment)

Our preliminary findings indicate that there is a difference between large retailers and SME retailers in factors that contribute to the waste creation, as well as opportunities for value added recovery of products. While more factors appear to affect waste creation and management at large retailers, a small number of specific factors appears to affect SMEs. Similarly, large retailers utilise a range of practices to reduce risks of product perishability and short shelf life, manage demand, and manage reverse logistics practices. Retail SMEs on the other hand have limited options to address waste creation and value added recovery. However, our findings show that specialist SMEs could successfully minimize waste and even create possibilities for value added recovery of perishable products. Data indicates that business orientation of the SME, the buyersupplier relationship, and an extent of adoption of lean principles in retail coupled with SME resources, product specific regulations and support from local authorities for waste management or partnerships with other organizations determine extent of successful preservation of a product quality and value added recovery.

Our contribution to the SCM academic literature is threefold: first, we identify major factors that contribute to the generation waste of perishable products in retail environment; second, we identify possibilities for value added recovery for perishable products and third, we present opportunities and challenges for SME retailers to manage or participate in activities of value added recovery. Our findings contribute to theory by filling a gap in the literature that considers product quality preservation and value added recovery in the context of retail logistics and SMEs.

Research limitations/implications:
Our findings are limited to insights from five case studies of retail companies that operate within a developed market. To improve on generalisability, we intend to increase the number of cases and include data obtained from the suppliers and organizations involved in reverse logistics flows (e.g. local authorities, charities, etc.).

Practical implications:
With this paper, we contribute to the improvement of retail logistics and operations in SMEs which constitute over 99% of business activities in UK (Rhodes, 2015). Our findings will help retail managers and owners to better understand the possibilities for value added recovery, investigate a range of logistics and retail strategies suitable for the specificities of SME environment and, ultimately, improve their profitability and sustainability.