962 resultados para Sexual reproduction
The area of intensively managed forests, in which required conditions for several liverwort species are seldom found, has expanded over the forest landscape during the last century. Liverworts are very sensitive to habitat changes, because they demand continuously moist microclimate. Consequently, about third of the forest liverworts have been classified as threatened or near threatened in Finland. The general objective of this thesis is to increase knowledge of the reproductive and dispersal strategies of the substrate-specific forest bryophytes. A further aim was to develop recommendations for conservation measures for species inhabiting unstable and stable habitats in forest landscape. Both population ecological and genetic methods have been applied in the research. Anastrophyllum hellerianum inhabits spatially and temporally limited substrate patches, decaying logs, which can be considered as unstable habitats. The results show that asexual reproduction by gemmae is the dominant mode of reproduction, whereas sexual reproduction is considerably infrequent. Unlike previously assumed, not only spores but also the asexual propagules may contribute to long-distance dispersal. The combination of occasional spore production and practically continuous, massive gemma production facilitates dispersal both on a local scale and over long distances, and it compensates for the great propagule losses that take place preceding successful establishment at suitable sites. However, establishment probability of spores may be restricted because of environmental and biological limitations linked to the low success of sexual reproduction. Long-lasting dry seasons are likely to result in a low success of sexual reproduction and decreased release rate of gemmae from the shoots, and consequent fluctuations in population sizes. In the long term, the substratum limitation is likely to restrict population sizes and cause local extinctions, especially in small-sized remnant populations. Contrastingly, larger forest fragments with more natural disturbance dynamics, to which the species is adapted, are pivotal to species survival. Trichocolea tomentella occupies stable spring and mesic habitats in woodland. The relatively small populations are increasingly fragmented with a high risk for extinction for extrinsic reasons. The results show that T. tomentella mainly invests in population persistence by effective clonal growth via forming independent ramets and in competitive ability, and considerably less in sexuality and dispersal potential. The populations possess relatively high levels of genetic diversity regardless of population size and of degree of isolation. Thus, the small-sized populations inhabiting stable habitats should not be neglected when establishing conservation strategies for the species and when considering the habitat protection of small spring sites. Restricted dispersal capacity, also on a relatively small spatial scale, is likely to prevent successful (re-)colonization in the potential habitat patches of recovering forest landscapes. By contrast, random short-range dispersal of detached vegetative fragments within populations at suitable habitat seems to be frequent. Thus, the restoration actions of spring and streamside habitats close to the populations of T. tomentella may contribute to population expansion. That, in turn, decreases the harmful effects of environmental stochasticity.
The immediate effects of two human-related vegetation disturbances, (1) green tree retention (GTR) patch felling and scarification by harrowing and (2) experimental understorey vegetation layer removal, were examined in boreal forest stands in Finland. Effects of GTR patch felling and scarification on tree uprootings, on coarse woody debris (CWD) and on epixylic plant community were followed in upland and in paludified forest types. Uprootings increased considerably during 2-3 years after the fellings and were more frequent (47%) in the paludified than in the upland forest (13%). Scarification reduced 68% of the CWD in the felling area. Cover and especially species richness of epixylics declined in the both areas during 1-2 years after the felling. The increasing size of GTR patch correlated positively with the species richness. Regeneration of understorey vegetation community and Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea after different removals of vegetation layers in an old-growth forest took four years. The regeneration occurred mainly by vegetative means and it was faster in the terms of species richness than in the cover. In the most severe treatment, recovery occurred merely by sexual reproduction. V. myrtillus recovered mainly by producing new shoots. V. vitis-idaea recovered faster than V. myrtillus, mainly by increasing length growth. For ecological reasons, use of larger GTR patches on paludified biotope would be recommendable. In felling areas, scarification by harrowing could be replaced with some other spot-wise method. After moderate intensity level disturbance, recovery occurs rapidly by vegetative regrowth of the dominating species. High level of intensity may prevent the recovery of vegetation community for years, while enabling also the genetic regeneration of the initial species. Local anthropogenic-related disturbances are currently increasing and they can interact during temporally short times, which should be taken in to account in the future forest management plans.
Cat’s claw creeper, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohmann (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry) is a major environmental weed in Australia. Two forms (‘long’ and ‘short’ pod) of the weed occur in Australia. This investigation aimed to evaluate and compare germination behavior and occurrence of polyembryony in the two forms of the weed. Seeds were germinated in growth chambers set to 10/20 °C, 15/25 °C, 20/30 °C, 30/45 °C and 25 °C. Germination and polyembryony were monitored over a period of 12 weeks. For all the treatments in this study, seeds from the short pod form exhibited significantly higher germination rates and higher occurrence of polyembryony than those from the long pod form. Seeds from the long pod form did not germinate at the lowest temperature of 10/20 °C; in contrast, those of the short pod form germinated under this condition, albeit at a lower rate. Results from this study could explain why the short pod form of D. unguis-cati is the more widely distributed form in Australia, while the long pod form is confined to a few localities. The results have implication in predicting future ranges of both forms of the invasive D. unguis-cati, as well as inform management decisions for control of the weed.
Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is an asexual form of plant propagation that occurs in nature and mimics many of the events of sexual reproduction. Pinus sylvestris (L.) is an important source of timber in Northern Eurasia but it is recalcitrant to somatic embryogenesis. Several factors important for the success of the P. sylvestris embryogenic cultures have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we examined the effects of parental genotypes on the SE in P. sylvestris, the involvement of the gaseous plant growth regulator, ethylene in SE, and also biotic effects on somatic embryos as well as on seedlings. We tested parental effects on immature embryo initiation for different media, storage periods, and on the maturation process. Maternal effects were found to be crucial for SE in the absence of paternal effects. No maternal-paternal interaction was observed at any stage of somatic embryo production. Additionally the role of ethylene at different developmental stages of SE was investigated. Two ACC synthase genes, PsACS1 and PsACS2, were isolated and characterized. PsACS1 was expressed during the proliferation stage in all tested genotypes, whereas PsACS2 was only expressed in somatic embryos of each genotype. Ethylene production in embryos at stage 3 was significantly higher than the other stages. In a parallel study, the response of somatic embryos to fungal elicitors was investigated. Three fungi, a mutualistic ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus (Suillus bovinus), a weak Scots pine pathogen (Heterobasidion parviporum) and a strong pathogen (H. annosum) were used. The gene expression patterns for embryos exposed to the H. parviporum elicitor were found to be similar to that documented for S. bovinus among the tested genes. By contrast somatic embryos exposed to the H. annosum elicitor had a different pattern of regulation which was marked by a delayed response, and in some cases death of the embryos. Furthermore, interaction without direct contact between P. sylvestris seedlings and microbes (mutualistic and pathogenic fungus, cyanobacterium) were investigated. Several novel genes expressed in seedlings treated with ECM fungus were isolated which suggested that physical contact is not necessary for elicitation of host responses. The results suggest that somatic embryos and seedlings of P. sylvestris are genetically well equipped to respond to fungal elicitor/exudates and could serve as a suitable model for reproducible molecular studies in conifer tree patho- and symbiotic systems.
This dissertation inquires into the relationship between gender and biopolitics. Biopolitics, according to Michel Foucault, is the mode of politics that is situated and exercised at the level of life. The dissertation claims that gender is a technology of biopower specific to the optimisation of the sexual reproduction of human life, deployed through the scientific and governmental problematisation of declining fertility rates in the mid-twentieth century. Just as Michel Foucault claimed that sexuality became a scientific and political discourse in the nineteenth century, gender has also since emerged in these fields. In this dissertation, gender is treated as neither a representation of sex nor a cultural construct or category of identity. Rather, a genealogy of gender as an apparatus of biopower in conducted. It demonstrates how scientific and theoretical developments in the twentieth century marshalled gender into the sex/sexuality apparatus as a new technology of liberal biopower. Gender, I argue, has become necessary for the Western liberal order to recapture and re-optimise the life-producing functions of sex that reproduce the very object of biopolitics: life. The concept of the life function is introduced to analyse the life-producing violence of the sex/sexuality/gender apparatus. To do this, the thesis rereads the work of Michel Foucault through Gilles Deleuze for a deeper grasp of the material strategies of biopower and how it produces categories of difference and divides population according to them. The work of Judith Butler, in turn, is used as a foil against which to rearticulate the question of how to examine gender genealogically and biopolitically. The dissertation then executes a genealogy of gender, tracing the changing rationalities of sex/sexuality/gender from early feminist thought, through mid-twentieth century sexological, feminist, and demographic research, to current EU policy. According to this genealogy, in the mid-twentieth century demographers perceived that sexuality/sex, which Foucault observed as the life-producing biopolitical apparatus, was no longer sufficiently disciplining human bodies to reproduce. The life function was escaping the grasp of biopower. The analysis demonstrates how gender theory was taken up as a means of reterritorialising the life function: nature would be disciplined to reproduce by controlling culture. The crucial theoretical and genealogical argument of the thesis, that gender is a discourse with biopolitical foundations and a technology of biopower, radically challenges the premises of gender theory and feminist politics, as well as the emancipatory potential often granted to the gender concept. The project asks what gender means, what biopolitical function it performs, and what is at stake for feminist politics when it engages with it. In so doing, it identifies biopolitics and the problem of life as possibly the most urgent arena for feminist politics today.
For a population made up of individuals capable of sexual as well as asexual modes of reproduction, conditions for the spread of a transposable element are explored using a one-locus, two-haplotype model. The analysis is then extended to include the possibility that the transposable element can modulate the probability of sexual reproduction, thus casting Hickey’s (1982,Genetics 101: 519–531) suggestion in a population genetics framework. The model explicitly includes the cost of sexual reproduction, fitness disadvantage to the transposable element, probability of transposition, and the predisposition for sexual reproduction in the presence and absence of the transposable element. The model predicts several kinds of outcome, including initial frequency dependence and stable polymorphism. More importantly, it is seen that for a wide range of parameter values, the transposable element can go to fixation. Therefore it is able to convert the population from a predominantly asexual to a predominantly sexual mode of reproduction. Viewed in conjunction with recent results implicating short stretches of apparently non-coding DNA in sex determination (McCoubreyet al. 1988,Science 242: 1146–1151), the model hints at the important role this mechanism could have played in the evolution of sexuality.
The life-history of Neurospora in nature has remained largely unknown. The present study attempts to remedy this. The following conclusions are based on observation of Neurospora on fire-scorched sugar cane in agricultural fields, and reconstruction experiments using a colour mutant to inoculate sugar cane burned in the laboratory. The fungus persists in soil as heat-resistant dormant ascospores. These are activated by a chemical(s) released into soil from the burnt substrate. The chief diffusible activator of ascospores is furfural and the germinating ascospores infect the scorched substrate. An invasive mycelium grows progressively upwards inside the juicy sugar cane and produces copious macroconidia externally through fire-induced openings formed in the plant tissue, or by the mechanical rupturing of the plant epidermal tissue by the mass of mycelium. The loose conidia are dispersed by wind and/or foraged by microfauna. It is suggested that the constant production of macroconidia, and their ready dispersal, serve a physiological role: to drain the substrate of minerals and soluble sugars, thereby creating nutritional conditions which stimulate sexual reproduction by the fungus. Sexual reproduction in the sugar-depleted cellulosic substrate occurs after macroconidiation has ceased totally and is favoured by the humid conditions prevailing during the monsoon rains. Profuse microconidiophores and protoperithecia are produced simultaneously in the pockets below the loosened epidermal tissue. Presumably protoperithecia are fertilized by microconidia which are possibly transmitted by nematodes active in the dead plant tissue. Mature perithecia release ascospores in situ which are passively liberated in the soil by the disintegration of the plant material and are, apparently, distributed by rain or irrigation water.
It is largely presumed that reproduction in British Lemna, as in other British Lemnaceae, is almost entirely asexual, with new daughter fronds being produced from the side pouches of older mother fronds. Sexual reproduction is considered to be a rather rare event or even absent and because of this rarity the sexual features of Lemna, such as anthers and fruit, are often considered to be of little taxonomic value. It was with some surprise, therefore, that widespread flowering was observed in all British Lemna during the summer of 1995. Initial observations in Shropshire during June recorded flowers in minor and trisulca, with fruit production in trisulca. L.gibba, minor and minuta were noted as being in flower on several occasions in Kent, during July and August, probably fruit production occurring in both species. To what extent these events are truly representative of the sexual reproduction rate of British Lemna on a year-to-year basis, or simply reflect the unusually high summer temperatures of 1995, is unclear.
羊草 (Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. ) ,隶属禾本科赖草属,是欧亚大陆草原区东部的重要草原建群种之一。羊草是牧草之王,属于我国有比较优势的战略性生物资源,对我国北方畜牧业发展以及保护生态环境均具有重要作用。 羊草较弱的有性生殖特性限制了其应用,本文从实验生物学角度,研究了羊草有性生殖的基本特点,并试图通过现代分子生物学手段探讨自交不亲和性的有关机理。本论文的主要结果如下: 1. 实验发现羊草具有自交不亲和性。以6 个羊草居群为材料,测定得知开放授粉时的结实率在6.5% - 56.7%之间,自交时结实率为0.6% - 4.3%,差异极其显著; FDA 染色法检测结果显示羊草成熟花药中有活性的花粉达到92.2% 以上;在发育时间顺序和空间结构上,羊草雌蕊、雄蕊适于异花和自花授粉;花粉柱头亲和性实验表明,自交花粉只有5.5%-11.7% 是亲和的,杂交花粉亲和率达到了60.0%-84.8%,说明自交花粉在柱头上萌发受到抑制,其次,荧光显微镜还观察到“不亲和花粉”在进入柱头后生长缓慢,或停止延伸。 2. 初步确定羊草自交不亲和性具有配子体型遗传特点。以不同居群羊草杂交后的姊妹系作为实验材料,观察到自交组合的亲和率变幅为0 % - 6.9 %,杂交组合的亲和率具有连续性变异和变幅较宽的特点(47.5% - 96.0 %),且正反交结果具有一定的一致性(88.2%),表现出配子体遗传特性。 3. 羊草居群内结实率存在一定变异。以羊草单株为单位分别进行自交、随机互交和开放授粉,结果显示三者的平均结实率分别为4.6%,18.1% 和35.7%,株间的变异系数分别为33.4%,21.2%和17.1%,这些株间的变异均达到统计上的显著差异;同时羊草自交、杂交和开放授粉之间具有一定的相关性,显示羊草的这种株间差异与株系本身的生理特性相关。 4. 分离了羊草硫氧化还原蛋白 H 基因(ThioLc)并对其功能进行了分析。克隆了ThioLc全长和cDNA序列。序列分析结果显示,DNA全长2257 bp,包括3 个内含子和4 个外显子,与水稻Thio h 的cDNA 序列相比,具有 32.0% 的同源性;Southern 杂交显示 ThioLc 在羊草基因组中是单拷贝;Northern 杂交显示 ThioLc 在羊草根、茎、叶和幼小的雌蕊中没有表达, 在成熟雌蕊和幼小的花粉中微量表达, 在成熟花粉中大量表达,说明分离的羊草硫氧化还原蛋白H 基因具有花粉特异表达特点。 5. 原核表达的ThioLc 蛋白具有较高的催化活性。构建了ThioLc 基因的原核表达载体,检测证明ThioLc基因在大肠杆菌中正常表达;提取表达蛋白,纯化,用胰岛素和二硫苏糖醇反应体系进行硫氧化还原蛋白的催化作用反应,结果表明表达的蛋白具有催化活性。这一结果为进一步搜寻靶向蛋白和研究该蛋白的结构、功能和作用方式奠定了基础。
预计到本世纪末,大气CO2浓度将会增加到540~970ppm,大气CO2浓度升高所引起的全球气候变化已经受到广泛的关注。植物生长依赖CO2,并且对大气CO2浓度升高在结构和生理上产生响应。目前已有大量报道,从生态系统、群落、种群、个体、器官、组织、生理以及生化等水平上研究高浓度CO2所对植物产生的影响。但是有关高浓度CO2对植物有性生殖影响的报道却很少,同时多数实验均建立在短期的生殖响应,忽视了植物在长期高CO2浓度下具有的反馈作用和CO2浓度变化对植物的驯化作用。植物有性生殖与其生态适应性和农作物籽粒产量的关系极为密切;同时,植物有性生殖特性的变化,也可作为预测植物对全球气候变化响应的重要指标之一。为此,利用高浓度CO2对植物进行长期选择实验将很有必要。研究结果将为预测未来大气CO2浓度增加的条件下陆地生态系统的演变趋势、全球变化对植物有性生殖响应的方式和机制提供新的思路和有效方法。 在本研究中,我们以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为实验材料,利用370和700ppm CO2对其进行连续8个世代处理,首先研究高浓度CO2对每一个世代的拟南芥有性生殖特性的影响,然后比较各个世代中各种生殖特性指标变化的规律,从细胞、组织和个体尺度上揭示拟南芥有性生殖对全球变化的响应模式。此外,在700ppm CO2处理下,我们对拟南芥叶片生理、生化以及结构的变化进行了相关研究。两部分研究结果及主要结论如下: 首先,在每一个世代中,与370ppm CO2相比较,700ppm CO2处理显著促进了拟南芥开花,缩短生长周期,增加花、角果及种子等生殖的产量,降低种子N含量,提高种子C/N比、种子千粒重以及生殖生物量所占总生物量的比例等,而对种子萌发率、角果所含种子数目以及角果长度则无显著影响。但是, 通过对相同CO2浓度处理条件下,不同世代之间的研究结果比较发现,不同世代之间相关的生殖生物学指标并无显著差异。 其次,高浓度CO2显著降低叶片气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔导度以及蒸腾速率。在高浓度CO2处理下,叶肉细胞中叶绿体数目、叶绿体宽度和表观面积、淀粉粒大小和数量、叶片和细胞壁厚度等都显著增加,但是基粒内囊体膜的数量却显著下降。叶片中碳水化合物如可溶性总糖、淀粉以及纤维素含量在高浓度CO2下分别显著增加71.9%、78.7% 和 22.3%。此外,在高浓度CO2处理下,叶片中多数激素如如吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid, IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin, GA)、玉米素核苷(zeatin riboside, ZR)、二氢玉米素核苷(dihydrozeatin riboside, DHZR)和异戊烯基腺苷(isopentenyl adenosine, iPA)均都显著地增加,而脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量却有所下降。最后,叶片中各种矿物质元素含量如N、P、K、Ca和Mg等含量在高浓度CO2处理下也都显著下降,而C/N比增加24.8%。 以上结果表明: (1) 在每一个世代中,700ppm CO2处理对拟南芥各种有性生殖特性具有显著的影响,但是高浓度CO2处理对植物所引起的效应在多个世代以内并不能够传递给后代,所以在多个有性生殖世代内,高浓度CO2处理对植物生长、生殖没有驯化作用。 (2) 在高浓度CO2处理下,拟南芥叶片中叶绿体超微结构的变化,可能主要是由于叶绿体中淀粉粒数量和体积大小显著增加而引起。 (3) 在高浓度CO2处理下,由于拟南芥叶片内与促进细胞分裂与伸长的激素含量显著增加,从而对拟南芥植株生长发育速率的提高起了重要的作用。 (4) 拟南芥生长在高浓度CO2条件下,其叶片中各种矿质元素含量(如N、P、K、Ca和Mg)均显著降低,究其原因可能是,第一由于叶片中碳水化合物含量的显著增加而对矿物质元素具有稀释作用;第二由于蒸腾速率下降,引起矿质元素从根部随着蒸腾流运输到地上部分的含量相应减少。
Genetic biodiversity is the vaflatlOn among individuals within and between units of interbreeding individuals (populations) of a species. It includes inheritable and transmittable differences that occur between individuals andlor popuhitions of a given species through reproductive interaction. There exists enormous variability among individuals andlor populations of a species for most living organisms, and most of this variation is inheritable. differences among individuals arise through mutation and via recombination of genes during meiosis. These ifferences are then transmitted to successive generations through sexual reproduction and maintained in the populations through processes such as natural selection and genetic drift. Unfortunately much of this variation is normally threatened and often in danger of extinction because most focus in conservation of natural resources is put at saving species or habitats than varieties or strains of a species
Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division that generates haploid gametes required for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). Meiotic CO frequency varies along the physical length of chromosomes and is determined by hierarchical mechanisms, including epigenetic organization, for example methylation of the DNA and histones. Here we investigate the role of DNA methylation in determining patterns of CO frequency along Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. In A. thaliana the pericentromeric regions are repetitive, densely DNA methylated, and suppressed for both RNA polymerase-II transcription and CO frequency. DNA hypomethylated methyltransferase1 (met1) mutants show transcriptional reactivation of repetitive sequences in the pericentromeres, which we demonstrate is coupled to extensive remodeling of CO frequency. We observe elevated centromere-proximal COs in met1, coincident with pericentromeric decreases and distal increases. Importantly, total numbers of CO events are similar between wild type and met1, suggesting a role for interference and homeostasis in CO remodeling. To understand recombination distributions at a finer scale we generated CO frequency maps close to the telomere of chromosome 3 in wild type and demonstrate an elevated recombination topology in met1. Using a pollen-typing strategy we have identified an intergenic nucleosome-free CO hotspot 3a, and we demonstrate that it undergoes increased recombination activity in met1. We hypothesize that modulation of 3a activity is caused by CO remodeling driven by elevated centromeric COs. These data demonstrate how regional epigenetic organization can pattern recombination frequency along eukaryotic chromosomes.
To investigate germline development and germ cell specification, we identified a Dazl homolog (CagDazl) from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Its cDNA sequence and BAC clone sequence analyses revealed the genomic organization conservation and conserved synteny of the Dazl family members and their neighborhood genes among vertebrates, especially in fish. Moreover, a polyclonal antibody specific to CagDazl was produced and used to examine its expression and distribution throughout germline development at protein level. Firstly, ovary-specific expression pattern of CagDazl was confirmed in adult tissues by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addition, in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence localization demonstrated its specific expression in germ cells, and both its transcript and protein were localized to germ plasm. Then, co-localization of CagDazl and mitochondrial cloud was found, confirming that CagDazl transcript and its protein are germ plasm component and move via METRO pathway during oogenesis. Furthermore, the CagDazl is abundant and continuous throughout germline development and germ cell specification including primordial germ cell (PGC) formation, oogonium differentiation, oocyte development, and embryogenesis, and the dynamic distribution occurs at different development stages. The data suggest that maternal CagDazl might play an important role in gibel carp PGC formation. Therefore, CagDazl is a useful and specific marker for tracing germ plasm and germ cell development in the gynogenetic gibel carp. In addition, in comparison with previous studies in sexual reproduction species, the continuous and dynamic distribution of CagDazl protein in the germ plasm throughout the life cycle seems to have significant implication in sex evolution of vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Deu. Euol.) 312B:855-871, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Although the peritrichous ciliate Carchesium polypinum is common in freshwater, its population genetic structure is largely unknown. We used inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting to analyze the genetic structure of 48 different isolates of the species from four lakes in Wuhan, central China. Using eight polymorphic primers, 81 discernible DNA fragments were detected, among which 76 (93.83%) were polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the isolate level. Further, Nei's gene diversity (h) and Shannon's Information index (I) between the different isolates both revealed a remarkable genetic diversity, higher than previously indicated by their morphology. At the same time, substantial gene flow was found. So the main factors responsible for the high level of diversity within populations are probably due to conjugation (sexual reproduction) and wide distribution of swarmers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that there was low genetic differentiation among the four populations probably due to common ancestry and flooding events. The cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) suggested that genotypes isolated from the same lake displayed a higher genetic similarity than those from different lakes. Both analyses separated C. polypinum isolates into subgroups according to the geographical locations. However, there is only a weak positive correlation between the genetic distance and geographical distance, suggesting a minor effect of geographical distance on the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of C. polypinum at the local level. In conclusion, our studies clearly demonstrated that a single morphospecies may harbor high levels of genetic diversity, and that the degree of resolution offered by morphology as a marker for measuring distribution patterns of genetically distinct entities is too low.
有性繁殖是植物适应干扰的重要机制。目前,人们对于植物如何从有性繁殖方面适应风沙环境还知之甚少。本论文以半干旱草原区的科尔沁沙地为对象,采用实验室分析、模拟试验、野外调查等方法,研究了种子形态及其功能意义、种子传播与植物沙生适应性的关系、埋藏种子萌发与沙丘植物更新的关系,探讨了沙丘土壤种子库时空格局、土壤种子库持久性与沙丘植被恢复的关系,揭示了生殖物候对植物沙生适应性的影响,探索了有性繁殖在多年生沙生植物适应风蚀中的作用。 研究结果表明:(1)沙生植物通过调节种子重量和形状降低种子位移,增大幼苗补充几率;(2)沙生植物通过将种子脱落推迟至“风季结束、雨季来临”时期,或者通过种子遇水溶出粘液粘沙增大重量,分摊干旱和风沙干扰给幼苗补充带来的风险,维持种群繁衍;(3)埋藏能调节沙生植物种子萌发时间和萌发率;(4)沙生植物通过生殖物候可塑性和延长结实期增强沙生适应性;(5)沙生植物具有持久种子库,能提供稳定种源;(6)多年生沙生植物可通过有性繁殖适应风蚀,入侵流动沙丘区。本研究为植物有性繁殖研究提供了方法论借鉴。根据研究结果我们提出了沙丘植被恢复和管理建议。