37 resultados para Ringing
Includes The annual report of the Bird-ringing Committee, British Trust for Ornithology (issued as a paged-in supplement, 1958- )
Objective: To develop a physical activity directory (PAD) for Brisbane people over the age of 50 years for distribution by two methods (given or requested), and to determine its effectiveness in raising awareness and encouraging older people to participate in local physical activity options. Methods: Baseline demographic data and stage of change was collected from 224 participants who received the directory. Participants were interviewed by telephone six weeks later to determine their use of the directory on a number of dimensions. Results: Most participants interviewed at follow-up remembered reading the directory. Participants who requested the directory were significantly more likely than those who were given it to: be contemplators, read the directory, plan to ring a number, plan to attend a class, and to share the directory with others. Participants who were contemplators were significantly more likely to have participated in physical activity of their own and rang a number from the directory. The directory increased over half the participants' awareness of local physical activity options, yet only 7% reported ringing a number and 15% reported doing their own physical activity. Conclusions: The directory was more effective in raising awareness about physical activity options than encouraging people to participate in physical activity, and participants with short-term plans to be more active were more likely to have used the directory. Implications: The directory, even when linked with other services, raises awareness about physical activity options, but has minimal short-term influence on participation.
The aim of this paper is to be determined the network capacity (number of necessary internal switching lines) based on detailed users’ behaviour and demanded quality of service parameters in an overall telecommunication system. We consider detailed conceptual and its corresponded analytical traffic model of telecommunication system with (virtual) circuit switching, in stationary state with generalized input flow, repeated calls, limited number of homogeneous terminals and losses due to abandoned and interrupted dialing, blocked and interrupted switching, not available intent terminal, blocked and abandoned ringing (absent called user) and abandoned conversation. We propose an analytical - numerical solution for finding the number of internal switching lines and values of the some basic traffic parameters as a function of telecommunication system state. These parameters are requisite for maintenance demand level of network quality of service (QoS). Dependencies, based on the numericalanalytical results are shown graphically. For proposed conceptual and its corresponding analytical model a network dimensioning task (NDT) is formulated, solvability of the NDT and the necessary conditions for analytical solution are researched as well. It is proposed a rule (algorithm) and computer program for calculation of the corresponded number of the internal switching lines, as well as corresponded values of traffic parameters, making the management of QoS easily.
In the teletraffic engineering of all the telecommunication networks, parameters characterizing the terminal traffic are used. One of the most important of them is the probability of finding the called (B-terminal) busy. This parameter is studied in some of the first and last papers in Teletraffic Theory. We propose a solution in this topic in the case of (virtual) channel systems, such as PSTN and GSM. We propose a detailed conceptual traffic model and, based on it, an analytical macro-state model of the system in stationary state, with: Bernoulli– Poisson–Pascal input flow; repeated calls; limited number of homogeneous terminals; losses due to abandoned and interrupted dialling, blocked and interrupted switching, not available intent terminal, blocked and abandoned ringing and abandoned conversation. Proposed in this paper approach may help in determination of many network traffic characteristics at session level, in performance evaluation of the next generation mobile networks.
Experimental researches of one of the eldest bells («Mazepa»-see Appendix1) in Ukraine, are considered in the article. The spectra and spectra- time analysis of bell ringing is embodied, main frequencies of oscillation and musical intervals of sounding are determined. Comparative description of bell sounding with the known bells of Russia and Bulgaria is given.
This thesis presents research into the space use of a specialist reedbed Passerine, the Bearded Reedling, or Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus, with a view to inform the conservation of this species and reedbeds as a whole. How a species uses space, and how space use changes between individuals or over time, can influence: the ability to forage and hunt effectively, breeding success, susceptibility to predation, genetic health, disease spread, robustness against environmental change and ultimately, colonisation or extinction. Thus, understanding the space use of animals can provide critical insight into ecological systems. Birds offer interesting models when studying animal space use, as, by being intrinsically mobile, many bird species can occupy multiple spatial scales. As a consequence of being completely dependent on patchy and ephemeral reedbed habitats, the Bearded Reedling, has a clustered, inhomogeneous distribution throughout its range. This drives the existence of distinct spatial scales upon which space use studies should be characterised. Distribution and movement within a single reedbed can be considered local-scale, while spatial processes between reedbeds can be considered wide-scale. Temporal processes may act upon both of these scales. For example, changing interactions with predators may influence nest positioning at a local-scale, while seasonal changes in resource requirements might drive processes such as migration at a wide-scale. The Bearded Reedling has a wide temperate breeding range, extending over much of Eurasia. On the IUCN’s red list, it is listed as ‘of least concern’, with an estimated European population between 240,000-480,000 breeding pairs. Despite its relatively favourable conservation status, its dependence on reedbed habitats drives a fragmented distribution, with populations being concentrated in small, isolated, stands. Over the last century reedbed wetlands have suffered rapid declines caused by drainage schemes undertaken to improve land for development or agriculture. Additionally, many remaining reed stands are subject to extensive commercial management to produce thatch or biofuel. Conversely, in other areas, management is driven by conservation motives which recognise the present threats to reedbeds, and aim to encourage the diversity of species associated with these habitats. As the Bearded Reedling is fundamentally linked to the quality and structure of a reed stand, understanding the space use of this species will offer information for the direct conservation of this specialist species, and for the effects of reedbed management as a whole. This thesis first presents studies of space use at a local-scale. All local-scale research is conducted at the Tay Reedbeds in eastern Scotland. Mist netting and bird ringing data are used within capture recapture models, which include an explicit spatial component, to gain insight into the abundance of the Bearded Reedling on the Tay. This abundance estimation approach suggests the Tay reedbeds are a stronghold for this species on the British Isles, and that, as a high latitude site, the Tay may have importance for range expansion. A combination of transect surveys and radio-tracking data are then used to establish the local-scale space use of this species during the breeding and autumnal seasons. These data are related to changes in the structure of reed caused by local management in the form of mosaic winter reed cutting. Results suggest that birds exploit young and cut patches of reed as foraging resources when they are available, and that old, unmanaged reed is critical for nesting and winter foraging. Further local-scale studies concern the spatial patterns in the nesting habits of this species. Mosaic reed cutting creates clear edges in a reedbed. Artificial nests placed in the Tay Reedbeds demonstrate increased nest predation rates closer to the edges of cut patches. Additionally, high predation rates become reduced as the cut reed re-grows, suggesting that reed cutting may increase accessibility of the stand to predators. As Bearded Reedling nests are uncommon and difficult to locate, the timing, site selection and structure of a sample of real nests from the Tay is then detailed. These demonstrate an early, and relatively rigid breeding onset in this species, the importance of dense, compacted reeds as nesting sites and a degree of flexibility in nest structure. Conservation efforts will also benefit from studies into wide-scale spatial processes. These may be important when establishing how colonisation events occur and when predicting the effects of climatic change. The Bearded Reedling has been traditionally considered a resident species which only occasionally undertakes wide-scale, between-reedbed, movements. Indeed, the ecology of this species suggests strict year round local residency to reedbeds, with distinct seasonal changes in diet allowing occupation of these habitats year round. The European ringing recoveries of this species, since the 1970s are investigated to better characterise the wider movements of specialist resident. These suggest residency in southern populations, but higher instances of movement than expected in more northerly regions. In these regions wide-scale movement patterns resemble those of partial regular migratory species. An understanding of local and wide-scale spatial processes can offer a strong foundation on which to build conservation strategies. This thesis aims to use studies of space use to provide this foundation for the Bearded Reedling and offer further insight into the ecology of reedbed habitats as a whole. The thesis concludes by proposing an effective strategy for the conservation management of reedbeds that will especially benefit the Bearded Reedling.
São avaliadas a eficácia de dois tipos de anelagem de árvores, como tratamento silvicultural para florestas naturais da Amazônia e a resistência de oito espécies arbóreas ao tratamento de anelagem, em 5 ha, na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, à margem da BR 163, km 69, no município de Belterra, Pará. As espécies escolhidas foram: Carapa guianensis (andiroba, Meliaceae); Pouteria heterosepala (abiu, Sapotaceae); Hevea guianensis (seringueira, Euphorbiaceae); Helicostylis pedunculata (muiratinga-folha-peluda, Moraceae); Couratari oblongtfolia (tauari, Lecythidaceae); Sclerolobium crysophyllum (taxi-vermelho, Leguminosae); Virola melinonii (ucuuba-da-terra-firme, Myristicaceae); Bixa arborea (urucu-da-mata, Bixaceae). Os dois tipos de anelagem: anelagem completa e anelagem com entalhes foram analisados em três classes diamétricas, perfazendo seis tratamentos. De cada espécie foram escolhidas duas árvores, perfazendo um total de dezesseis árvores em cada tratamento. Tanto a anelagem completa quanto a anelagem com entalhes podem ser considerados tratamentos eficazes quando utilizado em desbastes, pois já aos cinco anos mostraram uma taxa de mortalidade alta. A anelagem completa se mostrou mais indicada como tratamento silvicultural, porque mostra a maior taxa de mortalidade em todos os tratamentos e dificulta a recuperação da área anelada. As espécies Pouteria heterosepala, Helicostylis pedunculata, Hevea guianensis e Couratari oblongifolia se mostraram mais resistentes a ambos os tipos de anelagem, com uma taxa de mortalidade considerada baixa. Nas espécies Sclerolobium crysophyllum, Virola melinonii, Bixa arborea e Garapa guianensis, a anelagem pode ser aplicada com sucesso, considerando que aos cinco anos já atingiram uma taxa média consideravelmente alta (maior que 60%), sem a utilização de arboricidas.