997 resultados para SDF-1
La transplantation allogénique de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (ASCT) est couramment utilisée pour traiter différents cancers hématologiques. Malheureusement, l’effet bénéfique de cette technique est limité par la réaction du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) qui demeure la cause principale de mortalité post-greffe. La GVHD endommage différents organes et retarde la reconstitution immunitaire des lymphocytes T (LT) ce qui augmente les risques d’infection et de rechute. Le développement de nouveaux traitements permettant d’accélérer la reconstitution immunitaire augmenterait donc les chances de survie des patients greffés. Il existe deux façons de régénérer des LT: via la thymopoïèse qui consiste à produire de nouveaux LT, ou par la prolifération homéostatique (PH) qui implique l’expansion rapide des LT matures retrouvés dans le greffon. La PH requiert deux signaux essentiels: l’interleukine-7 (IL-7) et la présentation d’antigènes du soi par les cellules dendritiques (DC) via le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) I pour les LT CD8+ et le CMH II pour les LT CD4+. Dans un contexte d’ASCT, la chimiothérapie et la GVHD endommagent le thymus rendant la thymopoïèse inefficace. Par conséquent, la reconstitution immunitaire repose presque entièrement sur la PH des LT. L’objectif de cette thèse était de comprendre comment la GVHD affecte la reconstitution des LT. Grâce à un modèle murin, nous avons démontré que la PH des LT CD4+ est absente durant la GVHD et ce, dû à de faibles niveaux d’IL-7 et une diminution du nombre de DC. La perte des DC est en grande partie causée par des niveaux réduits de stromal derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) et par l’absence de progéniteurs de DC dans la moelle osseuse des souris en GVHD. Le traitement des souris en GVHD avec du SDF-1α permet d’augmenter le nombre de DC, et lorsqu’administré avec l’IL-7, améliore significativement la PH des LT CD4+. Contrairement aux LT CD4+, l’administration d’IL-7 seule est suffisante pour restaurer la PH des LT CD8+ durant la GVHD et ce, même en absence des DC. Ces différences s’expliquent pour deux raisons : 1) l’expression du CMH I, contrairement au CMH II, n’est pas limitée aux DC mais est également exprimée par les cellules stromales du receveur ce qui est suffisant pour induire la PH des LT CD8+ et 2) les LT CD8+ répondent à des concentrations plus faibles d’IL-7 systémique comparativement aux LT CD4+. En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats permettra de mettre en place des études translationnelles sur le potentiel thérapeutique du SDF-1α et de l’IL-7 dans la reconstitution immunitaire des patients greffés.
Nitric oxide (NO) derived from inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) plays an important role in host defense, as well as in inflammation-induced tissue lesions. Here we evaluated the role of NO in bone loss in bacterial infection-induced apical periodontitis by using iNOS-deficient mice (iNOS(-/-)). The iNOS(-/-) mice developed greater inflammatory cell recruitment and osteolytic lesions than WT mice. Moreover, tartrate-resistant acid-phosphatase-positive (TRAP(+)) osteoclasts were significantly more numerous in iNOS-/- mice. Furthermore, the increased bone resorption in iNOS(-/-) mice also correlated with the increased expression of receptor activator NF-kappaB (RANK), stromal-cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha/CXCL12), and reduced expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG). These results show that NO deficiency was associated with an imbalance of bone-resorption-modulating factors, leading to severe infection-stimulated bone loss.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The identification of Salmonella spp. in food samples by microbiological diagnosis is time consuming, with approximately five different stages, requiring about 120 hours until the final result. The utilization of the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) can reduce this time, but substances present in samples may affect the reaction. The present work aimed to compare DNA extraction by thermic treatment and by the use of cetyltrimethil ammonium bromide (CTAB), in products originated from poultry houses corresponding to raw material (meat meal) and experimentally contaminated drag swabs. Materials obtained from the extractions were submitted to PCR, utilizing a pair of initiator oligonucleotides for amplification of Sdf 1 gene fragments. Comparing the methods of extraction, it was observed that when CTAB was employed, SE was detected in 70% of meat meal and in 80% of drag swabs, while the thermic treatment method yielded positive results in 20% of meat meal and in 40% of drag swabs. SE was detected under both methods utilized for DNA extraction, but the use of CTAB detected a greater number of positive samples, compared with thermal treatment.
Background: Wound healing is impaired in diabetes mellitus, but the mechanisms involved in this process are virtually unknown. Proteins belonging to the insulin signaling pathway respond to insulin in the skin of rats. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulation of the insulin signaling pathway in wound healing and skin repair of normal and diabetic rats, and, in parallel, the effect of a topical insulin cream on wound healing and on the activation of this pathway. Research Design and Methods: We investigated insulin signaling by immunoblotting during wound healing of control and diabetic animals with or without topical insulin. Diabetic patients with ulcers were randomized to receive topical insulin or placebo in a prospective, double-blind and placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial (NCT 01295177) of wound healing. Results and Conclusions: Expression of IR, IRS-1, IRS-2, SHC, ERK, and AKT are increased in the tissue of healing wounds compared to intact skin, suggesting that the insulin signaling pathway may have an important role in this process. These pathways were attenuated in the wounded skin of diabetic rats, in parallel with an increase in the time of complete wound healing. Upon topical application of insulin cream, the wound healing time of diabetic animals was normalized, followed by a reversal of defective insulin signal transduction. In addition, the treatment also increased expression of other proteins, such as eNOS (also in bone marrow), VEGF, and SDF-1 alpha in wounded skin. In diabetic patients, topical insulin cream markedly improved wound healing, representing an attractive and cost-free method for treating this devastating complication of diabetes.
Numerose evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato il contributo delle cellule staminali (SC) di derivazione midollare nei processi di rigenerazione epatica dopo danno tissutale. E’ cresciuto pertanto l’interesse sul loro potenziale impiego in pazienti con cirrosi. Questo studio si proponeva di valutare la fattibilità e la sicurezza della reinfusione intraepatica di cellule staminali midollari autologhe CD133+ in 12 pazienti con insufficienza epatica terminale. Previa mobilizzazione nel sangue periferico mediante somministrazione di granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alla dose di 7,5 mcg/Kg/b.i.d. e raccolta per leucoaferesi (solo se la concentrazione di CD133 + SC era > 8/μL), le cellule CD133+ altamente purificate sono state reinfuse in arteria epatica a partire da 5x104/Kg fino a 1x106/kg. Nei tre giorni successivi è stato somministrato G-CSF per favorire l’espansione e l’attecchimento delle cellule. Durante la fase della mobilizzazione e quella della reinfusione sono stati eseguiti saggi biologici quali: caratterizzazione fenotipica delle SC circolanti, saggi clonogenici, valutazione della concentrazione sierica del Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), Stromal-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) ed il Vascular-Endotelial Growth Factor (VEGF) e caratterizzazione fenotipica delle CD133+SC purificate. Fino ad oggi sono stati reinfusi 12 pazienti. Questi dati preliminari suggeriscono che è possibile mobilizzare e reinfondere un numero considerevole di SC autologhe CD133+ altamente purificate in pazienti con ESLD . Gli studi biologici mostrano che: il numero di progenitori ematopoietici ed endoteliali circolanti è aumentato dopo il trattamento con G–CSF; le SCs CD133+ altamente purificato esprimono marcatori emopoietici ed endoteliali; la concentrazione sierica di HGF, SDF-1, VEGF e la capacità clonogenica di progenitori emopoietici sono aumentati durante la mobilitazione e nelle fasi di reinfusione; il potenziale clonogenico dei progenitori endoteliali mostra espressione variabile.
Das Chemokin CXCL12 (auch bekannt als SDF-1) ist ein kleines Protein (8-14) KDa, das in sechs Isoformen exprimiert wird (SDF-1α, SDF-1β, SDF-1γ, SDF- 1δ, SDF-1ε und SDF-1θ) von einem einzigen Gen, dass die Leukozyten-Wanderung regelt und variabel in einer Reihe von normalen und Krebsgeweben exprimiert wird.rnCXCL12 spielt verschiedene Rollen in der Tumorpathogenese. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass CXCL12 das Tumorwachstum und die Malignität fördert, die Tumorangiogenese stärkt, sich an der Metastasierung beteiligt und zu immunsuppressiven Netzwerken innerhalb des Tumormikromilieus beiträgt. Daher liegt es nahe, dass der CXCL12/CXCR4-Signalweg ein wichtiges Ziel ist für die Entwicklung von neuartigen Krebstherapien.rnUm Licht auf die Rolle der Chemokin CXCL12 Splicevarianten in der Entwicklung von Krebs zu werfen und die mögliche physiologische Relevanz und ihre möglichen funktionellen Unterschiede bei Darmkrebs zu verstehen, haben wir alle CXCL12 Splicevarianten (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon und theta) in die kolorektalen Zelllinie SW480 und die Melanomzellinie D05 transfiziert und exprimiert.rnrnDiese Arbeit wurde erstellt, um die folgenden Ziele zu erreichen. Untersuchung der Rolle von CXCL12 Splicevarianten bei der Vermittlung von Tumorprogression, Adhäsion, Migration, Invasion und Metastasierung von Darmkrebs. Untersuchung, ob die CXCL12 Variantenwege ein wichtiges Ziel für die Entwicklung von Krebstherapien darstellen.rn• Um eine in vivo Mausmodell zu entwickeln, um die Rolle der CXCL12 Varianten im Rahmen des Tumorwachstums zu verstehen.rnrnUnsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass:Der CXCL12 G801A Polymorphismus ist ein Low-Penetranz Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung von Darmkrebs. Der CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 ist mit dem T-Status (Tumor-node-Metastasen) assoziiert. Es gab keine Beziehung zwischen CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 und Fernmetastisen oder LN metastasen. Alle sechs CXCL12 Splicevarianten werden im Darmkrebs und in gesunder Kolon mucosa exprimiert. Die höchste Expression wird bei SDF-1alpha, dann SDF-1 beta gefunden. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten zeigen erhöhte Tumorzellproliferation in vitro. SDF-1beta, gefolgt von SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Proliferationsassay.rn• Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten induzieren die Tumorzelladhäsion.SDF-1beta dann SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Rahmen des Adhäsionsassay. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten erhöhten die Zellmigration und Invasion von Tumorzellen in vitro. SDF-1theta und SDF-1epsilon 1theta zeigten die größte Aktivität, während die schwächste Aktivität mit SDF-1alpha und SDF-1beta beobachtet wurde. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten aktivieren Akt und (MAPK) Mitogen- acktivatedierte Protein kinase Wege und damit die Regulierung viele essentieller Prozesse in Tumorzellen, wie Proliferation, Migration, Invasion und Adhäsion. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass AMD3100 die CXCL12 Splicevarianten inhibriert, die AKT-MEK-1/2-Phosphorylierung induzieren.rnDer Inhibitor AMD3100 unterdrückt stark die CXCL12 Varianten -delta, -epsilon und theta-und unterdrückt schwach CXCL12-gamma. während es keine signifikante Wirkung auf CXCL12-alpha und beta hatte. Es hat möglicherweise Auswirkungen auf mehrere große Signalwage in Bezug auf Proliferation, Migration und Invasions.rn• Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass die Hemmung von CXCL12-Varianten durch AMD3100 einen der möglichen Ansaätze in der Krebstherapie darstellen kann.Wir schlagen vor, dass weitere Studien erwogen werden, die wir brauchen, um die biologische Aktivität dieser neuen CXCL12 Varianten bei verschiedenen Arten von Krebs klar zu verstehen.
PURPOSE: To characterize chemoattractants expressed by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) after sodium iodate (NaIO3)-induced damage and to investigate whether ocular-committed stem cells preexist in the bone marrow (BM) and migrate in response to the chemoattractive signals expressed by the damaged RPE. METHODS: C57/BL6 mice were treated with a single intravenous injection of NaIO3 (50 mg/kg) to create RPE damage. At different time points real-time RT-PCR, ELISA, and immunohistochemistry were used to identify chemoattractants secreted in the subretinal space. Conditioned medium from NaIO3-treated mouse RPE was used in an in vitro assay to assess chemotaxis of stem cell antigen-1 positive (Sca-1+) BM mononuclear cells (MNCs). The expression of early ocular markers (MITF, Pax-6, Six-3, Otx) in migrated cells and in MNCs isolated from granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and Flt3 ligand (FL)-mobilized and nonmobilized peripheral blood (PB) was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: mRNA for stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), C3, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was significantly increased, and higher SDF-1 and C3 protein secretion from the RPE was found after NaIO3 treatment. A higher number of BMMNCs expressing early ocular markers migrated to conditioned medium from damaged retina. There was also increased expression of early ocular markers in PBMNCs after mobilization. CONCLUSIONS: Damaged RPE secretes cytokines that have been shown to serve as chemoattractants for BM-derived stem cells (BMSCs). Retina-committed stem cells appear to reside in the BM and can be mobilized into the PB by G-CSF and FL. These stem cells may have the potential to serve as an endogenous source for tissue regeneration after RPE damage.
Notch is an intercellular signaling pathway related mainly to sprouting neo-angiogenesis. The objective of our study was to evaluate the angiogenic mechanisms involved in the vascular augmentation (sprouting/intussusception) after Notch inhibition within perfused vascular beds using the chick area vasculosa and MxCreNotch1(lox/lox) mice. In vivo monitoring combined with morphological investigations demonstrated that inhibition of Notch signaling within perfused vascular beds remarkably induced intussusceptive angiogenesis (IA) with resultant dense immature capillary plexuses. The latter were characterized by 40 % increase in vascular density, pericyte detachment, enhanced vessel permeability, as well as recruitment and extravasation of mononuclear cells into the incipient transluminal pillars (quintessence of IA). Combination of Notch inhibition with injection of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells dramatically enhanced IA with 80 % increase in vascular density and pillar number augmentation by 420 %. Additionally, there was down-regulation of ephrinB2 mRNA levels consequent to Notch inhibition. Inhibition of ephrinB2 or EphB4 signaling induced some pericyte detachment and resulted in up-regulation of VEGFRs but with neither an angiogenic response nor recruitment of mononuclear cells. Notably, Tie-2 receptor was down-regulated, and the chemotactic factors SDF-1/CXCR4 were up-regulated only due to the Notch inhibition. Disruption of Notch signaling at the fronts of developing vessels generally results in massive sprouting. On the contrary, in the already existing vascular beds, down-regulation of Notch signaling triggered rapid augmentation of the vasculature predominantly by IA. Notch inhibition disturbed vessel stability and led to pericyte detachment followed by extravasation of mononuclear cells. The mononuclear cells contributed to formation of transluminal pillars with sustained IA resulting in a dense vascular plexus without concomitant vascular remodeling and maturation.
T cell uropods are enriched in specific proteins including adhesion receptors such as P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), lipid raft-associated proteins such as flotillins and ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins which associate with cholesterol-rich raft domains and anchor adhesion receptors to the actin cytoskeleton. Using dominant mutants and siRNA technology we have tested the interactions among these proteins and their role in shaping the T cell uropod. Expression of wild type (WT) ezrin-EGFP failed to affect the morphology of human T cells or chemokine-induced uropod recruitment of PSGL-1 and flotillin-1 and -2. In contrast, expression of constitutively active T567D ezrin-EGFP induced a motile, polarized phenotype in some of the transfected T cells, even in the absence of chemokine. These cells featured F-actin-rich ruffles in the front and uropod enrichment of PSGL-1 and flotillins. T567D ezrin-EGFP was itself strongly enriched in the rear of the polarized T cells. Uropod formation induced by T567D ezrin-EGFP was actin-dependent as it was attenuated by inhibition of Rho-kinase or myosin II, and abolished by disruption of actin filaments. While expression of constitutively active ezrin enhanced cell polarity, expression of a dominant-negative deletion mutant of ezrin, 1-310 ezrin-EGFP, markedly reduced uropod formation induced by the chemokine SDF-1, T cell front-tail polarity, and capping of PSGL-1 and flotillins. Transfection of T cells with WT or T567D ezrin did not affect chemokine-mediated chemotaxis whereas 1-310 ezrin significantly impaired spontaneous 2D migration and chemotaxis. siRNA-mediated downregulation of flotillins in murine T cells attenuated moesin capping and uropod formation, indicating that ERM proteins and flotillins cooperate in uropod formation. In summary, our results indicate that activated ERM proteins function together with flotillins to promote efficient chemotaxis of T cells by structuring the uropod of migrating T cells.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the regulatory effect of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) blockade with infliximab on the distribution of peripheral blood monocyte subpopulations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). METHODS Purified CD11b+CD14+ monocytes from 5 patients with RA and 5 AS were analysed ex vivo before and after infliximab treatment by flow cytometry for CD16, CD163, CD11b, C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (CCR2) and CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) at baseline and at days 2, 14, 84 and 168 after the first infliximab administration. Serum levels of the stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 and monocyte chemotactic peptide (MCP)-1 at different time points were measured in either patient group before and on infliximab treatment. RESULTS Anti-TNF treatment with infliximab led to a significant increase of circulating CD11b+ non-classical and a concomitantly decrease of CD11b+ classical monocytes, to a decline in SDF-1 levels and reduced expression of CCR2 and CXCR4 on non-classical monocyte subpopulation. CONCLUSIONS Our study shows, that TNFα blockade by infliximab resulted in a dichotomy of the regulation of classical and non-classical monocytes that might have substantial impact on inhibition of osteoclastogenesis and of subsequent juxta-articular bone destruction and systemic bone loss in RA and AS.
Neutrophils are an essential component of innate immunity, serving to provide an immediate response to microbial invasion. In response to emergency situations such as an infection, serum levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) are induced, causing a boost in neutrophil production and a rapid mobilization of bone marrow neutrophils to the blood, where they can circulate to clear foreign pathogens. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a principal downstream signaling intermediate of the G-CSF receptor. Mice null for STAT3 are embryonic lethal; therefore, to examine the role that STAT3 has in granulocytic development and function in vivo, we utilized a conditional knockout mouse that deletes functional STAT3 in the hematopoietic system (referred to herein as STAT3-deficient). Using this model, we show that STAT3 is required for G-CSF-induced expansion of granulocytic progenitor cells within the bone marrow and for acute G-CSF-dependent neutrophil mobilization into the blood. Thus, STAT3 has a critical role in the immediate G-CSF-response in vivo. Sustained G-CSF exposure causes skewed granulocytic production and mobilization in STAT3-deficient mice, suggesting an atypical granulocytic developmental pathway. To determine if STAT3-deficient neutrophils were functional, we examined neutrophil chemotaxis, since neutrophil function relies on proper chemoattractant-induced migration to infected tissue sites. STAT3-deficient neutrophils have impaired chemotaxis in response to the potent neutrophil chemoattractants MIP-2 and KC, both ligands for the chemokine receptor CXCR2. Additionally, STAT3-deficient mice have a defect in NIIP-2-induced acute neutrophil mobilization in vivo. Chemotaxis in response to fMLP and SDF-1, which utilize distinct seven-transmembrane chemokine receptors, was similar between wild type and STAT3-deficient neutrophils, suggesting that STAT3 specifically regulates CXCR2-mediated migration. MIP-2-induced activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling cascade, which we show is required for MIP-2-dependent neutrophil chemotaxis, was impaired in STAT3-deficient neutrophils. Interestingly, acute G-CSF administration induced CXCR2 expression and Raf/MEK/ERK activation in neutrophils from wild type mice, whereas these responses were abrogated in neutrophils from STAT3-deficient mice. Thus, STAT3 regulation of CXCR2 functions may also contribute to STAT3's control of the acute G-CSF mobilization response. These combined results place STAT3 as a critical intermediate in neutrophil migration and G-CSF-induced neutrophil production responses required for emergency granulopoiesis. ^
Both angiogenesis and vasculogenesis contribute to the formation and expansion of tumor neovasculature. We demonstrated that bone marrow (BM)-derived cells migrated to TC71 Ewing's tumors and differentiated into endothelial cells lining perfused, functional tumor neovessels. In addition, a substantial fraction of recruited, BM-derived cells resided in the vessel vicinity but did not demonstrate endothelial differentiation. Rather, these perivascular cells expressed desmin and PDGFR-β, implying pericyte-like/vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation. No defined, consensus set of markers exists for endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and the specific subsets of BM cells that participate in vessel formation are poorly understood. We used a functional in vivo assay to investigate the roles performed by specific human- and murine-derived stem/progenitor subpopulations within Ewing's sarcoma tumors. CD34 +45+, CD34+38-, VEGFR2 + and Sca1+Gr1+ cells were demonstrated to establish residence within the expanding tumor vascular network and differentiate into endothelial cells and pericytes. By constrast, CD34-45 + and Sca1-Gr1+ cells predominantly localized to sites outside the Ewing's tumor vasculature, and differentiated into macrophages. Cytokines, such as VEGF, influence the recruitment of BM cells and their incorporation into the tumor vasculature. VEGF165-inhibited TC/siVEGF7-1 Ewing's tumors showed delayed in vivo tumor growth, decreased vessel density, and reduced infiltration of BM progenitor cells. We tested whether another chemoattractant, Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1), could augment the growth of these VEGF165-inhibited TC/siVEGF 7-1 tumors by enhancing the recruitment of BM cells and stimulating neovasculature expansion. SDF-1 promoted progenitor cell chemotaxis and retainment of BM-derived pericyte precursors in close association with functional, perfused tumor blood vessels. Treatment of TC/siVEGF7-1 tumors with adenovirus-SDF-1α resulted in augmented tumor size, enhanced pericyte coverage of tumor neovessels, remodeling of vascular endothelium into larger, functional structures, and upregulation of PDGF-BB, with no effect on VEGF165. Taken together, these findings suggest that the recruitment of BM stem/progenitor cells plays an important role in the growth of Ewing's tumors. ^
The HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 induces apoptosis in hippocampal neurons. Because chemokine receptors act as cellular receptors for HIV-1, we examined rat hippocampal neurons for the presence of functional chemokine receptors. Fura-2-based Ca imaging showed that numerous chemokines, including SDF-1α, RANTES, and fractalkine, affect neuronal Ca signaling, suggesting that hippocampal neurons possess a wide variety of chemokine receptors. Chemokines also blocked the frequency of spontaneous glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic currents recorded from these neurons and reduced voltage-dependent Ca currents in the same neurons. Reverse transcription–PCR demonstrated the expression of CCR1, CCR4, CCR5, CCR9/10, CXCR2, CXCR4, and CX3CR1, as well as the chemokine fractalkine in these neurons. Both fractalkine and macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC) produced a time-dependent activation of extracellular response kinases (ERK)-1/2, whereas no activation of c-JUN NH2-terminal protein kinase (JNK)/stress-activated protein kinase, or p38 was evident. Furthermore, these two chemokines, as well as SDF-1α, activated the Ca- and cAMP-dependent transcription factor CREB. Several chemokines were able also to block gp120-induced apoptosis of hippocampal neurons, both in the presence and absence of the glial feeder layer. These data suggest that chemokine receptors may directly mediate gp120 neurotoxicity.