187 resultados para Scenedesmus almeriensis


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We studied in the laboratory the population growth rates of four cladocerans fed both with decomposed Microcystis aeruginosa and with a mixture of fresh colonial M. aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus. The neonates of Diqphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia carinata were able to develop into adults when they were fed with <64mum decomposed M. aeruginosa, while those of Moina micrura could not use decomposed M. aeruginosa. The population growth rate of the largest species, D. carinata, was less affected by the presence of fresh colonial M. aeruginosa than the other three species. D. carinata obtained the highest growth rate at a biomass level of 10 mg L-1 fresh colonial M. aeruginosa, indicating that, to some extent, it can use colonial M. aeruginosa at a size range of 64-112mum. The population growth rate of M. micrura was negatively correlated with fresh colonial M. aeruginosa within a range of 10-100 mg L-1. The population growth rates of D. brachyurum and Ceriodaphnia cornuta were remarkably decreased by fresh colonial M. aeruginosa, although no significant difference was found within the M. aeruginosa biomass range of 10-100 mg L-1 for either cladoceran. At a biomass level of 50 mg L-1 M. aeruginosa, the population growth rates of the four cladocerans positively correlated with S. obliquus biomass within a range of 0.1-5.0 mg L-1. Our results indicate that the zooplankton community under bloom condition is shaped by the quantity of both M. aeruginosa and other edible algae.


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order to investigate the morphological response of freshwater green algae to elevated CO2 concentration, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang and Scenedesmus obliquus Kutz were cultured with enriched CO2, and their microstructure and ultrastructure were examined by microscopy and electron microscopy. The effect of CO2 enrichment to 186 mumol/L, was insignificant on the shape and size of C. reinhardtii, but significant in reducing the volume of S. obliquus. High-CO2 increased the amount of chloroplast. The pyrenoids occurred in low-CO2-grown cells but not in high-CO2-grown ones and more starch granules were observed in the former.


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This study describes the life history characteristics of amictic, unfertilized mictic and fertilized mictic females of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus cultured individually on two different algae at 0.1 mg ml(-1) food concentration and 27 degreesC. The duration of the juvenile period of amictic females was significantly shorter on Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick than on Scenedesmus obliquus Kutz or both algae together. The duration of the juvenile period of unfertilized mictic females was significantly longer, and the number of eggs produced by amictic females was significantly larger on Chlorella pyrenoidosa than on S. obliquus. When fed the same type of alga, the duration of the juvenile period of the fertilized mictic females was the longest among the three types of females, and the durations of the reproductive period of the amictic females and the post-reproductive period of the fertilized mictic females were longer than, or equal to those of the other two types of females, respectively. The number of eggs produced by an unfertilized mictic female was the largest among the three types of females, and that of amictic females was larger than or equal to that of fertilized mictic females, depending on the type of diet.


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The effect of food concentration on the life history of three types of Brachionus calciflorus females (amictic, unfertilized mictic and fertilized mictic female) was studied with replicated individual cultures at 25 degrees and at four food concentrations (1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 x 10(6) cells mL(-1)) of Scenedesmus obliquus. There were highly significant effects of both food concentration and female type, independently and in interaction on the duration of juvenile period of the rotifer, but neither a;ere the effects on the duration of post-reproductive period and mean life-span. The duration of juvenile period of unfertilized mictic female at the food concentration of 9.0 x 10(6) cells mL(-1) was the longest among all the food concentration-female type combinations. Both food concentration and female type influenced significantly the duration of reproductive period and the number of eggs produced by each type of female per life cycle, respectively. There was, however, no significant interaction between food level and female type. Among the three types of females, the number of eggs produced by an unfertilized mictic female was the largest. and that of a fertilized mictic female was the smallest.


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Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a well-known coagulation-flotation system applied at large scale for microalgae harvesting. Compared to conventional harvesting technologies DAF allows high cell recovery at lower energy demand. By replacing microbubbles with microspheres, the innovative Ballasted Dissolved Air Flotation (BDAF) technique has been reported to achieve the same algae cell removal efficiency, while saving up to 80% of the energy required for the conventional DAF unit. Using three different algae cultures (Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira maxima), the present work investigated the practical, economic and environmental advantages of the BDAF system compared to the DAF system. 99% cells separation was achieved with both systems, nevertheless, the BDAF technology allowed up to 95% coagulant reduction depending on the algae species and the pH conditions adopted. In terms of floc structure and strength, the inclusion of microspheres in the algae floc generated a looser aggregate, showing a more compact structure within single cell alga, than large and filamentous cells. Overall, BDAF appeared to be a more reliable and sustainable harvesting system than DAF, as it allowed equal cells recovery reducing energy inputs, coagulant demand and carbon emissions. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Phycoremediation of swine wastewaters has been widely reported as an attractive tertiary treatment system, that effectively removes the excessive nutrient loadswhilst offering a valuable source of feedstock biomass. Digestate from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, 6%v/v) and a nitrification reactor (NR; 50% v/v) were used as culturing media to microalgae. Experiments were carried out in lab scale photobioreactors (PBRs) using a consortia of Chlorella and Scenedesmus. Ammonia (44 to 90%) and phosphorus (77%) were efficiently removed from both effluents tested after 4 days. Microalgae biomass harvested from the UASB effluent showed 57, 34 and 1% of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively. Comparatively, the cellular composition of microalgae grown on NR effluent had lower protein (43%) but higher carbohydrate (42%) contents. Negligible difference in lipid fraction was observed independently of the effluents tested. The results suggest that the biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewaters can offer a valuable protein and carbohydrate feedstock for nutritional and biotechnological applications.


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The extraction and use of metals has been the mainstay for the sustained development and progress of a nation. Metals, though fairly stable in the natural environment are found in trace quantities in water bodies. Attention has therefore been focused to identify the metals that impair the water quality. In the last few decades the concern about the fate of these metals in the aquatic system has been gaining momentum, particularly in the industrial belts. The disasters caused by metal poisoning in recent times have prompted an indepth study of the interaction of metals with aquatic biota. Kerala, basically an agriculture oriented state has witnessed the upsurgence of various industries as a part of the nationwide economic development programme. Cochin has been identified as the industrial capital of the state.The present study is an attempt towards a better understanding of the metal-phytoplankton interactions with special reference to the physiological changes in the species. various parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, nutrients, number of cells, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates, protein and lipid are studied to highlight the complexity of metal..phytoplankton interaction


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The thesis embodies the results of a study on the variations in the parameters of productivity of two test species, a chlorophycean alga and a diatom. The chlorophycean alga Scenedesmus abundans was isolated from a fresh water pond whereas the diatom Nitzschia clausii was from the Cochin backwaters. Their growth parameters and their variations due to the effect of addition of some heavy metals have been studied. The growth parameters include biomass, production, respiration, photosynthetic pigments and end products of photosynthesis. The cell numbers were estimated by using a haemocytometer and production and respiration by oxygen light and dark technique. Spectrophotometric analysis for pigments, anthrone method for carbohydrate and heated biuret method for protein were the different methods employed in the present investigation. The present study is confined to nickel, cobalt, trivalent and hexavalent chromium. Different metals are discharged from various industries in and around Cochin. The effects of these metals individually and in combination are studied. Experiments to determine the effects of interaction of metals in combination enabled the assessment of the antagonistic and synergistic effect of metals on test species. The concentration or accumulation of metals on algae was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The thesis has been divided into seven chapters. The introductory chapter explains the relevance of the present investigation. Chapter two presents the review of literature based on the work in relation to toxicity. Third chapter gives a detailed description of the material and specialized methods followed for the study. The effects of various metals selected for study - nickel, cobalt, trivalent and hexavalent chromium on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of productivity forms the subject of matter of the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter gives the impact of metals in combination on two species of algae. A general discussion and summary are included in the sixth and seventh chapters


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O gênero Daphnia é o grupo mais antigo utilizado em ensaios de toxicidade. Dentre este grupo, as espécies Daphnia similis e Daphnia magna tiveram sua biologia amplamente estudada e vem sendo utilizada para ensaios toxicológicos. Diferentes condições de cultivo, no entanto, podem influenciar na produtividade e sensibilidade dos organismos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, avaliar a influência de diferentes dietas e meios de cultivo na sensibilidade e na reprodução de D. similis e D. magna. Foram realizados cultivos com dez indivíduos em béqueres de 250 mL e 600 mL para D. similis e D. magna respectivamente, com água destilada deionizada reconstituída e meio de cultivo M4, mantidos a 20°C, fotoperíodo de 16horas/luz e alimentados com diferentes combinações de alimento com quatro réplicas cada. As dietas consistiam na utilização das algas Selenastrum capricornutum na concentração de 1.5.105 céls.mL-1 e Scenedesmus subspicatus na concentração de 106 céls.mL-1 . A combinação destas algas com o complemento de uma ração podendo ser de truta ou artêmia na concentração de 6 g.L-1 também foi utilizada. Em cada tratamento observou-se diariamente o número médio de neonatos produzidos por fêmea no período de 21 dias. Paralelamente foram realizados ensaios de sensibilidade ao dicromato de potássio de acordo com a NBR 12713 para cada dieta. Os resultados obtidos quanto à fertilidade quando submetidas a uma dieta com as algas S. capricornutum para D. similis e S. subspicatus para D. magna tendo o complemento de uma ração de artêmia demonstrou que independente do meio utilizado para o cultivo, a reprodução não variou significativamente o que caracteriza a ração de artêmia como uma alternativa ao complemento M4. Quanto à sensibilidade, em todos os casos analisados, quando cultivados em meio M4 os organismos mostraram-se mais resistentes ao Dicromato de Potássio do que quando cultivados em meio ISO.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La depurazione è un processo finalizzato a ridurre in modo significativo le sostanze inquinanti presenti nelle acque reflue prima del loro rilascio in ambiente. L’uso delle alghe in impianti di depurazione di acque reflue prende il nome di ficorimedio e potrebbe rappresentare un’alternativa o una integrazione alla depurazione tradizionale dei reflui per il fatto che le alghe operano la rimozione di nutrienti e metalli pesanti dalle acque e al tempo stesso possono fornire biomassa utilizzabile come nuova fonte di energia. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è stato di saggiare la capacità depurativa di microalghe idonee per la depurazione dei reflui, questo è stato fatto tramite due esperimenti. Il primo esperimento è stato realizzato in modo tale da simulare un sistema continuo di crescita di Scenedesmus sp. andando a ricreare le stesse condizioni di un sistema all’aperto come negli open ponds, in particolare prelevando periodicamente una parte di biomassa e sostituendola con terreno nuovo. Sono state applicate tre diverse condizioni per analizzare quale metodo permetteva di ottenere maggiori valori di produttività di biomassa e per valutare come questa si diversifica nel tempo nella sua componente biochimica, inoltre si è valutata anche la componente fisiologica, attraverso la misura dell’efficienza fotosintetica. Nel successivo esperimento è stata utilizzata una popolazione algale naturale, proveniente dalla vasca di sedimentazione terziaria del depuratore di Ravenna, e fatta crescere nell’effluente primario. L’esperimento era volto a comprendere i processi di successione delle microalghe in un sistema aperto attraverso uno studio della composizione delle specie nel tempo e a confrontare la crescita e l’efficienza di fitodepurazione della popolazione mista con quelle di Scenedesmus sp. Nelle colture di Scenedesmus sp. in semicontinuo si è visto che il tempo di residenza idraulica minore determina una concentrazione di biomassa inferiore a quella che si ottiene nelle colture con tempi di residenza idraulica maggiori. La produttività dei polisaccaridi (g/L/day) risulta più elevata all’aumentare dei tempi di residenza idraulica, mentre per le proteine l’andamento è inverso. I valori di efficienza fotosintetica evidenziano fenomeni di fotoinibizione nella coltura con minor tempo di residenza idraulica senza che vi sia un danno dell’apparato fotosintetico. L’esperimento basato sulla crescita di una popolazione naturale in coltura batch ha mostrato che la velocità di crescita e la densità di biomassa raggiunta sono di poco inferiori a quelle della monocoltura di Scenedesmus sp. La popolazione è in grado di rimuovere i nutrienti presenti nell’effluente primario dopo 7 giorni, in un tempo maggiore rispetto a quello impiegato da Scenedesmus sp. Questo esperimento ha evidenziato che, sebbene Scenedesmus sp. fosse presente in scarsa quantità all’inizio dell’esperimento, la sua concentrazione aumenta nel tempo dimostrando così di essere maggiormente competitiva rispetto alle altre microalghe presenti nella coltura e di resistere a grazers e patogeni. I risultati ottenuti in questo studio sono importanti per la conduzione di esperimenti di ficodepurazione su scala più ampia e ha permesso di comprendere come la biomassa algale si caratterizza nel tempo andando a simulare le condizioni di crescita in un sistema continuo.


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Analytical pyrolysis was used to investigate the formation of diketopiperazines (DKPs) which are cyclic dipeptides formed from the thermal degradation of proteins. A quali/quantitative procedure was developed combining microscale flash pyrolysis at 500 °C with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of DKPs trapped onto an adsorbent phase. Polar DKPs were silylated prior to GC-MS. Particular attention was paid to the identification of proline (Pro) containing DKPs due to their greater facility of formation. The GC-MS characteristics of more than 80 original and silylated DKPs were collected from the pyrolysis of sixteen linear dipeptides and four model proteins (e.g. bovine serum albumin, BSA). The structure of a novel DKP, cyclo(pyroglutamic-Pro) was established by NMR and ESI-MS analysis, while the structures of other novel DKPs remained tentative. DKPs resulted rather specific markers of amino acid sequence in proteins, even though the thermal degradation of DKPs should be taken into account. Structural information of DKPs gathered from the pyrolysis of model compounds was employed to the identification of these compounds in the pyrolysate of proteinaceous samples, including intrinsecally unfolded protein (IUP). Analysis of the liquid fraction (bio-oil) obtained from the pyrolysis of microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana, Scenedesmus spp with a bench scale reactor showed that DKPs constituted an important pool of nitrogen-containing compounds. Conversely, the level of DKPs was rather low in the bio-oil of Botryococcus braunii. The developed micropyrolysis procedure was applied in combination with thermogravimetry (TGA) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to investigate surface interaction between BSA and synthetic chrysotile. The results showed that the thermal behavior of BSA (e.g. DKPs formation) was affected by the different form of doped synthetic chrysotile. The typical DKPs evolved from collagen were quantified in the pyrolysates of archaeological bones from Vicenne Necropolis in order to evaluate their conservation status in combination with TGA, FTIR and XRD analysis.


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Microalgae cultures are attracting great attentions in many industrial applications. However, one of the technical challenges is to cut down the capital and operational costs of microalgae production systems, with special difficulty in reactor design and scale-up. The thesis work open with an overview on the microalgae cultures as a possible answer to solve some of the upcoming planet issues and their applications in several fields. After the work offers a general outline on the state of the art of microalgae culture systems, taking a special look to the enclosed photobioreactors (PBRs). The overall objective of this study is to advance the knowledge of PBRs design and lead to innovative large scale processes of microalgae cultivation. An airlift flat panel photobioreactor was designed, modeled and experimentally characterized. The gas holdup, liquid flow velocity and oxygen mass transfer of the reactor were experimentally determined and mathematically modeled, and the performance of the reactor was tested by cultivation of microalgae. The model predicted data correlated well with experimental data, and the high concentration of suspension cell culture could be achieved with controlled conditions. The reactor was inoculated with the algal strain Scenedesmus obliquus sp. first and with Chlorella sp. later and sparged with air. The reactor was operated in batch mode and daily monitored for pH, temperature, and biomass concentration and activity. The productivity of the novel device was determined, suggesting the proposed design can be effectively and economically used in carbon dioxide mitigation technologies and in the production of algal biomass for biofuel and other bioproducts. Those research results favored the possibility of scaling the reactor up into industrial scales based on the models employed, and the potential advantages and disadvantages were discussed for this novel industrial design.


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Grünalgen bilden zur Überdauerung schlechter Umweltbedingungen Ruhestadien, die sich durch Ausbildung einer festen Zellwand, die Reduktion des Plastiden und die starke Akkumulation von Speicherfetten und Ketocarotinoiden im Zytosol auszeichnen. Obwohl Ketocarotinoide in Grünalgen seit über vierzig Jahren beforscht werden, gab es hierzu noch wenige molekularbiologische Untersuchungen. Im Vorfeld meiner Promotion wurde durch unsere Arbeitsgruppe entdeckt, dass auch der molekular gut zugängliche Modellorganismus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii im Zygotenstadium große Mengen an Ketocarotinoiden bildet. Neben dem zu erwartenden Ketocarotinoid Astaxanthin fanden wir große Mengen des bisher nur in einer Grünalge beschriebenen 4-Ketoluteins. Vorversuche ließen die Vermutung aufkommen, dass dieses Pigment bei der Untersuchung der Pigmentausstattung in Dauerstadien von vielen Grünalgen bisher übersehen wurde. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher zunächst die Pigmentzusammensetzung von Dauerstadien der bereits gut untersuchten Grünalgen Muriella zofingiensis und Scenedesmus rubescens durch Vergleich mit dem Ketocarotinoidmuster aus Dauerstadien von C. reinhardtii und Fritschiella tuberosa reevaluiert und dabei erstmals das Vorkommen signifikanter Mengen an 4-Ketolutein nachgewiesen. Außerdem zeigte sich, dass die als bisheriger Modellorganismus der Ketocarotinoidbiosynthese in Grünalgen sehr gut untersuchte Alge Haematococcus pluvialis eher eine Ausnahme darstellt, da ihre Dauerstadien als einzige der hier untersuchten Algen nur minimale Mengen von 4 Ketolutein aufwiesen. Diese Beobachtungen machen es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die Fähigkeit zur Bildung von 4-Ketolutein unter den Grünalgen wesentlich weiter verbreitet ist als bisher angenommen. Das sekundäre Carotinoid 4-Ketolutein kam in den Dauerstadien der Grünalgen neben seiner freien Form ausschließlich als Monoacylester vor, im Gegensatz zu Astaxanthin, das als mono- und diacylierte Form auftrat. rnÜber die Analyse der Pigmentausstattung hinaus konnten die entscheidenden Schritte des Synthesewegs der Ketocarotinoide in C. reinhardtii durch funktionelle Charakterisierung der beteiligten Enzyme in Bakterien aufgeklärt werden. Als Basis für die Charakterisierungen wurde ein umfangreiches Portfolio von carotinogenen E. coli-Bakterien etabliert, darunter α Carotin und Lutein produzierende Stämme, die bisher nicht zur Verfügung standen. Das wurde durch die Klonierung der Lycopinzyklase (OluLCY) aus der Grünalge Ostreococcus lucimarinus möglich, die eine Sonderolle unter den Zyklasen einnimmt, da sie die Lycopin-β-Zyklase und Lycopin-ε-Zyklase in einem Fusionsenzym vereint. Vorteile dieses Fusionsenzyms sind die Expressionskontrolle durch nur einen Promotor und die weitgehend konstante Stöchiometrie seiner Produkte α-Carotin und β-Carotin, was die OluLCY für die biotechnologische Anwendung prädestiniert.rnDie funktionelle Charakterisierung der Carotinoidbiosyntheseenzyme aus C. reinhardtii umfasste das Schlüsselenzym der Ketocarotinoidbiosynthese, die β-Carotin-Ketolase (BKT), sowie die Carotinoid-Hydroxylasen CHYB, CYP97A5 und CYP97C3. Dabei wurde für das BKT-Enzym aus C. reinhardtii nachgewiesen, dass es nicht nur die Ketolierung von β Carotin zu Canthaxanthin und von Zeaxanthin zu Astaxanthin, sondern auch die Bildung der von α-Carotin abgeleiteten Ketocarotinoide wie 4-Keto-α-Carotin und 4 Ketolutein katalysieren kann.rn