978 resultados para Robot control


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado “Control de un sistema de accionamientos de traslación basado en correa para un manipulador de cinemática paralela” tiene como objetivo principal la implementación de un sistema de control que nos permita manejar un manipulador de cinemática paralela de dos grados de libertad accionado mediante dos motores eléctricos de corriente continua. Como componente central de este sistema de control, se dispondrá de un ordenador portátil cuyo procesador será el encargado de ejecutar las acciones necesarias para que pueda llevarse a cabo esta actividad de control. De esta forma, la tarea más importante y laboriosa a llevar cabo en este proyecto será el desarrollo de un aplicación de control que, corriendo en el citado ordenador, permitirá al usuario manejar el manipulador de cinemática paralela en cuestión. Para ello, esta aplicación deberá ser capaz de interpretar las ordenes de movimiento dadas por el usuario y transmitirlas al procesador del mencionado ordenador. Además de todo lo anterior, para completar el desarrollo del sistema de control, será necesaria la implementación de diversos sensores que se encargarán de detectar y transmitir las señales necesarias para evitar situaciones de emergencia en el que el manipulador estuviese a punto de chocar con algún objeto o persona. En conclusión, mediante el cumplimiento de los objetivos de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se va a disponer de un sistema de control sencillo, intuitivo y fácilmente operable, que va a permitir a cualquier futuro usuario del mismo el manejo de un robot de cinemática paralela.


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Huelse, M., Wischmann, S., Manoonpong, P., Twickel, A.v., Pasemann, F.: Dynamical Systems in the Sensorimotor Loop: On the Interrelation Between Internal and External Mechanisms of Evolved Robot Behavior. In: M. Lungarella, F. Iida, J. Bongard, R. Pfeifer (Eds.) 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence, LNCS 4850, Springer, 186 - 195, 2007.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a Neural-Q_learning approach designed for online learning of simple and reactive robot behaviors. In this approach, the Q_function is generalized by a multi-layer neural network allowing the use of continuous states and actions. The algorithm uses a database of the most recent learning samples to accelerate and guarantee the convergence. Each Neural-Q_learning function represents an independent, reactive and adaptive behavior which maps sensorial states to robot control actions. A group of these behaviors constitutes a reactive control scheme designed to fulfill simple missions. The paper centers on the description of the Neural-Q_learning based behaviors showing their performance with an underwater robot in a target following task. Real experiments demonstrate the convergence and stability of the learning system, pointing out its suitability for online robot learning. Advantages and limitations are discussed


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Aquest treball proposa una nova arquitectura de control amb coordinació distribuïda per a un robot mòbil (ARMADiCo). La metodologia de coordinació distribuïda consisteix en dos passos: el primer determina quin és l'agent que guanya el recurs basat en el càlcul privat de la utilitat i el segon, com es fa el canvi del recurs per evitar comportaments abruptes del robot. Aquesta arquitectura ha estat concebuda per facilitar la introducció de nous components hardware i software, definint un patró de disseny d'agents que captura les característiques comunes dels agents. Aquest patró ha portat al desenvolupament d'una arquitectura modular dins l'agent que permet la separació dels diferents mètodes utilitzats per aconseguir els objectius, la col·laboració, la competició i la coordinació de recursos. ARMADiCo s'ha provat en un robot Pioneer 2DX de MobileRobots Inc.. S'han fet diversos experiments i els resultats han demostrat que s'han aconseguit les característiques proposades per l'arquitectura.


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A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.


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Haptic human-machine interfaces and interaction techniques have been shown to offer advantages over conventional approaches. This work introduces the 3D virtual haptic cone with the aim of improving human remote control of a vehicle's motion. The 3D cone introduces a third dimension to the haptic control surface over existing approaches. This approach improves upon existing methods by providing the human operator with an intuitive method for issuing vehicle motion commands whilst simultaneously receiving real-time haptic information from the remote system. The presented approach offers potential across many applications, and as a case study, this work considers the approach in the context of mobile robot motion control. The performance of the approach in providing the operator with improved motion controllability is evaluated and the performance improvement determined.


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MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.A survey of control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. J. Braz. Comp. Soc., Campinas, v. 4, n. 3, abr. 1998 .Disponível em: Acesso: 27 set. 2010.


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The use of mobile robots turns out to be interesting in activities where the action of human specialist is difficult or dangerous. Mobile robots are often used for the exploration in areas of difficult access, such as rescue operations and space missions, to avoid human experts exposition to risky situations. Mobile robots are also used in agriculture for planting tasks as well as for keeping the application of pesticides within minimal amounts to mitigate environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features. Such features are then submitted to a support vector machine in order to find out the most appropriate route. The overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is to develop a real time robot control system to be embedded into a hardware platform. In this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper presents a new dynamic visual control system for redundant robots with chaos compensation. In order to implement the visual servoing system, a new architecture is proposed that improves the system maintainability and traceability. Furthermore, high performance is obtained as a result of parallel execution of the different tasks that compose the architecture. The control component of the architecture implements a new visual servoing technique for resolving the redundancy at the acceleration level in order to guarantee the correct motion of both end-effector and joints. The controller generates the required torques for the tracking of image trajectories. However, in order to guarantee the applicability of this technique, a repetitive path tracked by the robot-end must produce a periodic joint motion. A chaos controller is integrated in the visual servoing system and the correct performance is observed in low and high velocities. Furthermore, a method to adjust the chaos controller is proposed and validated using a real three-link robot.


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MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.A survey of control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. J. Braz. Comp. Soc., Campinas, v. 4, n. 3, abr. 1998 .Disponível em: Acesso: 27 set. 2010.


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MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.A survey of control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. J. Braz. Comp. Soc., Campinas, v. 4, n. 3, abr. 1998 .Disponível em: Acesso: 27 set. 2010.


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Robot-control designers have begun to exploit the properties of the human immune system in order to produce dynamic systems that can adapt to complex, varying, real-world tasks. Jerne’s idiotypic-network theory has proved the most popular artificial-immune-system (AIS) method for incorporation into behaviour-based robotics, since idiotypic selection produces highly adaptive responses. However, previous efforts have mostly focused on evolving the network connections and have often worked with a single, preengineered set of behaviours, limiting variability. This paper describes a method for encoding behaviours as a variable set of attributes, and shows that when the encoding is used with a genetic algorithm (GA), multiple sets of diverse behaviours can develop naturally and rapidly, providing much greater scope for flexible behaviour-selection. The algorithm is tested extensively with a simulated e-puck robot that navigates around a maze by tracking colour. Results show that highly successful behaviour sets can be generated within about 25 minutes, and that much greater diversity can be obtained when multiple autonomous populations are used, rather than a single one.


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Facial expression recognition (FER) has been dramatically developed in recent years, thanks to the advancements in related fields, especially machine learning, image processing and human recognition. Accordingly, the impact and potential usage of automatic FER have been growing in a wide range of applications, including human-computer interaction, robot control and driver state surveillance. However, to date, robust recognition of facial expressions from images and videos is still a challenging task due to the difficulty in accurately extracting the useful emotional features. These features are often represented in different forms, such as static, dynamic, point-based geometric or region-based appearance. Facial movement features, which include feature position and shape changes, are generally caused by the movements of facial elements and muscles during the course of emotional expression. The facial elements, especially key elements, will constantly change their positions when subjects are expressing emotions. As a consequence, the same feature in different images usually has different positions. In some cases, the shape of the feature may also be distorted due to the subtle facial muscle movements. Therefore, for any feature representing a certain emotion, the geometric-based position and appearance-based shape normally changes from one image to another image in image databases, as well as in videos. This kind of movement features represents a rich pool of both static and dynamic characteristics of expressions, which playa critical role for FER. The vast majority of the past work on FER does not take the dynamics of facial expressions into account. Some efforts have been made on capturing and utilizing facial movement features, and almost all of them are static based. These efforts try to adopt either geometric features of the tracked facial points, or appearance difference between holistic facial regions in consequent frames or texture and motion changes in loca- facial regions. Although achieved promising results, these approaches often require accurate location and tracking of facial points, which remains problematic.