982 resultados para Quantum dashes


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Previous resistively detected NMR (RDNMR) studies on the nu approximate to 1 quantum Hall state have reported a ""dispersionlike"" line shape and extremely short nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation times, observations which have been attributed to the formation of a skyrme lattice. Here we examine the evolution of the RDNMR line shape and nuclear-spin relaxation for Zeeman: Coulomb energy ratios ranging from 0.012 to 0.036. According to theory, suppression of the skyrme crystal, along with the associated Goldstone mode nuclear-spin-relaxation mechanism, is expected at the upper end of this range. However, we find that the anomalous line shape persists at high Zeeman energy, and only a modest decrease in the RDNMR-detected nuclear-spin-relaxation rate is observed.


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Magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electron systems with several occupied subbands oscillates owing to periodic modulation of the probability of intersubband transitions by the quantizing magnetic field. In addition to previous investigations of these magnetointersubband (MIS) oscillations in two-subband systems, we report on both experimental and theoretical studies of such a phenomenon in three-subband systems realized in triple quantum wells. We show that the presence of more than two subbands leads to a qualitatively different MIS oscillation picture, described as a superposition of several oscillating contributions. Under a continuous microwave irradiation, the magnetoresistance of triple-well systems exhibits an interference of MIS oscillations and microwave-induced resistance oscillations. The theory explaining these phenomena is presented in the general form, valid for an arbitrary number of subbands. A comparison of theory and experiment allows us to extract temperature dependence of quantum lifetime of electrons and to confirm the applicability of the inelastic mechanism of microwave photoresistance for the description of magnetotransport in multilayer systems.


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Magnetotransport measurements in triple-layer electron systems with high carrier density reveal fractional quantum Hall effect at total filling factors nu>2. With an in-plane magnetic field we are able to control the suppression of interlayer tunneling which causes a collapse of the integer quantum Hall plateaus at nu=2 and nu=4, and an emergence of fractional quantum Hall states with increasing tilt angles. The nu=4 state is replaced by three fractional quantum Hall states with denominator 3. The state nu=7/3 demonstrates reentrant behavior and the emergent state at nu=12/5 has a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing in-plane field. We attribute the observed fractional quantum Hall plateaus to correlated states in a trilayer system.


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The energy spectrum of an electron confined in a quantum dot (QD) with a three-dimensional anisotropic parabolic potential in a tilted magnetic field was found analytically. The theory describes exactly the mixing of in-plane and out-of-plane motions of an electron caused by a tilted magnetic field, which could be seen, for example, in the level anticrossing. For charged QDs in a tilted magnetic field we predict three strong resonant lines in the far-infrared-absorption spectra.


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We observe a large positive magnetoresistance in a bilayer electron system (double quantum well) as the latter is driven by the external gate from double to single layer configuration. Both classical and quantum contributions to magnetotransport are found to be important for explanation of this effect. We demonstrate that these contributions can be separated experimentally by studying the magnetic-field dependence of the resistance at different gate voltages. The experimental results are analyzed and described by using the theory of low-field magnetotransport in the systems with two occupied subbands.


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The nonlinear regime of low-temperature magnetoresistance of double quantum wells in the region of magnetic fields below 1 T is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The observed inversion of the magnetointersubband oscillation peaks with increasing electric current and splitting of these peaks are described by the theory based on the kinetic equation for the isotropic nonequilibrium part of electron distribution function. The inelastic-scattering time of electrons is determined from the current dependence of the inversion field.


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We report results of magnetoacoustic studies in the quantum spin-chain magnet NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) (DTN) having a field-induced ordered antiferromagnetic (AF) phase. In the vicinity of the quantum critical points (QCPs) the acoustic c(33) mode manifests a pronounced softening accompanied by energy dissipation of the sound wave. The acoustic anomalies are traced up to T > T(N), where the thermodynamic properties are determined by fermionic magnetic excitations, the ""hallmark"" of one-dimensional (1D) spin chains. On the other hand, as established in earlier studies, the AF phase in DTN is governed by bosonic magnetic excitations. Our results suggest the presence of a crossover from a 1D fermionic to a three-dimensional bosonic character of the magnetic excitations in DTN in the vicinity of the QCPs.


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We experimentally study the Aharonov-Bohm-conductance oscillations under external gate voltage in a semiconductor quantum ring with a radius of 80 nm. We find that, in the linear regime, the resistance-oscillation plot in the voltage-magnetic-field plane corresponds to the quantum ring energy spectra. The chessboard pattern assembled by resistance diamonds, while loading the ring, is attributed to a short electron lifetime in the open configuration, which agrees with calculations within the single-particle model. Remarkably, the application of a small dc current allows observing strong deviations in the oscillation plot from this pattern accompanied by a magnetic-field symmetry break. We relate such behavior to the higher-order-conductance coefficients determined by electron-electron interactions in the nonlinear regime.


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The results on the measurement of electrical conductivity and magnetoconductivity of a GaAs double quantum well between 0.5 and 1.1 K are reported. The zero magnetic-field conductivity is well described from the point of view of contributions made by both the weak localization and electron-electron interaction. At low field and low temperature, the magnetoconductivity is dominated by the weak localization effect only. Using the weak localization method, we have determined the electron dephasing times tau(phi) and tunneling times tau(t). Concerning tunneling, we concluded that tau(t) presents a minimum around the balance point; concerning dephasing, we observed an anomalous dependence on temperature and conductivity (or elastic mean free path) of tau(phi). This anomalous behavior cannot be explained in terms of the prevailing concepts for the electron-electron interaction in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems.


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We observe oscillatory magnetoresistance in double quantum wells under microwave irradiation. The results are explained in terms of the influence of subband coupling on the frequency dependent photoinduced part of the electron distribution function. As a consequence, the magnetoresistance demonstrates the interference of magnetointersubband oscillations and conventional microwave induced resistance oscillations.


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We studied the effect of quantum confinement in Mn-doped InAs nanocrystals using theoretical methods. We observe that the stability of the impurities decreases with the size of the nanocrystals, making doping more difficult in small nanoparticles. Substitutional impurities are always more stable than interstitial ones, independent of the size of the nanocrystal. There is also a decrease in the energy difference between the high and low spin configurations, indicating that the critical temperature should decrease with the size of the nanoparticles, in agreement with experimental observations and in detriment to the development of functional spintronic devices with doped nanocrystals. Codoping with acceptors or saturating the nanocrystals with molecules that insert partially empty levels in the energy gap should be an efficient way to increase T(C).


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We present the experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetoresistance oscillations induced by the resonance transitions of electrons between the tunnel-coupled states in double quantum wells. The suppression of these oscillations with increasing temperature is irrelevant to the thermal broadening of the Fermi distribution and reflects the temperature dependence of the quantum lifetime of electrons. The gate control of the period and amplitude of the oscillations is demonstrated.


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The electron spin precession about an external magnetic field was studied by Faraday rotation on an inhomogeneous ensemble of singly charged, self-assembled (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots. From the data the dependence of electron g-factor on optical transition energy was derived. A comparison with literature reports shows that the electron g-factors are quite similar for quantum dots with very different geometrical parameters, and their change with transition energy is almost identical. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3588413]


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We construct a nonrelativistic wave equation for spinning particles in the noncommutative space (in a sense, a theta modification of the Pauli equation). To this end, we consider the nonrelativistic limit of the theta-modified Dirac equation. To complete the consideration, we present a pseudoclassical model (a la Berezin-Marinov) for the corresponding nonrelativistic particle in the noncommutative space. To justify the latter model, we demonstrate that its quantization leads to the theta-modified Pauli equation. We extract theta-modified interaction between a nonrelativistic spin and a magnetic field from such a Pauli equation and construct a theta modification of the Heisenberg model for two coupled spins placed in an external magnetic field. In the framework of such a model, we calculate the probability transition between two orthogonal Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states for a pair of spins in an oscillatory magnetic field and show that some of such transitions, which are forbidden in the commutative space, are possible due to the space noncommutativity. This allows us to estimate an upper bound on the noncommutativity parameter.


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Quantum field theory with an external background can be considered as a consistent model only if backreaction is relatively small with respect to the background. To find the corresponding consistency restrictions on an external electric field and its duration in QED and QCD, we analyze the mean-energy density of quantized fields for an arbitrary constant electric field E, acting during a large but finite time T. Using the corresponding asymptotics with respect to the dimensionless parameter eET(2), one can see that the leading contributions to the energy are due to the creation of particles by the electric field. Assuming that these contributions are small in comparison with the energy density of the electric background, we establish the above-mentioned restrictions, which determine, in fact, the time scales from above of depletion of an electric field due to the backreaction.