987 resultados para Self-portrait


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An installation of sculptural objects that combine references to the portrait bust, drapery and socle with quotidian and incidental objects from the artist's studio. The work form part of the artist's ongoing self-portrait project in which he enacts formal strategies for tempering the authority conveyed by the self-portrait as an artistic genre.


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I am a landscape architect, a non-photographer, and in reviewing this exhibition, it seems that in a critical discourse on photography the nature of the view and its relation to the observer (presumably the camera) is inevitably a key focus of creative inquiry, in an epistemological sense. In conducting such a review, of 'self-portraits' by 'female photographers' in relation to 'the landscape', one cannot help but ask what priority this critique should allocate to each of these conceptual agendas, quite apart from the simple formal quality of the individual pieces themselves. Analytically, each could form the axes of a matrix that might allow for a number of quite different permutations and therefore differently conclusive commentaries on the others: the view vs landscape; the view vs sexuality; the self-portrait vs the landscape picture. All of these would be productive in their own right and each is alluded to in the works themselves and in the narrative of the catalogue. Considering this range of possible permutations, this show is certainly rich and this richness sits well with the relative formal saturation of the images themselves.


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Protrusion I is a self-portrait bust, rendered with a high degree of naturalism. The work depicts a male subject with a bulbous white form projecting from it nasal and oral orifices. The work forms part of the artist’s ongoing self-portraiture project, in which the tensions between objectivity and subjectivity that pervade the self-portrait as a genre are cross referenced with the notions of materiality and interiority integral to the language of sculpture. The iconography of the work parodies the connection between amorphous form and artistic subjectivity in the history of sculpture. The dough-like forms that emerge from the figure thus refer to a sense of ‘inner life’ while also operating as more analytical projections of the cavities of the bust – areas of the where the mimetic program are necessarily suspended. The result is a figure that appears to be in a state of resigned suffocation. The work was selected for the 2005 National Sculpture Prize and Exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. The work was later included in the group show Crash (and other earthy pleasures) at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery at the University of Western Australia in Perth.


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"Whe' yu' from?" The question was put to me as I wandered, camera in hand, in the old square of Spanish Town, Jamaica's former capital. The local man, lounging in the shade of one of the colonial Georgian buildings that enclose the square, was mildly curious about what he took to be a typical white tourish photgraphing the sights of the decayed historic town. At that time, my home was in Kingston where i lived with my wife and baby son. I was then working in the Jamaican Government Town Planning Department in a job that took me all over the island. Turning to my questioner, I replied, "Kingston". There was a brief pause, and then the man spoke again: "No Man! Whe' yu' really from?" I still have difficulties when asked this question. Where am I from? What does this question mean? Does it refer to where I was born, where I spent my previous life or where I live now? Does it have a broader meaning, an enquiry about my origins in terms of background and previous experience? The following chapters are my attempt to answer these questions for my own satisfaction and, I hope, for the amusement of others who may be interested in the life of an ordinary English boy whose dream to travel and see the world was realized in ways he could not possibly have imagined. Finding an appropriate title for this book was difficult. Thursday's Child, North and South and War and Peace all came to mind but, unfortunately for me, those titles had been appropriated by other writers. Thursdays's Child is quite a popular book title, presumably because people who were born on that day and, in the words of the nursery rhyme, had 'far to go', are especially likely to have travellers' tales to tell or life stories of the rags-to-riches variety. Born on a Thursday, I have travelled a lot and I suppose that I have gone far in life. Coming from a working class family, I 'got on' by 'getting a good education' and a 'good job'. I decided against adding to the list of Thursday's Children. North and South would have reflected my life in Britain, spent in both the North and South of England, and my later years, divided between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres of the globe, as well as in countries commonly referred to as the 'advanced' North and the 'underdeveloped' South. North and South has already been appropriated by Mrs Gaskell, something that did not deter one popular American writer from using the title for a book of his. My memories of World War Two and the years afterwards made War and Peace a possible candidate, but readers expectnig an epic tale of Tolstoyan proportions may have been disappointed. To my knowledge, no other book has the title "Whe' Yu' From?". I am grateful to the Jamaican man whose question lingered in my memory and provided the title of this memoir, written decades later. This book is a word picture. It is, in a sense, a self-portrait, and like all portraits, it captures something of the character, it attempts to tell the truth, but it is not the whole truth. This is because it is not my intention to write my entire life story; rather I wish to tell about some of the things in my experience of life that have seemed important or interesting to me. Unlike a painted portrait, the picture I have created is intended to suggest the passage of time. While, for most of us in Western society, time is linear and unidirectional, like the flight of an arrov or the trajectory of a bullet, memory rearranges things, calling up images of the past in no particular order, making connections that may link events in various patterns, circular, web-like, superimposed. The stream of consciousness is very unlike that of streams we encounter in the physical world. Connections are made in all directions; thoughts hop back and forth in time and space, from topic to topic. My book is a composition drawn from periods, events and thoughts as I remember them. Like life itself, it is made up of patches, some good, some bad, but in my experience, always fascinating. In recording my memories, I have been as accurate as possible. Little of what I have written is about spectacular sights and strange customs. Much of it focuses on my more modest explorations includng observations of everyday things that have attracted my attention. Reading through the chapters, I am struck by my childhood freedom to roam and engage in 'dangerous' activities like climbing trees and playing beside streams, things that many children today are no longer allowed to enjoy. Also noticeable is the survival of traditions and superstitions from the distant past. Obvious too, is my preoccupation with place names, both official ones that appear on maps and sign boards and those used by locals and children, names rarely seen in print. If there is any uniting theme to be found in what I have written, it must be my education in the fields, woods and streets of my English homeland, in the various other countries in which I have lived and travelled, as well as more formally from books and in classrooms. Much of my book is concerned with people and places. Many of the people I mention are among those who have been, and often have remained, important and close to me. Others I remember from only the briefest of encounters, but they remain in my memory because of some specific incident or circumstance that fixed a lasting image in my mind. Some of my closest friends and relatives, however, appear nowhere in these pages or they receive only the slightest mention. This is not because they played an unimportant roles in my life. It is because this book is not the whole story. Among those whe receive little or no mention are some who are especially close to me, with whom I have shared happy and sad times and who have shown me and my family much kindness, giving support when this was needed. Some I have known since childhood and have popped up at various times in my life, often in different parts of the world. Although years may pass without me seeing them, in an important sense they are always with me. These people know who they are. I hope that they know how much I love and appreciate them. When writing my memoir, I consulted a few of the people mentioned in this book, but in the main, I have relied on my own memory, asided by daiary and notebook entries and old correspondence. In the preparation of this manuscript, I benefited greatly from the expert advice and encouragement of Neil Marr of BeWrite Books. My wife Anne, inspiration for this book, also contributed in the valuable role of critic. She has my undying gratitude.


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A análise de arquivos jornalísticos para a formação do conceito de historicidade em torno das obras Memórias de um rato de hotel (1912), de João do Rio, e Bandoleiros (1985), de João Gilberto Noll, foi a nossa primeira contribuição para a formação do objeto autobiografia de ficção, ou autoficção, como também denominamos. A partir desses arquivos de memórias, relativos a dois contextos finisseculares, o XIX e o XX respectivamente, pudemos compreender a historicidade como matriz do nosso objeto autoficção, permeada pelo que Foucault chama de efetividade cotidiana. Essa efetividade do cotidiano é costurada pelo fio da oralidade, que se refere ao elenco das atividades humanas no todo social, tendo como principal característica a ação comunicativa entre os sujeitos. Assim, ligamos a oralidade à historicidade em duas perspectivas complementares: os ditos e os escritos. A primeira diz respeito aos processos da comunicação humana e suas trocas simbólicas, que são projetadas na cultura: os ditos. A segunda se refere ao produto das representações literais do sujeito, grafadas no dorso impresso da memória: os escritos. A memória é a chave de acesso à escrita do si, que se distingue do que chamamos de autoficção, porque nessa última prevalecem as experiências do tempo presente para o futuro. Memórias de um rato de hotel é a escrita de um Eu-autor, contando do cárcere as suas experiências de gatuno no contexto da belle époque carioca. Por meio da memória, ele reconstrói o contexto finissecular, enfatizando a degradação urbana e a decadência ética da burguesia em ascensão, nos tempos da recém-inaugurada República. Na autoficção Bandoleiros, temos o relato vertiginoso de um Eu-narrador, contando do seus fracassos literários e conjugais. Ele é um escritor decadente, transitando nos espaços degradados da pós-modernidade, retirando dessa perambulação o material vivo de seu livro Sol macabro. Nessa autoficção, Noll registra as impressões sobre a realidade dos 1980, focalizando as subjetividades agônicas à margem do capitalismo tardio, num trânsito indômito entre Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e os Estados Unidos. Na nossa tese, compreendemos a realidade como a matéria plástica da autobiografia de ficção. A experiência mundana do escritor é também forte aliada na composição de uma estética subjetiva, ou subjestética, que está para além do auto-retrato narcísico da autobiografia, em suas formas tradicionais


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Consagradas escritoras brasileiras por suas obras de ficção, na forma de contos, crônicas e romances, Lygia Fagundes Telles e Nélida Piñon se ocuparam também do memorialismo em algum momento de suas carreiras. Lygia Fagundes Telles evitou escrever a sua autobiografia e optou por se autorrepresentar por meio de textos híbridos, em que os gêneros textuais se misturam e a ficção e a memória se amalgamam. Desse modo, a dissertação analisará esses textos que estão presentes nos livros A disciplina do amor (1980), Invenção e memória (2000), Durante aquele estranho chá (2002) e Conspiração de nuvens (2007), nos quais Lygia Fagundes Telles espalhou biografemas, termo cunhado por Roland Barthes, e apenas esboçou um autorretrato. Por sua vez, Nélida Piñon publicou o seu livro de memórias, Coração andarilho (2009), utilizando procedimentos de autorrepresentação característicos de uma autobiografia propriamente dita. O trabalho também examinará a obra referida, na qual a escritora buscou construir uma autoimagem sólida e nítida. Além disso, abordará as diferentes estratégias de autofiguração de ambas as escritoras acionadas nas obras conforme o objetivo perseguido por cada uma delas na construção de seus empreendimentos memorialísticos


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir do enlace poético teórico feito a partir da análise e produção da obra 80faces, desenvolvida por aquele que se apresenta aqui tanto como autor da obra como pesquisador da mesma. Tal característica proporcionou uma dupla perspectiva que são apresentadas em partes distintas do trabalho, sendo a primeira um aparato teórico referencial e a segunda as anotações e idéias apropriadas por livre demanda do próprio artista pesquisador. As 80faces corresponde a um estudo das fotografias que o artista retirou de seu próprio rosto em expressões diversas e que foram estampadas em diferentes objetos colocados em circulação. Atráves de percepções filosóficas de mecanismos do contexto da visualidade e da rostidade, foi traçado um caminho que justificou a produção e tentou alcançar a perspectiva do artista frente a produção de sua obra e futura análise distanciada da mesma. Rostidade, metrópole comunicacional e imagem são alguns dos elementos que nortearam esta pesquisa, além da apresentação de uma criação poética independente de crivos teóricos referenciais pré estabelecidos


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Este artículo describe dos experiencias de investigación de nuestro grupo interconectadas, la primera desarrollada durante el año 2007 a través del proyecto internacional CALVINO del Programa Cultura 2000 de la Unión Europea, y la segunda implementada durante el año 2014 en el marco del Proyecto Investigación e Innovación en Secundaria en Andalucía (PIIISA). Ambos proyectos tienen en común el eje temático de la identidad a partir de una idea de patrimonio y el hecho de haber puesto en práctica metodologías de investigación basadas en las artes visuales con un enfoque multimodal. Desde estos dos puntos de anclaje relativos a la temática (qué) y a la metodología (cómo) analizamos lo acontecido para obtener conclusiones relevantes que, por una parte, pongan en valor estas prácticas significativas y, por otra, aporten nuestra experiencia para futuras propuestas de investigación en el ámbito temático y/o metodológico.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino das Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História da Arte), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015


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Dans Creep show, un narrateur présente ses creeps, les malades de son entourage, des schizophrènes inadéquatement nommés, afin de les ramener à la vie par ses mots. En se souvenant de certains moments où la folie se manifestait à lui, il veut déterrer ses ensevelis, les faire parler en leur prêtant son écriture. Dans un récit morcelé pouvant évoquer une galerie de portraits en mouvement, les protagonistes sont présentés comme des monstres, des rêveurs ou des sources d’inspiration selon le moment relaté par un narrateur affecté qui se replonge littéralement dans un passé s’échelonnant entre l’enfance et l’âge de dix-huit ans. Portant autant sur la maladie mentale que sur la honte et la peur des mots, Creep show est un texte sur le silence et l’impuissance, sur l’incapacité de nommer adéquatement la folie ; il s’agit d’un court récit de dix-sept scènes encadrées par un prologue et un épilogue où l’écriture d’un traumatisme se vit comme une histoire d’amour. L’essai intitulé “Je est des autres.” De l’esthétique borderline chez Marie-Sissi Labrèche décrit la genèse d’une esthétique « borderline ». Dans une approche à la fois psychanalytique et narratologique, fondée sur les concepts de la mélancolie, du kitsch et de la crypte, l’analyse tente de montrer quel type de construction thématique et formelle soutient cette esthétique. À partir d’éléments représentatifs de l’univers de Marie-Sissi Labrèche (la question de la limite, la pulsion de mort, le rapport au corps et l’instabilité), l’essai s’intéresse à la façon dont la narratrice de Borderline (2000) donne à lire une identité sédimentaire, un autoportrait masqué-fêlé, où « Je est [des] autre[s] ». En regard de ces éléments, l’hypothèse d’une machine textuelle fonctionnant – thématiquement et formellement – dans et par l’instabilité et l’altérité oriente la réflexion vers l’idée d’une écriture du trauma qui pourrait représenter une tentative de réappropriation identitaire passant par l’esthétique dite « borderline ».


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Ce mémoire propose une lecture du recueil Art poétique d’Eugène Guillevic. Art poétique parait non seulement comme un livre où se développe la recherche patiente d’un principe directeur, mais aussi comme « l’autoportrait d’un poète qui continue de s’interroger et d’interroger le monde » . Le poète a résumé cette double interrogation dans l’expression suivante : « Écrire, c’est bien s’inscrire dans le monde » . Cette formule inspire notre réflexion sur le recueil et nous amène à avancer l’hypothèse suivante : la reprise du genre de l’art poétique par Guillevic s’accorde paradoxalement avec sa recherche d’une expression subjective et singulière. Au cours de ce mémoire, nous allons examiner les relations que le sujet guillevicien entretient avec l’espace et le temps. Nous allons chercher notre appui dans la théorie du discours, telle que la décrit Émile Benveniste.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’autoportrait de Paul-Émile Borduas, unique expérience de ce genre artistique dans sa carrière, s’avère représenter une étape charnière dans sa construction personnelle et artistique. Notre étude s’amorce par la description formelle du tableau, l’identification du processus de création, l’analyse du problème de datation et la réflexion sur les influences et assimilations stylistiques. Les nombreux indices détectés sont exploités pour mettre en évidence la mutation des statuts intime et professionnel. À partir d’une introspection et d’un itinéraire spirituel, Borduas tente d’extérioriser sur la toile la complexité de sa personnalité et sa quête d’identité. Le tableau est révélateur de l’établissement d’un Moi accompagné d’un code d’expression personnel du peintre. Par ailleurs, il s’inscrit au démarrage d’une œuvre qui va participer à l’émergence progressive de la modernité artistique et sociale du Québec à partir des années 1930. L’artiste semble affirmer son statut professionnel en développant des stratégies qui allient, d’une part, tradition et modernité, et, d’autre part, incertitudes et volonté d’émancipation. En choisissant de se représenter lui-même dans son propre langage pictural et son code d’expression personnel, Borduas pose les jalons de son identité et s’impose comme artiste-peintre dans une société québécoise en voie de modernisation.