999 resultados para Sistema Estomatognático, crescimento
This study gathered some of the most relevant researches already undertaken regarding the Temporomandibular Joint, presenting descriptions of its anatomy and dynamics, and relating them to the main aspects of joint dysfunctions. Literature recognizes that the Temporomandibular Joint, responsible for lower jaw movements, comprehends the skull base and the jaw bone. Its anatomy and dynamics are of great importance in order to understand the functions of Stomatognathic System as well as to study Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. The elements that compose this synovial joint and the bilateral characteristic confer eminent importance to the ATM before the skeleton head, the ability to perform broad movements and high complexity in its operation. It is accepted that the overload of one anatomical structure from the TMJ or other components of the Stomatognathic System leads to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunctions. These disorders have different etiologies, ranging from malocclusion to emotional stress, and various forms of treatment, which are related in this study
Unilateral or bilateral distal-extension removable partial dentures present complex biomechanics. The movements in different directions, associated with the alveolar ridge shape and soft tissue resilience can lead to damaging forces on the supporting structures. The association between implants / removable partial denture aims to provide better mechanical and biological properties to the stomatognathic system. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper was to review the articles about the effect of implant support on distal extension removable partial dentures. LITERATURE REVIEW AND CONCLUSION: Studies have shown that this combination provides greater support, retention and stability to the prosthesis, thus limiting their approach movement toward supporting tissues and providing functional and psychological comfort to patients.
Introduction: Unilateral or bilateral distal-extension removable partial dentures present complex biomechanics. The movements in different directions, associated with the alveolar ridge shape and soft tissue resilience can lead to damaging forces on the supporting structures. The association between implants / removable partial denture aims to provide better mechanical and biological properties to the stomatognathic system. Objective: The aim of this paper was to review the articles about the effect of implant support on distal extension removable partial dentures. Literature review and conclusion: Studies have shown that this combination provides greater support, retention and stability to the prosthesis, thus limiting their approach movement toward supporting tissues and providing functional and psychological comfort to patients.
Temporomandibular disorder describes a variety of conditions including joint and muscle in the stomatognathic system, characterized by pain, TMJ sounds, functions irregular jaw and represent the leading cause of nondental pain in the orofacial region. The objective of this research was to evaluate the prevalence of ophthalmological, otological and cognitive-behavioral changes, parafunctional habits in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A total of 117 medical records of female and male individuals, aged 18 to 60 years, from the Occlusion, Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain of the Ribeiro Preto School of Dentistry USP, between 2010 and 2011. The anamnesis index proposed by Helkimo was used to classify the individuals according to TMD severity degree and to divide them into two groups: AiI (mild to moderate) with 69 individuals and AiII (severe) with 48 individuals. The groups were then subdivided with respect to gender (72.64% female and 27.36% male) and age. There was predominance in the 18-40 year age group (60.68%) when compared to the 41-60 year age group (39.32%). Data were collected through an interview with questions about the presence of parafunctional habits, otological, ophthalmological and behavioral changes. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The prevalence of each change was also evaluated. The results showed statistically significant for all groups according to gender, age and degree of severity. Individuals with temporomandibular disorders exhibited high prevalence of systemic and local dysfunctions.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
In many oral rehabilitation professionals seeking venture renew people smile. However, these procedures have functional implications and aesthetic criteria which must be satisfied so that the final result is predictable. The restoration of relations intermaxillary, phonetics, masticatory function, esthetics and patient comfort are the goals to be achieved. An effective way to achieve these goals when immediate reconstruction with permanent dentures is not possible, make use of a type of partial denture called overlay. Bruxism is a manifestation of biopsychological imbalance that affects the stomatognathic system, characterized by clenching and / or attrition of teeth together so centric or eccentric, can be manifestation of nocturnal or diurnal. Its effects can manifest themselves in different parts of the stomatognathic system, varying the severity of the damage as the resistance of the structures affected, the time of existence, its regularity and the general state of the wearer. The description of the steps followed in solving this case, in which the patient edentulous mandibular arch while the maxillary arch showed absence of teeth 16 and 26 and, except for the teeth 17 and 27, all other teeth showed wear very sharp in the sense denoting incisal cervical, severe impairment of the vertical dimension, the quality of masticatory function and a marked impairment phonetic, this case report aims to guide the beginning of a rehabilitation, as well as the transitional phase of treatment for recovery of functional and aesthetic relationships intermaxillary .
The etiology of bruxism is not well defined. Different factors affecting the central nervous system are considered as risk factors for bruxism. Dental students are not immune to the bruxism, alcohol consumption and tobacco use, despite their training, knowledge of its effects and social responsibility. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between bruxism, alcohol consumption and tobacco use among Brazilian dental students. Participants were chosen among 180, 17-29 year-old students at the UNESPs Dentistry School Araatuba Campus. They were divided into those with and without bruxism on the basis at validated clinical criteria. The clinical examinations were carried out by four standardized examiners (Intraexaminer and Interexaminer Unweighted kappa= 0.82, Weighted kappa= 0.89, respectively), in the clinic, with daylight and a tongue depressor. Bruxism was registered with the following categories: no wear facets, wear facets in enamel, dentine wear facets, facets wear half of the crown and wear facets more than 2/3 of the tooth crown. A self report validated questionnaire for alcohol consumption and tobacco use with 29 questions was completed by both groups. Fischer exact test and T-test were used and Odds Ratio and Confidence Interval was estimated. Bruxism was more frequent among cigarette smokers both in men (68.4%) and in women (56.8%). Among all respondents in this group, 82.6% reported that they would like to quit smoking and those who have tried previously to quit (76.4%) found it made them more stressed. Drinker was more frequent in the group with bruxism also (66.5% of the female and 73.5% of the male). 88.4% reported drinking alcohol because it allows dealing with stress in an adequate way. Results suggest a positive association between bruxism and alcohol consumption and tobacco use.
Early treatment of functional unilateral posterior crossbite during the mixed dentition is extremely important for contemporary Orthodontics, provides the correct positioning of osseous bases, teeth and temporomadibular joint when the stomatognathic system is in growth and development. These results generally develop into an adequate craniofacial relationship, reducing the necessity for more complex treatments at permanent dentition. The subject of this paper was to report patient 8 years old, diagnosed with functional unilateral posterior crossbite, and was treated by an expander appliance type Quad-helix emphasizing the long-term stability. The malocclusion was corrected in 3 months of active use of the appliance, 3 months for retention purposes and followed up during 7 years post-treatment. The stability in long term of functional unilateral posterior crossbite treated is closely related with early diagnostic, the elimination of the etiological factor associated with a correct appliance and the mechanic of treatment.
Introduction: In dentistry, alveolar bone resorption is a limiting factor in the well being of individuals directly interfering in the stomatognathic system, causing problems in the context of overall health. Aiming to promote biological methods that can stimulate bone regeneration, several biomimetic strategies have been developed by the use of diverse materials possible to the bone matrix, culminating in the development of techniques that promote such repair. Objective: This work is a comparative study of the performance of films made with latex as occlusive membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) procedure in three preparations: Latex preserved in ammonia, produced by Latex rubber clones IAN873 and PR255 polymerized immediately after collection and without use ammonia as a preservative. Methods: Sixty Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups of 15 animals in which bone defects of critical size (8mm diameter) were made surgically in the skull. Group A was treated by GBR through the membrane latex preserved with ammonia, Group B received the membrane made of latex from IAN873, Group C, the membrane clone PR255 and group D was not treated by GBR. After a period of 7, 15 and 50 days, 5 animals from each group were euthanized, and specimens containing bone defect collected for microscopic examination (descriptive histology and histomorphometry). Results: The results showed that after 50 days there was bone formation in higher proportions in group D (p <0.05, ANOVA followed by Tukey), suggesting that further experiments should be conducted to conclude about the presence of ammonia and the influence of kind of rubber. Conclusion: GOR is a procedure proven effective in the treatment of bone defects. Therefore, further experiments should be conducted to reach a conclusion regarding the presence of ammonia in the latex composition for the manufacture of membranes, as well as the difference induced by the species of rubber.
PURPOSE: To verify whether the number of chewing strokes and the chewing time are influenced by dentofacial deformities in habitual free mastication. METHODS: Participants were 15 patients with diagnosis of class II dentofacial deformity (GII), 15 with class III (GIII), and 15 healthy control individuals with no deformity (CG). Free habitual mastication of a cornstarch cookie was analyzed, considering the number of chewing strokes and the time needed to complete two mastications. Strokes were counted by considering the opening and closing movements of the mandible. The time needed to consume each bite was determined using a digital chronometer, started after the placement of the food in the oral cavity and stopped when each portion was swallowed. RESULTS: There were no differences between groups regarding both the number of strokes and the chewing time. However, with regards to the number of strokes, CG and GII presented a significant concordance between the first and the second chewing situation, which was not observed in GIII. The analysis of time showed significant concordance between the first and second chewing situation in CG, reasonable concordance in GII, and discordance in GIII. CONCLUSION: Dentofacial deformities do not influence the number of chewing strokes or the chewing time. However, class III individuals do not show uniformity regarding these aspects.
O propsito neste estudo foi determinar a posio de repouso da lngua em indivduos com ocluso dentria normal e respirao nasal, por meio de telerradiografias em norma lateral realizadas aps a ingesto de brio. A amostra foi composta por 66 radiografias de indivduos brancos com ocluso dentria normal, sendo 26 do sexo masculino e 40 do sexo feminino, na faixa etria de 12 a 21 anos de idade, procedentes de escolas da regio do Grande ABC Paulista. O critrio utilizado para diagnstico da ocluso normal foi As Seis Chaves para a Ocluso Normal preconizadas por Andrews (1972), devendo estar presentes no mnimo quatro das seis chaves, sendo obrigatria a presena da primeira chave de ocluso que a da relao interarcos. As radiografias foram obtidas com o indivduo em posio natural da cabea aps a ingesto de contraste de sulfato de brio para evidenciar o controle da lngua. Posteriormente foi feito o desenho anatmico das estruturas pesquisadas, marcados os pontos cefalomtricos, traadas as linhas e os planos, e por ltimo obtidas as seguintes medidas lineares: comprimento e altura da lngua, distncia do dorso da lngua na sua poro mdia at o palato duro e a distncia entre a ponta da lngua e a incisal do incisivo inferior. Por meio dos resultados encontrados verificou-se que no existe um padro nico de posicionamento de repouso da lngua dentro da cavidade oral, em pacientes respiradores nasais, variando muito sua distncia at a incisal dos incisivos inferiores, bem como at o palato duro, havendo uniformidade apenas no fato da lngua tocar o palato mole em todos os indivduos da amostra. No houve relao estatisticamente significante entre a posio de repouso da lngua e os biotipos faciais e nem dimorfismo sexual.
O propsito neste estudo foi determinar a posio de repouso da lngua em indivduos com ocluso dentria normal e respirao nasal, por meio de telerradiografias em norma lateral realizadas aps a ingesto de brio. A amostra foi composta por 66 radiografias de indivduos brancos com ocluso dentria normal, sendo 26 do sexo masculino e 40 do sexo feminino, na faixa etria de 12 a 21 anos de idade, procedentes de escolas da regio do Grande ABC Paulista. O critrio utilizado para diagnstico da ocluso normal foi As Seis Chaves para a Ocluso Normal preconizadas por Andrews (1972), devendo estar presentes no mnimo quatro das seis chaves, sendo obrigatria a presena da primeira chave de ocluso que a da relao interarcos. As radiografias foram obtidas com o indivduo em posio natural da cabea aps a ingesto de contraste de sulfato de brio para evidenciar o controle da lngua. Posteriormente foi feito o desenho anatmico das estruturas pesquisadas, marcados os pontos cefalomtricos, traadas as linhas e os planos, e por ltimo obtidas as seguintes medidas lineares: comprimento e altura da lngua, distncia do dorso da lngua na sua poro mdia at o palato duro e a distncia entre a ponta da lngua e a incisal do incisivo inferior. Por meio dos resultados encontrados verificou-se que no existe um padro nico de posicionamento de repouso da lngua dentro da cavidade oral, em pacientes respiradores nasais, variando muito sua distncia at a incisal dos incisivos inferiores, bem como at o palato duro, havendo uniformidade apenas no fato da lngua tocar o palato mole em todos os indivduos da amostra. No houve relao estatisticamente significante entre a posio de repouso da lngua e os biotipos faciais e nem dimorfismo sexual.
Objetivou-se fazer um estudo retrospectivo avaliando quais as afeces da cavidade oral foram mais frequentes nos gatos domsticos atendidos no Laboratrio de Odontologia Comparada da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinria e Zootecnia da Universidade de So Paulo, relatando estatisticamente a prevalncia das afeces da cavidade oral de gatos, enfatizando se h correlao entre elas e com caractersticas como raa, sexo, faixa etria e estado reprodutivo. Os dados analisados dos 754 pronturios foram raa, idade, sexo, estado reprodutivo, diagnstico, tratamento e, no caso de neoplasia, sua localizao e diagnstico histopatolgico. As principais doenas diagnosticadas foram doena periodontal, fratura dentria, gengivoestomatite crnica felina, leso de reabsoro dentria felina, neoplasia oral e traumatismo do sistema estomatogntico (luxao de articulao temporomandibular, fenda palatina, fratura de processo coronoide, fratura de zigomtico, disjuno de snfise, fratura de maxila e mandbula). A idade dos animais variou de menos de um ano a 20 anos, sendo que, os animais tinham, em mdia 7,2 anos (desvio padro = 4,9) e a faixa etria mais frequente foi de um a cinco anos. Os gatos sem raa definida (66,5%), siameses (19,0%) e persas (10,2%) totalizaram 95,7% de todos os felinos atendidos no LOC. A doena periodontal foi a afeco mais frequente e esteve presente em 38,3% da populao estudada. A fratura dentria, segunda mais frequente, esteve presente em 27,2% dos animais. Houve associao estatisticamente significativa (p=0,026) entre fratura dentria e faixa etria, j que a proporo de animais entre um e cinco anos de idade com fratura foi maior do que a das outras faixas etrias. A leso de reabsoro dentria felina (LRDF) esteve presente em 19,6% dos gatos estudados, sendo a terceira afeco mais prevalente dentre as pesquisadas. Esta leso foi mais frequente em gatos com idade entre 11 e 15 anos e houve associao estatisticamente significativa entre a LRDF e a doena periodontal e entre LRDF e gengivite. A prevalncia de gengivoestomatite crnica felina foi de 15,7% entre os felinos pesquisados e a proporo de animais com idades entre seis e dez anos com esta doena foi maior do que em outras faixas etrias. As neoplasias estavam presentes em 9,8% dos gatos, sendo que em 46 dos 72 animais que apresentaram alguma neoplasia tinham mais de dez anos de idade. O carcinoma de clulas escamosas foi o neoplasma mais comum, correspondendo a 63,2% das neoformaes que foram submetidas ao exame histopatolgico. As fraturas sseas do sistema estomatogntico corresponderam a 19,3% dos atendimentos, sendo a snfise mentoniana e o corpo da mandbula os locais mais comuns de fraturas. Concluiu-se que: existe grande variedade de afeces que acometem a cavidade oral de gatos, sendo a doena periodontal, fratura dentria, leso de reabsoro dentria, gengivite, gengivoestomatite crnica, neoplasias orais e fraturas dos ossos do sistema estomatogntico as mais prevalentes delas; de extrema importncia que as anotaes nas fichas de atendimento sejam feitas da maneira mais completa possvel, para que informaes no sejam perdidas
A lo largo de cinco aos, el Centro de Investigaciones Lingsticas de la Facultad de Lenguas ha estudiado interdisciplinariamente lo relacionado a los aprendizajes y procesos de progreso lingsticos en nios y adolescentes (Proyecto PICTOR 20293). La labor se desarroll en equipo, conformado por especialistas del rea Salud y del rea Ciencias del Lenguaje (psico y sociolingistas). Desde la salud, se indag en lo relacionado a salud bucal, sistema estomatognático, nutricin y sus posibles incidencias en lo que a cognicin y lenguaje se refiere. Desde las Ciencias del Lenguaje, fueron espacios especficos la conciencia fonolgica, la disponibilidad lxica, la comprensin lectora, las cosmovisiones del docente, la escritura de textos, la construccin de los conocimientos. Gran parte de la tarea se desarroll en las instalaciones de la Escuela Primaria Primer Teniente vila y all se gener un fructfero intercambio de acciones y opiniones entre los investigadores y los docentes que fructificaron en pequeos programas de intervencin en las aulas. Un perfil de un programa, esta vez de transferencia, estaba ya surgiendo en la comunidad constituida. La escuela actual batalla en muchos frentes. Se trata hoy de una institucin requerida en tensin por el medio circundante lo que la sume en un continuo vaivn de obligaciones mayores y menores, pero, todas ellas perentorias e impostergables. En ese panorama es muy apreciada la posibilidad de contar con un apoyo en formacin para todo el cuerpo docente en un rea tan sensible como la lingstica. No existe an en nuestro medio el diseo de una tarea coordinada en consecutividad y gradualidad para la educacin lingstica. Se propone ahora un PROGRAMA DE TRABAJO PARA MEJORAR LA CALIDAD de la LECTURA Y de LA ESCRITURA (en particular en el segundo ciclo) y, consecuentemente, facilitar la permeabilidad de los aprendizajes escolares. La base de esos aprendizajes es lingstico-cognitiva ya que lo que se ensea y se aprende se vehicula siempre bajo formato de lengua. En este sentido, hoy se insiste en "regresar al hablante" y tratar de develar qu sabe l de la lengua que habla, su conciencia semntica" y, a partir de lo que se "des-cubra", se propondr un punto de partida para iniciar el camino del desarrollo lingstico-cognitivo. Uno de los inconvenientes en la actualidad es que no se establecen los hitos referenciales para la progresin, por etapa, de maduracin del alumnado. Por ejemplo, se afirma que se ensea lxico porque los alumnos tienen "pobreza lxica", pero no circula ningn instrumento de apoyo que aleje la afirmacin del mero impresionismo para conocer lo ms tcnicamente posible cul es el lxico general disponible de cada grupo etario y, a partir de all, proceder a las prcticas de incorporacin de nuevas palabras. En este mismo sentido, la investigacin desarrollada por el PICTOR se ocup de lo referido a disponibilidad lxica (DL), prcticas y especulaciones fonolgicas, morfolgicas, conciencia textual y pragmtica. Por esta razn la escuela descubri instrumentales necesarios para contar con ndices de DL, de madurez fonolgico-morfolgica segn edad y reas de conocimiento. Por todo lo dicho, la Escuela Primer Teniente vila requiere un programa de aplicacin para mejorar la calidad de la lectura y de la escritura, en particular en el segundo ciclo (EGB2) con un diseo de objetivos especficos que, en su encadenamiento etapa a etapa, ir constituyendo una enseanza-aprendizaje lingstico-cognitiva programada para coadyuvar en la aprehensin de los conocimientos generales.
Dissertao para obteno do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Cincias da Sade Egas Moniz