974 resultados para Sino-French War, 1884-1885.


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A letter from Andrew Cowan to his son William Cowan 29 Septemer 1841. The letter reads "Dear William, I have taken my pen the third time since I have received any word from you, my first letter was about the beginning of the year, and the second in the month of April with John Armstrong of Northhouse, he sailed from Liverpool the fifteen of that month with his sisters Jane and Jenny and their two children. I received a letter from him dated Cleavland in the State of Ohio the 6 of June. He did not intend stopping in that place. The leaves us all well for any thing that I know, but I have not heard from Andrew since March altho I have writen to him three months since your Mother and I are both sore faild altho we have tolerable good health for which we desire to be thankfull to the giver of all our mercies, which are new every day, that we may be found in Christs and clothed in his imputed righteousness at the last, for in him is only found true happyness. We have had another cold wet Summer and the crops is far back ------ not light, the price of -----is high and trade bad, but sheep and cattle are high. Cattle have not been higher since the French war, but the cattle trade is very bad at present and the opperatives out of imployment and consequently verrry badly of. If none of my former letters have reached you this will inform you that James is at Lanshawburn, and gets imployment all the year, he keeps a cow and five or six sheep, they have three children, Mary, Hannah, and Andrew; I was there after clipping time seeing them, they seem to be verry happy. James Lamb is well he was here the other night, he has got two letters from his son Adam this Summer; they are still in the same place and will finish their job this fall, and seem to be doing well, your Uncle Adam Scott and family are well. John was there lately there is little prospect of his getting to America as the money that was left him is not got yet and will not for some time, If ever this reach you, you must let us know how all the Scotch people that are near you, that went from this place of the Country are doing, as their freinds are anxious to hear from them, perticularly if you know what is becomed of Alexander Hoggs widow and family of ------hill, as I was desired to write to you about them - I got a letter from John Miller dated Gatt but I understand it is a long way from your place he was a gentleman and had the charge of a farm and seems verry ----- Now William if this ever reach you, you must excuse me for not filling this letter up, but if I receive an answer I promise to fill the next better, We all join in our love and respect to you and family. From your loving Father Andrew Cowan


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Notebook with H.K. Woodruff written on the front cover (soft cover). Inside, there is a list of 48 diverse items which include: sword found at Lundy’s Lane, stuffed frog from Long Point, Indian pipe, 5 curious old revolutionary pistols and Mrs. S. Bull’s slippers. At the back of the book there is a list of 22 items including: proclamation issued by Sir Isaac Brock on Feb. 24, 1812 and Egyptian mummy, 1884-1885.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explicar la influencia de la construcción de identidad cultural vietnamita en la Guerra de Independencia de Vietnam entre 1946 y 1954. Se argumenta que la construcción de identidad cultural justificó, promovió y legitimó la guerra de independencia como instrumento político ya que –en tanto proceso relacional– generó durante la colonización francesa prácticas de diferenciación fundamentadas en la reivindicación de los valores, tradiciones, costumbres, creencias y símbolos vietnamitas en torno a la resistencia. Ello propició una ruptura en las relaciones políticas imperantes, lo que condujo a la búsqueda de un nuevo orden social basado en la autodeterminación. Se utiliza una metodología de tipo cualitativa, fundamentada en el análisis documental e historiográfico.


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Leopoldo Alas, 'Clarín', acude con frecuencia a los clásicos grecolatinos, no pocas veces con intención irónica o crítica, demostrando la ignorancia o mal uso de la tradición grecorromana en su época. Examino algunos aspectos de esa tradición en La Regenta (1884-5), distribuyendo los materiales en varios apartados: observaciones sobre el conocimiento o la ignorancia de las lenguas griega o latina; alusiones a autores u obras de la literatura griega; referencias directas a autores u obras de la literatura latina; personajes históricos griegos o romanos; notas de cultura grecorromana; apunte sobre el léxico de origen griego o latino.


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Leopoldo Alas, 'Clarín', acude con frecuencia a los clásicos grecolatinos, no pocas veces con intención irónica o crítica, demostrando la ignorancia o mal uso de la tradición grecorromana en su época. Examino algunos aspectos de esa tradición en La Regenta (1884-5), distribuyendo los materiales en varios apartados: observaciones sobre el conocimiento o la ignorancia de las lenguas griega o latina; alusiones a autores u obras de la literatura griega; referencias directas a autores u obras de la literatura latina; personajes históricos griegos o romanos; notas de cultura grecorromana; apunte sobre el léxico de origen griego o latino.


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Leopoldo Alas, 'Clarín', acude con frecuencia a los clásicos grecolatinos, no pocas veces con intención irónica o crítica, demostrando la ignorancia o mal uso de la tradición grecorromana en su época. Examino algunos aspectos de esa tradición en La Regenta (1884-5), distribuyendo los materiales en varios apartados: observaciones sobre el conocimiento o la ignorancia de las lenguas griega o latina; alusiones a autores u obras de la literatura griega; referencias directas a autores u obras de la literatura latina; personajes históricos griegos o romanos; notas de cultura grecorromana; apunte sobre el léxico de origen griego o latino.


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Introduction: Chemical composition of water determines its physical properties and character of processes proceeding in it: freezing temperature, volume of evaporation, density, color, transparency, filtration capacity, etc. Presence of chemical elements in water solution confers waters special physical properties exerting significant influence on their circulation, creates necessary conditions for development and inhabitance of flora and fauna, and imparts to the ocean waters some chemical features that radically differ them from the land waters (Alekin & Liakhin, 1984). Hydrochemical information helps to determine elements of water circulation, convection depth, makes it easier to distinguish water masses and gives additional knowledge of climatic variability of ocean conditions. Hydrochemical information is a necessary part of biological research. Water chemical composition can be the governing characteristics determining possibility and limits of use of marine objects, both stationary and moving in sea water. Subject of investigation of hydrochemistry is study of dynamics of chemical composition, i.e. processes of its formation and hydrochemical conditions of water bodies (Alekin & Liakhin 1984). The hydrochemical processes in the Arctic Ocean are the least known. Some information on these processes can be obtained in odd publications. A generalizing study of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean based on expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975 has been carried out by Rusanov et al. (1979). The "Atlas of the World Ocean: the Arctic Ocean" contains a special section "Hydrochemistry" (Gorshkov, 1980). Typical vertical profiles, transects and maps for different depths - 0, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 m are given in this section for the following parameters: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH and alkaline-chlorine coefficient. The maps were constructed using the data of expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975. The illustrations reflect main features of distribution of the hydrochemical elements for multi-year period and represent a static image of hydrochemical conditions. Distribution of the hydrochemical elements on the ocean surface is given for two seasons - winter and summer, for the other depths are given mean annual fields. Aim of the present Atlas is description of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean on the basis of a greater body of hydrochemical information for the years 1948-2000 and using the up-to-date methods of analysis and electronic forms of presentation of hydrochemical information. The most wide-spread characteristics determined in water samples were used as hydrochemical indices. They are: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH, total alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate. An important characteristics of water salt composition - "salinity" has been considered in the Oceanographic Atlas of the Arctic Ocean (1997, 1998). Presentation of the hydrochemical characteristics in this Hydrochemical Atlas is wider if compared with that of the former Atlas (Gorshkov, 1980). Maps of climatic distribution of the hydrochemical elements were constructed for all the standard depths, and seasonal variability of the hydrochemical parameters is given not only for the surface, but also for the underlying standard depths up to 400 m and including. Statistical characteristics of the hydrochemical elements are given for the first time. Detailed accuracy estimates of initial data and map construction are also given in the Atlas. Calculated values of mean-root deviations, maximum and minimum values of the parameters demonstrate limits of their variability for the analyzed period of observations. Therefore, not only investigations of chemical statics are summarized in the Atlas, but also some elements of chemical dynamics are demonstrated. Digital arrays of the hydrochemical elements obtained in nodes of a regular grid are the new form of characteristics presentation in the Atlas. It should be mentioned that the same grid and the same boxes were used in the Atlas, as those that had been used by creation of the US-Russian climatic Oceanographic Atlas. It allows to combine hydrochemical and oceanographic information of these Atlases. The first block of the digital arrays contains climatic characteristics calculated using direct observational data. These climatic characteristics were not calculated in the regions without observations, and the information arrays for these regions have gaps. The other block of climatic information in a gridded form was obtained with the help of objective analysis of observational data. Procedure of the objective analysis allowed us to obtain climatic estimates of the hydrochemical characteristics for the whole water area of the Arctic Ocean including the regions not covered by observations. Data of the objective analysis can be widely used, in particular, in hydrobiological investigations and in modeling of hydrochemical conditions of the Arctic Ocean. Array of initial measurements is a separate block. It includes all the available materials of hydrochemical observations in the form, as they were presented in different sources. While keeping in mind that this array contains some amount of perverted information, the authors of the Atlas assumed it necessary to store this information in its primary form. Methods of data quality control can be developed in future in the process of hydrochemical information accumulation. It can be supposed that attitude can vary in future to the data that were rejected according to the procedure accepted in the Atlas. The hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean is the first specialized and electronic generalization of hydrochemical observations in the Arctic Ocean and finishes the program of joint efforts of Russian and US specialists in preparation of a number of atlases for the Arctic. The published Oceanographic Atlas (1997, 1998), Atlas of Arctic Meteorology and Climate (2000), Ice Atlas of the Arctic Ocean prepared for publication and Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean represent a united series of fundamental generalizations of empirical knowledge of Arctic Ocean nature at climatic level. The Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean was elaborated in the result of joint efforts of the SRC of the RF AARI and IARC. Dr. Ye. Nikiforov was scientific supervisor of the Atlas, Dr. R. Colony was manager on behalf of the USA and Dr. L. Timokhov - on behalf of Russia.


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v.4 (1884-1885)


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Reptilia (1885)


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This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Northampton, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1884-1885, the edition date is July, 1895 and this map has a reprint date of April 1909. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.


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This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Sheffield, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1884-1885, the edition date is October, 1897 and this map has a reprint date of March, 1908. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.


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Originaly issued separately as Art annuals for 1884, 1885, and 1897.