107 resultados para SLID
A surface dielectric function of a semi-infinite plane-bounded metal is defined in the spirit of the plasmon-pole dielectric function of the bulk. It is modeled in such a way that the surface-plasmon dispersion relation is recovered for small momentum transfer. This function is employed to compute the image potential at all distances outside the surface. Interaction with bulk modes is neglected for simplicity and clarity. The interaction of a massive point charge with a metal surface is also considered in the context of a boson model for surface-plasmon excitation. We present a new definition of the image potential for this case.
The symmetrical two-dimensional quantum wire with two straight leads joined to an arbitrarily shaped interior cavity is studied with emphasis on the single-mode approximation. It is found that for both transmission and bound-state problems the solution is equivalent to that for an energy-dependent one-dimensional square well. Quantum wires with a circular bend, and with single and double right-angle bends, are examined as examples. We also indicate a possible way to detect bound states in a double bend based on the experimental setup of Wu et al.
We compute the density-fluctuation spectrum of spherical 4HeN shells adsorbed on the outer surface of Cn fullerenes. The excitation spectrum is obtained within the random-phase approximation, with particle-hole elementary excitations and effective interaction extracted from a density-functional description of the shell structure. The presence of one or two solid helium layers adjacent to the adsorbing fullerene is phenomenologically accounted for. We illustrate our results for a selection of numbers of adsorbed atoms on C20, C60, and C120. The hydrodynamical model that has proven successful to describe helium excitations in the bulk and in restricted geometries permits to perform a rather exhaustive analysis of various fluid spherical systems, namely, spheres, cavities, free bubbles, and bound shells of variable size.
Thomas-Fermi theory is developed to evaluate nuclear matrix elements averaged on the energy shell, on the basis of independent particle Hamiltonians. One- and two-body matrix elements are compared with the quantal results, and it is demonstrated that the semiclassical matrix elements, as function of energy, well pass through the average of the scattered quantum values. For the one-body matrix elements it is shown how the Thomas-Fermi approach can be projected on good parity and also on good angular momentum. For the two-body case, the pairing matrix elements are considered explicitly.
We study strongly correlated ground and excited states of rotating quasi-2D Fermi gases constituted of a small number of dipole-dipole interacting particles with dipole moments polarized perpendicular to the plane of motion. As the number of atoms grows, the system enters an intermediate regime, where ground states are subject to a competition between distinct bulk-edge configurations. This effect obscures their description in terms of composite fermions and leads to the appearance of novel quasihole ground states. In the presence of dipolar interactions, the principal Laughlin state at filling upsilon=1/3 exhibits a substantial energy gap for neutral (total angular momentum conserving) excitations and is well-described as an incompressible Fermi liquid. Instead, at lower fillings, the ground state structure favors crystalline order.
We show that a minimal model for viscous fingering with a nematic liquid crystal in which anisotropy is considered to enter through two different viscosities in two perpendicular directions can be mapped to a twofold anisotropy in the surface tension. We numerically integrate the dynamics of the resulting problem with the phase-field approach to find and characterize a transition between tip splitting and side branching as a function of both anisotropy and dimensionless surface tension. This anisotropy dependence could explain the experimentally observed (reentrant) transition as temperature and applied pressure are varied. Our observations are also consistent with previous experimental evidence in viscous fingering within an etched cell and simulations of solidification.
The kinetic domain-growth exponent is studied by Monte Carlo simulation as a function of temperature for a nonconserved order-parameter model. In the limit of zero temperature, the model belongs to the n=(1/4 slow-growth unversality class. This is indicative of a temporal pinning in the domain-boundary network of mixed-, zero-, and finite-curvature boundaries. At finite temperature the growth kinetics is found to cross over to the Allen-Cahn exponent n=(1/2. We obtain that the pinning time of the zero-curvature boundary decreases rapidly with increasing temperature.
We calculate the ripplon field contribution to the self-energy of an electron exterior to a liquid for planar and spherical geometries. We compare the full dielectric calculation of the electron-liquid interaction with the simpler alternative method consisting of integrating the electron-atom static-induced-dipolar potential through the whole liquid volume. We obtain good agreement between both methods for a nonpolar liquid such as 4He but differences up to 40% for a polar liquid such as water. We study the conditions under which the ripplon contribution to the self-energy is a perturbation. For an electron moving parallel to a planar liquid surface, we calculate the ripplon contribution to its stopping power. For this dynamical case, we conclude that the alternative method is a good approximation even for polar liquids.
We report on experiments of spin filtering through ultrathin single-crystal layers of the insulating and ferromagnetic oxide BiMnO3 (BMO). The spin polarization of the electrons tunneling from a gold electrode through BMO is analyzed with a counterelectrode of the half-metallic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). At 3 K we find a 50% change of the tunnel resistances according to whether the magnetizations of BMO and LSMO are parallel or opposite. This effect corresponds to a spin-filtering efficiency of up to 22%. Our results thus show the potential of complex ferromagnetic insulating oxides for spin filtering and injection.
The first observation of the elusive Fe4+ charge state coming from the nuclear decay of 57Co3+ has been found in the Mössbauer emission spectra of 57Co:La2Li0.5Co0.5O4. A Ti-doped sample was prepared in order to show that the Fe4+ fraction can be conveniently monitored. Both results were predicted on the basis of the electronic energy-band scheme of these oxides.