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OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in Shetland ponies using a sequence of three different supramaximal noxious stimulations at each tested concentration of isoflurane rather than a single stimulation. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, experimental trial. ANIMALS: Seven 4-year-old, gelding Shetland ponies. METHODS: The MAC of isoflurane was determined for each pony. Three different modes of electrical stimulation were applied consecutively (2 minute intervals): two using constant voltage (90 V) on the gingiva via needle- (CVneedle) or surface-electrodes (CVsurface) and one using constant current (CC; 40 mA) via surface electrodes applied to the skin over the digital nerve. The ability to clearly interpret the responses as positive, the latency of the evoked responses and the inter-electrode resistance were recorded for each stimulus. RESULTS: Individual isoflurane MAC (%) values ranged from 0.60 to 1.17 with a mean (+/-SD) of 0.97 (+/-0.17). The responses were more clearly interpreted with CC, but did not reach statistical significance. The CVsurface mode produced responses with a longer delay. The CVneedle mode was accompanied by variable inter-electrode resistances resulting in uncontrolled stimulus intensity. At 0.9 MAC, the third stimulation induced more positive responses than the first stimulation, independent of the mode of stimulation used. CONCLUSIONS: The MAC of isoflurane in the Shetland ponies was lower than expected with considerable variability among individuals. Constant current surface electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. A summation over the sequence of three supramaximal stimulations was observed around 0.9 MAC. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The possibility that Shetland ponies require less isoflurane than horses needs further investigation. Constant current surface-electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. Repetitive supramaximal stimuli may have evoked movements at isoflurane concentrations that provide immobility when single supramaximal stimulation was applied.


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An important question in the host-finding behaviour of a polyphagous insect is whether the insect recognizes a suite or template of chemicals that are common to many plants? To answer this question, headspace volatiles of a subset of commonly used host plants (pigeon pea, tobacco, cotton and bean) and nonhost plants (lantana and oleander) of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are screened by gas chromatography (GC) linked to a mated female H. armigera electroantennograph (EAG). In the present study, pigeon pea is postulated to be a primary host plant of the insect, for comparison of the EAG responses across the test plants. EAG responses for pigeon pea volatiles are also compared between females of different physiological status (virgin and mated females) and the sexes. Eight electrophysiologically active compounds in pigeon pea headspace are identified in relatively high concentrations using GC linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These comprised three green leaf volatiles [(2E)-hexenal, (3Z)-hexenylacetate and (3Z)-hexenyl-2-methylbutyrate] and five monoterpenes (alpha-pinene,beta-myrcene, limonene, E-beta-ocimene and linalool). Other tested host plants have a smaller subset of these electrophysiologically active compounds and even the nonhost plants contain some of these compounds, all at relatively lower concentrations than pigeon pea. The physiological status or sex of the moths has no effect on the responses for these identified compounds. The present study demonstrates how some host plants can be primary targets for moths that are searching for hosts whereas the other host plants are incidental or secondary targets.


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The purpose of this study was to compare between electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and maximal voluntary (VOL) isometric contractions of the elbow flexors for changes in biceps brachii muscle oxygenation (tissue oxygenation index, TOI) and haemodynamics (total haemoglobin volume, tHb = oxygenated-Hb + deoxygenated-Hb) determined by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy men (23–39 years) was electrically stimulated at high frequency (75 Hz) via surface electrodes to evoke 50 intermittent (4-s contraction, 15-s relaxation) isometric contractions at maximum tolerated current level (EMS session). The contralateral arm performed 50 intermittent (4-s contraction, 15-s relaxation) maximal voluntary isometric contractions (VOL session) in a counterbalanced order separated by 2–3 weeks. Results indicated that although the torque produced during EMS was approximately 50% of VOL (P<0Æ05), there was no significant difference in the changes in TOI amplitude or TOI slope between EMS and VOL over the 50 contractions. However, the TOI amplitude divided by peak torque was approximately 50% lower for EMS than VOL (P<0Æ05), which indicates EMS was less efficient than VOL. This seems likely because of the difference in the muscles involved in the force production between conditions. Mean decrease in tHb amplitude during the contraction phases was significantly (P<0Æ05) greater for EMS than VOL from the 10th contraction onwards, suggesting that the muscle blood volume was lower in EMS than VOL. It is concluded that local oxygen demand of the biceps brachii sampled by NIRS is similar between VOL and EMS.


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Objective: To assess the efficacy of bilateral pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a treatment for primary progressive freezing of gait (PPFG). ------ ----- Methods: A patient with PPFG underwent bilateral PPN-DBS and was followed clinically for over 14 months. ------ ----- Results: The PPFG patient exhibited a robust improvement in gait and posture following PPN-DBS. When PPN stimulation was deactivated, postural stability and gait skills declined to pre-DBS levels, and fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography revealed hypoactive cerebellar and brainstem regions, which significantly normalised when PPN stimulation was reactivated. ------ ----- Conclusions: This case demonstrates that the advantages of PPN-DBS may not be limited to addressing freezing of gait (FOG) in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. The PPN may also be an effective DBS target to address other forms of central gait failure.


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The cardiac catheterisation laboratory (CCL) is a specialised medical radiology facility where both chronic-stable and life-threatening cardiovascular illness is evaluated and treated. Although there are many potential sources of discomfort and distress associated with procedures performed in the CCL, a general anaesthetic is not usually required. For this reason, an anaesthetist is not routinely assigned to the CCL. Instead, to manage pain, discomfort and anxiety during the procedure, nurses administer a combination of sedative and analgesic medications according to direction from the cardiologist performing the procedure. This practice is referred to as nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA). While anecdotal evidence suggested that nurse-administered PSA was commonly used in the CCL, it was clear from the limited information available that current nurse-led PSA administration and monitoring practices varied and that there was contention around some aspects of practice including the type of medications that were suitable to be used and the depth of sedation that could be safely induced without an anaesthetist present. The overall aim of the program of research presented in this thesis was to establish an evidence base for nurse-led sedation practices in the CCL context. A sequential mixed methods design was used over three phases. The objective of the first phase was to appraise the existing evidence for nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. Two studies were conducted. The first study was an integrative review of empirical research studies and clinical practice guidelines focused on nurse-administered PSA in the CCL as well as in other similar procedural settings. This was the first review to systematically appraise the available evidence supporting the use of nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. A major finding was that, overall, nurse-administered PSA in the CCL was generally deemed to be safe. However, it was concluded from the analysis of the studies and the guidelines that were included in the review, that the management of sedation in the CCL was impacted by a variety of contextual factors including local hospital policy, workforce constraints and cardiologists’ preferences for the type of sedation used. The second study in the first phase was conducted to identify a sedation scale that could be used to monitor level of sedation during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. It involved a structured literature review and psychometric analysis of scale properties. However, only one scale was found that was developed specifically for the CCL, which had not undergone psychometric testing. Several weaknesses were identified in its item structure. Other sedation scales that were identified were developed for the ICU. Although these scales have demonstrated validity and reliability in the ICU, weaknesses in their item structure precluded their use in the CCL. As findings indicated that no existing sedation scale should be applied to practice in the CCL, recommendations for the development and psychometric testing of a new sedation scale were developed. The objective of the second phase of the program of research was to explore current practice. Three studies were conducted in this phase using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The first was a qualitative explorative study of nurses’ perceptions of the issues and challenges associated with nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. Major themes emerged from analysis of the qualitative data regarding the lack of access to anaesthetists, the limitations of sedative medications, the barriers to effective patient monitoring and the impact that the increasing complexity of procedures has on patients' sedation requirements. The second study in Phase Two was a cross-sectional survey of nurse-administered PSA practice in Australian and New Zealand CCLs. This was the first study to quantify the frequency that nurse-administered PSA was used in the CCL setting and to characterise associated nursing practices. It was found that nearly all CCLs utilise nurse-administered PSA (94%). Of note, by characterising nurse-administered PSA in Australian and New Zealand CCLs, several strategies to improve practice, such as setting up protocols for patient monitoring and establishing comprehensive PSA education for CCL nurses, were identified. The third study in Phase Two was a matched case-control study of risk factors for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL setting. Patients with acute illness were found to be nearly twice as likely to experience impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA (OR=1.78; 95%CI=1.19-2.67; p=0.005). These significant findings can now be used to inform prospective studies investigating the effectiveness of interventions for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. The objective of the third and final phase of the program of research was to develop recommendations for practice. To achieve this objective, a synthesis of findings from the previous phases of the program of research informed a modified Delphi study, which was conducted to develop a set of clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered PSA in the CCL. The clinical practice guidelines that were developed set current best practice standards for pre-procedural patient assessment and risk screening practices as well as the intra and post-procedural patient monitoring practices that nurses who administer PSA in the CCL should undertake in order to deliver safe, evidence-based and consistent care to the many patients who undergo procedures in this setting. In summary, the mixed methods approach that was used clearly enabled the research objectives to be comprehensively addressed in an informed sequential manner, and, as a consequence, this thesis has generated a substantial amount of new knowledge to inform and support nurse-led sedation practice in the CCL context. However, a limitation of the research to note is that the comprehensive appraisal of the evidence conducted, combined with the guideline development process, highlighted that there were numerous deficiencies in the evidence base. As such, rather than being based on high-level evidence, many of the recommendations for practice were produced by consensus. For this reason, further research is required in order to ascertain which specific practices result in the most optimal patient and health service outcomes. Therefore, along with necessary guideline implementation and evaluation projects, post-doctoral research is planned to follow up on the research gaps identified, which are planned to form part of a continuing program of research in this field.


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Aim To develop clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Background Numerous studies have reported that nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is safe. However, the broad scope of existing guidelines for the administration and monitoring of patients who receive sedation during medical procedures without an anaesthetist presents means there is a lack of specific guidance regarding optimal nursing practices for the unique circumstances in which nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is used in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Methods A sequential mixed methods design was utilised. Initial recommendations were produced from three studies conducted by the authors: an integrative review; a qualitative study; and a cross-sectional survey. The recommendations were revised in accordance with responses from a modified Delphi study. The first Delphi round was completed by nine senior cardiac catheterisation laboratory nurses. All but one of the draft recommendations met the pre-determined cut-off point for inclusion. There were a total of 59 responses to the second round. Consensus was reached on all recommendations. Implications for nursing The guidelines that were derived from the Delphi study offer twenty four recommendations within six domains of nursing practice: Pre-procedural assessment; Pre-procedural patient and family education; Pre-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient assessment and monitoring; and Post-procedural patient assessment and monitoring. Conclusion These guidelines provide an important foundation towards the delivery of safe, consistent and evidence-based nursing care for the many patients who receive sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory setting.


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Continuous epidural analgesia (CEA) and continuous spinal postoperative analgesia (CSPA) provided by a mixture of local anaesthetic and opioid are widely used for postoperative pain relief. E.g., with the introduction of so-called microcatheters, CSPA found its way particularly in orthopaedic surgery. These techniques, however, may be associated with dose-dependent side-effects as hypotension, weakness in the legs, and nausea and vomiting. At times, they may fail to offer sufficient analgesia, e.g., because of a misplaced catheter. The correct position of an epidural catheter might be confirmed by the supposedly easy and reliable epidural stimulation test (EST). The aims of this thesis were to determine a) whether the efficacy, tolerability, and reliability of CEA might be improved by adding the α2-adrenergic agonists adrenaline and clonidine to CEA, and by the repeated use of EST during CEA; and, b) the feasibility of CSPA given through a microcatheter after vascular surgery. Studies I IV were double-blinded, randomized, and controlled trials; Study V was of a diagnostic, prospective nature. Patients underwent arterial bypass surgery of the legs (I, n=50; IV, n=46), total knee arthroplasty (II, n=70; III, n=72), and abdominal surgery or thoracotomy (V, n=30). Postoperative lumbar CEA consisted of regular mixtures of ropivacaine and fentanyl either without or with adrenaline (2 µg/ml (I) and 4 µg/ml (II)) and clonidine (2 µg/ml (III)). CSPA (IV) was given through a microcatheter (28G) and contained either ropivacaine (max. 2 mg/h) or a mixture of ropivacaine (max. 1 mg/h) and morphine (max. 8 µg/h). Epidural catheter tip position (V) was evaluated both by EST at the moment of catheter placement and several times during CEA, and by epidurography as reference diagnostic test. CEA and CSPA were administered for 24 or 48 h. Study parameters included pain scores assessed with a visual analogue scale, requirements of rescue pain medication, vital signs, and side-effects. Adrenaline (I and II) had no beneficial influence as regards the efficacy or tolerability of CEA. The total amounts of epidurally-infused drugs were even increased in the adrenaline group in Study II (p=0.02, RM ANOVA). Clonidine (III) augmented pain relief with lowered amounts of epidurally infused drugs (p=0.01, RM ANOVA) and reduced need for rescue oxycodone given i.m. (p=0.027, MW-U; median difference 3 mg (95% CI 0 7 mg)). Clonidine did not contribute to sedation and its influence on haemodynamics was minimal. CSPA (IV) provided satisfactory pain relief with only limited blockade of the legs (no inter-group differences). EST (V) was often related to technical problems and difficulties of interpretation, e.g., it failed to identify the four patients whose catheters were outside the spinal canal already at the time of catheter placement. As adjuvants to lumbar CEA, clonidine only slightly improved pain relief, while adrenaline did not provide any benefit. The role of EST applied at the time of epidural catheter placement or repeatedly during CEA remains open. The microcatheter CSPA technique appeared effective and reliable, but needs to be compared to routine CEA after peripheral arterial bypass surgery.


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A new method is described for measuring intracellular free calcium concentrations, [(Ca2+)(i)], in the cells of Dictyostelium discoideum transformed with apoaequorin cDNA of the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. Aequorin, a calcium-specific indicator, was regenerated in vivo from apoaequorin produced in the cells by incubation with coelenterazine. The results showed that [(Ca2+)(i)] in developing cells markedly increases at the aggregation stage and again at the culmination stage after a temporary drop at the migration stage. Except for the vegetative stage, the cells al all stages of development exhibit a sharp transient increase in [(Ca2+)(i)] upon stimulation with a cAMP (50 nM) pulse, high responses being observed at the migration and culmination stages. Separated prestalk cells of migrating slugs contain more than twice as much [(Ca2+)(i)] and show three times as large a response to cAMP stimulation as prespore cells.


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Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technique that consists on applying electrical current pulses to artificially activate motor nerve fibers and produce muscle contractions to achieve functional movements. The main applications of FES are within the rehabilitation field, in which this technique is used to aid recovery or to restore lost motor functions. People that benefit of FES are usually patients with neurological disorders which result in motor dysfunctions; most common patients include stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI). Neuroprosthesis are devices that have their basis in FES technique, and their aim is to bridge interrupted or damaged neural paths between the brain and upper or lower limbs. One of the aims of neuroprosthesis is to artificially generate muscle contractions that produce functional movements, and therefore, assist impaired people by making them able to perform activities of daily living (ADL). FES applies current pulses and stimulates nerve fibers by means of electrodes, which can be either implanted or surface electrodes. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Implanted electrodes need open surgery to place them next to the nerve root, so these electrodes carry many disadvantages that are produced by the use of invasive techniques. In return, as the electrodes are attached to the nerve, they make it easier to achieve selective functional movements. On the contrary, surface electrodes are not invasive and are easily attached or detached on the skin. Main disadvantages of surface electrodes are the difficulty of selectively stimulating nerve fibers and uncomfortable feeling perceived by users due to sensory nerves located in the skin. Electrical stimulation surface electrode technology has improved significantly through the years and recently, multi-field electrodes have been suggested. This multi-field or matrix electrode approach brings many advantages to FES; among them it is the possibility of easily applying different stimulation methods and techniques. The main goal of this thesis is therefore, to test two stimulation methods, which are asynchronous and synchronous stimulation, in the upper limb with multi-field electrodes. To this end, a purpose-built wrist torque measuring system and a graphic user interface were developed to measure wrist torque produced with each of the methods and to efficiently carry out the experiments. Then, both methods were tested on 15 healthy subjects and sensitivity results were analyzed for different cases. Results show that there are significant differences between methods regarding sensation in some cases, which can affect effectiveness or success of FES.


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A self-produced tactile stimulus is perceived as less ticklish than the same stimulus generated externally. We used fMRI to examine neural responses when subjects experienced a tactile stimulus that was either self-produced or externally produced. More activity was found in somatosensory cortex when the stimulus was externally produced. In the cerebellum, less activity was associated with a movement that generated a tactile stimulus than with a movement that did not. This difference suggests that the cerebellum is involved in predicting the specific sensory consequences of movements, providing the signal that is used to cancel the sensory response to self-generated stimulation.


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We have previously shown that isoprenylation and/or additional pest-translational processing of the G protein gamma(1) subunit carboxyl terminus is required for beta(1) gamma(1) subunit stimulation of phospholipase C-beta(2) (PLC beta(2)) [Dietrich, A., Meister, M., Brazil, D., Camps, M., & Gierschik, P. (1994) Eur. J. Biochem. 219, 171-178]. To examine whether isoprenylation of the gamma(1) subunit alone is sufficient for beta(1) gamma(1)-mediated PLC beta(2) stimulation or whether any of the two subsequent modifications, proteolytic removal of the carboxyl-terminal tripeptide and/or carboxylmethylation, is required for this effect, nonisoprenylated recombinant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells, purified to near homogeneity, and then isoprenylated in vitro using purified recombinant protein farnesyltransferase. Analysis of the beta(1) gamma(1) dimer after in vitro farnesylation by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by delayed extraction matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry confirmed that the gamma(1) subunit was carboxyl-terminally farnesylated but not proteolyzed and carboxylmethylated. Functional reconstitution of in vitro-farnesylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers with a recombinant PLC beta(2) isozyme revealed that farnesylation rendered recombinant nonisoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers capable of stimulating PLC beta(2) and that the degree of this stimulation was only approximately 45% lower for in vitro-farnesylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers than for fully modified native beta(1) gamma(1) purified from bovine retinal rod outer segments. Taken together, these results suggest that isoprenylation of the gamma subunit is both necessary and sufficient for beta gamma dimer-mediated stimulation of phospholipase C.


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La douleur est une expérience subjective multidimensionnelle accompagnée de réponses physiologiques. Ces dernières sont régulées par des processus cérébraux qui jouent un rôle important dans la modulation spinale et cérébrale de la douleur. Cependant, les mécanismes de cette régulation sont encore mal définis et il est essentiel de bien les comprendre pour mieux traiter la douleur. Les quatre études de cette thèse avaient donc comme objectif de préciser les mécanismes endogènes de modulation de la douleur par la contreirritation (inhibition de la douleur par une autre douleur) et d’investiguer la dysfonction de ces mécanismes chez des femmes souffrant du syndrome de l’intestin irritable (Sii). Dans un premier temps, un modèle expérimental a été développé pour mesurer l’activité cérébrale en imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle concurremment à l’enregistrement du réflexe nociceptif de flexion (RIII : index de nociception spinale) et des réponses de conductance électrodermale (SCR : index d’activation sympathique) évoqués par des stimulations électriques douloureuses. La première étude indique que les différences individuelles d’activité cérébrale évoquée par les stimulations électriques dans les cortex orbitofrontal (OFC) et cingulaire sont associées aux différences individuelles de sensibilité à la douleur, de réactivité motrice (RIII) et de réactivité autonomique (SCR) chez des sujets sains. La deuxième étude montre que l’analgésie par contreirritation produite chez des sujets sains est accompagnée de l’inhibition de l’amygdale par OFC et d’une modulation du réflexe RIII par la substance grise périaqueducale (PAG) et le cortex somesthésique primaire (SI). Dans les troisième et quatrième études, il est montré que la contreirritation ne produit pas d’inhibition significative de la douleur et du réflexe RIII chez les patientes Sii en comparaison aux contrôles. De plus, les résultats indiquent que la sévérité des symptômes psychologiques est associée au déficit de modulation de la douleur et à une hypersensibilité diffuse chez les patientes Sii. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse précise le rôle de certaines structures cérébrales dans les multiples composantes de la douleur et dans l’analgésie par contreirritation et montre que les patientes Sii présentent une dysfonction des mécanismes spinaux et cérébraux impliqués dans la perception et la modulation de la douleur.


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La voie dopaminergique mésolimbique qui prend son origine dans le mésencéphale ventral et qui projette vers des régions rostrales du système limbique fait partie du substrat nerveux qui contrôle la récompense et les comportements motivés. Il a été suggéré qu’un signal de récompense est produit lorsque le patron de décharge des neurones dopaminergiques passe d’un mode tonique à un mode phasique, une transition qui est initiée par l’action du glutamate aux récepteurs N-Méthyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Étant donné qu’une altération du système de récompense est souvent associée à des anomalies cliniques telles que l’addiction compulsive et à des troubles émotionnels tels que l’anhédonie, nous avons étudié le rôle des récepteurs NMDA dans la récompense induite par la stimulation électrique intracérébrale. Puisque les récepteurs NMDA sont composés de sous-unités distinctes, GluN1, GluN2 et GluN3, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux sous-unités qui sont présentes dans le mésencéphale ventral : GluN2A et GluN2B. Les résultats montrent que des injections mésencéphaliques de R-CPP et de PPPA, des antagonistes préférentiels aux sous-unités GluN2A/B, ont produit une augmentation dose-dépendante de l’effet de récompense, un effet qui était, à certains temps après les injections, accompagné d’une augmentation du nombre de réponses maximales. Ces effets n’ont pas été observés après l’injection d’une large gamme de doses de Ro04-5595, un antagoniste des sous-unités GluN2B. Ces résultats suggèrent que le glutamate mésencéphalique exerce une modulation négative sur le circuit de récompense, un effet dû à son action au niveau des récepteurs NMDA composés des sous-unités GluN2A.


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Les opiacés figurent parmi les analgésiques les plus puissants pour le traitement des douleurs sévères. Les agonistes du DOR (récepteur delta opiacé) induisent moins d'effets secondaires que ceux du mu, ce qui les rend une cible d'intérêt pour le traitement des douleurs chroniques. Cependant, ils induisent la tolérance à l'analgésie. Des hypothèses récentes proposent que le potentiel des drogues à induire la tolérance soit la conséquence de la stabilisation de différentes conformations du récepteur induites par la liaison avec différents ligands, chacune ayant différentes propriétés de trafic. Dans ce contexte, nous avons déterminé si différents ligands du DOR différaient dans leur capacité à induire la signalisation et le trafic du récepteur. Nos résultats indiquent que DPDPE et SNC-80 sont les drogues les plus efficaces à inhiber la production d’AMPc, suivis par UFP-512, morphine et TIPP. DPDPE et SNC-80 induisent à eux seuls l’internalisation du DOR dans les cellules HEK-293 de façon dépendante de la β-arrestine mais pas de la GRK2 ni PKC. Ces deux drogues induisent également l’internalisation du DOR dans les neurones corticaux et c’est seulement le DPDPE qui permet au DOR de regagner la membrane des cellules HEK-293 et des neurones après récupération. Cette capacité de recyclage était suggérée comme un mécanisme protégeant contre la survenue de la tolérance. Ces observations indiquent que le DOR peut subir différentes régulations en fonction du ligand lui étant associé. Cette propriété de sélectivité fonctionnelle des ligands pourrait être utile pour le développement de nouveaux opiacés ayant une activité analgésique plus durable.