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This paper presents a path planning technique for ground vehicles that accounts for the dynamics of the vehicle, the topography of the terrain and the wheel/ground interaction properties such as friction. The first two properties can be estimated using well known sensors and techniques, but the third is not often estimated even though it has a significant effect on the motion of a high-speed vehicle. We introduce a technique which allows the estimation of wheel slip from which frictional parameters can be inferred. We present simulation results which show the importance of modelling topography and ground properties and experimental results which show how ground properties can be estimated along a 350m outdoor traverse.


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Purpose: We provide an account of the relationships between eye shape, retinal shape and peripheral refraction. Recent findings: We discuss how eye and retinal shapes may be described as conicoids, and we describe an axis and section reference system for determining shapes. Explanations are given of how patterns of retinal expansion during the development of myopia may contribute to changing patterns of peripheral refraction, and how pre-existing retinal shape might contribute to the development of myopia. Direct and indirect techniques for determining eye and retinal shape are described, and results are discussed. There is reasonable consistency in the literature of eye length increasing at a greater rate than height and width as the degree of myopia increases, so that eyes may be described as changing from oblate/spherical shapes to prolate shapes. However, one study indicates that the retina itself, while showing the same trend, remains oblate in shape for most eyes (discounting high myopia). Eye shape and retinal shape are not the same and merely describing an eye shape as being prolate or oblate is insufficient without some understanding of the parameters contributing to this; in myopia a prolate eye shape is likely to involve both a steepening retina near the posterior pole combined with a flattening (or a reduction in steepening compared with an emmetrope) away from the pole.


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Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and B. papayae Drew & Hancock represent a closely related sibling species pair for which the biological species limits are unclear; i.e., it is uncertain if they are truely two biological species, or one biological species which has been incorrectly taxonomically split. The geographic ranges of the two taxa are thought to abut or overlap on or around the Isthmus of Kra, a recognised biogeographic barrier located on the narrowest portion of the Thai Peninsula. We collected fresh material of B. dorsalis sensu lato (i.e., B. dorsalis sensu stricto + B. papayae) in a north-south transect down the Thai Peninsula, from areas regarded as being exclusively B. dorsalis s.s., across the Kra Isthmus, and into regions regarded as exclusively B. papayae. We carried out microsatellite analyses and took measurements of male genitalia and wing shape. Both the latter morphological tests have been used previously to separate these two taxa. No significant population structuring was found in the microsatellite analysis and results were consistent with an interpretation of one, predominantly panmictic population. Both morphological datasets showed consistent, clinal variation along the transect, with no evidence for disjunction. No evidence in any tests supported historical vicariance driven by the Isthmus of Kra, and none of the three datasets supported the current taxonomy of two species. Rather, within and across the area of range overlap or abutment between the two species, only continuous morphological and genetic variation was recorded. Recognition that morphological traits previously used to separate these taxa are continuous, and that there is no genetic evidence for population segregation in the region of suspected species overlap, is consistent with a growing body of literature that reports no evidence of biological differentiation between these taxa.


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The formation of vertically aligned single-crystalline silicon nanostructures via "self-organized" maskless etching in Ar+ H 2 plasmas is studied. The shape and aspect ratio can be effectively controlled by the reactive plasma composition. In the optimum parameter space, single-crystalline pyramid-like nanostructures are produced; otherwise, nanocones and nanodots are formed. This generic nanostructure formation approach does not involve any external material deposition. It is based on a concurrent sputtering, etching, hydrogen termination, and atom/radical redeposition and can be applied to other nanomaterials.


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A high level of control over quantum dot (QD) properties such as size and composition during fabrication is required to precisely tune the eventual electronic properties of the QD. Nanoscale synthesis efforts and theoretical studies of electronic properties are traditionally treated quite separately. In this paper, a combinatorial approach has been taken to relate the process synthesis parameters and the electron confinement properties of the QDs. First, hybrid numerical calculations with different influx parameters for Si1-x Cx QDs were carried out to simulate the changes in carbon content x and size. Second, the ionization energy theory was applied to understand the electronic properties of Si1-x Cx QDs. Third, stoichiometric (x=0.5) silicon carbide QDs were grown by means of inductively coupled plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering. Finally, the effect of QD size and elemental composition were then incorporated in the ionization energy theory to explain the evolution of the Si1-x Cx photoluminescence spectra. These results are important for the development of deterministic synthesis approaches of self-assembled nanoscale quantum confinement structures.


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This study examines the role that the size of a victimised organisation and the size of the victim’s loss have on attitudes regarding the acceptance or unacceptance of 12 questionable consumer actions. A sample of 815 American adults rated each scenario on a scale anchored by very acceptable and very unacceptable. It was shown that the size of the victimised organisation tends to influence consumers’ opinions with more disdain directed towards consumers who take advantage of smaller businesses. Similarly, the respondents tended to be more critical of these actions when the loss incurred by the victimised organisation was large. A 2x2 matrix concurrently delineated the nature of the extent to which opinions regarding the 12 actions differed depending upon the mediating variable under scrutiny.


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Despite substantial progress in measuring the 3D profile of anatomical variations in the human brain, their genetic and environmental causes remain enigmatic. We developed an automated system to identify and map genetic and environmental effects on brain structure in large brain MRI databases . We applied our multi-template segmentation approach ("Multi-Atlas Fluid Image Alignment") to fluidly propagate hand-labeled parameterized surface meshes into 116 scans of twins (60 identical, 56 fraternal), labeling the lateral ventricles. Mesh surfaces were averaged within subjects to minimize segmentation error. We fitted quantitative genetic models at each of 30,000 surface points to measure the proportion of shape variance attributable to (1) genetic differences among subjects, (2) environmental influences unique to each individual, and (3) shared environmental effects. Surface-based statistical maps revealed 3D heritability patterns, and their significance, with and without adjustments for global brain scale. These maps visualized detailed profiles of environmental versus genetic influences on the brain, extending genetic models to spatially detailed, automatically computed, 3D maps.


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Electronic cigarette-generated mainstream aerosols were characterized in terms of particle number concentrations and size distributions through a Condensation Particle Counter and a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer spectrometer, respectively. A thermodilution system was also used to properly sample and dilute the mainstream aerosol. Different types of electronic cigarettes, liquid flavors, liquid nicotine contents, as well as different puffing times were tested. Conventional tobacco cigarettes were also investigated. The total particle number concentration peak (for 2-s puff), averaged across the different electronic cigarette types and liquids, was measured equal to 4.39 ± 0.42 × 109 part. cm−3, then comparable to the conventional cigarette one (3.14 ± 0.61 × 109 part. cm−3). Puffing times and nicotine contents were found to influence the particle concentration, whereas no significant differences were recognized in terms of flavors and types of cigarettes used. Particle number distribution modes of the electronic cigarette-generated aerosol were in the 120–165 nm range, then similar to the conventional cigarette one.


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The formation of the helical morphology in monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphilic assemblies is believed to be driven at least partly by the interactions at the chiral centers of the amphiphiles. However, a detailed microscopic understanding of these interactions and their relation with the helix formation is still not clear. In this article a study of the molecular origin of the chirality-driven helix formation is presented by calculating, for the first time, the effective pair potential between a pair of chiral molecules. This effective potential depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the two chiral centers, on the orientation of the amphiphile molecules, and also on the distance between them. We find that for the mirror-image isomers (in the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation is a nearly parallel alignment of the molecules. On the other hand, the same for a pair of molecules of one kind of enantiomer favors a tilt angle between them, thus leading to the formation of a helical morphology of the aggregate. The tilt angle is determined by the size of the groups attached to the chiral centers of the pair of molecules considered and in many cases predicted it to be close to 45 degrees. The present study, therefore, provides a molecular origin of the intrinsic bending force, suggested by Helfrich (J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 1085-1087), to be responsible for the formation of helical structure. This effective potential may explain many of the existing experimental results, such as the size and the concentration dependence of the formation of helical morphology. It is further found that the elastic forces can significantly modify the pitch predicted by the chiral interactions alone and that the modified real pitch is close to the experimentally observed value. The present study is expected to provide a starting point for future microscopic studies.


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Atheromatous plaque rupture h the cause of the majority of strokes and heart attacks in the developed world. The role of calcium deposits and their contribution to plaque vulnerability are controversial. Some studies have suggested that calcified plaque tends to be more stable whereas others have suggested the opposite. This study uses a finite element model to evaluate the effect of calcium deposits on the stress within the fibrous cap by varying their location and size. Plaque fibrous cap, lipid pool and calcification were modeled as hyperelastic, Isotropic, (nearly) incompressible materials with different properties for large deformation analysis by assigning time-dependent pressure loading on the lumen wall. The stress and strain contours were illustrated for each condition for comparison. Von Mises stress only increases up to 1.5% when varying the location of calcification in the lipid pool distant to the fibrous cap. Calcification in the fibrous cap leads to a 43% increase of Von Mises stress when compared with that in the lipid pool. An increase of 100% of calcification area leads to a 15% stress increase in the fibrous cap. Calcification in the lipid pool does not increase fibrous cap stress when it is distant to the fibrous cap, whilst large areas of calcification close to or in the fibrous cap may lead to a high stress concentration within the fibrous cap, which may cause plaque rupture. This study highlights the application of a computational model on a simulation of clinical problems, and it may provide insights into the mechanism of plaque rupture.


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Space allowance is a major factor influencing animal welfare. For livestock, at least, it plays a critical role in profitability, yet there is little information on the amount of space that animals require. The amount of space an animal occupies as a consequence of its shape and size can be estimated using allometry; linear dimensions (L) can be expressed as L = kW1/3 and surface area (S) as S = kW2/3, where k = a constant and W = the weight of the animal. Such equations have been used to determine the amount of space needed by standing (area [m2] = 0.019W0.66) and lying (area [m2] = 0.027W0.67) animals. Limited studies on the lying down and standing up behaviors of pigs and cattle suggest that the amount of space required can be estimated by area (m2) = 0.047W0.66. Linear space required per animal for behaviors such as feeding or drinking from a trough can be estimated from 0.064W0.33, but in groups this requirement will be affected by social interactions among group members and the amount of competition for the resource. Determining the amount of space for groups of animals is complex, as the amount of useable space can vary with group size and by how group members share space in time. Some studies have been conducted on the way in which groups of domestic fowl use space, but overall, we know very little about the ways in which livestock time-share space, synchronicity in the performance of behaviors, and the effects of spatial restrictions on behavior and welfare.


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The Queensland Great Barrier Reef line fishery in Australia is regulated via a range of input and output controls including minimum size limits, daily catch limits and commercial catch quotas. As a result of these measures a substantial proportion of the catch is released or discarded. The fate of these released fish is uncertain, but hook-related mortality can potentially be decreased by using hooks that reduce the rates of injury, bleeding and deep hooking. There is also the potential to reduce the capture of non-target species though gear selectivity. A total of 1053 individual fish representing five target species and three non-target species were caught using six hook types including three hook patterns (non-offset circle, J and offset circle), each in two sizes (small 4/0 or 5/0 and large 8/0). Catch rates for each of the hook patterns and sizes varied between species with no consistent results for target or non-target species. When data for all of the fish species were aggregated there was a trend for larger hooks, J hooks and offset circle hooks to cause a greater number of injuries. Using larger hooks was more likely to result in bleeding, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larger hooks were also more likely to foul-hook fish or hook fish in the eye. There was a reduction in the rates of injuries and bleeding for both target and non-target species when using the smaller hook sizes. For a number of species included in our study the incidence of deep hooking decreased when using non-offset circle hooks, however, these results were not consistent for all species. Our results highlight the variability in hook performance across a range of tropical demersal finfish species. The most obvious conservation benefits for both target and non-target species arise from using smaller sized hooks and non-offset circle hooks. Fishers should be encouraged to use these hook configurations to reduce the potential for post-release mortality of released fish.


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The central nervous system (CNS) is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body. Cholesterol is essential to CNS functions such as synaptogenesis and formation of myelin. Significant differences exist in cholesterol metabolism between the CNS and the peripheral organs. However, the regulation of cholesterol metabolism in the CNS is poorly understood compared to our knowledge of the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in organs reached by cholesterol-carrying lipoprotein particles in the circulation. Defects in CNS cholesterol homeostasis have been linked to a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including common diseases with complex pathogenetic mechanisms such as Alzheimer s disease. In spite of intense effort, the mechanisms which link disturbed cholesterol homeostasis to these diseases remain elusive. We used three inherited recessive neurodegenerative disorders as models in the studies included in this thesis: Niemann-Pick type C (NPC), infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and cathepsin D deficiency. Of these three, NPC has previously been linked to disturbed intracellular cholesterol metabolism. Elucidating the mechanisms with which disturbances of cholesterol homeostasis link to neurodegeneration in recessive inherited disorders with known genetic lesions should shed light on how cholesterol is handled in the healthy CNS and help to understand how these and more complex diseases develop. In the first study we analyzed the synthesis of sterols and the assembly and secretion of lipoprotein particles in Npc1 deficient primary astrocytes. We found that both wild type and Npc1 deficient astrocytes retain significant amounts of desmosterol and other cholesterol precursor sterols as membrane constituents. No difference was observed in the synthesis of sterols and the secretion of newly synthesized sterols between Npc1 wild type, heterozygote or knockout astrocytes. We found that the incorporation of newly synthesized sterols into secreted lipoprotein particles was not inhibited by Npc1 mutation, and the lipoprotein particles were similar to those excreted by wild type astrocytes in shape and size. The bulk of cholesterol was found to be secreted independently of secreted NPC2. These observations demonstrate the ability of Npc1 deficient astrocytes to handle de novo sterols, and highlight the unique sterol composition in the developing brain. Infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is caused by the deficiency of a functional Ppt1 enzyme in the cells. In the second study, global gene expression studies of approximately 14000 mouse genes showed significant changes in the expression of 135 genes in Ppt1 deficient neurons compared to wild type. Several genes encoding for enzymes of the mevalonate pathway of cholesterol biosynthesis showed increased expression. As predicted by the expression data, sterol biosynthesis was found to be upregulated in the knockout neurons. These data link Ppt1 deficiency to disturbed cholesterol metabolism in CNS neurons. In the third study we investigated the effect of cathepsin D deficiency on the structure of myelin and lipid homeostasis in the brain. Our proteomics data, immunohistochemistry and western blotting data showed altered levels of the myelin protein components myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein and 2 , 3 -cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase in the brains of cathepsin D deficient mice. Electron microscopy revealed altered myelin structure in cathepsin D deficient brains. Additionally, plasmalogen-derived alkenyl chains and 20- and 24-carbon saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids typical for glycosphingolipids were found to be significantly reduced, but polyunsaturated species were significantly increased in the knockout brains, pointing to a decrease in white matter. The levels of ApoE and ABCA1 proteins linked to cholesterol efflux in the CNS were found to be altered in the brains of cathepsin D deficient mice, along with an accumulation of cholesteryl esters and a decrease in triglycerols. Together these data demonstrate altered myelin architecture in cathepsin D deficient mice and link cathepsin D deficiency to aberrant cholesterol metabolism and trafficking. Basic research into rare monogenic diseases sheds light on the underlying biological processes which are perturbed in these conditions and contributes to our understanding of the physiological function of healthy cells. Eventually, understanding gained from the study of disease models may contribute towards establishing treatment for these disorders and further our understanding of the pathogenesis of other, more complex and common diseases.