208 resultados para Pteronarcys proteus
A clinical isolate of Proteus mirabilis containing R-plasmid RP1 (R+ cells), grown in both iron- and carbon- limited chemically defined media in mixed culture with plasmid-free (R- cells), did not disappear as expected, due to adherence of R+ cells to the wall of the chemostat vessel. Plasmid RP1 promoted adherence to glass and to medical prostheses. The hydrophobicity and surface charge of R+ cells were different from those of R- cells and both factors may contribute to the adherence of R+ cells to surfaces. The mode of cultivation of the cells, whether batch or continuous culture, were also found to affect the result. Antibodies raised against homologous cells increased the surface hydrophobicity of both R+ and R- cells and eliminated the differences between them. Results for surface hydrophobicity varied with the method used for measuring it. R+ cells were more sensitive than R- cells to tbe bacteridical action of normal serum and whole blood and to phagocytosis as measured by chemiluminescence. No clear differences were revealed in the protein antigens of R+ and R- cells by both SDS PAGE gels and immunoblots reacted with homologous antibodies. However, lectins revealed differences in the sugars exposed on the cell surfaces. Chemical analysis of R&43 and R- cells also revealed differences in the content of 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonate, lipopolysaccharide and total fatty acids, when cells were grown in media containing added iron; however, no qualitative differences in the lipopolysaccharide were found. Removal of iron from the medium was found to have considerable effects on the chemical structure of R+ cells but not of R- ones. Adhesion to prostheses and to leucocytes is discussed in the light of the results and the clinical relevance outlined with respect to the initiation of infection and the association of virulence with antibiotic resistance.
This paper examines the ways in which subject identity obtains in either philosophical or psychoanalytical theory, which subject may be duplicated—and disclosed—in literary narratives via their principles and ideas. ^ The technique has a double approach. First, the thesis examines subject formation in (and by) language, through psychoanalysis as it draws upon abiding mythic resources, phenomenological methods and aims (e.g., the subject as consciousness intending its object), and the existentialist turn. It then brings these ideas and principles to bear upon an analysis of literary works as cultural expressions of these identities. ^ Beginning with scientific and philosophical referents (as opposed to the somewhat ‘inclusive’ analysis of, for example, the New Criticism or explication de texte), allows for alternative readings not previously available to either author or reader. ^ Access to extra-literary sources, theories, and ideas enables a ‘reading’ of the subject on a par with one existing in the Life-World. ^
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Proteus mirabilis forms dense crystalline biofilms on catheter surfaces that occlude urine flow, leading to serious clinical complications in long-term catheterized patients, but there are presently no truly effective approaches to control catheter blockage by this organism. This study evaluated the potential for bacteriophage therapy to control P. mirabilis infection and prevent catheter blockage. Representative in vitro models of the catheterized urinary tract, simulating a complete closed drainage system as used in clinical practice, were employed to evaluate the performance of phage therapy in preventing blockage. Models mimicking either an established infection or early colonization of the catheterized urinary tract were treated with a single dose of a 3-phage cocktail, and the impact on time taken for catheters to block, as well as levels of crystalline biofilm formation, was measured. In models of established infection, phage treatment significantly increased time taken for catheters to block (∼ 3-fold) compared to untreated controls. However, in models simulating early-stage infection, phage treatment eradicated P. mirabilis and prevented blockage entirely. Analysis of catheters from models of established infection 10 h after phage application demonstrated that phage significantly reduced crystalline biofilm formation but did not significantly reduce the level of planktonic cells in the residual bladder urine. Taken together, these results show that bacteriophage constitute a promising strategy for the prevention of catheter blockage but that methods to deliver phage in sufficient numbers and within a key therapeutic window (early infection) will also be important to the successful application of phage to this problem.
Troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) organisms usually present, among their apomorphies related to the subterranean life (troglomorphisms), the regression of eyes and melanic pigmentation. The degree of regression varies among species, from a slight reduction to the complete loss of eyes and dark pigmentation, without a taxonomic correlation. While mechanisms of eye reduction have been intensively investigated in some troglobites such as the Mexican blind tetra characins, genus Astyanax, and the European salamander, Proteus anguinus, few studies have focused on pigmentation. The Brazilian subterranean ichthyofauna distinguishes not only by the species richness (23 troglobitic fishes so far known) but also by the variation in the degree of reduction of eyes and pigmentation. This study focused on Brazilian fishes completely devoid of melanic pigmentation: the characiform Stygichthys typhlops (Characidae) and the siluriforms Ancistrus formoso (Loricariidae), Rhamdiopsis sp.1 (Heptapteridae; from caves in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia) and Rhamdiopsis sp. 2 (cave in Campo Formoso, Bahia). In order to investigate if such depigmentation is the result of blockage in some step in the melanogenesis, in vitro tests of administration of L-DOPA were done, using caudal-fin fragments extracted from living fish. Except for Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, all the studied species were DOPA(+), i.e., melanin was synthesized after L-DOPA administration. This indicates these fish do have melanophores but they are unable to convert L-tyrosine to L-DOPA. On the other hand, Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, like the albino specimens of Trichomycterus itacarambiensis previously studied (which correspond to one third of the population), are DOPA(-), either because the block of melanin synthesis occurs downstream in melanogenesis, which is probably the case with T. itacarambiensis (monogenic system in view of the phenotypic discontinuity), or because the so-called albinos do no possess melanophores. The physiological loss in the ability to synthesize melanin, apparently caused by different genetic processes in DOPA(+) and in DOPA(-) fishes, may co-exist in subterranean populations with a decrease in the density of melanophores, as observed in the pigmented two thirds of T. itacarambiensis population, a morphological reduction apparently controlled by polygenic systems producing a continuous phenotypic variation.
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) in enterobacteria are recognized worldwide as a great hospital problem. In this study, 127 ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated in one year from inpatients and Outpatients at a public teaching hospital at Sao Paulo, Brazil, were Submitted to analysis by PCR with specific primers for bla(SHV), bla(TEM) and bla(CTX-M) genes. From the 127 isolates, 96 (75.6%) Klebsiella pneumoniae, 12 (9.3%) Escherichia coli, 8 (6.2%) Morganella morganii, 3 (2.3%) Proteus mirabilis, 2 (1.6%) Klebsiella oxytoca, 2 (1.6%) Providencia rettgeri, 2 (1.6%) Providencia stuartti, 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter aerogenes and 1 (0.8%) Enterobacter cloacae were identified as ESBL producers. Bla(SHV), bla(TEM), and bla(CTX-M) were detected in 63%, 17.3% and 33.9% strains, respectively. Pulsed field get eletrophoresis genotyping of K. pneumoniae revealed four main molecular patterns and 29 unrelated profiles. PCR results showed a high variety of ESBL groups among strains, in nine different species. The results Suggest the spread of resistance genes among genetically different strains of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in some hospital wards, and also that some strongly related strains were identified in different hospital wards, Suggesting clonal spread in the institutional environment
This study analyzed resistance determinants in extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing enterobacteria and the epidemiology of 11 Escherichia coli isolates obtained from meningitis patients in a region of Brazil from 2000 to 2005. ESBL-encoding genes and their genetic environment were investigated by PCR and sequencing. The gene bla(CTX-M-2) was identified in 3 different enterobacteria (E. coli. Serratia marcescens, and Proteus mirabilis) downstream of the insertion sequence ISCR1 (localized in class 1 integrons), hut not as part of the resistance cassettes region. Multi locus sequence typing (MLST) was used to investigate genetic relationships between the 11 E. coil isolates in this study and strains associated with meningitis in the E. coil MLST database. MLST analysis indicated high genetic diversity among isolates, and no significant genetic relationship was identified with meningitis-causing E. coil in the database. The results in this report reinforce the need to be attentive to meningitis suspected to be due to ESBL-producing enterobacterial isolates, especially where ESBL epidemiology is well known.
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most prevalent diaper dermatitis and, probably, the most common cause of skin disease in infancy. The wearing of diaper leads to overhydration, increased local temperature and humidity. Constant maceration and prolonged contact with urine and stools makes the skin under the diaper more susceptible. There is often secondary infection due to Candida or bacteria, such as Bacillus faecallis, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus e Streptococcus. Oils, soaps, powders and ointments can be irritants and aggravate the rash. It is important to know the pathophysiology of the disease for appropriate treatment and prevention.
We isolated bacteria from ticks, lice and fleas. Partial small subunit rRNA sequences were obtained for each isolate and the closest matches in the FastA database were determined. These bacteria were mostly Gram-positive (Firmicutes), although representatives from the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta, gamma subdivisions) and CFB group were also isolated. Most of the isolates we found were from genera that were present in most of the ectoparasites studied, but a few genera were restricted to one species of ectoparasite. The most commonly isolated genera were Stenotrophomonas, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Bacillus. Species of Bacillus and Proteus, which have biopesticide potential, were found in some of these ectoparasites. Overall, the communities of bacteria were similar to those found in other studies of parasitic arthropods.
Foram estudadas as espécies de Anisepyris Kieffer, 1905, coletadas em 31 localidades ao longo da Mata Atlântica Brasileira. Foram descritas e ilustradas as seguintes espécies novas: A. basilongus Santos sp. nov., A. foveapertus Santos sp. nov., A. artus Santos sp. nov., A. basilargus Santos sp. nov., A. cepus Santos sp. nov. e A. ramosus Santos sp. nov.. Foram examinados espécimes adicionais de dezesseis espécies previamente descritas: A. amazonicus Westwood, 1874, A. bifidus Evans, 1966, A. bipartitus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. delicatus Evans, 1966, A. dentatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. divisus Santos, 2002, A. inconspicuus Santos, 2002, A. lobatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. longimerus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. nigripes Evans, 1966, A. proteus Evans, 1966, A. rotundus Santos, 2002, A. similis Santos & Azevedo, 2000, A. triangularis Moreira & Azevedo, 2003, A. trinitatis Evans, 1966 e A. tuberosus Santos & Azevedo, 2000, incluindo citações geográficas novas e suas variações taxonômicas, sendo o primeiro registro de A. bipartitus, A. dentatus, A. similis e A. trinitatis para a Mata Atlântica.
Faringoamigdalite na população pediátrica é largamente tratada com antibióticos. OBJETIVO: Estudar a microflora presente na superfície e no núcleo de amígdalas após adenoamigdalectomia eletiva em crianças. MÉTODO: Amígdalas de 102 crianças de Trinidad foram prospectivamente estudadas por meio de culturas e identificações bacteriológicas feitas a partir de amostras das superfícies e núcleos de suas amígdalas entre 2005-2006. RESULTADOS: A partir de 360 amígdalas, foram isolados Streptococcus spp. (51,3%), Staphylococcus spp. (42,3%) e Gram-Negativos (6,4%). A identificação de estafilococos e estreptococos tanto na superfície quanto no núcleo foi semelhante (p>0,05). Encontramos mais (p<0,001) Streptococcus spp. nas superfícies (82,2%) do que nos núcleos (63,3%); a prevalência de estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos foi maior (p<0,001) do que aquela de estreptococos beta-hemolíticos nas superfícies (74,4% vs. 18,6%) do que nos núcleos (58,9% vs. 13,7%). Não houve concordância entre superfícies e núcleos com relação a estreptococos (p<0,0004) e estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos (p<0,007). Estreptococos beta-hemolíticos foram mais identificados (p<0,05) em crianças dentre 6-16 anos do que naquelas entre 1-5 anos de idade (31% e 23,8% vs 12,5% e 8%). A prevalência de S. pyogenes na superfície e no núcleo foi de (84,6% vs 70%) e (50,0% vs 25,0%) em crianças de maior faixa etária e crianças mais novas, respectivamente. Klebsiella spp. (6,6%, 2,2%), Proteus (4,4%, 4,4%) e Pseudomonas (4,4 %, 1,1%) cresceram nas superfícies e núcleos, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: As superfícies amigdalianas tinham mais estreptococos e estreptococos hemolíticos do que seus núcleos. Crianças mais velhas tiveram mais estreptococos beta-hemolíticos, e são altamente colonizadoras de S. pyogenes. Sugerimos estudos que investiguem os mecanismos de aderência estreptocócica em crianças de Trinidad.
A análise da atividade antibacteriana de óleos essenciais de ervas medicinais (Ocimum gratissimum, L., Cybopogum citratus (DC) Stapf. e Salvia officinalis, L.) foi verificada frente a 100 cepas de bactérias isoladas de indivíduos da comunidade com diagnóstico de infecção urinária. Os microrganismos foram semeados em ágar Muller Hinton e os extratos aplicados com replicador de Steers e incubados a 37°C por 24 horas. Verificou-se que Salvia officinalis, L. apresentou ação inibitória superior às outras ervas, tendo eficácia de 100% quando testadas em espécies de Klebsiella e Enterobacter, 96% em Escherichia coli, 83% contra Proteus mirabilis e 75% contra Morganella morganii.
Se refieren 3 casos autóctonos de rickettsiosis cutáneo ganglionar trasmitidos por garrapatas de perros (Amblyomma maculatum, en uno de ellos) en el Uruguay. Dos de los 3 casos fueron seguramente provocados por Rickettsia conorii de acuerdo a los resultados de la reacción específica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta - IgM, anti R. conorii. Se incluye un tercer paciente no estudiado con tal técnica, por la similitud clínico-epidemiológica, la reactividad del suero frente al Proteus OX 19 y la rápida respuesta a la tetraciclina. La no descripción previa de la rickettsiosis por R. conorii en forma autóctona en el área de las Américas confiere especial interés a la comunicación, recomendándose la búsqueda de la afección en otros países de la región.