42 resultados para Slang.


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At first, the main author of the book was presented together with the Italian source text: it was pointed out her double role of author and protagonist of the very events narrated in the book, inspired from facts which truly happened and which have to do with the story of her family. Afterwards, the translation part itself follows. Some pages taken from the original Italian book were translated into English; the parts which have been chosen are various extracts which were thought as a leading thread to understand the meaning and the intention of the entire book. After the translation, the analysis part was presented, where idiomatic expressions which can be found in great quantity throughout the book, are explained and commented. Here, clarifications can also be found concerning geographical and historical references, and something about the main characters who stand for people that truly existed. Finally some other little extracts from the book were included: they were translated and some translating choices were explained. These extra parts were integrated in the thesis in order to point out the main difficulty of translating the book La Collina, that is, the presence of a great deal of idiomatic and slang expressions both of everyday colloquial use and concerning the field of drugs. The English translation of these parts had to sound natural and spontaneous to an English-speaking readership, which should not notice they were translated from Italian. A great deal of research on the Internet was carried out in order to make sure those expressions didn’t seem contrived and unnatural in English: this was one of the main concerns of the translation.


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La tesi analizza alcuni film slovacchi e cechi, prevalentemente coproduzioni, ambientati in tre contesti storici diversi. Il primo periodo storico esaminato è quello del regime comunista, la seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, il secondo fa riferimento al periodo successivo alla caduta del regime con la Rivoluzione di Velluto, quindi gli anni a partire dal 1989, attraverso i quali saranno analizzati alcuni aspetti politico-sociali della realtà cecoslovacca. Il terzo periodo storico si concentra sull’analisi della modernità, soffermandosi su alcune caratteristiche della società contemporanea, con lungometraggi ambientati al giorno d’oggi per approfondire lo studio della realtà slovacca, che ha subito radicali trasformazioni nel corso dell’ultimo ventennio. A seguito di un’analisi di carattere politico-sociale verrà poi studiato, in chiave sincronica e diacronica, l’aspetto socio-linguistico, prendendo in esame i diversi cambiamenti che la lingua ha subito nel corso degli ultimi venticinque anni e le connotazioni che essa veicola a seconda delle caratteristiche sociali che rappresenta e di cui è il riflesso. L’elaborato analizza inoltre il rapporto fra la lingua slovacca e quella ceca, come queste due lingue vengono percepite in maniera diversa da Cechi e Slovacchi e come vengono trattate diversamente nel contesto cinematografico. Per ogni periodo storico sono stati scelti due film, per presentare uno studio più completo e per poter analizzare nel migliore dei modi periodi storici estremamente diversi tra loro. In particolare, i primi due film permettono di riflettere nel dettaglio sui rapporti di estrema vicinanza fra la lingua slovacca, quella ceca e quella russa; i film riguardanti il periodo di transizione sono maggiormente incentrati sugli aspetti sociali dell’epoca, in particolare a livello famigliare ed economico. In ultimo vengono analizzati film molto moderni, che presentano una lingua particolare, caratterizzata da anglicismi, espressioni colloquiali, slang e volgarismi. Nel complesso, si è cercato di proporre film che rappresentassero al meglio i cambiamenti della società e dai quali si potesse prendere spunto per una successiva riflessione linguistica.


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My Thesis study was designed to bring to topic certain issues involved with CMC (computer-mediated communication.) Often we are presented with confusing or misleading situations when it comes to expressing our emotions through technological means. It is important that we are aware of certain issues such as the use of emoticons, expressing sarcasm, and the ongoing trend of Internet slang. These various aspects can create confusion in CMC, leading to a loss in translation. My survey study was designed to probe deeper into these issues by asking general questions and by analyzing sample CMC scenarios.


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Rafael Tasis fou un escriptor català pioner de la novel·la policíaca o detectivesca. Va ser també un destacat crític literari, llibreter, periodista i activista polític. És autor d’una trilogia formada per les obres La bíblia valenciana, Es hora de plegar i Un crim al Paralelo. Les seves aportacions teòriques a la novel·la i, especialment, a la de gènere, van ser de molta envergadura, demostració de la seva enorme capacitat de treball. Tasis va teoritzar sobre el gènere policíac i s’adonà, abans que ningú a Catalunya, de la importància que agafaria la novel·la negra americana. També va apostar per un escriptor inèdit, Manuel de Pedrolo, de qui va considerar que seria el novel·lista català més considerable del segle XX. Com a novel·lista i crític literari va donar testimoni de la vida i els ambients barcelonins i de l’atractiu de la utilització del material urbà de Barcelona com a argument de novel·les. La figura de Tasis respon a la de l'intel·lectual preocupat pels afers públics i, de manera més concreta, a la de l'escriptor en acte de servei permanent.


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Par leur caractère polyphonique, de nombreux romans contemporains posent des problèmes lexicaux au traducteur en mélangeant lexique standard, argot et termes techniques. La question qui se pose est alors de savoir si les dictionnaires peuvent être utiles au praticien. Nous verrons que pour des raisons théoriques et pratiques, l’aide qu’ils apportent est limitée, un dictionnaire réellement utile devrait changer ses présupposés conceptuels, donc devenir un dictionnaire culturel et adopter une forme électronique.


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Il presente elaborato analizza la figura della fangirl geek e del linguaggio tipico della nerd culture attraverso la traduzione di un estratto del libro "The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy" di Sam Maggs. In particolare, l'autrice ha tentato di contestualizzare certi termini nati su Internet per un pubblico italiano e approfondire il fenomeno delle fangirl, spesso vittime di stereotipi. Nei due capitoli che compongono l’elaborato si è voluto dare spazio all'analisi etimologica del termine fangirl, all'approfondimento in ottica femminista dell’evoluzione moderna di questa categoria e all'impatto che la nerd culture ha nel mondo di oggi. Il secondo capitolo analizza la traduzione di una parte del Capitolo 4 dedicato al femminismo geek. L'analisi traduttiva si concentra sulla resa dello humor e di uno slang ormai consolidato e conosciuto in inglese.


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"Développement d'un mémoire couronné par l'Institut de France."


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"The three fables concluding this volume are reprinted" ... [from] "Fables in slang" and "More fables".


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Few symbols of 1950s-1960s America remain as central to our contemporary conception of Cold War culture as the iconic ranch-style suburban home. While the house took center stage in the Nixon/Khrushchev kitchen debates as a symbol of modern efficiency and capitalist values, its popularity depended largely upon its obvious appropriation of vernacular architecture from the 19th century, those California haciendas and Texas dogtrots that dotted the American west. Contractors like William Levitt modernized the historical common houses, hermetically sealing their porous construction, all while using the ranch-style roots of the dwelling to galvanize a myth of an indigenous American culture. At a moment of intense occupational bureaucracy, political uncertainty and atomized social life, the rancher gave a self-identifying white consumer base reason to believe they could master their own plot in the expansive frontier. Only one example of America’s mid-century love affair with commodified vernacular forms, the ranch-style home represents a broad effort on the part of corporate and governmental interest groups to transform the vernacular into a style that expresses a distinctly homogenous vision of American culture. “Other than a Citizen” begins with an anatomy of that transformation, and then turns to the work of four poets who sought to reclaim the vernacular from that process of standardization and use it to countermand the containment-era strategies of Cold War America.

In four chapters, I trace references to common speech and verbal expressivity in the poetry and poetic theory of Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka and Gwendolyn Brooks, against the historical backdrop of the Free-Speech Movement and the rise of mass-culture. When poets frame nonliterary speech within the literary page, they encounter the inability of writing to capture the vital ephemerality of verbal expression. Rather than treat this limitation as an impediment, the writers in my study use the poem to dramatize the fugitivity of speech, emphasizing it as a disruptive counterpoint to the technologies of capture. Where critics such as Houston Baker interpret the vernacular strictly in terms of resistance, I take a cue from the poets and argue that the vernacular, rooted etymologically at the intersection of domestic security and enslaved margin, represents a gestalt form, capable at once of establishing centralized power and sparking minor protest. My argument also expands upon Michael North’s exploration of the influence of minstrelsy and regionalism on the development of modernist literary technique in The Dialect of Modernism. As he focuses on writers from the early 20th century, I account for the next generation, whose America was not a culturally inferior collection of immigrants but an imperial power, replete with economic, political and artistic dominance. Instead of settling for an essentially American idiom, the poets in my study saw in the vernacular not phonetic misspellings, slang terminology and fragmented syntax, but the potential to provoke and thereby frame a more ethical mode of social life, straining against the regimentation of citizenship.

My attention to the vernacular argues for an alignment among writers who have been segregated by the assumption that race and aesthetics are mutually exclusive categories. In reading these writers alongside one another, “Other than a Citizen” shows how the avant-garde concepts of projective poetics and composition by field develop out of an interest in black expressivity. Conversely, I trace black radicalism and its emphasis on sociality back to the communalism practiced at the experimental arts college in Black Mountain, North Carolina, where Olson and Duncan taught. In pressing for this connection, my work reveals the racial politics embedded within the speech-based aesthetics of the postwar era, while foregrounding the aesthetic dimension of militant protest.

Not unlike today, the popular rhetoric of the Cold War insists that to be a citizen involves defending one’s status as a rightful member of an exclusionary nation. To be other than a citizen, as the poets in my study make clear, begins with eschewing the false certainty that accompanies categorical nominalization. In promoting a model of mutually dependent participation, these poets lay the groundwork for an alternative model of civic belonging, where volition and reciprocity replace compliance and self-sufficiency. In reading their lines, we become all the more aware of the cracks that run the length of our load-bearing walls.


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Secure Access For Everyone (SAFE), is an integrated system for managing trust

using a logic-based declarative language. Logical trust systems authorize each

request by constructing a proof from a context---a set of authenticated logic

statements representing credentials and policies issued by various principals

in a networked system. A key barrier to practical use of logical trust systems

is the problem of managing proof contexts: identifying, validating, and

assembling the credentials and policies that are relevant to each trust


SAFE addresses this challenge by (i) proposing a distributed authenticated data

repository for storing the credentials and policies; (ii) introducing a

programmable credential discovery and assembly layer that generates the

appropriate tailored context for a given request. The authenticated data

repository is built upon a scalable key-value store with its contents named by

secure identifiers and certified by the issuing principal. The SAFE language

provides scripting primitives to generate and organize logic sets representing

credentials and policies, materialize the logic sets as certificates, and link

them to reflect delegation patterns in the application. The authorizer fetches

the logic sets on demand, then validates and caches them locally for further

use. Upon each request, the authorizer constructs the tailored proof context

and provides it to the SAFE inference for certified validation.

Delegation-driven credential linking with certified data distribution provides

flexible and dynamic policy control enabling security and trust infrastructure

to be agile, while addressing the perennial problems related to today's

certificate infrastructure: automated credential discovery, scalable

revocation, and issuing credentials without relying on centralized authority.

We envision SAFE as a new foundation for building secure network systems. We

used SAFE to build secure services based on case studies drawn from practice:

(i) a secure name service resolver similar to DNS that resolves a name across

multi-domain federated systems; (ii) a secure proxy shim to delegate access

control decisions in a key-value store; (iii) an authorization module for a

networked infrastructure-as-a-service system with a federated trust structure

(NSF GENI initiative); and (iv) a secure cooperative data analytics service

that adheres to individual secrecy constraints while disclosing the data. We

present empirical evaluation based on these case studies and demonstrate that

SAFE supports a wide range of applications with low overhead.


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The most remarkable difficulty of audiovisual translation is related to the translation of dialogues, which are supposed to reproduce the features of a more or less spontaneous oral language. This paper aims to analyze the difficulties and the strategies adopted for the translation into Spanish of the film Entre les murs (2008). This film, which depicts the daily life of a group of students and their teachers, is known for being a reflection of a French social reality, namely the reality for young people who live in the suburbs, which constitutes a particular universe. From a linguistic point of view, this reality is defined by the use of an oral register, a language characteristic of young people and by the presence of slang, specially the so-called verlan.