989 resultados para Reflective practices garment samples


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Para medir la disponibilidad de los micronutrientes en la zona de mayor densidad radical de los frutales de pepita y carozo y sugerir pautas de manejo que permitan un uso sustentable del recurso suelo, se tomaron muestras representativas de 25 montes cultivados con manzanos a lo largo del Alto Valle del río Negro (Argentina). Se extrajeron muestras a 0-25 y 25-50 cm de profundidad y se determinó la concentración disponible de Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn; granulometría; pH; materia orgánica (MO); carbonatos; P y capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC). Los resultados muestran que los micronutrientes se concentran mayoritariamente en la primera capa de suelo analizada, disminuyendo abruptamente en el estrato 25-50 cm. En la capa superficial, la disponibilidad de Cu y Zn está influenciada por el P mientras que el pH afecta la del Fe, Cu, y Mn en el estrato de suelo de 25-50 cm. En conclusión, es posible mejorar la nutrición mineral de los cultivos si se crean condiciones favorables para el crecimiento radical en la capa superficial del suelo.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio emerge da prática pedagógica supervisionada na educação de infância inserida no curso de mestrado de educação pré-escolar e ensino do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico. Esta foi desenvolvida no jardim de infância da Escola Básica de Monte Aventino que integra o Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre. O estágio formativo efetuado teve como principal intenção o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas à capacidade de reflexão sistemática antes, durante e pós-ação tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de uma ação educativa baseada na investigação de práticas e na co-construção de saberes profissionais. No sentido de alcançar as competências estabelecidas e de direcionar a prática educativa para os interesses e necessidades das crianças foram exercidas várias etapas cíclicas do processo educativo como a observação, planificação, reflexão e avaliação. Deste modo a metodologia eleita para o exercício deste ciclo espiral assentou na investigação-ação uma vez que esta permite indagar sobre as práticas desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua reestruturação voltada para as carências demonstradas. Como estratégia de formação, esta metodologia também possui grandes potencialidades sendo que foram igualmente utilizados procedimentos como reflexões individuais, narrativas colaborativas e guiões de observação orientados para o favorecimento da investigação individual e colaborativa das práticas exercidas em díade e tríade de formação. O desenvolvimento das diversas ações referidas conduziu ao alcance das competências enunciadas que confluíram na formação do perfil profissional da mestranda capaz de criar um integrado do currículo, recorrer ao exercício das etapas do processo educativo assim como à organização do ambiente educativo.


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This article describes the process and results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) on teachers' ability to manage the emotions of preschool children during a constrained play activity. Thirty early childhood education teachers participated in the study. Half of the participants were taught strategies to enhance their own emotional competence. The control group was provided with standard information on child development. The experimental group was trained in active strategies on emotion coaching, emotional schemas, reflective practice focused on emotions, and mindfulness training. The teachers' outcomes were assessed in situ during a pretend play session with small groups of preschoolers. The dependent variables were observed occurrences of different components of emotional competence in teachers. Significant statistical differences were found between the two groups across the three different emotional competence skills (regulation, expression, and knowledge) demonstrated by the early childhood teachers during a game situation. This experimental study highlights the processes through which teachers support the emotional competence of young children, and the importance of the role of early childhood teachers' own emotional competence on the socialisation of children's emotions. Most importantly, it provides evidence, based on the influence of emotion-focused teacher-training and reflective practices, that teachers' emotional skills should be supported such that they can optimally meet the emotional needs of young children.


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A reflexão na e sobre a praxis influencia a consciencialização da complexidade do ato de ensinar, pressupõe questionamento, análise e transformação e conduz a mais e melhor aprendizagem e, por conseguinte, a enriquecimento profissional. Usando a reflexão antes, durante e após a ação (as distintas fases do ciclo supervisivo), a formação do futuro professor vem a ser mais criteriosa e comprometida com o processo de formação profissional, uma vez que possibilita o aperfeiçoamento e o desenvolvimento de competências a partir da identificação e tomada de consciência de fragilidades do eu e do outro e da experienciação de modos de pensar e ser professor. O nosso estudo sustenta-se numa metodologia de natureza qualitativa e o campo de investigação incide, especificamente, sobre as práticas de formação de alunos/futuros professores. Este estudo foca-se no próprio discurso dos participantes com o objetivo de compreender como percepcionam a sua evolução como pessoas e como profissionais e, servindo-se das categorias da Target Language Observation Scheme (TALOS), procede à análise de conteúdo das suas reflexões sobre três aulas observadas onde transparece um autorretrato da prática profissional. Constatamos um processo de aperfeiçoamento das capacidades de observação e de auto-observação dos sujeitos do estudo.


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Aim Our pedagogical research addressed the following research questions: 1) Can shared ‘cyber spaces’, such as a ‘wiki’, be occupied by undergraduate women’s health students to improve their critical thinking skills? 2) What are the learning processes via which this occurs? 3) What are the implications of this assessment trial for achieving learning objectives and outcomes in future public health undergraduate courses? Methods The students contributed written, critical reflections (approximately 250 words) to the Wiki each week following the lecture. Students reflected on a range of topics including the portrayal of women in the media, femininity, gender inequality, child bearing and rearing, domestic violence, mental health, Indigenous women, older women, and LGBTIQ communities. Their entries were anonymous, but visible to their peers. Each wiki entry contained a ‘discussion tab’ wherein online conversations were initiated. We used a social constructivist approach to grounded theory to analyse the 480 entries posted over the semester. (http://pub336womenshealth.wikispaces.com/) Results The social constructivist approach initiated by Vygotsky (1978) and further developed by Jonasson (1994) was used to analyse the students’ contributions in relation to four key thematic outcomes including: 1) Complexities in representations across contexts; 2) Critical evaluation in real world scenarios; 3) Reflective practice based on experience, and; 4) Collaborative co-construction of knowledge. Both text and image/visual contributions are provided as examples within each of these learning processes. A theoretical model depicting the interactive learning processes that occurred via discussion of the textual and visual stimulus is presented.


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This research was based on the results of a case study of a large confectionery factory in the Russian city of Samara. The concept of paternalism is clear in many features of the life of Russian enterprises, including the rhetoric and strategy of the management, relationships within the labour force and the stereotypical expectations of workers. The concept also has a much wider bearing, embracing the spheres of state policy, the social, and family relationships, that is every sphere of social life in which the patriarchal, communal, stereotyped way of thinking of the Soviet people is reproduced. A substantial proportion of the state's role in providing social protection for the population is carried out through enterprises. In spite of low salaries and the absence of career opportunities, female workers were as strongly attached to the enterprise as to their homes. Romanov's research showed how the development of capitalism in industries in Russia is destroying the cultural and social identities of female workers and is contributing to gender inequality. Interpersonal relations are becoming increasingly utilitarian and distant and the basic features of the patriarchal type of administrative control are becoming blurred. This control is becoming more subtle, but gender segregation is preserved in the new framework and indeed becoming more obvious, being reproduced both at the departmental level and in the hiring policy of the enterprise as a whole.


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This project aims at describing the use of Action Research in the development of more structured assessment practices in Early Childhood Portuguese contexts. The teacher had always observed young learners’ activities and progress, and registered them in the form of “critical incidents”. This reflective process structured through this type of narratives helps “tune” the Class Curriculum firstly designed without much knowledge about the kids and so, difficultly responding to their specific needs and interests. The results achieved suggest kids become better prepared to face further education and life. Being early childhood assessment felt by most Portuguese kindergarten teachers as an innovative procedure, the project was seen as the launching of roots for “new” practices.


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Universities are increasingly caught in the transition between college institutions of independant academics to become managed businesses of research and teaching and learning. This is introducing substantial issues with the work, approach and personal development needs of individual academics. It is causing even greater concerns for managers within universities. The developments in University Management have increasingly become driven towards issues of finance, quality and marketing. Organizational development in teaching and learning practices has been less commonly a point of focus. This paper outlines developments of this nature at the University of Salford. Through its combination of authors it does so at whole University, Faculty and School levels. It outlines the variety of ways in which teaching and learning developments can be supported within an organisation.


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Despite increasingly sophisticated speed management strategies, speeding remains a significant contributing factor in 25% of Australia’s fatal crashes. Excessive speed is also a recognised contributor to road trauma in rapidly motorising countries such as China, where increases in vehicle ownership and new drivers, and a high proportion of vulnerable road users all contribute to a high road trauma rate. Speed choice is a voluntary behaviour. Therefore, driver perceptions are important to our understanding of the nature of speeding. This paper reports preliminary qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (survey) investigations of the perceptions of drivers in Queensland and Beijing. Drivers’ definitions of speeding as well as their perceptions of the influence of legal factors on their reported speeds were explored. Survey participants were recruited from petrol stations (Queensland, n=833) and car washes (Beijing, n=299). Similarities were evident in justifications for exceeding speed limits across samples. Excessive speeds were not deemed as ‘speeding’ when drivers considered that they were safe and under their control, or when speed limits were seen as unreasonably low. This appears linked to perceptions of enforcement tolerances in some instances with higher perceived enforcement thresholds noted in China. Encouragingly, drivers in both countries reported a high perceived risk of apprehension if speeding. However, a substantial proportion of both samples also indicated perceptions of low certainty of receiving penalties when apprehended. Chinese drivers considered sanctions less severe than did Australian drivers. In addition, strategies to avoid detection and penalties were evident in both samples, with Chinese drivers reporting a broader range of avoidant techniques. Implications of the findings for future directions in speed management in both countries are discussed.


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‘Practice makes perfect’ expresses the common misconception that repetitive practice without appropriate feed-back will deliver improvement in tasks being practised. This paper explores the implementation of a student-driven feed-back mechanism and shows how functional and aesthetic understanding can be progressively enhanced through reflective practice. More efficient practice of clearly understood tasks will enhance dance training outcomes. We were looking for ways to improve teaching efficiency, effectiveness of the students’ practice in the studio and application of safe dance practices. We devised a web-based on-line format, ‘Performing Reflective Practice’, designed to augment and refine studio practice. Only perfect practice makes perfect!


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There are ever increasing demands and expectations in the research world, related to the quality of research supervision. It can be difficult for an individual research supervisor to recognize their own quality of research supervision. On top of this are the added challenges of trying to improve that quality of research supervision. Reflective practice is consistently identified as a way for developing professional practice in research supervision. This chapter offers a number of frameworks to facilitate reflective practice about research supervision. It does not propose to solve the problem of quality research supervision but to provide ways in which a research supervisor can reflect on this aspect of their professional academic practice and begin to plan ways in which their practice can improve.


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All academic writing is advanced with the benefit of feedback about the writing. In the case of the academic writing genres of the research proposal and the dissertation, feedback is usually provided by the research supervisor. Given that academic writing development is a process, and in the case of the research proposal and dissertation, writing which develops over time, it seems likely that the nature of feedback on drafts written early in the candidature may be different from feedback provided by the research supervisor later in a student’s candidature. ----- ----- When a research supervisor has been reading a student’s writing over a period of time, their own familiarity with the writing generates a risk to their ability to provide critical and objective feedback. Particularly by the end of a student’s candidature, the research supervisor’s familiarity with the work may cause them to miss elements of writing improvement. ----- ----- The author, as a research supervisor, has developed a feedback grid to facilitate feedback on the final drafts of a dissertation. This feedback grid is generated by the embedded promises in the early sections of the dissertation, which are then used to audit the content of the final sections of the dissertation to ascertain whether promises made have been fulfilled. This provides a strategy for the research supervisor to step back from the work and read the dissertation with the agenda of a dissertation examiner. ----- ----- The grid is one strategy within a broader pedagogy of providing feedback on writing samples.


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There are increasing numbers of refugees worldwide, with approximately 16 million refugees in 2007 and over 2.5 million refugees resettled in the United States since the start of its humanitarian program. Psychologists and other health professionals who deliver mental health services for individuals from refugee backgrounds need to have confidence that the therapeutic interventions they employ are appropriate and effective for the clients with whom they work. The current review briefly surveys refugee research, examines empirical evaluations of therapeutic interventions in resettlement contexts, and provides recommendations for best practices and future directions in resettlement countries. The resettlement interventions found to be most effective typically target culturally homogeneous client samples and demonstrate moderate to large outcome effects on aspects of traumatic stress and anxiety reduction. Further evaluations of the array of psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, pharmacological, and other therapeutic approaches, including psychoeducational and community-based interventions that facilitate personal and community growth and change, are encouraged. There is a need for increased awareness, training and funding to implement longitudinal interventions that work collaboratively with clients from refugee backgrounds through the stages of resettlement.