987 resultados para Redox State
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Das Protein Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) ist ein Enzym der mitochondrialen Atmungskette. Als letzter Komplex (Komplex IV) einer Elektronentransportkette katalysiert sie die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff zu Wasser. Hierbei werden Elektronen von Cytochrom c (Cc) in das Enzym geleitet. Die durch den Redoxprozess freiwerdende freie Enthalpie wird dazu genutzt, einen Protonengradienten über die innere Mitochondrien-Membran aufzubauen. Die zurückwandernden Protonen treiben in der ATP-Synthase die Produktion von Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) an, dem universellen Energieträger in lebenden Organismen. Gegenstand dieser Dissertation sind zeitaufgelöste ATR-FTIR-Messungen des direkten Elektronentransfers in die CcO. Das Protein wird hierzu orientiert auf einer Goldelektrode immobilisiert und in eine künstliche Membran rekonstituiert (Protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM). Das ptBLM-System wird hinsichtlich einer möglichst hohen Protein-Aktivität optimiert. Elektronen werden durch elektrochemische Anregung von der Elektrode in die CcO injiziert. Die Goldoberfläche wird auf die reflektierende Oberfläche eines Silizium-ATR-Kristalls aufgebracht. Durch die Präparation einer rauen Oberfläche (RMS-Rauigkeit ca. 5 nm) wird eine Verstärkung der IR-Absorption erreicht. Die mit den Ladungstransferprozessen einhergehenden Konformationsänderungen der die Redoxzentren umgebenden Gruppen (CONH-Gerüst und Aminosäure-Seitenketten) können durch Infrarot-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Phasensensitive Detektion (PSD) wird zur Rauschminderung eingesetzt, um Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Redox-Übergänge zu bestimmen. Im Bereich der Amid-I-Bande werden etliche Peaks identifiziert, die sich mit dem Redoxzustand des Proteins ändern. Für das CuA-Zentrum, welches als erstes der vier Redoxzentren der CcO reduziert wird, wird die schnellste Geschwindigkeitskonstante ks=4870/s ermittelt. Für das Häm a3-Zentrum wird eine Geschwindigkeitskonstante von ks=13,8/s ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse sind konsistent zu elektrochemischen und Raman-Spektroskopie-Experimenten, welche ebenfalls in unserer Gruppe durchgeführt wurden. Weitere Themen dieser Dissertation sind der Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des ptBLM-Systems für andere Membranproteine (Beispiel: bakterielles photosynthetisches Reaktionszentrum) und der Einsatz des ATR-FTIR-Setups für verschiedene künstliche Membransysteme (Aktivitätsnachweis des OR5-Geruchsrezeptors in einer peptidgestützten Membran, Eigenschaften eines Oligoethylenglycol-Spacers).
Here, we present sedimentological, trace metal, and molecular evidence for tracking bottom water redox-state conditions during the past 12,500 years in nowadays sulfidic and meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland). A 10.5 m long sediment core from the lake covering the Holocene period was investigated for concentration variations of the trace metals Mn and Mo (XRF core scanning and ICP-MS measurements), and for the presence of anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria (carotenoid pigment analysis and 16S rDNA real time PCR). Our trace metal analysis documents an oxic-intermediate-sulfidic redox-transition period beginning shortly after the lake formation similar to 12.5 kyr ago. The oxic period is characterized by low sedimentary Mn and Mo concentrations, as well as by the absence of any remnants of anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Enhanced accumulation/preservation of Mn (up to 5.6 wt%) in the sediments indicates an intermediate, Mn-enriched oxygenation state with fluctuating redox conditions during a similar to 2300-year long transition interval between similar to 12.1 and 9.8 kyr BP. We propose that the high Mn concentrations are the result of enhanced Mn2+ leaching from the sediments during reducing conditions and subsequent rapid precipitation of Mn-(oxyhydr) oxide minerals during episodic and short-term water-column mixing events mainly due to flood-induced underflows. At 9800 +/- 130 cal yr BP, a rapid transition to fully sulfidic conditions is indicated by the marked enrichment of Mo in the sediments (up to 490 ppm), accompanied by an abrupt drop in Mn concentrations and the increase of molecular biomarkers that indicate the presence of anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria in the water column. Persistently high Mo concentrations >80 ppm provide evidence that sulfidic conditions prevailed thereafter until modern times, without any lasting hypolimnetic ventilation and reoxygenation. Hence, Lake Cadagno with its persistently stable chemocline offers a framework to study in great temporal detail over similar to 12 kyr the development of phototrophic sulfur bacteria communities and redox processes in a sulfidic environment, possibly depicting analogous conditions in an ancient ocean. Our study underscores the value of combining sedimentological, geochemical, and microbiological approaches to characterize paleo-environmental and -redox conditions in lacustrine and marine settings.
Ocean Acidification (OA) has been shown to affect photosynthesis and calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a cosmopolitan calcifier that significantly contributes to the regulation of the biological carbon pumps. Its non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage was found to be relatively unaffected by OA with respect to biomass production. Deeper insights into physiological key processes and their dependence on environmental factors are lacking, but are required to understand and possibly estimate the dynamics of carbon cycling in present and future oceans. Therefore, calcifying diploid and non-calcifying haploid cells were acclimated to present and future CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 38.5 Pa vs. 101.3 Pa CO2) under low and high light (50 vs. 300 µmol photons/m**2 /s). Comparative microarray-based transcriptome profiling was used to screen for the underlying cellular processes and allowed to follow up interpretations derived from physiological data. In the diplont, the observed increases in biomass production under OA are likely caused by stimulated production of glycoconjugates and lipids. The observed lowered calcification under OA can be attributed to impaired signal-transduction and ion-transport. The haplont utilizes distinct genes and metabolic pathways, reflecting the stage-specific usage of certain portions of the genome. With respect to functionality and energy-dependence, however, the transcriptomic OA-responses resemble those of the diplont. In both life-cycle stages, OA affects the cellular redox-state as a master regulator and thereby causes a metabolic shift from oxidative towards reductive pathways, which involves a reconstellation of carbon flux networks within and across compartments. Whereas signal transduction and ion-homeostasis appear equally OA-sensitive under both light intensities, the effects on carbon metabolism and light physiology are clearly modulated by light availability. These interactive effects can be attributed to the influence of OA and light on the redox equilibria of NAD and NADP, which function as major sensors for energization and stress. This generic mode of action of OA may therefore provoke similar cell-physiological responses in other protists.
We identified a protein, Aer, as a signal transducer that senses intracellular energy levels rather than the external environment and that transduces signals for aerotaxis (taxis to oxygen) and other energy-dependent behavioral responses in Escherichia coli. Domains in Aer are similar to the signaling domain in chemotaxis receptors and the putative oxygen-sensing domain of some transcriptional activators. A putative FAD-binding site in the N-terminal domain of Aer shares a consensus sequence with the NifL, Bat, and Wc-1 signal-transducing proteins that regulate gene expression in response to redox changes, oxygen, and blue light, respectively. A double mutant deficient in aer and tsr, which codes for the serine chemoreceptor, was negative for aerotaxis, redox taxis, and glycerol taxis, each of which requires the proton motive force and/or electron transport system for signaling. We propose that Aer and Tsr sense the proton motive force or cellular redox state and thereby integrate diverse signals that guide E. coli to environments where maximal energy is available for growth.
Selenium has been increasingly recognized as an essential element in biology and medicine. Its biochemistry resembles that of sulfur, yet differs from it by virtue of both redox potentials and stabilities of its oxidation states. Selenium can substitute for the more ubiquitous sulfur of cysteine and as such plays an important role in more than a dozen selenoproteins. We have chosen to examine zinc–sulfur centers as possible targets of selenium redox biochemistry. Selenium compounds release zinc from zinc/thiolate-coordination environments, thereby affecting the cellular thiol redox state and the distribution of zinc and likely of other metal ions. Aromatic selenium compounds are excellent spectroscopic probes of the otherwise relatively unstable functional selenium groups. Zinc-coordinated thiolates, e.g., metallothionein (MT), and uncoordinated thiolates, e.g., glutathione, react with benzeneseleninic acid (oxidation state +2), benzeneselenenyl chloride (oxidation state 0) and selenocystamine (oxidation state −1). Benzeneseleninic acid and benzeneselenenyl chloride react very rapidly with MT and titrate substoichiometrically and with a 1:1 stoichiometry, respectively. Selenium compounds also catalyze the release of zinc from MT in peroxidation and thiol/disulfide-interchange reactions. The selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase catalytically oxidizes MT and releases zinc in the presence of t-butyl hydroperoxide, suggesting that this type of redox chemistry may be employed in biology for the control of metal metabolism. Moreover, selenium compounds are likely targets for zinc/thiolate coordination centers in vivo, because the reactions are only partially suppressed by excess glutathione. This specificity and the potential to undergo catalytic reactions at low concentrations suggests that zinc release is a significant aspect of the therapeutic antioxidant actions of selenium compounds in antiinflammatory and anticarcinogenic agents.
Escherichia coli bacteria sensed the redox state in their surroundings and they swam to a niche that had a preferred reduction potential. In a spatial redox gradient of benzoquinone/benzoquinol, E. coli cells migrated to form a sharply defined band. Bacteria swimming out of either face of the band tumbled and returned to the preferred conditions at the site of the band. This behavioral response was named redox taxis. Redox molecules, such as substituted quinones, that elicited redox taxis, interact with the bacterial electron transport system, thereby altering electron transport and the proton motive force. The magnitude of the behavioral response was dependent on the reduction potential of the chemoeffector. The Tsr, Tar, Trg, Tap, and CheR proteins, which have a role in chemotaxis, were not essential for redox taxis. A cheB mutant had inverted responses in redox taxis, as previously demonstrated in aerotaxis. A model is proposed in which a redox effector molecule perturbs the electron transport system, and an unknown sensor in the membrane detects changes in the proton motive force or the redox status of the electron transport system, and transduces this information into a signal that regulates phosphorylation of the CheA protein. A similar mechanism has been proposed for aerotaxis. Redox taxis may play an important role in the distribution of bacterial species in natural environments.
Paradoxically, nitric oxide (NO) has been found to exhibit cytotoxic, antiproliferative, or cytoprotective activity under different conditions. We have utilized Salmonella mutants deficient in antioxidant defenses or peptide transport to gain insights into NO actions. Comparison of three NO donor compounds reveals distinct and independent cellular responses associated with specific redox forms of NO. The peroxynitrite (OONO-) generator 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride mediates oxygen-dependent Salmonella killing, whereas S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) causes oxygen-independent cytostasis, and the NO. donor diethylenetriamine-nitric oxide adduct has no antibacterial activity. GSNO has the greatest activity for stationary cells, a characteristic relevant to latent or intracellular pathogens. Moreover, the cytostatic activity of GSNO may best correlate with antiproliferative or antimicrobial effects of NO, which are unassociated with overt cell injury. dpp mutants defective in active dipeptide transport are resistant to GSNO, implicating heterolytic NO+ transfer rather than homolytic NO. release in the mechanism of cytostasis. This transport system may provide a specific pathway for GSNO-mediated signaling in biological systems. The redox state and associated carrier molecules are critical determinants of NO activity.
Reactive oxygen species are recognised as important signalling molecules within cells of the immune system. This is, at least in part, due to the reversible activation of kinases, phosphatases and transcription factors by modification of critical thiol residues. However, in the chronic inflammatory disease rheumatoid arthritis, cells of the immune system are exposed to increased levels of oxidative stress and the T cell becomes refractory to growth and death stimuli. This contributes to the perpetuation of the immune response. As many of the effective therapies used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis modulate intracellular redox state, this raises the question of whether increased oxidative stress is causative of T-cell hyporesponsiveness. To address this hypothesis, this review considers the putative sources of ROS involved in normal intracellular signalling in T cells and the evidence in support of abnormal ROS fluxes contributing to T-cell hyporesponsiveness. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ceramide are each partly responsible for the signal transduction of a variety of extracellular agents. Furthermore, the application of synthetic, short-chain ceramides mimics the cellular responses to these extracellular agents. However, the significance of ROS involvement in ceramide signaling pathways is poorly understood. Here we describe that the (cellular responses to C2-/C6-ceramide of growth arrest in U937 monocytes and apoptosis in Jurkat T-cells are preceded by a rise in mitochondrial peroxide production. In Jurkat T-cells, this is associated with a large time- and dose-dependent loss of cellular glutathione. However, in U937 monocytes, glutathione loss is transient. Differences in the magnitude and kinetics of this alteration in cellular redox state associate with discrete outcomes, namely growth arrest or apoptosis. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
A series of bis-salicylidene based N2S2 copper macrocycles were prepared, structurally characterised and subjected to electrochemical analysis. The aim was to investigate the effects of length of polymethylene chains between either the imine donors or the sulfur donors on redox state and potential of the metal. The complexes structurally characterised had either distorted square planar or tetrahedral geometries depending on their oxidation state (Cu2+ or Cu+, respectively), and the N-(CH2)n-N bridge was found to be most critical moiety in determining the redox potential and oxidation state of the copper macrocycles, with relatively little change in these properties caused by lengthening the S-(CH2)n-S bridge from two to three carbons. In fact, a weakness was observed in the complexes at the sulfur donor, as further lengthening of the S-(CH2)n-S methylene bridge to four carbons caused fission of the carbon-sulfur bond to give dimeric rings and supramolecular assemblies. Cu+ complexes could be oxidised to Cu2+ by tert-butylhydroperoxide, with a corresponding change in the spectrophotometric properties, and likewise Cu2+ complexes could be reduced to Cu+ by treatment with ß-mercaptoethylamine. However, repeated redox cycles appeared to compromise the stability of the macrocycles, most probably by a competing oxidation of the ligand. Thus the copper N2S2 macrocycles show potential as redox sensors, but further development is required to improve their performance in a biochemical environment.
The presence and concentrations of modified proteins circulating in plasma depend on rates of protein synthesis, modification and clearance. In early studies, the proteins most frequently analysed for damage were those which were more abundant in plasma (e.g. albumin and immunoglobulins) which exist at up to 10 orders of magnitude higher concentrations than other plasma proteins e.g. cytokines. However, advances in analytical techniques using mass spectrometry and immuno-affinity purification methods, have facilitated analysis of less abundant, modified proteins and the nature of modifications at specific sites is now being characterised. The damaging reactive species that cause protein modifications in plasma principally arise from reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by NADPH oxidases (NOX), nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and oxygenase activities; reactive nitrogen species (RNS) from myeloperoxidase (MPO) and NOS activities; and hypochlorous acid from MPO. Secondary damage to proteins may be caused by oxidized lipids and glucose autooxidation.In this review, we focus on redox regulatory control of those enzymes and processes which control protein maturation during synthesis, produce reactive species, repair and remove damaged plasma proteins. We have highlighted the potential for alterations in the extracellular redox compartment to regulate intracellular redox state and, conversely, for intracellular oxidative stress to alter the cellular secretome and composition of extracellular vesicles. Through secreted, redox-active regulatory molecules, changes in redox state may be transmitted to distant sites. © 2014 The Authors.
Lutein (LT) is a carotenoid obtained by diet and despite its antioxidant activity had been biochemically reported, few studies are available concerning its influence on the expression of antioxidant genes. The expression of 84 genes implicated in antioxidant defense was quantified using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction array. DNA damage was measured by comet assay and glutathione (GSH) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were quantified as biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in mouse kidney and liver. cDDP treatment reduced concentration of GSH and increased TBARS, parameters that were ameliorated in treatment associated with LT. cDDP altered the expression of 32 genes, increasing the expression of GPx2, APC, Nqo1 and CCs. LT changed the expression of 37 genes with an induction of 13 mainly oxygen transporters. In treatments associating cDDP and LT, 30 genes had their expression changed with a increase of the same genes of the cDDP treatment alone. These results suggest that LT might act scavenging reactive species and also inducing the expression of genes related to a better antioxidant response, highlighting the improvement of oxygen transport. This improved redox state of the cell through LT treatment could be related to the antigenotoxic and antioxidant effects observed.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física