957 resultados para Real blow up
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this article we describe some qualitative and geometric aspects of nonsmooth dynamical systems theory around typical singularities. We also establish an interaction between nonsmooth systems and geometric singular perturbation theory. Such systems are represented by discontinuous vector fields on R(l), l >= 2, where their discontinuity set is a codimension one algebraic variety. By means of a regularization process proceeded by a blow-up technique we are able to bring about some results that bridge the space between discontinuous systems and singularly perturbed smooth systems. We also present an analysis of a subclass of discontinuous vector fields that present transient behavior in the 2-dimensional case, and we dedicate a section to providing sufficient conditions in order for our systems to have local asymptotic stability.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using recent results on the compactness of the space of solutions of the Yamabe problem, we show that in conformal classes of metrics near the class of a nondegenerate solution which is unique (up to scaling) the Yamabe problem has a unique solution as well. This provides examples of a local extension, in the space of conformal classes, of a well-known uniqueness criterion due to Obata.
We prove that asymptotically (as n -> infinity) almost all graphs with n vertices and C(d)n(2-1/2d) log(1/d) n edges are universal with respect to the family of all graphs with maximum degree bounded by d. Moreover, we provide an efficient deterministic embedding algorithm for finding copies of bounded degree graphs in graphs satisfying certain pseudorandom properties. We also prove a counterpart result for random bipartite graphs, where the threshold number of edges is even smaller but the embedding is randomized.
Questa tesi si prefigge lo scopo di dimostrare il teorema di Igusa. Inizia introducendo algebricamente i numeri p-adici e ne dà una rappresentazione grafica. Sviluppa poi un integrale definito dalla misura di Haar, invariante per traslazione e computa alcuni esempi. Utilizza il blow up come strumento per la risoluzione di alcuni integrali ed enuncia un'applicazione del teorema di Hironaka sulla risolubilità delle singolarità. Infine usa questi risultati per dimostrare il teorema di Igusa.
In questa tesi viene presentato il modello di Keller-Segel per la chemiotassi, un sistema di tipo parabolico-ellittico che appare nella descrizione di molti fenomeni in ambito biologico e medico. Viene mostrata l'esistenza globale della soluzione debole del modello, per dati iniziali sufficientemente piccoli in dimensione N>2. La scelta di dati iniziali abbastanza grandi invece può causare il blow-up della soluzione e viene mostrato sotto quali condizioni questo si verifica. Infine il modello della chemiotassi è stato applicato per descrivere una fase della malattia di Alzheimer ed è stata effettuata un'analisi di stabilità del sistema.
In the West Bank city of Hebron the Israeli-Palestinian conflict still overshadows all activities. Despite the tension, friction, and violence that have become integral to the city’s everyday life, the Jewish Community of Hebron is expanding in numbers and geographical extent. Since the Six Day War, the community has attracted some of the most militant groups among the settlers in the West Bank, responsible for severe violence against Palestinians, including harassment, car bombs, and attempts to blow up the Dome of the Rock mosque itself. Why do the members of the Jewish Community of Hebron wish to live and raise their children in such a violent setting? Using a series of interviews with members of the Jewish Community of Hebron and related settler communities in the period 2000–05, the article examines the ways the Jewish Community legitimizes its disputed presence. It reveals a deep religious belief, blended with intense distrust of and hatred toward the Palestinian population.
Recently a new type of cosmological singularity has been postulated for infinite barotropic index w in the equation of state p = wρ of the cosmological fluid, but vanishing pressure and density at the singular event. Apparently the barotropic index w would be the only physical quantity to blow up at the singularity. In this talk we would like to discuss the strength of such singularities and compare them with other types. We show that they are weak singularities
The installation of offshore scour protection systems in offshore wind farms allows avoid the effect of scour phenomenon around these structures. Up to date, numerous research projects have been carried out to justify the necessity of the scour protection systems and also to optimize their design. Protection systems based on riprap is frequently used due to its low cost and easy availability compared to other solutions such as geotextile bags or prefabricated concrete blocks. The sizing of these structures can be performed according to a series of recommendations that can optimize the costs associated with them, but there have been only few studies with real data up to now which have allowed identify the need for such protections. This investigation aims to assess the functionality of the scour protections adopted through the available data about their characteristics and the scour depth developed around the foundations. In this sense, this paper presents the results of a study that analyzes the functionality of scour protections in different European offshore wind farms.
Equações diferenciais de quarta ordem aparecem naturalmente na modelagem de oscilações de estruturas elásticas, como aquelas observadas em pontes pênseis. São considerados dois modelos que descrevem as oscilações no tabuleiro de uma ponte. No modelo unidimensional estudamos blow up em espaço finito de soluções de uma classe de equações diferenciais de quarta ordem. Os resultados apresentados solucionam uma conjectura apresentada em [F. Gazzola and R. Pavani. Wide oscillation finite time blow up for solutions to nonlinear fourth order differential equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 207(2):717752, 2013] e implicam a não existência de ondas viajantes com baixa velocidade de propagação em uma viga. No modelo bidimensional analisamos uma equação não local para uma placa longa e fina, suportada nas extremidades menores, livre nas demais e sujeita a protensão. Provamos existência e unicidade de solução fraca e estudamos o seu comportamento assintótico sob amortecimento viscoso. Estudamos ainda a estabilidade de modos simples de oscilação, os quais são classificados como longitudinais ou torcionais.
We present some results on the formation of singularities for C^1 - solutions of the quasi-linear N × N strictly hyperbolic system Ut + A(U )Ux = 0 in [0, +∞) × Rx . Under certain weak non-linearity conditions (weaker than genuine non-linearity), we prove that the first order derivative of the solution blows-up in finite time.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60H30, 35K55, 35K57, 35B35.