968 resultados para Site characterization
Ranzini (1988) proposed the Standard Penetration Test with torque measurement (SPT-T) and some geotechnical engineers in Brazil have been using it since 1991. This paper presents the state of the art on SPT-T testing, emphasizing what is already established as common knowledge in Brazilian engineering practice, besides a suggestion for test procedure, including equipment and practical aspects. In addition, the study of the shape of the torque versus rotation-degree angle curve obtained by an electric torquemeter used in several SPT-T tests carried out on six experimental research sites in the southeast region of Brazil is discussed here. Four different methods to predict pile capacity based on SPT-T test results are briefly presented and a comparison with load tests carried out on different types of piles, on those six experimental research sites, is presented.
The dilatometer test results have been lately applied in foundation design for prediction of settlement and bearing capacity problems. The equipment, its calibration, test procedures and test data interpretation are simple. These advantages seem to explain the increasing use of the dilatometer (DMT) test as a routine technique for subsoil investigation. The DMT test boreholes were carried out on the grounds of the National Research Council (NRC) in Ottawa. Several test results based on laboratory, and other in situ tests available in the literature for the Leda clay deposit in Ottawa area were used to provide correlations between geotechnical properties and soil index parameters as proposed by Marchetti (1980). More appropriated relationships, even though preliminaries, are presented for the crust layer.
This paper presents the first results of a system to carry out seismic SPT, which associates the up-hole seismic technique to the currently used SPT test. This hybrid test allows determining the maximum shear modulus (G 0) together with the SPT test. G 0 is the most important dynamic soil parameter and it is calculated based on the shear wave velocity (V S) measurements. The equipment and the method of analysis will be briefly described. The V s values measured using the S-SPT in one experimental research site located inland of Sao Paulo State-Brazil are presented and compared with down-hole and Seismic CPT test data. These preliminary results indicate that the S-SPT was satisfactory and can be used for dynamic site characterization.
An abstract of all the papers presented in the Conference Section where the geotechnical material is considered non-conventional to classical Soil Mechanics is presented. Thirteen papers submitted to this Conference were considered as a non-textbook type geomaterial. The papers were grouped in four groups: tropical soils, tailings, cementation and heterogeneous soils. The objective is to present a report with the major contributions of the each paper to encourage the reader to read the original papers. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
The uplift capacity of helical piles depends on the shear resistance of the soil above the helical plates. During helical pile installation, the soil traversed by the plates are sheared and displaced laterally, and consequently the soil structure is disturbed. Considering this fact, the aim of this paper is presenting the effect of helical piles installation in the soil mass by means of CPT tests carried out close to the soil cylinder above the pile helices. The CPT tests were performed at the CRHEA site from the Sao Carlos School of Engineering, Sao Carlos city, inland of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In addition, an interpretation of CPT tests data for stratigrafic logging are presented and compared to Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) carried out at this site. This study showed that the CPT sleeve friction fs data were affected by the installation of helical pile in this particular tropical soil site. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB
The Brazilian geo-environmental site characterizations usually do not provide a suitable Conceptual Site Model (CSM). Site assessments are mostly inappropriate and there is a lack of knowledge about the subsurface environment, generated by inconsistent data that will guide risk analyses and remediation projects full of uncertainties, causing delay on closing cases, inefficient remediation and higher global projects costs. The step of data collection must have high priority to develop a suitable CSM,, and it demands more effective high resolution site characterization (HRSC) tools than the traditional ones and, preferably, the decision-making have to be done in the field. This paper presents and discusses two geo-environmental site characterization results, in which the decision-making was done in the field based on high resolution site characterization (HRSC) used together with the traditional ones. These site investigations provided a significant time saving, allowed the detection of subsoil heterogeneities, a proper understanding of the subsurface environmental, and have generated a solid CSM in real-time. These CSM can subsidize remediation projects based on a more reliable data than those that would be obtained in traditional site investigations, concerned just in following the rules established by the environmental agencies.
The Cone Loading Test (CLT) consists of the execution of a load test on the piezocone probe in conjunction with the CPT test. The CLT yields the modulus ECLT, a parameter that can be used in the estimative of foundation settlement. It is also presented here the interpretation and the process to determine ECLT values from the stress-displacement curves obtained from cone loading tests. Several CLT tests were conducted at the experimental research site of São Paulo State University, Bauru-SP-Brazil. The geotechnical profile at the studied site is a brown to bright red slightly clayey fine sand, a tropical soil common to this region which is lateritic, unsaturated and collapsible. The results of CLT tests satisfactorily represent the behavior of the investigated soil. The penetrometric modulus ECLT for each depth was calculated considering the elastic behavior in the initial linear segment of the soil stress-strain curve. The ECLT moduli obtained for the various tests were compared to moduli obtained from PMT and DMT test results performed at same studied site. The shear modulus degradation curves obtained from the CLT tests are also presented. The comparison to PMT and DMT results indicates the CLT test is a viable complementary test to the CPT in the quest for better understanding stress-strain behavior of soils. Further, the CLT test provides a graphic visualization of the degradation of the shear modulus with increasing levels of strain. As a hybrid geotechnical test, CPT+CLT can be valuable in the investigation of non-conventional collapsible soils, whose literature lack reference parameters for the prediction of settlement in the design of foundations.
Despite their importance in the evaluation of petroleum and gas reservoirs, measurements of self-potential data under borehole conditions (well-logging) have found only minor applications in aquifer and waste-site characterization. This can be attributed to lower signals from the diffusion fronts in near-surface environments because measurements are made long after the drilling of the well, when concentration fronts are already disappearing. Proportionally higher signals arise from streaming potentials that prevent using simple interpretation models that assume signals from diffusion only. Our laboratory experiments found that dual-source self-potential signals can be described by a simple linear model, and that contributions (from diffusion and streaming potentials) can be isolated by slightly perturbing the borehole conditions. Perturbations are applied either by changing the concentration of the borehole-filling solution or its column height. Parameters useful for formation evaluation can be estimated from data measured during perturbations, namely, pore water resistivity, pressure drop across the borehole wall, and electrokinetic coupling parameter. These are important parameters to assess, respectively, water quality, aquifer lateral continuity, and interfacial properties of permeable formations.
In recent years, thanks to the technological advances, electromagnetic methods for non-invasive shallow subsurface characterization have been increasingly used in many areas of environmental and geoscience applications. Among all the geophysical electromagnetic methods, the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has received unprecedented attention over the last few decades due to its capability to obtain, spatially and temporally, high-resolution electromagnetic parameter information thanks to its versatility, its handling, its non-invasive nature, its high resolving power, and its fast implementation. The main focus of this thesis is to perform a dielectric site characterization in an efficient and accurate way studying in-depth a physical phenomenon behind a recent developed GPR approach, the so-called early-time technique, which infers the electrical properties of the soil in the proximity of the antennas. In particular, the early-time approach is based on the amplitude analysis of the early-time portion of the GPR waveform using a fixed-offset ground-coupled antenna configuration where the separation between the transmitting and receiving antenna is on the order of the dominant pulse-wavelength. Amplitude information can be extracted from the early-time signal through complex trace analysis, computing the instantaneous-amplitude attributes over a selected time-duration of the early-time signal. Basically, if the acquired GPR signals are considered to represent the real part of a complex trace, and the imaginary part is the quadrature component obtained by applying a Hilbert transform to the GPR trace, the amplitude envelope is the absolute value of the resulting complex trace (also known as the instantaneous-amplitude). Analysing laboratory information, numerical simulations and natural field conditions, and summarising the overall results embodied in this thesis, it is possible to suggest the early-time GPR technique as an effective method to estimate physical properties of the soil in a fast and non-invasive way.
Alpine grasslands are an important source of fodder for the cattle of Alpine farmers. Only during the short summer season can these pastures be used for grazing. With the anticipated climate change, it is likely that plant production – and thus the fodder basis for the cattle – will be influenced. Investigating the dependence of biomass production on topoclimatic factors will allow us to better understand how anticipated climate change may influence this traditional Alpine farming system. Because small-scale topoclimatological variations of the main meteorological variables: temperature, humidity, precipitation, shortwave incoming radiation and wind speed are not easily derived from available long-term climate stations in mountainous terrain, it was our goal to investigate the topoclimatic variations over the pastures belonging to the Alp Weissenstein research station north of the Albula Pass in the eastern Swiss Alps. We present a basic assessment of current topoclimatic conditions as a site characterization for ongoing ecological climate change studies. To be able to link short-term studies with long-term climate records, we related agrometeorological measurements with those of surrounding long-term sites run by MeteoSwiss, both on valley bottoms (Davos, Samedan), and on mountain tops (Weissfluhjoch, Piz Corvatsch). We found that the Davos climate station north of the study area is most closely correlated with the local climate of Alp Weissenstein, although a much closer site (Samedan) exists on the other side of the Albula Pass. Mountain top stations, however, did not provide a convincing approximation for the climate at Alp Weissenstein. Direct comparisons of near-surface measurements from a set of 11 small weather stations distributed over the domain where cattle and sheep are grazed indicate that nocturnal minimum air temperature and minimum vapor pressure deficit are mostly governed by the altitudinal gradient, whereas daily maxima – including also wind speed – are more strongly depending on vegetation cover and less on the altitude.
The chemical and isotopic characterization of porewater residing in the inter- and intragranular pore space of the low-permeability rock matrix is an important component with respect to the site characterization and safety assessment of potential host rocks for a radioactive waste disposal. The chemical and isotopic composition of porewater in such low permeability rocks has to be derived by indirect extraction techniques applied to naturally saturated rock material. In most of such indirect extraction techniques – especially in case of rocks of a porosity below about 2 vol.% – the original porewater concentrations are diluted and need to be back-calculated to in-situ concentrations. This requires a well-defined value for the connected porosity – accessible to different solutes under in-situ conditions. The derivation of such porosity values, as well as solute concentrations, is subject to various perturbations during drilling, core sampling, storage and experiments in the laboratory. The present study aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a variety of these techniques to charac-terize porewater and solute transport in crystalline rocks. The methods, which have been de-veloped during multiple porewater studies in crystalline environments, were applied on four core samples from the deep borehole DH-GAP04, drilled in the Kangerlussuaq area, Southwest Greenland, as part of the joint NWMO–Posiva–SKB Greenland Analogue Project (GAP). Potential artefacts that can influence the estimation of in situ porewater chemistry and isotopes, as well as their controls, are described in detail in this report, using specific examples from borehole DH-GAP04
Contaminated soil reuse was investigated, with higher profusion, throughout the early 90’s, coinciding with the 1991 Gulf War, when efforts to amend large crude oil releases began in geotechnical assessment of contaminated soils. Isolated works referring to geotechnical testing with hydrocarbon ground contaminants are described in the state-of-the-art, which have been extended to other type of contaminated soil references. Contaminated soils by light non-aquous phase liquids (LNAPL) bearing capacity reduction has been previously investigated from a forensic point of view. To date, all the research works have been published based on the assumption of constant contaminant saturation for the entire soil mass. In contrast, the actual LNAPLs distribution plumes exhibit complex flow patterns which are subject to physical and chemical changes with time and distance travelled from the release source. This aspect has been considered along the present text. A typical Madrid arkosic soil formation is commonly known as Miga sand. Geotechnical tests have been carried out, with Miga sand specimens, in incremental series of LNAPL concentrations in order to observe the soil engineering properties variation due to a contamination increase. Results are discussed in relation with previous studies and as a matter of fact, soil mechanics parameters change in the presence of LNAPL, showing different tendencies according to each test and depending on the LNAPL content, as well as to the specimen’s initially planned relative density, dense or loose. Geotechnical practical implications are also commented on and analyzed. Variation on geotechnical properties may occur only within the external contour of contamination distribution plume. This scope has motivated the author to develop a physical model based on transparent soil technology. The model aims to reproduce the distribution of LNAPL into the ground due to an accidental release from a storage facility. Preliminary results indicate that the model is a potentially complementary tool for hydrogeological applications, site-characterization and remediation treatment testing within the framework of soil pollution events. A description of the test setup of an innovative three dimensional physical model for the flow of two or more phases, in porous media, is presented herein, along with a summary of the advantages, limitations and future applications for modeling with transparent material. En los primeros años de la década de los años 90, del siglo pasado, coincidiendo con la Guerra del Golfo en 1991, se investigó intensamente sobre la reutilización de suelos afectados por grandes volúmenes de vertidos de crudo, fomentándose la evaluación geotécnica de los suelos contaminados. Se describen, en el estado del arte de esta tésis, una serie de trabajos aislados en relación con la caracterización geotécnica de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, descripción ampliada mediante referencias relacionadas con otros tipos de contaminación de suelos. Existen estudios previos de patología de cimentaciones que analizan la reducción de la capacidad portante de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos líquidos ligeros en fase no acuosa (acrónimo en inglés: LNAPL de “Liquid Non-Aquous Phase Liquid”). A fecha de redacción de la tesis, todas las publicaciones anteriores estaban basadas en la consideración de una saturación del contaminante constante en toda la extensión del terreno de cimentación. La distribución real de las plumas de contaminante muestra, por el contrario, complejas trayectorias de flujo que están sujetas a cambios físico-químicos en función del tiempo y la distancia recorrida desde su origen de vertido. Éste aspecto ha sido considerado y tratado en el presente texto. La arena de Miga es una formación geológica típica de Madrid. En el ámbito de esta tesis se han desarrollado ensayos geotécnicos con series de muestras de arena de Miga contaminadas con distintas concentraciones de LNAPL con el objeto de estimar la variación de sus propiedades geotécnicas debido a un incremento de contaminación. Se ha realizado una evaluación de resultados de los ensayos en comparación con otros estudios previamente analizados, resultando que las propiedades mecánicas del suelo, efectivamente, varían en función del contenido de LNAPL y de la densidad relativa con la que se prepare la muestra, densa o floja. Se analizan y comentan las implicaciones de carácter práctico que supone la mencionada variación de propiedades geotécnicas. El autor ha desarrollado un modelo físico basado en la tecnología de suelos transparentes, considerando que las variaciones de propiedades geotécnicas únicamente deben producirse en el ámbito interior del contorno de la pluma contaminante. El objeto del modelo es el de reproducir la distribución de un LNAPL en un terreno dado, causada por el vertido accidental de una instalación de almecenamiento de combustible. Los resultados preliminares indican que el modelo podría emplearse como una herramienta complementaria para el estudio de eventos contaminantes, permitiendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones de carácter hidrogeológico, caracterización de suelos contaminados y experimentación de tratamientos de remediación. Como aportación de carácter innovadora, se presenta y describe un modelo físico tridimensional de flujo de dos o más fases a través de un medio poroso transparente, analizándose sus ventajas e inconvenientes así como sus limitaciones y futuras aplicaciones.