949 resultados para Second Normal Stress Difference


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The behaviour of masonry elements under in-plane and out-of-plane loads can be improved through the application of strengthening systems based on reinforcing overlays. After strengthening, the transition region between the original substrate and the strengthening layer is especially stressed, and premature failure of the strengthened masonry is reached if insufficient interfacial capacity is assured. Therefore, the assessment of the mechanical behaviour of the interface is critical to the development of the masonry strengthening system based on the application of strengthening overlays. In this research a method for the characterization of the interface behaviour between two different materials, a polypropylene fibre reinforced mortar (PFRM) and a ceramic brick used for masonry construction is presented. Direct shear tests were carried out in couplet specimens. Due to the orthotropic nature of the bricks surface, the shear load was applied along three different directions in order to perform an overall estimation of the interface behaviour. The peak and residual shear stresses, as well as the failure modes, were obtained at different levels of the normal stress. Based on these experimental results constitutive laws were assessed for the simulation of the interface mechanical behaviour based on the Mohr and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria.


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In the first part of this paper we try to test the relationship between mothers earnings, fertility and children's work in the Spanish (Catalan) context of the first third of the 20th century. Specific human capital investment of adult working women had as an outcome the sharp increase of their real wage and also the increase of the opportunity cost of time devoted to house work including child rearing. Fertility evolution is endogenous to the model and decreases as a result of women real wage increases. Human capital investment of labouring women and mandatory schooling of children shift the labour supply function to a new steady state in which the slope is steeper. According to recent papers this model applies to 20th century Spain and it causes the abolition of children's work. Nonetheless the model do not apply to 20th century Latin America. Despite the positive evolution of literacy and life expectancy in this region, other factors involved poor results of the educational human capital investment. In this paper we remark the role of the increasing share of the informal sector of the economy ruled on the bases of women's and children's work. Second we stress the role of high income inequality evolution and endogamic school supplies to explain the limits of increasing literacy on more remarkable human capital improvements.


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BACKGROUND: The EuroCMR registry sought to evaluate indications, image quality, safety and impact on patient management of clinical routine CMR in a multi-national European setting. Furthermore, interim analysis of the specific protocols should underscore the prognostic potential of CMR. METHODS: Multi-center registry with consecutive enrolment of patients in 57 centers in 15 countries. More than 27000 consecutive patients were enrolled. RESULTS: The most important indications were risk stratification in suspected CAD/Ischemia (34.2%), workup of myocarditis/cardiomyopathies (32.2%), as well as assessment of viability (14.6%). Image quality was diagnostic in more than 98% of cases. Severe complications occurred in 0.026%, always associated with stress testing. No patient died during or due to CMR. In 61.8% CMR findings impacted on patient management. Importantly, in nearly 8.7% the final diagnosis based on CMR was different to the diagnosis before CMR, leading to a complete change in management. Interim analysis of suspected CAD and risk stratification in HCM specific protocols revealed a low rate of adverse events for suspected CAD patients with normal stress CMR (1.0% per year), and for HCM patients without LGE (2.7% per year). CONCLUSION: The most important indications in Europe are risk stratification in suspected CAD/Ischemia, work-up of myocarditis and cardiomyopathies, as well as assessment of viability. CMR imaging is a safe procedure, has diagnostic image quality in more than 98% of cases, and its results have strong impact on patient management. Interim analyses of the specific protocols underscore the prognostic value of clinical routine CMR in CAD and HCM.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia rakeisen materiaalin kinematiikkaa ja rakentaa koelaitteisto rakeisen materiaalin leikkausjännitysvirtauksien tutkimiseen. Kokeellisessa osassa on keskitytty sisäisiin voimaheilahteluihin ja niiden ymmärtämiseen. Teoriaosassa on käyty läpi rakeisen materiaalin yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja lisäksi on esitetty kaksi eri tapaa mallintaa fysikaalisien ominaisuuksien heilahteluja rakeisessa materiaalissa. Nämä kaksi esitettyä mallinnusmenetelmää ovat skalaarinen q-malli ja simulointi. Skalaarinen q-malli määrittelee jokaiseen yksittäiseen rakeeseen kohdistuvan jännityksen, rakeen ollessa osa 2- tai 3-dimensionaalista asetelmaa. Tämän mallin perusidea on kuvata jännityksien epähomogeenisuutta, joka johtuu rakeiden satunnaisasettelusta. Simulointimallinnus perustuu event-driven algoritmiin, missä systeemin dynamiikkaa kuvataan yksittäisillä partikkelien törmäyksillä. Törmäyksien vaiheet ratkaistiin käyttämällä liikemääräyhtälöitä ja restituution määritelmää. Teoriaosuudessa käytiin vielä pieniltä osin läpi syitä jännitysheilahteluihin ja rakeisen materiaalin lukkiintumiseen. Tutkimuslaitteistolla tutkittiin rakeisen materiaalin käyttäytymistä rengasmaisessa leikkausjännitysvirtauksessa. Tutkimusosuuden päätavoitteena oli mitata partikkelien kosketuksista ja törmäyksistä johtuvia hetkellisiä voimaheilahteluja rengastilavuuden pohjalta. Rakeisena materiaalina tutkimuksessa käytettiin teräskuulia. Jännityssignaali ajan funktiona osoittaa suurta heilahtelua, joka voi olla jopa kertalukua keskiarvosta suurempaa. Tällainen suuren amplitudin omaava heilahtelu on merkittävä haittapuoli yleisesti rakeisissa materiaaleissa käytettyjen jatkuvuusmallien kanssa. Tällainen heilahtelu tekee käytetyt jatkuvuusmallit epäpäteviksi. Yleisellä tasolla jännityksien todennäköisyysjakauma on yhtäpitävä skalaarisen q-mallin tuloksien kanssa. Molemmissa tapauksissa todennäköisyysjakaumalla on eksponentiaalinen muoto.


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Viimeisten vuosien ja jopa viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana on metsäkoneiden valmistusta kehitetty aiemmasta, jopa täydellisestä omavalmistuksesta yhä enemmän alihankintatoimittajien suuntaan. Koneen valmistaja keskittyy usein vain varsin kapean osuuden esim. loppukokoonpanon suorittamiseen. Samalla on yhä enemmän luotettu alihankinnan suorittamaan laadunvalvontaan ja – varmistukseen. Toimintatapa edellyttää toimivaa laatujärjestelmää koneen valmistajan ja kaikkien alihankkijoiden toiminnassa. Lisäksi tuotantohenkilöstön ammattitaidon tulee olla sitä tasoa, että laatujärjestelmissä oleva laatuvaatimus saavutetaan kaikissa olosuhteissa. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka metsäkoneen harvesteripään karsintaterän luotettavuutta voidaan parantaa. Kuormitusten selvittämisen menetelmänä käytettiin venymäliuskamittausta. Analysoinnissa on käytetty nimellisen jännityksen- ja tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmää. Em. menetelmän tulokset ovat laskettu FEM-laskennalla. Nykyiset terät on analysoitu em. menetelmien käytöstä saaduilla tuloksilla. Analysoinnin tuloksista voitiin tehdä johtopäätös, että terien lujuutta tulee lisätä luotettavuuden parantamiseksi. Saatuja mittaus- ja suunnittelutietoja voidaan tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää uusien terien suunnittelussa.


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PURPOSE: Thoracic fat has been associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). As endothelium-dependent vasoreactivity is a surrogate of cardiovascular events and is impaired early in atherosclerosis, we aimed at assessing the possible relationship between thoracic fat volume (TFV) and endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion. METHODS: Fifty healthy volunteers without known CAD or major cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) prospectively underwent a (82)Rb cardiac PET/CT to quantify myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest, and MBF response to cold pressor testing (CPT-MBF) and adenosine (i.e., stress-MBF). TFV was measured by a 2D volumetric CT method and common laboratory blood tests (glucose and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, cholesterol, triglyceride, hsCRP) were performed. Relationships between CPT-MBF, TFV and other CRFs were assessed using non-parametric Spearman rank correlation testing and multivariate linear regression analysis. RESULTS: All of the 50 participants (58 ± 10y) had normal stress-MBF (2.7 ± 0.6 mL/min/g; 95 % CI: 2.6-2.9) and myocardial flow reserve (2.8 ± 0.8; 95 % CI: 2.6-3.0) excluding underlying CAD. Univariate analysis revealed a significant inverse relation between absolute CPT-MBF and sex (ρ = -0.47, p = 0.0006), triglyceride (ρ = -0.32, p = 0.024) and insulin levels (ρ = -0.43, p = 0.0024), HOMA-IR (ρ = -0.39, p = 0.007), BMI (ρ = -0.51, p = 0.0002) and TFV (ρ = -0.52, p = 0.0001). MBF response to adenosine was also correlated with TFV (ρ = -0.32, p = 0.026). On multivariate analysis, TFV emerged as the only significant predictor of MBF response to CPT (p = 0.014). CONCLUSIONS: TFV is significantly correlated with endothelium-dependent and -independent coronary vasomotion. High TF burden might negatively influence MBF response to CPT and to adenosine stress, even in persons without CAD, suggesting a link between thoracic fat and future cardiovascular events.


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To investigate the behavioral effects of different vehicles microinjected into the dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) of male Wistar rats, weighing 200-250 g, tested in the elevated plus maze, animals were implanted with cannulas aimed at this structure. One week after surgery the animals received microinjections into the DPAG of 0.9% (w/v) saline, 10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 2% (v/v) Tween-80, 10% (v/v) propylene glycol, or synthetic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Ten min after the injection (0.5 &micro;l) the animals (N = 8-13/group) were submitted to the elevated plus maze test. DMSO significantly increased the number of entries into both the open and enclosed arms when compared to 0.9% saline (2.7 &plusmn; 0.8 and 8.7 &plusmn; 1.3 vs 0.8 &plusmn; 0.3 and 5.1 &plusmn; 0.9, respectively, Duncan test, P<0.05), and tended to increase enclosed arm entries as compared to 2% Tween-80 (8.7 &plusmn; 1.3 vs 5.7 &plusmn; 0.9, Duncan test, P<0.10). In a second experiment no difference in plus maze exploration was found between 0.9% saline- or sham-injected animals (N = 11-13/group). These results indicate that intra-DPAG injection of some commonly used vehicles such as DMSO, saline or Tween-80 affects the exploratory activity of rats exposed to the elevated plus maze in statistically different manners


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In this study, finite element analyses and experimental tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength of three different non-load carrying welded joints. The current codes and recommendations do not give explicit instructions how to consider degree of bending in loading and the effect of symmetry in the fatigue assessment of welded joints. The fatigue assessment is done by using effective notch stress method and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Transverse attachment and cover plate joints are analyzed by using 2D plane strain element models in FEMAP/NxNastran and Franc2D software and longitudinal gusset case is analyzed by using solid element models in Abaqus and Abaqus/XFEM software. By means of the evaluated effective notch stress range and stress intensity factor range, the nominal fatigue strength is assessed. Experimental tests consist of the fatigue tests of transverse attachment joints with total amount of 12 specimens. In the tests, the effect of both loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength is studied. Finite element analyses showed that the fatigue strength of asymmetric joint is higher in tensile loading and the fatigue strength of symmetric joint is higher in bending loading in terms of nominal and hot spot stress methods. Linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that bending reduces stress intensity factors when the crack size is relatively large since the normal stress decreases at the crack tip due to the stress gradient. Under tensile loading, experimental tests corresponded with finite element analyzes. Still, the fatigue tested joints subjected to bending showed the bending increased the fatigue strength of non-load carrying welded joints and the fatigue test results did not fully agree with the fatigue assessment. According to the results, it can be concluded that in tensile loading, the symmetry of joint distinctly affects on the fatigue strength. The fatigue life assessment of bending loaded joints is challenging since it depends on whether the crack initiation or propagation is predominant.


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Sperm competition is the competition for fertilizations between ejaculates, within a female, following multiple mating. There are four sperm utilization or precedence patterns: first male precedence, where the first male to mate fertilizes most of the eggs laid by a female; last male precedence, where the last male to mate fertilizes most of the eggs laid by a female; "all-or-none" pattern, where sperm from either male fertilizes all the eggs laid by a female but which male's sperm that is used is random; or sperm mixing, where sperm from each male is used equally in fertilizing eggs laid by a female. Intermediate utilization patterns are also possible. Sperm competition occurs in a wide variety of insect species as well as other animals. This study was undertaken to study sperm competition in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Four experiments were conducted: a radiation and sterilization experiment, a diapause experiment, and 2 competition experiments. It was found that 7,000 rad of gamma radiation sterilized adult ~ integer males. There was no diapause in the laboratory in ~ integer eggs. In the first competition experiment, three groups of females were used: females mated with a normal male, then with a second normal male (NN group); females mated with a normal male, and then with a sterile male (NR group); and females mated with a sterile male, and then with a normal male (RN group). The results obtained from this experiment showed that the mean proportion of eggs hatched was significantly different between 3 groups of females, with the proportion hatched much greater in the NN group than in either the NR or RN groups. The pattern for the proportion of eggs hatched following a double mating most closely resembled a pattern expected if sperm mixing is occurring. Results obtained in the replicate competition experiment showed that the mean proportion of eggs hatched for the females in the NR group was significantly lower than the proportion hatched in the other two groups. This also supports a model of sperm mixing as a precedence pattern. Values calculated following Boorman and Parker (1976), for the proportion of eggs fertilized by the second male to mate following a double mating, were 0.57 in competition experiment 1 and 0.62 in the replicate. These values indicate that sperm mixing occurs in~ integer.


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Les microcantileviers fonctionnalisés offrent une plateforme idéale pour la nano- et micro-mécanique et pour le développement de (bio-) capteurs tres sensible. Le principe d’opération consiste dans des évènements physicochimiques qui se passent du côté fonctionnalisé du microcantilevier induisant une différence de stress de surface entre les deux côtés du cantilevier qui cause une déflexion verticale du levier. Par contre, les facteurs et les phénomènes interfacials qui régissent la nature et l'intensité du stress de surface sont encore méconnus. Pour éclaircir ce phénomène, la première partie de cette thèse porte sur l'étude des réactions de microcantileviers qui sont recouverts d'or et fonctionnalisés par une monocouche auto-assemblée (MAA) électroactive. La formation d'une MAA de ferrocènylundécanethiol (FcC11SH) à la surface d'or d'un microcantilevier est le modèle utilisé pour mieux comprendre le stress de surface induit par l’électrochimie. Les résultats obtenus démontrent qu'une transformation rédox de la MAA de FcC11SH crée un stress de surface qui résulte dans une déflexion verticale du microcantilevier. Dépendamment de la flexibilité du microcantilevier, cette déflexion peut varier de quelques nanomètres à quelques micromètres. L’oxydation de cette MAA de FcC11SH dans un environnement d'ions perchlorate génère un changement de stress de surface compressive. Les résultats indiquent que la déflexion du microcantilevier est due à une tension latérale provenant d'une réorientation et d'une expansion moléculaire lors du transfért de charge et de pairage d’anions. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, les mêmes expériences ont été répéteés avec des microcantileviers qui ont été couverts d'une MAA mixte, où les groupements électroactifs de ferrocène sont isolés par des alkylthiols inactifs. Lorsqu’un potentiel est appliqué, un courant est détecté mais le microcantilevier ne signale aucune déflexion. Ces résultats confirment que la déflexion du microcantilevier est due à une pression latérale provenant du ferrocènium qui se réorganise et qui crée une pression sur ses pairs avoisinants plutôt que du couplage d’anions. L’amplitude de la déflexion verticale du microcantilevier dépend de la structure moléculaire de la MAA et du le type d’anion utilisés lors de la réaction électrochimique. Dans la prochaine partie de la thèse, l’électrochimie et la spectroscopie de résonance de plasmon en surface ont été combinées pour arriver à une description de l’adsorption et de l’agrégation des n-alkyl sulfates à l’interface FcC11SAu/électrolyte. À toutes les concentrations de solution, les molécules d'agent tensio-actif sont empilées perpendiculairement à la surface d'électrode sous forme de monocouche condensé entrecroisé. Cependant, la densité du film spécifiquement adsorbé s'est avérée être affectée par l'état d'organisation des agents tensio-actifs en solution. À faible concentration, où les molécules d'agent tensio-actif sont présentes en tant que monomères solvatés, les monomères peuvent facilement s'adapter à l’évolution de la concentration en surface du ferrocènium lors du balayage du potential. Cependant, lorsque les molécules sont présentes en solution en tant que micelles une densité plus faible d'agent tensio-actif a été trouvée en raison de l'incapacité de répondre effectivement à la surface de ferrocenium générée dynamiquement.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières option administration des services infirmiers


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This article surveys the classical orthogonal polynomial systems of the Hahn class, which are solutions of second-order differential, difference or q-difference equations. Orthogonal families satisfy three-term recurrence equations. Example applications of an algorithm to determine whether a three-term recurrence equation has solutions in the Hahn class - implemented in the computer algebra system Maple - are given. Modifications of these families, in particular associated orthogonal systems, satisfy fourth-order operator equations. A factorization of these equations leads to a solution basis.


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Using the functional approach, we state and prove a characterization theorem for classical orthogonal polynomials on non-uniform lattices (quadratic lattices of a discrete or a q-discrete variable) including the Askey-Wilson polynomials. This theorem proves the equivalence between seven characterization properties, namely the Pearson equation for the linear functional, the second-order divided-difference equation, the orthogonality of the derivatives, the Rodrigues formula, two types of structure relations,and the Riccati equation for the formal Stieltjes function.


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This thesis presents the development of hardware, theory, and experimental methods to enable a robotic manipulator arm to interact with soils and estimate soil properties from interaction forces. Unlike the majority of robotic systems interacting with soil, our objective is parameter estimation, not excavation. To this end, we design our manipulator with a flat plate for easy modeling of interactions. By using a flat plate, we take advantage of the wealth of research on the similar problem of earth pressure on retaining walls. There are a number of existing earth pressure models. These models typically provide estimates of force which are in uncertain relation to the true force. A recent technique, known as numerical limit analysis, provides upper and lower bounds on the true force. Predictions from the numerical limit analysis technique are shown to be in good agreement with other accepted models. Experimental methods for plate insertion, soil-tool interface friction estimation, and control of applied forces on the soil are presented. In addition, a novel graphical technique for inverting the soil models is developed, which is an improvement over standard nonlinear optimization. This graphical technique utilizes the uncertainties associated with each set of force measurements to obtain all possible parameters which could have produced the measured forces. The system is tested on three cohesionless soils, two in a loose state and one in a loose and dense state. The results are compared with friction angles obtained from direct shear tests. The results highlight a number of key points. Common assumptions are made in soil modeling. Most notably, the Mohr-Coulomb failure law and perfectly plastic behavior. In the direct shear tests, a marked dependence of friction angle on the normal stress at low stresses is found. This has ramifications for any study of friction done at low stresses. In addition, gradual failures are often observed for vertical tools and tools inclined away from the direction of motion. After accounting for the change in friction angle at low stresses, the results show good agreement with the direct shear values.


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A lubrication-flow model for a free film in a corner is presented. The model, written in the hyperbolic coordinate system ξ = x² – y², η = 2xy, applies to films that are thin in the η direction. The lubrication approximation yields two coupled evolution equations for the film thickness and the velocity field which, to lowest order, describes plug flow in the hyperbolic coordinates. A free film in a corner evolving under surface tension and gravity is investigated. The rate of thinning of a free film is compared to that of a film evolving over a solid substrate. Viscous shear and normal stresses are both captured in the model and are computed for the entire flow domain. It is shown that normal stress dominates over shear stress in the far field, while shear stress dominates close to the corner.