967 resultados para Saccharomyces boulardii


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sub1 is involved in several cellular processes such as, transcription initiation, elongation, mRNA processing and DNA repair. It has also been reported to provide cellular resistance during conditions of oxidative DNA damage and osmotic stress. Here, we report a novel role of SUB1 during starvation stress-induced sporulation, which leads to meiosis and spore formation in diploid yeast cells. Deletion of SUB1 gene significantly increased sporulation efficiency as compared to the wild-type cells in S288c genetic background. Whereas, the sporulation functions of the sub1(Y66A) missense mutant were similar to Sub1. SUB1 transcript and protein levels are downregulated during sporulation, in highly synchronized and sporulation proficient wild-type SK1 cells. The changes in Sub1 levels during sporulation cascade correlate with the induction of middle sporulation gene expression. Deletion of SUB1 increased middle sporulation gene transcript levels with no effect on their induction kinetics. In wild-type cells, Sub1 associates with chromatin at these loci in a temporal pattern that correlates with their enhanced gene expression seen in sub1. cells. We show that SUB1 genetically interacts with HOS2, which led us to speculate that Sub1 might function with Set3 repressor complex during sporulation. Positive Cofactor 4, human homolog of Sub1, complemented the sub1. sporulation phenotype, suggesting conservation of function. Taken together, our results suggest that SUB1 acts as a negative regulator of sporulation.


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Methylglyoxal (MG) is a reactive metabolic intermediate generated during various cellular biochemical reactions, including glycolysis. The accumulation of MG indiscriminately modifies proteins, including important cellular antioxidant machinery, leading to severe oxidative stress, which is implicated in multiple neurodegenerative disorders, aging, and cardiac disorders. Although cells possess efficient glyoxalase systems for detoxification, their functions are largely dependent on the glutathione cofactor, the availability of which is self-limiting under oxidative stress. Thus, higher organisms require alternate modes of reducing the MG-mediated toxicity and maintaining redox balance. In this report, we demonstrate that Hsp31 protein, a member of the ThiJ/DJ-1/PfpI family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays an indispensable role in regulating redox homeostasis. Our results show that Hsp31 possesses robust glutathione-independent methylglyoxalase activity and suppresses MG-mediated toxicity and ROS levels as compared with another paralog, Hsp34. On the other hand, glyoxalase-defective mutants of Hsp31 were found highly compromised in regulating the ROS levels. Additionally, Hsp31 maintains cellular glutathione and NADPH levels, thus conferring protection against oxidative stress, and Hsp31 relocalizes to mitochondria to provide cytoprotection to the organelle under oxidative stress conditions. Importantly, human DJ-1, which is implicated in the familial form of Parkinson disease, complements the function of Hsp31 by suppressing methylglyoxal and oxidative stress, thus signifying the importance of these proteins in the maintenance of ROS homeostasis across phylogeny.


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Pre-mRNA splicing requires interaction of cis- acting intron sequences with trans -acting factors: proteins and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). The assembly of these factors into a large complex, the spliceosome, is essential for the subsequent two step splicing reaction. First, the 5' splice site is cleaved and free exon 1 and a lariat intermediate (intron- exon2) form. In the second reaction the 3' splice site is cleaved the exons ligated and lariat intron released. A combination of genetic and biochemical techniques have been used here to study pre-mRNA splicing in yeast.

Yeast introns have three highly conserved elements. We made point mutations within these elements and found that most of them affect splicing efficiency in vivo and in vitro, usually by inhibiting spliceosome assembly.

To study trans -acting splicing factors we generated and screened a bank of temperature- sensitive (ts) mutants. Eleven new complementation groups (prp17 to prp27) were isolated. The four phenotypic classes obtained affect different steps in splicing and accumulate either: 1) pre-mRNA, 2) lariat intermediate, 3) excised intron or 4) both pre-mRNA and intron. The latter three classes represent novel phenotypes. The excised intron observed in one mutant: prp26 is stabilized due to protection in a snRNP containing particle. Extracts from another mutant: prpl8 are heat labile and accumulate lariat intermediate and exon 1. This is especially interesting as it allows analysis of the second splicing reaction. In vitro complementation of inactivated prp18 extracts does not require intact snRNPs. These studies have also shown the mutation to be in a previously unknown splicing protein. A specific requirement for A TP is also observed for the second step of splicing. The PRP 18 gene has been cloned and its polyadenylated transcript identified.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a family of hsp70 related genes. One member of this family, SSA1, encodes a 70kD heat-shock protein which in addition to its heat inducible expression has a significant basal level of expression. The first 500 bp upstream of the SSA1 start point of transcription was examined by DNAse I protection analysis. The results reveal the presence of at least 14 factor binding sites throughout the upstream promoter region. The function of these binding sites has been examined using a series of 5' promoter deletions fused to the recorder gene lacZ in a centromere-containing yeast shuttle vector. The following sites have been identified in the promoter and their activity in yeast determined individually with a centromere-based recorder plasmid containing a truncated CYC1 /lacZ fusion: a heat-shock element or HSE which is sufficient to convey heat-shock response on the recorder plasmid; a homology to the SV40 'core' sequence which can repress the GCN4 recognition element (GCRE) and the yAP1 recognition element (ARE), and has been designated a upstream repression element or URE; a 'G'-rich region named G-box which can also convey heatshock response on the recorder plasmid; and a purine-pyrimidine alternating sequence name GT-box which is an activator of transcription. A series of fusion constructs were made to identify a putative silencer-like element upstream of SSA1. This element is position dependent and has been localized to a region containing both an ABF1 binding site and a RAP1 binding site. Five site-specific DNA-binding factors are identified and their purification is presented: the heat-shock transcription factor or HSTF, which recognizes the HSE; the G-box binding factor or GBF; the URE recognition factor or URF; the GT-box binding factor; and the GC-box binding factor or yeast Sp1.


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A matriz energética mundial é baseada em fontes fósseis e renováveis. No Brasil, o bioetanol é gerado principalmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar. Resíduos agroindustriais (fontes celulósicas ou amiláceas) despontam como biomassas alternativas à cana-de-açúcar, para aumentar a competitividade deste combustível renovável frente aos de origem fóssil e também favorecer a sustentabilidade e a segurança alimentar e energética, pois são ricos em polissacarídeos não diretamente fermentescíveis, abundantes (problema ambiental) e apresentam baixo valor comercial. O farelo de mandioca é um exemplo de resíduo sólido gerado na produção de fécula (amido) e farinha de mandioca que ainda contém, em média, 75% de amido. Consequentemente, deve ser previamente hidrolisado e posteriormente fermentado por leveduras do gênero Saccharomyces para gerar etanol. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir bioetanol a partir de hidrolisados enzimáticos de farelo de mandioca, usando levedura álcool resistente (AR). Primeiramente, a concentração de açúcares obtida a partir da hidrólise enzimática foi verificada através de um planejamento fatorial completo (24), com triplicata no ponto central, a fim de investigar a influência dos seguintes fatores na hidrólise: concentração de α-amilase (Termamyl 2X), tempo de liquefação, concentração de glucoamilase (AMG 300L) e o tempo sacarificação. A condição de hidrólise mais favorável foi a do ensaio com 0,517 mL de AMG/g amido, 0,270 mL de Termamyl/g amido, 1h de tempo de liquefação e 2h de tempo de sacarificação. O caldo resultante da condição escolhida alcançou altas concentrações de glicose (160 g/L). Os ensaios de fermentação alcoólica foram realizados em duplicata em biorreator de 3L, em regime de batelada, a 30C, 100 rpm e pH 5,5. Cerca de 3 g/L (massa seca) de uma linhagem de levedura álcool tolerante, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen BY4741, crescida por 12h em meio YEDP (2% de glicose) foram usados como inóculo. O mosto consistiu de um litro de hidrolisado (160 g/L de glicose) fortificado com extrato de levedura (1%) e peptona de carne (1%), além da adição de um antiespumante (Tween 80) na concentração de 0,05% (m/v). Em 30 horas de fermentação, a média da concentração de etanol obtida foi de 65 g/L. A eficiência foi de 87,6% e o rendimento e a produtividade foram 0,448 e 2,16 g/L.h, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram a aplicabilidade do farelo de mandioca como matéria-prima para a produção de bioetanol


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Epistasis refers to the interaction between genes. Although high-throughput epistasis data from model organisms are being generated and used to construct genetic networks(1-3), the extent to which genetic epistasis reflects biologically meaningful interactions remains unclear(4-6). We have addressed this question through in silico mapping of positive and negative epistatic interactions amongst biochemical reactions within the metabolic networks of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using flux balance analysis. We found that negative epistasis occurs mainly between nonessential reactions with overlapping functions, whereas positive epistasis usually involves essential reactions, is highly abundant and, unexpectedly, often occurs between reactions without overlapping functions. We offer mechanistic explanations of these findings and experimentally validate them for 61 S. cerevisiae gene pairs.


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Origination of new genes is an important mechanism generating genetic novelties during the evolution of an organism. Processes of creating new genes using preexisting genes as the raw materials are well characterized, such as exon shuffling, gene duplicat


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Yeast strain Saccharornyces cerevisiae was irradiated with different doses of 85 MeV/u Ne-20(10+) to investigate DNA damage induced by heavy ion beam in eukaryotic microorganism. The survival rate, DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and DNA polymorphic were tested after irradiation. The results showed that there were substantial differences in DNA between the control and irradiated samples. At the dose of 40 Cy, the yeast cell survival rate approached 50%, DNA double-strand breaks were barely detectable, and significant DNA polymorphism was observed. The alcohol dehydrogenase II gene was amplified and sequenced. It was observed that base changes in the mutant were mainly transversions of T-->G and T-->C. It can be concluded that heavy ion beam irradiation can lead to change in single gene and may be an effective way to induce mutation.


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Clare, A. and King R.D. (2003) Predicting gene function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2nd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB '03). (published as a journal supplement in Bioinformatics 19: ii42-ii49)


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The isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzyme acetolactate synthase (Ilv2p) is an attractive antifungal drug target, since the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic pathway is not present in mammals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants do not survive in vivo, Cryptococcus neoformans ilv2 mutants are avirulent, and both S. cerevisiae and Cr. neoformans ilv2 mutants die upon isoleucine and valine starvation. To further explore the potential of Ilv2p as an antifungal drug target, we disrupted Candida albicans ILV2, and demonstrated that Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants were significantly attenuated in virulence, and were also profoundly starvation-cidal, with a greater than 100-fold reduction in viability after only 4 h of isoleucine and valine starvation. As fungicidal starvation would be advantageous for drug design, we explored the basis of the starvation-cidal phenotype in both S. cerevisiae and Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants. Since the mutation of ILV1, required for the first step of isoleucine biosynthesis, did not suppress the ilv2Delta starvation-cidal defects in either species, the cidal phenotype was not due to alpha-ketobutyrate accumulation. We found that starvation for isoleucine alone was more deleterious in Ca. albicans than in S. cerevisiae, and starvation for valine was more deleterious than for isoleucine in both species. Interestingly, while the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway inhibitor rapamycin further reduced S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta starvation viability, it increased Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2Delta viability. Furthermore, the recovery from starvation was dependent on the carbon source present during recovery for S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants, reminiscent of isoleucine and valine starvation inducing a viable but non-culturable-like state in this species, while Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2 Delta viability was influenced by the carbon source present during starvation, supporting a role for glucose wasting in the Ca. albicans cidal phenotype.


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