997 resultados para STORAGE FACILITIES
The increasing aversion to technological risks of the society requires the development of inherently safer and environmentally friendlier processes, besides assuring the economic competitiveness of the industrial activities. The different forms of impact (e.g. environmental, economic and societal) are frequently characterized by conflicting reduction strategies and must be holistically taken into account in order to identify the optimal solutions in process design. Though the literature reports an extensive discussion of strategies and specific principles, quantitative assessment tools are required to identify the marginal improvements in alternative design options, to allow the trade-off among contradictory aspects and to prevent the “risk shift”. In the present work a set of integrated quantitative tools for design assessment (i.e. design support system) was developed. The tools were specifically dedicated to the implementation of sustainability and inherent safety in process and plant design activities, with respect to chemical and industrial processes in which substances dangerous for humans and environment are used or stored. The tools were mainly devoted to the application in the stages of “conceptual” and “basic design”, when the project is still open to changes (due to the large number of degrees of freedom) which may comprise of strategies to improve sustainability and inherent safety. The set of developed tools includes different phases of the design activities, all through the lifecycle of a project (inventories, process flow diagrams, preliminary plant lay-out plans). The development of such tools gives a substantial contribution to fill the present gap in the availability of sound supports for implementing safety and sustainability in early phases of process design. The proposed decision support system was based on the development of a set of leading key performance indicators (KPIs), which ensure the assessment of economic, societal and environmental impacts of a process (i.e. sustainability profile). The KPIs were based on impact models (also complex), but are easy and swift in the practical application. Their full evaluation is possible also starting from the limited data available during early process design. Innovative reference criteria were developed to compare and aggregate the KPIs on the basis of the actual sitespecific impact burden and the sustainability policy. Particular attention was devoted to the development of reliable criteria and tools for the assessment of inherent safety in different stages of the project lifecycle. The assessment follows an innovative approach in the analysis of inherent safety, based on both the calculation of the expected consequences of potential accidents and the evaluation of the hazards related to equipment. The methodology overrides several problems present in the previous methods proposed for quantitative inherent safety assessment (use of arbitrary indexes, subjective judgement, build-in assumptions, etc.). A specific procedure was defined for the assessment of the hazards related to the formations of undesired substances in chemical systems undergoing “out of control” conditions. In the assessment of layout plans, “ad hoc” tools were developed to account for the hazard of domino escalations and the safety economics. The effectiveness and value of the tools were demonstrated by the application to a large number of case studies concerning different kinds of design activities (choice of materials, design of the process, of the plant, of the layout) and different types of processes/plants (chemical industry, storage facilities, waste disposal). An experimental survey (analysis of the thermal stability of isomers of nitrobenzaldehyde) provided the input data necessary to demonstrate the method for inherent safety assessment of materials.
Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine biologische Bekämpfung von Kleider- und Pelzmotten durch die gezielte Freilassungen von parasitoiden Hymenopteren als deren natürliche Gegenspieler möglich. Es wurden erstmalig ausführliche Versuche zur Parasitierung der Kleider- und Pelzmotte, insbesondere durch Eiaparasitoide der Gattung Trichogramma, durchgeführt. Für die braconide Schlupfwespe Apanteles carpatus wurde eine Zucht- und Freilassungsmethode entwickelt. Sie kann nun als neuer Nützlinge gegen textilschädigende Mottenlarven eingesetzt werden. Eine natürliche Parasitierung textilschädigender Motten durch Eiparasitoide ist bislang nicht nachgewiesen worden. Die Tineiden erwiesen sich im Laborversuch für Trichogramma als gut geeignete Wirte. Hinsichtlich der praktischen Anwendung von Eiparasitoiden der Gattung Trichogramma konnte aus einer Auswahl von 29 Arten und Stämmen aus einer Laborzucht mit T. piceum (Stamm: PIC M 91) eine besonders geeignete Art selektiert werden. Dieser Stamm zeigte die höchste Parasitierungsrate mit über 80 Eiern bei Temperaturen von 20-25°C und einer Lebensdauer von bis zu 17 Tagen. Im Präferenztest wurden sowohl Eier der Kleidermotte als auch der Getreidemotte, dem Massenzuchtwirt, von allen Stämmen mit Abstand am besten parasitiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von T. piceum lag bei über 80%. Der untersuchte Stamm von Apanteles carpatus zeigte bei 25°C eine durchschnittliche Nachkommenzahl von 55 pro Weibchen. Die Parasitoide erreichten jedoch nur unter optimalen Bedingungen eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 14 Tagen. In den Käfigversuchen ohne zusätzliche Nahrungsquellen wurden die Tiere nicht älter als 4 Tage. Es war nicht möglich, für A. carpatus Ersatzwirte für eine Massenzucht zu finden, da sie offensichtlich auf Tineiden spezialisiert sind, jedoch konnte ein Zuchtsystem mit Kleidermotten als Zuchtwirte etabliert werden. Die ausgewählten Trichogramma-Arten wurden in Käfigversuchen ausführlich untersucht und im Hinblick auf ihre Suchleistung auf verschiedenen Stoffoberflächen geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die getesteten Arten sehr unterschiedlich geeignet sind, um Textilien nach Eiern abzusuchen. Die Arten T. evanescens (Stamm: Lager) und T. piceum (PIC M 91) erwiesen sich als in der Suchleistung als am besten geeignet. Im Vergleich dazu zeigte T. cacoeciae (CAC D 90 O) sehr wenig Suchleistugsvermögen auf Textilien. Die geeigneten Arten durchdrangen außer verschiedenen Textilien auch grobe Schafwolle bis zu 0,4 m vom Freilassungsort. Das Ködern von Larvalparasitoiden von tineiden Motten im Freiland erwies sich als nicht erfolgreich. Trotzdem in der Literatur eine Reihe parasitoider Hymenopteren als Gegenspieler von Tineiden beschrieben sind und in Innenräumen beobachtet wurden, war es nicht möglich, weitere freilebende Arten zu ködern. Sowohl für das Ködern im Freiland als auch für die Rückköderung in Lagern wurden Ködermethoden getestet und optimiert. Nebenwirkungstests haben ergeben, dass die Nützlinge ergänzend zum Einsatz von Niem-Präparaten an schlecht zugänglichen Befallsstellen eingesetzt werden können. Ebenso wurde ermittelt, dass eine Kombination des Nützlingseinsatzes mit Repellents möglich ist. Bei zu hoher Konzentration der Wirkstoffe, den reinen Niem-Öl und konzentriertem Lavendel-Öl, in geschlossenen Glaskäfigen, wurden starke Nebenwirkungen auf Trichogramma festgestellt. In größerem Raumvolumen oder geringerer Dosierung der Wirkstoffe parasitierte Trichogramma allerdings auch Ködereier, die sich auf Niem-behandeltem Stoff befanden. Erste Freilassungsversuche in der Praxis ergaben unterschiedliche Erfolge. Nach einer Freilassung von Apanteles carpatus in einem Wohnhaus, das mit Schafwolle gedämmt wurde, reduzierte sich Fang von adulten Motten auf Pheromon-Klebfallen deutlich. In einem Textillager hingegen war es mit einer einmaligen Freilassung jedoch nicht möglich, die Gegenspieler zu etablieren und den Mottenbefall zu kontrollieren. Die mehrwöchige Freilassung von Trichogramma in einem Textillager konnte dazu beitragen, einen Pelzmottenbefall zu reduzieren. Hier zeigten sich Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von parasitoiden Schlupfwespen gegen Textilmotten gleichermaßen.
La valutazione dei rischi associati all’operatività dei sistemi di stoccaggio, quali la sismicità indotta e la subsidenza, è requisito basilare per una loro corretta gestione e progettazione, e passa attraverso la definizione dell’influenza sullo stato tensionale delle variazioni di pressione di poro nel sottosuolo. Principale scopo di questo progetto è lo sviluppo di una metodologia in grado di quantificare le deformazioni dei reservoir in funzione della pressione di poro, di tarare i modelli utilizzati con casi studio che presentino dati di monitoraggio reali, tali da consentire un confronto con le previsioni di modello. In questa tesi, la teoria delle inomogeneità è stata utilizzata, tramite un approccio semianalitico, per definire le variazioni dei campi elastici derivanti dalle operazioni di prelievo e immissione di fluidi in serbatoi geologici. Estensione, forma e magnitudo delle variazioni di stress indotte sono state valutate tramite il concetto di variazione dello sforzo critico secondo il criterio di rottura di Coulomb, tramite un’analisi numerica agli elementi finiti. La metodologia sviluppata è stata applicata e tarata su due reservoir sfruttati e riconvertiti a sistemi di stoccaggio che presentano dataset, geologia, petrofisica, e condizioni operative differenti. Sono state calcolate le variazioni dei campi elastici e la subsidenza; è stata mappata la variazione di sforzo critico di Coulomb per entrambi i casi. I risultati ottenuti mostrano buon accordo con le osservazioni dei monitoraggi, suggerendo la bontà della metodologia e indicando la scarsa probabilità di sismicità indotta. Questo progetto ha consentito la creazione di una piattaforma metodologica di rapido ed efficace utilizzo, per stimare l’influenza dei sistemi di stoccaggio di gas sullo stato tensionale della crosta terrestre; in fase di stoccaggio, permette di monitorare le deformazioni e gli sforzi indotti; in fase di progettazione, consente di valutare le strategie operative per monitorare e mitigare i rischi geologici associati a questi sistemi.
An Advanced Planning System (APS) offers support at all planning levels along the supply chain while observing limited resources. We consider an APS for process industries (e.g. chemical and pharmaceutical industries) consisting of the modules network design (for long–term decisions), supply network planning (for medium–term decisions), and detailed production scheduling (for short–term decisions). For each module, we outline the decision problem, discuss the specifi cs of process industries, and review state–of–the–art solution approaches. For the module detailed production scheduling, a new solution approach is proposed in the case of batch production, which can solve much larger practical problems than the methods known thus far. The new approach decomposes detailed production scheduling for batch production into batching and batch scheduling. The batching problem converts the primary requirements for products into individual batches, where the work load is to be minimized. We formulate the batching problem as a nonlinear mixed–integer program and transform it into a linear mixed–binary program of moderate size, which can be solved by standard software. The batch scheduling problem allocates the batches to scarce resources such as processing units, workers, and intermediate storage facilities, where some regular objective function like the makespan is to be minimized. The batch scheduling problem is modelled as a resource–constrained project scheduling problem, which can be solved by an efficient truncated branch–and–bound algorithm developed recently. The performance of the new solution procedures for batching and batch scheduling is demonstrated by solving several instances of a case study from process industries.
Due to the ongoing trend towards increased product variety, fast-moving consumer goods such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals are typically manufactured through so-called make-and-pack processes. These processes consist of a make stage, a pack stage, and intermediate storage facilities that decouple these two stages. In operations scheduling, complex technological constraints must be considered, e.g., non-identical parallel processing units, sequence-dependent changeovers, batch splitting, no-wait restrictions, material transfer times, minimum storage times, and finite storage capacity. The short-term scheduling problem is to compute a production schedule such that a given demand for products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are met, and the production makespan is minimised. A production schedule typically comprises 500–1500 operations. Due to the problem size and complexity of the technological constraints, the performance of known mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations and heuristic approaches is often insufficient. We present a hybrid method consisting of three phases. First, the set of operations is divided into several subsets. Second, these subsets are iteratively scheduled using a generic and flexible MILP formulation. Third, a novel critical path-based improvement procedure is applied to the resulting schedule. We develop several strategies for the integration of the MILP model into this heuristic framework. Using these strategies, high-quality feasible solutions to large-scale instances can be obtained within reasonable CPU times using standard optimisation software. We have applied the proposed hybrid method to a set of industrial problem instances and found that the method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Significant warming and acidification of the oceans is projected to occur by the end of the century. CO2 vents, areas of upwelling and downwelling, and potential leaks from carbon capture and storage facilities may also cause localised environmental changes, enhancing or depressing the effect of global climate change. Cold-water coral ecosystems are threatened by future changes in carbonate chemistry, yet our knowledge of the response of these corals to high temperature and high CO2 conditions is limited. Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), and its breakdown product dimethylsulphide (DMS), are putative antioxidants that may be accumulated by invertebrates via their food or symbionts, although recent research suggests that some invertebrates may also be able to synthesise DMSP. This study provides the first information on the impact of high temperature (12 °C) and high CO2 (817 ppm) on intracellular DMSP in the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa from the Mingulay Reef Complex, Scotland (56°49' N, 07°23' W), where in situ environmental conditions are meditated by tidally induced downwellings. An increase in intracellular DMSP under high CO2 conditions was observed, whilst water column particulate DMS + DMSP was reduced. In both high temperature treatments, intracellular DMSP was similar to the control treatment, whilst dissolved DMSP + DMS was not significantly different between any of the treatments. These results suggest that L. pertusa accumulates DMSP from the surrounding water column; uptake may be up-regulated under high CO2 conditions, but mediated by high temperature. These results provide new insight into the biotic control of deep-sea biogeochemistry and may impact our understanding of the global sulphur cycle, and the survival of cold-water corals under projected global change.
The general purpose of this study was the determination of the safety conditions to avoid the presence of explosive atmospheres in the wastewater industry. Eight Spanish plants located in Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga were considered and several sludge samples were taken in different seasons. The base for the assessment of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations is the experimental determination of the self-ignition temperature under isothermal conditions. Self-ignition temperatures at four volumes were obtained for one sample of sewage sludge, allowing their extrapolation to large storage facilities. A simple test method, based also on an isothermal study of samples, is the UN classification of substances liable to spontaneous combustion. Two different samples were so tested, obtaining unlike results if transported in packages of different volumes. By means of thermogravimetric techniques it is possible to analyse the thermal susceptibility of dried sewage sludge. Apparent activation energy can be obtained from the rate of weight loss. It is also applied to the study of self-ignition susceptibility by modifying test conditions when oxygen stream is introduced. As a consequence of this oxidant contribution, sample behaviour can be very different during testing and a step drop or sudden loss of weight is observed at a characteristic temperature for every substance, associated to a rapid combustion. Plotting both the activation energy and the characteristic temperature, a map of self-ignition risk was obtained for 10 samples, showing different risk levels for samples taken in different locations and at different seasons. A prediction of the self-ignition risk level can be also determined.
A collection of papers by eminent authorities, prepared for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.
A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in ten food units from hospitals. Fifty air samples of 250 litres were collected through impaction method. Samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen and also, outside premises, since this is the place regarded as reference. Simultaneously, environmental parameters were also monitored, including temperature and relative humidity through the equipment Babouc, LSI Sistems and according to the International Standard ISO 7726.
A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in one Portuguese maternity. Sixty air samples were collected through impaction method. Air sampling was performed in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen, pharmacy, sterilization areas, genecology wards, intensive care unit, operating rooms, urgency and also, outside premises, since this was the place regarded as reference. Besides air samples, forty three samples were collected by swabbing the surfaces using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and particles counting (PM10) were registered. Twenty three species of fungi were identified in air, being the two most commonly isolated the genera Penicillium (41,5%) and Cladosporium (28,4%). Regarding yeasts, only Rhodotorula sp. (45,2%), Trichosporon mucoides (51,6%) and Cryptococcus neoformans (3,2%) were found. Thirteen species of fungi were identified in surfaces, being the most frequent the Penicillium genus (91,6%). Concerning yeasts found in surfaces, four species were identified being Rhodotorula sp. (29,1%) the most frequent. There was no coincidence between prevailing genera indoors and outside premises. Moreover, some places presented fungal species different from the ones isolated outside. In the inside environment, Aspergillus species were isolated in air and surfaces. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and the studied environmental variables. Keywords: air, surfaces, fungal contamination, environmental variables, maternity.
A descriptive study was developed to compare air and surfaces fungal contamination in ten hospitals’ food units and two food units from companies. Fifty air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected from hospitals’ food units and 41 swab samples from surfaces were also collected, using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Regarding the two companies, ten air samples and eight surface samples were collected. Air and surface samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating and canteen. Outdoor air was also collected since this is the place regarded as a reference. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and meal numbers were registered. Concerning air from hospitals’ food units, 32 fungal species were identified, being the two most commonly isolated genera Penicillium sp.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effects on grain test weight, 1000 grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable while other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production but for the production of semolina, pasta and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat, with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage, impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effect on grain test weight, 1,000-grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content, and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable, and other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production, but for the production of semolina, pasta, and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat. © 2016 AACC International, Inc.
There is a growing interest in the location of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSDF) sites in relation to minority communities. A number of studies have been completed, and the results of these studies have been varied. Some of the studies have shown a strong positive correlation between the location of TSDF sites and minority populations, while a few have shown no significance in that relationship. The major difference between these studies has been in the areal unit used.^ This study compared the minority populations of Texas census tracts and ZIP codes containing a TSDF using the associated county as the comparison population. The hypothesis of this study was that there was no difference between using census tracts and ZIP codes to analyze the relationship of minority populations and TSDF's. The census data used was from 1990, and the initial list of TSDF sites was supplied by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. The TSDF site locations were checked using graphical information systems (GIS) programs, in order to increase the accuracy of the identity of exposed ZIP codes and census tracts. The minority populations of the exposed areal units were compared using proportional differences, crosstables, maps, and logistic regression. The dependent variable used was the exposure status of the areal units under study, including counties, census tracts, and ZIP codes. The independent variables used included minority group proportion and grouping of the proportions, educational status, household income, and home value.^ In all cases, education was significant or near significant at the.05 level. Education rather than minority proportion was therefore the most significant predictor of the exposure status of a census tract or ZIP code. ^
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