70 resultados para Sichuan


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Recent electrophoretic data have indicated that Schistosoma japonicum in mainland China may be a species complex, with the existence of a cryptic species being predicted from the analysis of schistosome populations from Sichuan province. To investigate the Sichuan form of S. japonicum, 4.9 kbp of mitochondrial DNA from each of three samples of the parasite from China (two from Sichuan and one from Hunan) and one from Sorsogon in the Philippines were amplified, sequenced and characterized. The sequence data were compared with those from the related South-east Asian species of S. mekongi (Khong Island, Laos) and S. malayensis (Baling, Malaysia) and that from S. japonicum from Anhui (China). At both the nucleotide and amino-acid levels, the variation among the five S. japonicum samples was limited ( < 1%). This was consistent with the conclusions drawn from previous molecular studies, in which minimal variation among S. japonicum populations was also detected. In contrast, S. mekongi and S. malayensis, species recognized as separate but closely related, differ from each other by about 10%, and each differs by 25%-26% from S. japonicum. Phylogenetic trees provided a graphic representation of these differences, showing all S. japonicum sequences to be very tightly clustered and distant from S. mekongi and S. malayensis, the last two being clearly distinct from each other. The results thus indicate no significant intraspecific genetic variation among S. japonicum samples collected from different geographical areas and do not support the idea of a distinct form in Sichuan.


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Through the influenza virus surveillance from January to October 2002, influenza B/Hong Kong-like strains circulating in the Southeast and Centre East regions of Brazil have been demonstrated. This strain is a variant from B/Victoria/02/88 whose since 1991 and until recently have been isolated relatively infrequently and have been limited to South-Eastern Asia. A total of 510 respiratory secretions were collected from patients 0 to 60 years of age, with acute respiratory illness, living in the Southeast and Centre East regions of Brazil, of which 86 (17.13%) were positive for influenza virus. Among them 12 (13.95%) were characterized as B/Hong Kong/330/2001; 3 (3.49%) as B/Hong Kong/1351/2002 a variant from B/Hong Kong/330/2001; 1 (1.16%) as B/Sichuan/379/99; 1 (1.16%) as B/Shizuoka/5/2001, until now. The percentages of cases notified during the surveillance period were 34.88%, 15.12%, 15.12%, 4.65%, 15.12%, 13.95%, in the age groups of 0-4, 5-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-30, 31-50, respectively. The highest proportion of isolates was observed among children younger than 4 years but serious morbidity and mortality has not been observed among people older than 65 years, although B influenza virus component for vaccination campaign 2002 was B/Sichuan/379/99 strain. This was probably due to the elderly protection acquired against B/Victoria/02/88. In addition, in influenza A/Panama/2007/99-like (H3N2) strains 22 (25.58%) were also detected, but influenza A(H1N1) has not been detected yet.


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The control of schistosomiasis has been spectacularly successful in terms of controlling endemicity and severity of the disease during the last 50 years. It can be categorized into two stages. From 1955 through 1980, the transmission-control strategy had been widely and successfully carried out. By the end of 1980, the epidemic of schistosomiasis was successfully circumscribed in certain core regions including areas at the middle and low reaches of the Yangtze River and some mountainous areas in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, where control of schistosomiasis had been demonstrated to be very difficult to be sustained. Therefore, since 1980, schistosomiasis control in China has been modified to employ a stepwise strategy, based on which morbidity control has been given priorities and if possible transmission control has been pursued. However, since snail-ridden areas remain unchanged so far, reinfections occur frequently. This necessitates a maintenance phase to consolidate the achievements in the control of schistosomiasis. In the mean time, we are challenged with some environmental, social and economical changes in terms of controlling schistosomiasis. Successfully controlling schistosomiasis in China is still a long-term task but will be achieved without doubt along with the economic development and the promotion of living and cultural standard of people.


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ABSTRACT The flavor quality of citrus fruits is largely determined by the sugar-acid ratio, but it remains uncertain how sugar- and/or acid-metabolizing enzymes regulate the sugar-acid ratio of navel oranges and further affect the fruit quality. In the present study, Robertson navel oranges (Citrus sinesis Osb.) were collected from six representative habitats in three eco-regions of Sichuan, China. The changes in the sugar-acid ratio and the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SS), cytosolic cio-aconitase (ACO), and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) were examined in navel oranges during fruit development. The results indicated that the sugar-acid ratio of fruits in different eco-regions changed significantly from 150 days after full bloom. The SPS and cytosolic ACO fruit activities had minor changes among different ecoregions throughout the experimental periods, whereas the activities of SS and IDH changed significantly in fruits among three eco-regions. Furthermore, the sugar-acid ratio and the activities of SS in the synthetic direction and IDH were the highest in south subtropics and the lowest in north mid-subtropics, probably due to the effects of climate conditions and/or other relevant eco-factors. It demonstrated that SS in the synthetic direction and IDH were of greater importance in regulating the sugar-acid ratio of navel oranges in different eco-regions, which provided new insights into the factors that determine the flavor quality of navel oranges and valuable data for guiding relevant agricultural practices.


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El presente trabajo investigativo constituye una herramienta de consulta para las personas y organizaciones interesadas en conocer el panorama actual de la situación comercial entre China y Colombia en busca de toma de decisiones acertadas en materia de negocios entre ambas naciones. En él se analizan en detalle cada una de las veintidós provincias de la República Popular China; en cuanto a panorama general; logística aérea, terrestre y marítima; partidas arancelarias y Top 10 de los productos importados por cada una de ellas desde Colombia. Este trabajo está enfocado en el estudio del comercio desde Colombia hacia China, actualizado al año 2012 y busca enseñar los productos líderes de importación, al igual que aquellos productos potenciales; de acuerdo a la información de su valor en dólares, su porcentaje de participación en el total importado y su comportamiento histórico en los últimos tres años. Así mismo se analizan los principales países proveedores de cada provincia y las diferentes partidas arancelarias a profundidad. Finalmente, se espera que el presente trabajo abra las puertas a un nuevo panorama acerca de oportunidades de negocio y alternativas comerciales a productos colombianos en China.


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Resumen Introducción Una posible opción de tratamiento para el manejo del trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es la estimulación magnética transcraneal (EMT) que ha mostrado propiedades antidepresivas superiores al placebo con un buen perfil de seguridad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la reducción en la severidad del TDM y la proporción de eventos adversos (EA) en pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario, posterior al uso de EMT administrada en monoterapia o tratamiento coadyuvante comparado con terapia farmacológica. Metodología Se planteó una pregunta PICOT de la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de estudios clínicos en las bases de datos Medline, EMBASE y Cochrane. Dos investigadores en forma independiente realizaron la selección de artículos, evaluación de calidad con la herramienta de la colaboración Cochrane y extracción de datos. Se extrajeron datos de eficacia como tasa de respuesta, porcentaje de remisión, calidad de vida, diminución sintomática del trastorno depresivo mayor en la escala de Hamilton y capacidad funcional. Igualmente, proporción de pacientes con EA. Se realizó un meta-análisis de estas variables teniendo en cuenta la heterogeneidad. Resultados La presente revisión sistemática incluyó 26 estudios clínicos aleatorizados de baja calidad metodológica mostrando que la EMT presentó una eficacia superior cuando es usada como coadyuvante a las terapias con que venían siendo tratados los pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario en los desenlaces de tasa de respuesta y porcentaje de remisión. En el caso de intervenciones farmacológicas específicas, la EMT presento eficacia similar, tanto en terapia coadyuvante como en monoterapia comparado con las intervenciones farmacológicas. En cuanto a seguridad, la EMT presenta un buen perfil de seguridad debido a que en todos los escenarios estudiados los EA fueron no serios y baja frecuencia Conclusiones La evidencia disponible sugiere que la EMT mostró ser efectivo y seguro para el manejo del TDM refractario y no refractario. Sin embargo, la evidencia es débil por lo tanto se necesita mayor investigación clínica que soporte su uso.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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This study investigated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel for the elimination of intratubular Candida albicans (C. albicans). Human single-rooted teeth contaminated with C. albicans were treated with calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, calcium hydroxide plus 2% chlorhexidine gel, or saline (0.9% sodium chloride) as a positive control. The samples obtained at depths of 0–100 and 100–200 µm from the root canal system were analyzed for C. albicans load by counting the number of colony forming units and for the percentage of viable C. albicans using fluorescence microscopy. First, the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide and the 2% chlorhexidine gel was evaluated by counting the number of colony forming units. After 14 days of intracanal medication, there was a significant decrease in the number of C. albicans colony forming units at a depth of 0–100 µm with chlorhexidine treatment either with or without calcium hydroxide compared with the calcium hydroxide only treatment. However, there were no differences in the number of colony forming units at the 100–200 µm depth for any of the medications investigated. C. albicans viability was also evaluated by vital staining techniques and fluorescence microscopy analysis. Antifungal activity against C. albicans significantly increased at both depths in the chlorhexidine groups with and without calcium hydroxide compared with the groups treated with calcium hydroxide only. Treatments with only chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine in combination with calcium hydroxide were effective for elimination of C. albicans


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The role of Pleistocene glacial cycles in forming the contemporary genetic structure of organisms has been well studied in China with a particular focus on the Tibetan Plateau. However, China has a complex topography and diversity of local climates, and how glacial cycles may have shaped the subtropical and tropical biota of the region remains mostly unaddressed. To investigate the factors that affected the phylogeography and population history of a widely distributed and nondeciduous forest species, we analysed morphological characters, mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellite loci in the Silver Pheasant (Lophura nycthemera). In a pattern generally consistent with phenotypic clusters, but not nominal subspecies, deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages restricted to different geographic regions were detected. Coalescent simulations indicated that the time of main divergence events corresponded to major glacial periods in the Pleistocene and gene flow was only partially lowered by drainage barriers between some populations. Intraspecific cytonuclear discordance was revealed in mitochondrial lineages from Hainan Island and the Sichuan Basin with evidence of nuclear gene flow from neighbouring populations into the latter. Unexpectedly, hybridization was revealed in Yingjiang between the Silver Pheasant and Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos) with wide genetic introgression at both the mtDNA and nuclear levels. Our results highlight a novel phylogeographic pattern in a subtropical area generated from the combined effects of climate oscillation, partial drainage barriers and interspecific hybridization. Cytonuclear discordance combined with morphological differentiation implies that complex historical factors shaped the divergence process in this biodiversity hot spot area of southern China.


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Fibrous calcite veins with organic inclusions have been widely considered as indicators of oil and gas generation and migration under overpressure. Abundant fibrous calcite veins containing organic-bearing inclusions occur in faulted Lower Paleozoic through Triassic hydrocarbon source rocks in the Dabashan Foreland Belt (DBF). d13CPDB and d18OPDB values of the fibrous calcite range from - 4.8 to -1.9 to per mil and - 12.8 to - 8.4 per mil respectively, which is lighter than that of associated carbonate host rocks ranging from - 1.7 to + 3.1 per mil and - 8.7 to - 4.5 per mil. A linear relationship between d13CPDB and d18OPDB indicates that the calcite veins were precipitated from a mixture of basinal and surface fluids. The fibrous calcite contains a variety of inclusions, such as solid bitumen, methane bearing all-liquid inclusions, and vapor-liquid aqueous inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions range from 140 to 196° with an average of 179°. Salinities of aqueous inclusions average 9.7 wt% NaCl. Independent temperatures from bitumen reflectance and inclusion phase relationships of aqueous and methane inclusions were used to determine fluid pressures. Results indicate high pressures, elevated above typical lithostatic confining pressure, from 150 to 200 MPa. The elevated salinity and high temperature and pressure conditions of the fibrous calcite veins argue against an origin solely from burial overpressure resulting from clay transformation and dehydration reactions. Instead fluid inclusion P-T data and geochemistry results and regional geology indicate abnormally high pressures during fluid migration. These findings indicate that tectonic stress generated fracture and fault fluid pathways and caused migration of organic bearing fluids from the DBF during the Yanshan orogeny.


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Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Wellcome Trust grants WT092552MA (J.H.N. and I.R.B.), Senior Investigator Award WT100209MA (J.H.N.), 093228 (T.K.S.) and 092970 (M.S.P.S.), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grants BB/I019855/1 (M.S.P.S.), BB/H017917/1 (J.H.N. and I.R.B.) and BB/J009784/1 (H.B.). We acknowledge the Diamond Light Source for beam time. I.R.B. is supported as a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow. J.H.N. is supported as a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award holder and as a 1000 Talent Scholar at Sichuan University. A.C.E.D. was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre student fellowship. We thank R. Phillips, A. Lee and S. Conway for helpful discussions.