965 resultados para Semana Nacional de Humanização


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This study addresses the environmental quality in therapeutic spaces for children's rehabilitation. The assumption that space is active and interfere in interpersonal relationships, highlights the importance of natural light to the hospital architecture, to foster the creation of environments that encourage and assist in the recovery of patients in the rehabilitation process. Therefore, interferes with health humanization through positive actions in the physiological and emotional effects of natural light, as facilitators of the health recovery process. In Brazil hospital openings systems projects are built exclusively to follow requirements of the local construction code which do not consider the landscape, but only ventilation and heat stroke; and the luminance levels are treated just as recommendations for artificial lighting. The National Policy for Healthcare Humanization presents the environmental comfort as a priority. However, it does not guidelines for achieving it. In this context this research aims to evaluate the lighting comfort in infant therapeutic areas from the professional satisfaction, in order to identify human preferences on the variables: technical and constructive aspects, relationship with the exterior, internal visual interface and quality elements. With this purpose it was adopted as research strategy the Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Technical Functional) through a multi method approach, which included a case study in the rehabilitation gym of Children Rehabilitation Center, at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and a reference study at SARAH Rehabilitation Center, Fortaleza Unit at Ceará, both in Brazil northeast. The results indicate that the definition of openings systems should consider external and internal factors to the building, as the natural landscape, the immediate surroundings and activities to be performed. The POE found out the preference of the professional visual privacy in detriment to other analyzed aspects. Thus, it is expected that this study can contribute to the discussion of luminous quality and generate inputs for future projects or renovations in the Children's Rehabilitation Centers, which should not be projected as hospitals


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Among the deviant a heteronormative ideal, transvestites are the ones that suffer abuse and discrimination. Have been found that health services often present themselves as places that maintains and reproduce such discrimination, which makes transvestites only sought medical care in the latter case. Based on the guidelines of the SUS and the National Humanization Policy as well as the inclusion and leadership of the users, we conducted a qualitative study seeking to understand the experience of transvestites in seeking health care within primary care in Natal-RN. We use as techno-methodological instruments in depth interview and workshop with use of "scenes". For interpretative analysis of the narratives we use to Hermeneutics-Dialectic. From the dialogue with the narrative we come to the following themes: 1) Understanding the meaning of being a transvestite; 2) The experience transvestite in search of health; 3) Transvestites and humanized health care. In the first point they reveal the daily struggle of transvestites between prejudice and the search for respect, as well as the meanings of being a transvestite, who appeared as: Being gay, being feminine, not transsexual and accept themselves as they are. In the second axis, expressed difficulties in access to and use of health services: the embarrassment by not using the social name; fear of going out during the day; the association of transvestites to HIV; and pain caused by discrimination from health professionals. It was also possible to identify simple demands such as illnesses from day to day, the demand for hormone therapy, which involves treatment needs as well as the vital need to have their rights XVII respected. The third axis, for the range of a humanized care identified that the respectful gaze guarantee their dignity and their right to health in a humane way, but it identified some necessary changes: Training of professionals, dialogue with the social movement, publicity campaigns and rapprochement with the transvestite. Finally, it is expected that the research will contribute to the field of knowledge know-how in health care transvestites, inside and outside of the university


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The proposal of teaching-service integration from work experience brings a challenge to the professionals involved in health services: to combine their healthcare practice to the preparation of new professionals in accordance with the national health model. In Recife, the assistance network is known as school network, since it provides all its health equipment for Higher Education Institutions, in special for professionals who work as preceptors, making this activity an important component of the services network. The objective of the present study was to analyze preceptorship experience herein Multidisciplinary Residences in Health in the look of health professionals. This is a qualitative descriptive study, involving physicians, dentists, and nurses that have worked as preceptors for at least two years in multidisciplinary residency linked to two Higher Education Institutions. A semistructured interview was used as research instrument and data were processed by using the software Alceste 4.9. Results indicated four semantic classes which were divided into two axis. Axis 1, composed of class 4, and Axis 2, composed of classes 3, 2 and 1. Categorization considered the relation between classes. It was observed that in class 4 work overload is a dilemma for professional participation in preceptorship. This is noted by the words manage, time, patient, give, and complicated. However, it is also observed that the preceptorship involves positive learning and teaching actions, reinforced by the words say, explain, and discuss. Class 2 shows the preceptorship as an experience exchange, a positive moment that provides theoretical upgrade to the preceptor, associated to the professional practices performed by the binominal preceptor-student in health services and communities. In this perspective, everyone is benefited since preceptorship is structured according to dynamic aspects of knowledge, experienced in settings permeated by people´s health necessities. In class 3, potentialities of this practice are shown, and personal compromise is the main reason of acting as a preceptor in this network of education/attention, demonstrated in the words reason, formation, to like and professionals. Last, but not the least, class 1 suggests the importance of preceptorship and one of the strategies to create the National Politics of Humanization, from the teachingservice-community integration, observed in the words: arrives, university, fundamental, manner, partnership, service, and student. Besides, it rates perspectives and challenges for the improvement of the preceptorship in health services. Integrating teaching and service can enhance the proposals of changes concerning the healthcare model practiced in services, but this relation is still superficial. The preceptor is an actor in action, playing real life roles, and that is when he becomes essential to seek training with the profile defended in the proposed training of a professional who is capable of learning to learn


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The objective of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) is to humanize relations between professionals and users. It is guided by the proposal of expanded clinic and proposes the embracement as a strategy for its existence. The embracement requires qualified hearing, the provision of adequate technologies and the establishment of relations for better solving health problems of users. The objective of this study was to evaluate user satisfaction of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) regarding the embracement from the perspective of qualified hearing and improved relations in the city of Recife- PE. In this quantitative, qualitative, evaluative and cross-sectional study, 297 users of the services offered by the FHS were interviewed in six health districts of the city. For data collection, the Satisfaction Rating Scale of users with Mental Health Services - Satis-BR- abbreviated and adapted to the subject embracement was used. Quantitative data were analyzed by using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 17.0, calculating the absolute and relative frequencies. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis of Bardin with the elaboration of thematic categories. The results indicate that most users are satisfied with the embracement offered by the teams. About 66% reported being very or fairly heard by professionals; 80.2% reported to have obtained some or much help when searched for embracement; 64.6% indicated that the embracement is friendly or very friendly. Regarding ambience, 55.9% of users demonstrated indifference and dissatisfaction with comfort and appearance; regarding general facilities of the service, 69.4% reported as regular to awful. Three thematic categories were revealed by the speeches: satisfaction with embracement, dissatisfaction with the ambience, and suggestions for improvements in embracement and service. This study contributed to the understanding that both the hearing and relations are present in the embracement of the city and also to demonstrate that the ambience is a possible weakness in the opinion of the users.


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As tecnologias que adotam a eliminação do uso do fogo para a remoção da vegetação no preparo da área agrícola são as principais demandas de conhecimento dos agricultores e gestores preocupados com as questões ambientais e de conservação do solo. Objetiva o presente trabalho relatar as ações de troca de experiências, de conhecimentos científicos e populares, sobre manejos agroecológicos dos recursos naturais, com destaque para a prática da agricultura sem queima. As atividades foram realizadas durante dois anos do projeto Ajuri Agroflorestal, com a participação das populações das comunidades do Projeto de Assentamento Tarumã Mirim (PATM). A experiência foi encerrada com a realização da grande oficina denominada: "Museu Vivo: Agricultura sem Queima", com a exposição da construção e manutenção da fertilidade dos solos, em quatro unidades de referências, implantadas na área dos agricultores familiares, que ocorreu durante a XII Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, em outubro de 2014.


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Crónica de lo acontecido en la vigésimo tercera semana de Educación Nacional de la Federación de Amigos de la Enseñanza, celebrada en Madrid, entre el 27 y el 31 de diciembre de 1957 bajo el tema general 'Cuestiones didácticas en torno al Bachillerato actual'. Se abrieron las sesiones de ponencias con la intervención del canónigo madrileño D. Alejandro Martínez Gil sobre 'La Religión: su estudio en el Bachillerato actual', en la que dejó por sentada la importancia de la doctrina religiosa en el estudio del bachillerato y la conveniencia de revisar el plan de estudios de aquel momento en materia de Religión. Otro religioso, el padre Andrés Moreno Gelabert, se ocupó de 'La Filosofía en el Bachillerato : su extensión y sentido'. En ponencias posteriores se habló sobre la enseñanza del latín, el español y el francés en el Bachillerato español. Otras tantas ponencias se dedicaron al análisis de la enseñanza de las ciencias y al de la Geografía y de la Historia, que las situaba como accesorias a las demás. En la jornada de clausura intervino el inspector general de Enseñanza Media, D. Arsenio Pacios, quién defendió la causa del curso preuniversitario y afirmó que los cursos anteriores tienden a que el estudiante adquiera unos conocimientos y hábitos de trabajo que, al llegar al curso preuniversitario, le capaciten para fraguar con lo aprendido, una visión personal del mundo.


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Este estudo, de natureza histórico-social, tem como objeto a criação da Associação Brasileira de Obstetrizes e Enfermeiros Obstetras (ABENFO) e suas estratégias no Movimento de Humanização do Parto e Nascimento Brasileiro (1989-2002). A delimitação temporal do estudo abrange o período de 1989 a 2002. Os objetivos da pesquisa são: analisar a transição da Associação Brasileira de Obstetrizes (ABO) para Associação Brasileira de Obstetrizes e Enfermeiros Obstetras (ABENFO); analisar as estratégias elaboradas pela ABENFO para a atualização do habitus das agentes; analisar o fortalecimento do Movimento de Humanização do Parto e Nascimento empreendido pela ABENFO. O estudo apoia-se teoricamente nos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu e utilizou o método da história oral temática. Na análise, houve a articulação de documentos escritos e depoimentos orais à luz do referencial teórico. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que, no processo de surgimento da ABENFO, houve um período de aproximações de agentes que durou aproximadamente 15 anos. A primeira aproximação foi entre parteiras/obstetrizes e as enfermeiras no campo sindical; a segunda aproximação de agentes, desta vez pelo habitus profissional, foi de enfermeiras de saúde pública e enfermeiras obstétricas no campo hospitalar e científico; e a terceira aproximação foi entre as parteiras/obstetrizes com as enfermeiras obstétricas. Após essas aproximações, a enfermeira obstétrica assumiu a diretoria provisória da ABO, realizando, em seguida, a transição para a ABENFO. Após a transição, a ABENFO nacional consolidou-se como representante das enfermeiras obstétricas e obstetrizes. Em seguida, foi necessário criar estratégias para atualizar o habitus das agentes, tais como: Estratégias de fortalecimento da Associação no campo político da Enfermagem e da Saúde da Mulher; Estratégias de ampliação da sua representação nacional entre enfermeiras obstétricas; Estratégias para divulgação do capital social da ABENFO. Dentre as estratégias de divulgação, aconteceram três Congressos Brasileiros de Enfermagem Obstétrica e Neonatal (COBEONS) que fortaleceram o Movimento de Humanização do Parto e Nascimento, pois neste espaço circulou o capital sociocultural do movimento social entre as associadas, levando aos mesmos uma atualização do seu habitus, e, por outro lado, fortalecendo o Movimento por meio do reconhecimento. Portanto, o fortalecimento do processo de humanização do parto e nascimento brasileiro confirmou a hipótese de que a criação da ABENFO possibilitou a elaboração de estratégias que impulsionaram a atualização do habitus das agentes. Este estudo foi esclarecedor, na medida em que favoreceu a compreensão das circunstâncias de criação da ABENFO e sua participação como a única representante das enfermeiras obstétricas e obstetrizes no Movimento de Humanização do Parto e Nascimento, além de demonstrar o quanto estas agentes contribuíram para a sua consolidação.


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Esta investigación se desarrolla, bajo una hipótesis, la cual se quería comprobar, por la evidencia encontrada en dos fuentes externas. La hipótesis presentada es sí el discurso ético que profesan en los libros académicos y los maestros en el tema, difiere del comportamiento ético que demuestran los empresarios, especialmente los colombianos, bajo las siguientes evidencias: Los artículos publicados en 5 medios de publicidad, como son: periódicos diarios o semanales, revistas que sea distribuidas, por lo menos en la principales ciudades de Colombia, por lo que se escogieron los siguientes: Periódico El Tiempo, Periódico El Espectador, Periódico Portafolio, Revista Semana y Revista Cambios. Así mismo para unificar el lapso de tiempo estudiado se escogió para la investigación el segundo semestre del 2008 y se revisarían todos los artículos bajo la condición que tuvieran las siguientes palabras, sin ser entre ellas excluyentes, “ética”, “Responsabilidad Empresarial”, Desigualdad Laboral”, “Corrupción Laboral”, “Realidad Laboral”, “Inconformidad Laboral” y “Reforma Laboral”. Así mismo, se desarrolló una encuesta para que fuera el segundo medio de evidencia, en la que se quería medir era la percepción de la gente; por lo se diseñaron 10 preguntas, con respuestas cerradas, en la que la opción era “Si” o “No”, dejando únicamente la pregunta No. 10 combinada, con un espacio de interpretación, en la que cabe un “Porqué?”, sobre si ética es acción o no. Con las encuestas, se pretende, entender, comprender y comparar si lo que dicen los discursos éticos académicos, difieren con la realidad encontrada en la percepción de la gente del común, quienes son los que contestaron la encuesta.


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Presenta el análisis de la incorporación de una práctica cultural declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (PCI) de la Humanidad en las estructuras formales del ordenamiento territorial. Analiza también la necesidad de reconocer una serie de valores que la comunidad le ha otorgado a la práctica y que soportan la articulación con el ordenamiento territorial, pasando por los beneficios económicos, políticos y sociales que traería este proceso.


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A través del tiempo se ha logrado ver cómo los medios de comunicación penetran cada vez más la forma de pensar, e incluso de actuar, de la gente. Políticamente se han convertido en herramientas de disuasión, alienación o simplemente distracción. En Colombia, revista Semana se ha caracterizado por tener un criterio y una práctica seria del periodismo, en este sentido, vale la pena analizar cómo se ha desempeñado este medio ante el tratamiento de la información frente a los movimientos de izquierda con participación en el Estado, específicamente el Polo Democrático y el movimiento Progresistas, con el fin analizar la calidad y objetividad de la información basados en puntos específicos como el discurso mediático, el análisis gráfico y la percepción de los principales líderes políticos de estos movimientos y periodistas.