991 resultados para Seismic waves.


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No presente trabalho de tese é apresentada uma nova técnica de empilhamento de dados sísmicos para a obtenção da seção de incidência normal ou afastamento fonte-receptor nulo, aplicável em meios bidimensionais com variações laterais de velocidade. Esta nova técnica denominada Empilhamento Sísmico pela Composição de Ondas Planas (empilhamento PWC) foi desenvolvida tomando como base os conceitos físicos e matemáticos da decomposição do campo de ondas em ondas planas. Este trabalho pode ser dividido em três partes: Uma primeira parte, onde se apresenta uma revisão da técnica de empilhamento sísmico convencional e do processo de decomposição do campo de ondas produzido a partir de fontes pontuais em suas correspondentes ondas planas. Na segunda parte, é apresentada a formulação matemática e o procedimento de aplicação do método de empilhamento sísmico pela composição de ondas planas. Na terceira parte se apresenta a aplicação desta nova técnica de empilhamento na serie de dados Marmousi e uma analise sobre a atenuação de ruído. A formulação matemática desta nova técnica de empilhamento sísmico foi desenvolvida com base na teoria do espalhamento aplicado a ondas sísmicas sob a restrição do modelo de aproximação de Born. Nesse sentido, inicialmente se apresenta a determinação da solução da equação de onda caustica para a configuração com afastamento fonte-receptor finito, que posteriormente é reduzido para a configuração de afastamento fonte-receptor nulo. Por outra parte, com base nessas soluções, a expressão matemática deste novo processo de empilhamento sísmico é resolvida dentro do contexto do modelo de aproximação de Born. Verificou-se que as soluções encontradas por ambos procedimentos, isto é, por meio da solução da equação da onda e pelo processo de empilhamento proposto, são iguais, mostrando-se assim que o processo de empilhamento pela composição de ondas planas produz uma seção com afastamento fonte-receptor nulo. Esta nova técnica de empilhamento basicamente consiste na aplicação de uma dupla decomposição do campo de ondas em onda planas por meio da aplicação de dois empilhamentos oblíquos (slant stack), isto é um ao longo do arranjo das fontes e outro ao longo do arranjo dos detectores; seguido pelo processo de composição das ondas planas por meio do empilhamento obliquo inverso. Portanto, com base nestas operações e com a ajuda de um exemplo de aplicação nos dados gerados a partir de um modelo simples, são descritos os fundamentos e o procedimento de aplicação (ou algoritmo) desta nova técnica de obtenção da seção de afastamento nulo. Como exemplo de aplicação do empilhamento PWC em dados correspondentes a um meio com variações laterais de velocidade, foi aplicado nos dados Marmousi gerados segundo a técnica de cobertura múltipla a partir de um modelo que representa uma situação geológica real. Por comparação da seção resultante com a similar produzida pelo método de empilhamento convencional, observa-se que a seção de afastamento nulo desta nova técnica apresenta melhor definição e continuidade dos reflectores, como também uma melhor caracterização da ocorrência de difrações. Por último, da atenuação de ruído aleatório realizada nos mesmos dados, observa-se que esta técnica de empilhamento também produz uma atenuação do ruído presente no sinal, a qual implica um aumento na relação sinal ruído.


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O trabalho em pauta tem como objetivo o modelamento da crosta, através da inversão de dados de refração sísmica profunda, segundo camadas planas horizontais lateralmente homogêneas, sobre um semi-espaço. O modelo direto é dado pela expressão analítica da curva tempo-distância como uma função que depende da distância fonte-estação e do vetor de parâmetros velocidades e espessuras de cada camada, calculado segundo as trajetórias do raio sísmico, regidas pela Lei de Snell. O cálculo dos tempos de chegada por este procedimento, exige a utilização de um modelo cujas velocidades sejam crescentes com a profundidade, de modo que a ocorrência das camadas de baixa velocidade (CBV) é contornada pela reparametrização do modelo, levando-se em conta o fato de que o topo da CBV funciona apenas como um refletor do raio sísmico, e não como refrator. A metodologia de inversão utilizada tem em vista não só a determinação das soluções possíveis, mas também a realização de uma análise sobre as causas responsáveis pela ambiguidade do problema. A região de pesquisa das prováveis soluções é vinculada segundo limites superiores e inferiores para cada parâmetro procurado, e pelo estabelecimento de limites superiores para os valores de distâncias críticas, calculadas a partir do vetor de parâmetros. O processo de inversão é feito utilizando-se uma técnica de otimização do ajuste de curvas através da busca direta no espaço dos parâmetros, denominado COMPLEX. Esta técnica apresenta a vantagem de poder ser utilizada com qualquer função objeto, e ser bastante prática na obtenção de múltiplas soluções do problema. Devido a curva tempo-distância corresponder ao caso de uma multi-função, o algoritmo foi adaptado de modo a minimizar simultaneamente várias funções objetos, com vínculos nos parâmetros. A inversão é feita de modo a se obter um conjunto de soluções representativas do universo existente. Por sua vez, a análise da ambiguidade é realizada pela análise fatorial modo-Q, através da qual é possível se caracterizar as propriedades comuns existentes no elenco das soluções analisadas. Os testes com dados sintéticos e reais foram feitos tendo como aproximação inicial ao processo de inversão, os valores de velocidades e espessuras calculados diretamente da interpretação visual do sismograma. Para a realização dos primeiros, utilizou-se sismogramas calculados pelo método da refletividade, segundo diferentes modelos. Por sua vez, os testes com dados reais foram realizados utilizando-se dados extraídos de um dos sismogramas coletados pelo projeto Lithospheric Seismic Profile in Britain (LISPB), na região norte da Grã-Bretanha. Em todos os testes foi verificado que a geometria do modelo possui um maior peso na ambiguidade do problema, enquanto os parâmetros físicos apresentam apenas suaves variações, no conjunto das soluções obtidas.


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A modelagem acústica fornece dados úteis para avaliação de metodologias de processamento e imageamento sísmico, em modelos com estrutura geológica complexa. Esquemas de diferenças finitas (DF) e elementos finitos (EF) foram implementados e avaliados em modelos homogêneos e heterogêneos. O algoritmo de diferenças finitas foi estendido para o caso 2,5-D em modelos com densidade variável. Foi apresentada a modelagem de alvos geológicos de interesse exploratório existentes na Bacia Paleozóica do Solimões na Amazônia. Reflexões múltiplas de longo período produzidas entre a superfície livre e a discordância Cretáceo-Paleozóica, a baixa resolução da onda sísmica nas proximidades do reservatório e as fracas reflexões na interface entre as rochas reservatório e as rochas selantes são as principais características dos dados sintéticos obtidos, os quais representam um grande desafio ao imageamento sísmico.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo a modelagem sísmica em meios com fortes descontinuidades de propriedades físicas, com ênfase na existência de difrações. Como parte deste estudo foi feita a análise numérica visando as condições de estabilidade e de fronteiras utilizadas no cálculo do campo de ondas sísmicas. Para a validação do programa de diferenças finitas foi feita a comparação cinemática com a Teoria do Raio para um modelo simples. O motivo deste estudo é ter uma melhor compreensão e controle sobre os problemas de modelagem, visando contribuir para a solução de problemas na interpretação de dados sísmicos. Segundo vários autores na literatura geológica, Derby (1877), Evans (1906), Paiva (1929) e Moura (1938). A Bacia do Amazonas é constituída por rochas sedimentares depositadas desde o Ordoviciano até o recente, atingindo espessuras da ordem de 5 km. Os corpos de diabásio, presentes entre os sedimentos paleozóicos, estão dispostos na forma de soleiras, alcançando espessuras de centenas de metros, perfazendo um volume total de 90.000 quilômetros cúbicos. A ocorrência de tais estruturas é responsável pela existência de reflexões múltiplas durante a propagação da onda sísmica, impossibilitando uma melhor interpretação dos horizontes refletores que se encontram abaixo das soleiras. Para representar situações geológicas desse tipo foi usado um modelo acústico de velocidades. Para o cálculo dos sismogramas foi utilizado um programa de diferenças finitas com aproximação de quarta ordem da equação da onda acústica no espaço e no tempo. As aplicações dos métodos de diferenças finitas para o estudo de propagação de ondas sísmicas têm melhorado a compreensão sobre a propagação em meios onde existem heterogeneidades significativas, tendo como resultado boa resolução na interpretação dos eventos de reflexão sísmica em áreas de interesse. Como resultado dos experimentos numéricos realizados em meio de geologia complexa, foi observado a influência significativa das múltiplas devido a camada de alta velocidade, o que faz com que haja maior perda de energia dificultando a interpretação dos alvos. Por esta razão recomendo a integração de dados de superfície com os dados de poço, com o objetivo de se obter uma melhor imagem dos alvos abaixo das soleiras de diabásio.


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Since the first underground nuclear explosion, carried out in 1958, the analysis of seismic signals generated by these sources has allowed seismologists to refine the travel times of seismic waves through the Earth and to verify the accuracy of the location algorithms (the ground truth for these sources was often known). Long international negotiates have been devoted to limit the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons. In particular the Treaty for the comprehensive nuclear test ban (CTBT), was opened to signatures in 1996, though, even if it has been signed by 178 States, has not yet entered into force, The Treaty underlines the fundamental role of the seismological observations to verify its compliance, by detecting and locating seismic events, and identifying the nature of their sources. A precise definition of the hypocentral parameters represents the first step to discriminate whether a given seismic event is natural or not. In case that a specific event is retained suspicious by the majority of the State Parties, the Treaty contains provisions for conducting an on-site inspection (OSI) in the area surrounding the epicenter of the event, located through the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the CTBT Organization. An OSI is supposed to include the use of passive seismic techniques in the area of the suspected clandestine underground nuclear test. In fact, high quality seismological systems are thought to be capable to detect and locate very weak aftershocks triggered by underground nuclear explosions in the first days or weeks following the test. This PhD thesis deals with the development of two different seismic location techniques: the first one, known as the double difference joint hypocenter determination (DDJHD) technique, is aimed at locating closely spaced events at a global scale. The locations obtained by this method are characterized by a high relative accuracy, although the absolute location of the whole cluster remains uncertain. We eliminate this problem introducing a priori information: the known location of a selected event. The second technique concerns the reliable estimates of back azimuth and apparent velocity of seismic waves from local events of very low magnitude recorded by a trypartite array at a very local scale. For the two above-mentioned techniques, we have used the crosscorrelation technique among digital waveforms in order to minimize the errors linked with incorrect phase picking. The cross-correlation method relies on the similarity between waveforms of a pair of events at the same station, at the global scale, and on the similarity between waveforms of the same event at two different sensors of the try-partite array, at the local scale. After preliminary tests on the reliability of our location techniques based on simulations, we have applied both methodologies to real seismic events. The DDJHD technique has been applied to a seismic sequence occurred in the Turkey-Iran border region, using the data recorded by the IMS. At the beginning, the algorithm was applied to the differences among the original arrival times of the P phases, so the cross-correlation was not used. We have obtained that the relevant geometrical spreading, noticeable in the standard locations (namely the locations produced by the analysts of the International Data Center (IDC) of the CTBT Organization, assumed as our reference), has been considerably reduced by the application of our technique. This is what we expected, since the methodology has been applied to a sequence of events for which we can suppose a real closeness among the hypocenters, belonging to the same seismic structure. Our results point out the main advantage of this methodology: the systematic errors affecting the arrival times have been removed or at least reduced. The introduction of the cross-correlation has not brought evident improvements to our results: the two sets of locations (without and with the application of the cross-correlation technique) are very similar to each other. This can be commented saying that the use of the crosscorrelation has not substantially improved the precision of the manual pickings. Probably the pickings reported by the IDC are good enough to make the random picking error less important than the systematic error on travel times. As a further justification for the scarce quality of the results given by the cross-correlation, it should be remarked that the events included in our data set don’t have generally a good signal to noise ratio (SNR): the selected sequence is composed of weak events ( magnitude 4 or smaller) and the signals are strongly attenuated because of the large distance between the stations and the hypocentral area. In the local scale, in addition to the cross-correlation, we have performed a signal interpolation in order to improve the time resolution. The algorithm so developed has been applied to the data collected during an experiment carried out in Israel between 1998 and 1999. The results pointed out the following relevant conclusions: a) it is necessary to correlate waveform segments corresponding to the same seismic phases; b) it is not essential to select the exact first arrivals; and c) relevant information can be also obtained from the maximum amplitude wavelet of the waveforms (particularly in bad SNR conditions). Another remarkable point of our procedure is that its application doesn’t demand a long time to process the data, and therefore the user can immediately check the results. During a field survey, such feature will make possible a quasi real-time check allowing the immediate optimization of the array geometry, if so suggested by the results at an early stage.


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Statistical analyses of temporal relationships between large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions suggest seismic waves may trigger eruptions even over great (>1000 km) distances, although the causative mechanism is not well constrained. In this study the relationship between large earthquakes and subtle changes in volcanic activity was investigated in order to gain greater insight into the relationship between dynamic stresses propagated by surface waves and volcanic response. Daily measurements from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), onboard the Aura satellite, provide constraints on volcanic sulfur-dioxide (SO2) emission rates as a measure of subtle changes in activity. Time series of SO2 emission rates were produced from OMI data for thirteen persistently active volcanoes from 1 October 2004 to 30 September 2010. In order to quantify the affect of earthquakes at teleseismic distances, we modeled surface-wave amplitudes from the source mechanisms of moment magnitude (Mw) ≥7 earthquakes, and calculated the Peak Dynamic Stress (PDS). We assessed the influence of earthquakes on volcanic activity in two ways: 1) by identifying increases in the SO2 time series data and looking for causative earthquakes and 2) by examining the average emission rate before and after each earthquake. In the first, the SO2 time series for each volcano was used to calculate a baseline threshold for comparison with post-earthquake emission. Next, we generated a catalog of responses based on sustained SO2 emission increases above this baseline. Delay times between each SO2 response and each prior earthquake were analyzed using both the actual earthquake catalog, and a randomly generated catalog of earthquakes. This process was repeated for each volcano. Despite varying multiple parameters, this analysis did not demonstrate a clear relationship between earthquake-generated PDS and SO2 emission. However, the second analysis, which was based on the occurrence of large earthquakes indicated a response at most volcanoes. Using the PDS calculations as a filtering criterion for the earthquake catalog, the SO2 mass for each volcano was analyzed in 28-day windows centered on the earthquake origin time. If the average SO2 mass after the earthquake was greater than an arbitrary percentage of pre-earthquake mass, we identified the volcano as having a response to the event. This window analysis provided insight on what type of volcanic activity is more susceptible to triggering by dynamic stress. The volcanoes with very open systems included in this study, Ambrym, Gaua, Villarrica, Erta Ale and, Turrialba, showed a clear response to dynamic stress while the volcanoes with more closed systems, Merapi, Semeru, Fuego, Pacaya, and Bagana, showed no response.


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The outermost layer of the Earth is broken into tectonic plates whose motions cause earthquakes and volcanism. Much of what we know about the structure of these plates comes from studying the Earth's surface. Seismic waves recorded by the EarthScope Transportable Array, however, show us the internal structure of plates down to 200 km deep and help us understand the relationship between deep structure and the Earth's surface. EarthScope images for the western United States hint at the presence of the mid-depth discontinuities. To better understand these features, Dr. Lekic relates them to the geologic history of the west.


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Radiolaria were studied in 19 manganese nodules raised from the bottom. The nodules occurred mainly on the surface of thin Quaternary sediments covering Tertiary deposits of various ages (Middle Eocene to Early Miocene). Radiolaria in nodule cores and in inner and surface layers were studied. We found 85 radiolaria species and groups of species. Usually 1-4 to 6-19 radiolaria species were detected in each of the samples. Species belonging to Middle Eocene, Late Miocene to Early Oligocene, and Oligocene to Early Miocene were found. Rare Neogene species were revealed only in fractured surface layers. Age of the nodules is mainly Oligocene. Seismic waves cause sediment vibration, loosening disintegration, and removal of suspension by bottom currents. The vibration effect causes ancient nodules to float up to the surface of Quaternary sediment. This hypothesis suggests the reason for characteristics of the Clarion-Clipperton zone: regional stratigraphic hiatus, accumulation of residual fields of nodules, and the ''floating up'' of nodules to the surface of the Quaternary sediments.


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Continuous cores drilled during the Bahamas Drilling Project (BDP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 166 along a transect from the top of Great Bahama Bank to the basin in the Straits of Florida provide a unique data set to test the assumption in seismic stratigraphy that seismic reflections are time lines and, thus, have a chronostratigraphic significance. Seismic reflections that are identified as seismic sequence boundaries (SSBs) were dated by means of biostratigraphy in the five ODP sites and by a combination of biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and Sr isotope stratigraphy in the two BDP sites. The seismic reflection horizons are carried across a variety of facies belts from shallow-water carbonates over slope carbonates to drift deposits in the Straits of Florida. Within this system 17 SSBs were identified and dated. Despite the fact that the seismic reflections cross several facies belts, their ages remain remarkably constant. The average offset in all sites is 0.38 Myr. In no cases do the seismic reflections cut across time lines. The age differences are the combined result of the biostratigraphic sampling frequency, the spacing of marker species that required extrapolation of ages, and the resolution of the seismic data. In addition, uncertainties of age determination in the proximal sites where age-diagnostic fauna are rare add to the age differences between sites. Therefore, it can be concluded that the seismic reflections, which mark the SSBs along the Bahamas Transect, are time lines and can be used as stratigraphic markers. This finding implies that depositional surfaces are preferentially imaged by reflected seismic waves and that an impedance contrast exists across these surfaces. Facies successions across the sequence boundaries indicate that the sequence boundaries coincide with the change of deposition from times of high to low sea level. In the carbonate setting of Great Bahama Bank, sea-level changes produce changes in sediment composition, sedimentation rate and diagenesis from the platform top to the basin. The combination of these factors generates differences in sonic velocity and, thus, in impedance that cause the seismic reflection. The impedance contrasts decrease from the proximal to the distal sites, which is reflected in the seismic data by a decrease of the seismic amplitude in the basinal area.


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Los terremotos constituyen una de las más importantes fuentes productoras de cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre las estructuras y sus cimentaciones. Cuando se produce un terremoto la energía liberada genera movimientos del terreno en forma de ondas sísmicas que pueden provocar asientos en las cimentaciones de los edificios, empujes sobre los muros de contención, vuelco de las estructuras y el suelo puede licuar perdiendo su capacidad de soporte. Los efectos de los terremotos en estructuras constituyen unos de los aspectos que involucran por su condición de interacción sueloestructura, disciplinas diversas como el Análisis Estructural, la Mecánica de Suelo y la Ingeniería Sísmica. Uno de los aspectos que han sido poco estudiados en el cálculo de estructuras sometidas a la acciones de los terremotos son los efectos del comportamiento no lineal del suelo y de los movimientos que pueden producirse bajo la acción de cargas sísmicas, tales como posibles despegues y deslizamientos. En esta Tesis se estudian primero los empujes sísmicos y posibles deslizamientos de muros de contención y se comparan las predicciones de distintos tipos de cálculos: métodos pseudo-estáticos como el de Mononobe-Okabe (1929) con la contribución de Whitman-Liao (1985), y formulaciones analíticas como la desarrollada por Veletsos y Younan (1994). En segundo lugar se estudia el efecto del comportamiento no lineal del terreno en las rigideces de una losa de cimentación superficial y circular, como la correspondiente a la chimenea de una Central Térmica o al edificio del reactor de una Central Nuclear, considerando su variación con frecuencia y con el nivel de cargas. Finalmente se estudian los posibles deslizamientos y separación de las losas de estas dos estructuras bajo la acción de terremotos, siguiendo la formulación propuesta por Wolf (1988). Para estos estudios se han desarrollado una serie de programas específicos (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES y SEPARSE) cuyos listados y detalles se incluyen en los Apéndices. En el capítulo 6 se incluyen las conclusiones resultantes de estos estudios y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones. ABSTRACT Earthquakes constitute one of the most important sources of dynamic loads that acting on structures and foundations. When an earthquake occurs the liberated energy generates seismic waves that can give rise to structural vibrations, settlements of the foundations of buildings, pressures on retaining walls, and possible sliding, uplifting or even overturning of structures. The soil can also liquefy losing its capacity of support The study of the effects of earthquakes on structures involve the use of diverse disciplines such as Structural Analysis, Soil Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering. Some aspects that have been the subject of limited research in relation to the behavior of structures subjected to earthquakes are the effects of nonlinear soil behavior and geometric nonlinearities such as sliding and uplifting of foundations. This Thesis starts with the study of the seismic pressures and potential displacements of retaining walls comparing the predictions of two types of formulations and assessing their range of applicability and limitations: pseudo-static methods as proposed by Mononobe-Okabe (1929), with the contribution of Whitman-Liao (1985), and analytical formulations as the one developed by Veletsos and Younan (1994) for rigid walls. The Thesis deals next with the effects of nonlinear soil behavior on the dynamic stiffness of circular mat foundations like the chimney of a Thermal Power Station or the reactor building of a Nuclear Power Plant, as a function of frequency and level of forces. Finally the seismic response of these two structures accounting for the potential sliding and uplifting of the foundation under a given earthquake are studied, following an approach suggested by Wolf (1988). In order to carry out these studies a number of special purposes computer programs were developed (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES and SEPARSE). The listing and details of these programs are included in the appendices. The conclusions derived from these studies and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 6.


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The Direct Boundary Element Method (DBEM) is presented to solve the elastodynamic field equations in 2D, and a complete comprehensive implementation is given. The DBEM is a useful approach to obtain reliable numerical estimates of site effects on seismic ground motion due to irregular geological configurations, both of layering and topography. The method is based on the discretization of the classical Somigliana's elastodynamic representation equation which stems from the reciprocity theorem. This equation is given in terms of the Green's function which is the full-space harmonic steady-state fundamental solution. The formulation permits the treatment of viscoelastic media, therefore site models with intrinsic attenuation can be examined. By means of this approach, the calculation of 2D scattering of seismic waves, due to the incidence of P and SV waves on irregular topographical profiles is performed. Sites such as, canyons, mountains and valleys in irregular multilayered media are computed to test the technique. The obtained transfer functions show excellent agreement with already published results.


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Este proyecto tiene por objeto el análisis de las diferentes frecuencias y tipos de onda presentes en los registros de vibraciones de las voladuras. Se han utilizado 108 registros de 4 barrenos sencillos disparados individualmente y una voladura de producción. Se estudian así mismo la evolución de las frecuencias (en relación a la distancia y a la geología particular de cresta y plaza) y la ley de atenuación del terreno que relaciona la evolución velocidad de partícula en función de la distancia escalada. Para la voladura de producción se analiza si las vibraciones cumplen la normativa vigente según la norma UNE 22.381.93 “Control de Vibraciones Producidas por Voladuras”. Abstract The main objective of this project is to analyze the different types and frequencies of seismic waves found in blasting logs. 108 logs from 4 single shots and a standard production blasting have been used. The evolution of frequencies (regarding distance and different geologies of crest and toe) and the attenuation law which allows us to obtain peak particle velocity regarding distance are also studied. For the production blasting, data is compared to the limits set by current regulations following the standard UNE 22.381.93 “Control de Vibraciones Producidas por Voladuras”.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The partial collapse of a building in Colombia caused severe damage to its structural components -- An implosion was realized to induce the collapse of 50% of the deteriorated building -- To evaluate the influence of the implosion on the remaining structure, a monitoring survey was realized using triaxial accelerometers -- Time signals associated with ambient, seismic and forced vibration were obtained -- A study of the records in the time and the frequency domain was made -- The analysis of the information allowed determining some structural properties that were useful to calibrate the analytical model of the structure


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Past and recent observations have shown that the local site conditions significantly affect the behavior of seismic waves and its potential to cause destructive earthquakes. Thus, seismic microzonation studies have become crucial for seismic hazard assessment, providing local soil characteristics that can help to evaluate the possible seismic effects. Among the different methods used for estimating the soil characteristics, the ones based on ambient noise measurements, such as the H/V technique, become a cheap, non-invasive and successful way for evaluating the soil properties along a studied area. In this work, ambient noise measurements were taken at 240 sites around the Doon Valley, India, in order to characterize the sediment deposits. First, the H/V analysis has been carried out to estimate the resonant frequencies along the valley. Subsequently, some of this H/V results have been inverted, using the neighborhood algorithm and the available geotechnical information, in order to provide an estimation of the S-wave velocity profiles at the studied sites. Using all these information, we have characterized the sedimentary deposits in different areas of the Doon Valley, providing the resonant frequency, the soil thickness, the mean S-wave velocity of the sediments, and the mean S-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m.