943 resultados para Process innovation games
There is growing evidence that client firms expect outsourcing suppliers to transform their business. Indeed, most outsourcing suppliers have delivered IT operational and business process innovation to client firms; however, achieving strategic innovation through outsourcing has been perceived to be far more challenging. Building on the growing interest in the IS outsourcing literature, this paper seeks to advance our understanding of the role that relational and contractual governance plays in achieving strategic innovation through outsourcing. We hypothesized and tested empirically the relationship between the quality of client-supplier relationships and the likelihood of achieving strategic innovation, and the interaction effect of different contract types, such as fixed-price, time and materials, partnership and their combinations. Results from a pan-European survey of 248 large firms suggest that high-quality relationships between clients and suppliers may indeed help achieve strategic innovation through outsourcing. However, within the spectrum of various outsourcing contracts, only the partnership contract, when included in the client contract portfolio alongside either fixed-price, time and materials or their combination, presents a significant positive effect on relational governance and is likely to strengthen the positive effect of the quality of client-supplier relationships on strategic innovation.
Motivated by the historically poor productivity performance of Northern Ireland firms and the longstanding productivity gap with the UK, the aim of this thesis is to examine, through the use of firm-level data, how exporting, innovation and public financial assistance impact on firm productivity growth. These particular activities are investigated due to the continued policy focus on their link to productivity growth and the theoretical claims of a direct positive relationship. In order to undertake these analyses a newly constructed dataset is used which links together cross-sectional and longitudinal data over the 1998-2008 period from the Annual Business Survey, the Manufacturing Sales and Export Survey; the Community Innovation Survey and Invest NI Selective Financial Assistance (SFA) payment data. Econometric methodologies are employed to estimate each of the relationships with regards to productivity growth, making use in particular of Heckman selection techniques and propensity score matching to take account of critical issues of endogeneity and selection bias. The results show that more productive firms self-select into exporting but there is no resulting productivity effect from starting to export; contesting the argument for learning-by-exporting. Product innovation is also found to have no impact on productivity growth over a four year period but there is evidence of a negative process innovation impact, likely to reflect temporary learning effects. Finally SFA assistance, including the amount of the payment, is found to have no short term impact on productivity growth suggesting substantial deadweight effects and/or targeting of inefficient firms. The results provide partial evidence as to why Northern Ireland has failed to narrow the productivity gap with the rest of the UK. The analyses further highlight the need for access to comprehensive firm-level data for research purposes, not least to underpin robust evidence-based policymaking.
Part 9: Innovation Networks
The innovation contributes to business success and increased competitive advantage, one of the concepts that has deserved more attention among researchers in the field of management. Innovation is not exclusive of tangible products or services and can naturally extend to the process itself, the organization or marketing. Although it is not easy to gather a universal concept for innovation, do not seem to be no doubt that its importance is such that allows the company to build on the foundations of this future development, regardless of past success. This work has as its central purpose the study of process innovation in the supply outlook for tourism, given its importance in achieving business success. The recognition of its value assumes it as a challenge, making it necessary to distinguish with product, marketing and organizational innovation, either in substance or in the organizational competencies. Will be presented in this work, a brief description (as well as evolution of the concept) as a way of contextualizing and, then, clarified the distinction between the concepts process innovation and innovation process. Search will bring together the key distinguishing features from the perspective of tourism as a means of achieving competitive advantage for business. We will also discuss implications for management and future studies.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientada por Professor Doutor José de Freitas Santos
The dissertation presented for obtaining the Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Työn tavoitteena on selvittää metsäteollisuuden innovaatiotoiminnan johtamisprosessia ja sen vaikutuksia yksittäisissä innovaatioissa. Tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin uutta tietoa metsäteollisuuden innovaatiotoiminnan nykytilasta, innovaatiojohtamisesta ja sen merkittävimmistä tekijöistä, sekä analysoida tätä tietoa toiminnan kehittämiseksi. Yrityshaastattelujen avulla työssäselvitetään johtamisprosessia ja sen toimintoja, sekä siihen vaikuttavia sisäisiä ja ulkoisia tekijöitä. Innovaatiojohtamisen vaikutuksista tutkitaan kaupallistettujen innovaatioiden kehitysaikoja ja eri yhteistyösuhteiden merkitystä SIN-mallin (System Integration and Networking) mukaan. Työssä havaittiin, että metsäteollisuusyritykset ovat viime vuosina jossain määrin alkaneet kehittää innovaatiotoimintaansa, mutta systemaattisempi innovaatioprosessi ja selkeät strategiset suuntaukset toiminnan ohjaamiseen ja prosessin hallintaan puuttuvat. Innovaatiotoiminnan epäjärjestelmällisyyteen vaikuttaa ristiriita eri aikavälien tavoitteissa: toisaalta yritykset tavoittelevat nopeasti kustannustehokkuutta ja toisaaltapitkäjänteisempää uudistumista. Tärkeimpiä yhteistyökumppaneita innovaatiotoiminnassa ovat asiakkaat, alihankkijat ja toimittajat. Verkostoituminen, innovaatioprosessin tehokkuus ja kyky tuottaa menestyviä innovaatioita korostuvat tulevaisuudessa. Lisäksi innovaatiojohtamisella on tuettava innovaatioiden lähteitä ja radikaalimpia innovaatioita, sekä pyrittävä alentamaan muutosvastarintaa.
This thesis examines the history and evolution of information system process innovation (ISPI) processes (adoption, adaptation, and unlearning) within the information system development (ISD) work in an internal information system (IS) department and in two IS software house organisations in Finland over a 43-year time-period. The study offers insights into influential actors and their dependencies in deciding over ISPIs. The research usesa qualitative research approach, and the research methodology involves the description of the ISPI processes, how the actors searched for ISPIs, and how the relationships between the actors changed over time. The existing theories were evaluated using the conceptual models of the ISPI processes based on the innovationliterature in the IS area. The main focus of the study was to observe changes in the main ISPI processes over time. The main contribution of the thesis is a new theory. The term theory should be understood as 1) a new conceptual framework of the ISPI processes, 2) new ISPI concepts and categories, and the relationships between the ISPI concepts inside the ISPI processes. The study gives a comprehensive and systematic study on the history and evolution of the ISPI processes; reveals the factors that affected ISPI adoption; studies ISPI knowledge acquisition, information transfer, and adaptation mechanisms; and reveals the mechanismsaffecting ISPI unlearning; changes in the ISPI processes; and diverse actors involved in the processes. The results show that both the internal IS department and the two IS software houses sought opportunities to improve their technical skills and career paths and this created an innovative culture. When new technology generations come to the market the platform systems need to be renewed, and therefore the organisations invest in ISPIs in cycles. The extent of internal learning and experiments was higher than the external knowledge acquisition. Until the outsourcing event (1984) the decision-making was centralised and the internalIS department was very influential over ISPIs. After outsourcing, decision-making became distributed between the two IS software houses, the IS client, and itsinternal IT department. The IS client wanted to assure that information systemswould serve the business of the company and thus wanted to co-operate closely with the software organisations.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia konsulttiyrityksen metsäteollisuusliiketoimintaryhmän innovatiivisuutta sekä sitä, onko johdon asettamia innovatiivisuuden tavoitteita saavutettu. Tavoitteena oli myös laatia innovaatiojohtamisen malli sekä antaa toimenpide-ehdotuksia ja suosituksia. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuus tehtiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena ja siinä selvitettiin, mitä innovatiivisuus merkitsee yrityksille, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat organisaation innovatiivisuuteen ja mitä innovaatiojohtamisessa tulee ottaa huomioon. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus suoritettiin case-analyysinä, ja se toteutettiin linjajohdon henkilöhaastattelujen, ja henkilöstölle tehtyjen kyselyjen avulla. Innovaatio on idean toimeenpano käytännössä, markkinoille saatettu toteutus tai uusittu prosessi. Jos innovaatioiden avulla saavutetaan radikaalia parannusta, niin kaizen-filosofia on pienin askelin tehtävää jatkuvaa parantamista. Yritysten innovatiivisuuteen vaikuttaa sekä kovia että pehmeitä asioita. Kovia asioita ovat mm. strategia, organisaation rakenne ja järjestelmät. Pehmeitä asioita taas ovat mm. yhteiset arvot, osaaminen, henkilöstö ja johtamistyyli. Kaikki edellä mainitut asiat tulee huomioida innovatiivisuuden kehittämisessä. Yritysten tietopääoma syntyy kyvystä käyttää hyväksi aineetonta pääomaa, joka on mm. dataa, informaatiota, immateriaalioikeuksia, osaamista, motivaatiota ja sitoutumista. Tutkitun konsulttiyrityksen metsäteollisuusliiketoimintaryhmällä on johdon asettamat innovatiivisuustavoitteet. Yrityksessä on valtavasti irrallista tietoa. Henkilöstön osaaminen ja motivaatio ovat korkeata luokkaa. Yritykselle on määritelty strategia, mutta sen jalkauttaminen henkilöstölle ei ole ollut tehokasta. Tutkitulla yrityksellä on monia innovatiivisuuteen kannustavia järjestelmiä. Järjestelmien käyttö on vain pienen ryhmän käytössä. Yrityksen innovatiivisuuspotentiaali on valtava. Toimenpide-ehdotuksina ja suosituksina esitetään yritykselle innovaatiojohtamisen mallia. Esitetyssä mallissa määritellään mm. innovaatiojohtamisen vastuut uudelleen. Innovaatioprosessi määritellään kokonaisvaltaisena asiana. Nykyisten järjestelmien käyttö laajennetaan koko henkilöstön käytettäväksi
The purpose of the thesis is to study innovativeness in a context of the construction industry especially the front-end of the innovation process. The construction industry is often considered an old-fashioned manufacturing industry. Innovations and innovativeness are rarely linked to the industry. The construction industry, as well as other industries in Finland, is facing challenges such as productivity, the climate change and internationalization. The meaning of innovations is greater than ever in continuously changing markets, for standing out from competitors or increasing the competitiveness. Traditional production methods, tight building regulations, unique buildings, one-of-a-kind project organizations and highlighting the cheapest price in building contracts are particular challenges in the construction industry. The research questions of the thesis were: - What kind of factors shift the existing company culture towards innovativeness? - What are the phases of the front-end of the innovation process? - What kind of tools and methods enable managing the front-end of the innovation process? The theoretical part of the thesis bases on the literature review. The research methodology of the empirical part was the action research and qualitative approach. Empirical data was collected by the theme interviews from three companies. The results were practical methods and experiences from innovation activities of the companies. The results of the thesis can be clarified as follows: enhancement of the innovation activities requires support and commitment of the top management, innovative culture and innovation strategy. Innovativeness can be promoted by systematical methods for example collecting ideas from employees. Controlling and managing the front-end phase is essential to succeeding. Despite that managing the front-end is the most challenging part of the innovation process, development and management of that save companies’ money, resources and prevents useless investments. Further clarification and studies are needed to find out furthermore functional tools and methods to manage innovations and implementing them to the culture of the companies.
Caso exitoso de internacionalización de la compañía de galletas Noel S.A.S y panificadora el Country
Por medio de en un estudio realizado a dos empresas de mercado colombiano, una de ellas con visión expansiva (Pan el Country) y otra presentada como caso de éxito de internacionalización (Compañía de Galletas Noel S.A.S) y basados en diferentes teorías administrativas. Se logro percibir los diferentes medios con que Noel alcanzo su posicionamiento tanto a nivel nacional e internacional y a su vez dar estrategias comparativas y competitivas para el desarrollo productivo de Pan el Country. De este modo se identifico que Pan el country con sus estrategia expansiva y por medio de una red de comercialización que lo llevo a realizar exportaciones ocasionales a Estados Unidos, cumple de manera progresiva los estándares con las que las empresas inician sus procesos de internacionalización y avanzan notablemente en la medida que haya reconocimiento de marca, y posicionamiento en el país o región determinada. Sin duda alguna las características más sobresalientes que llevan a Noel al éxito nacional, van ligadas a la innovación de productos y las grandes investigaciones que promueven a definir estrategias para penetrar en diferentes segmentos del mercado, pasos que le dan empuje a redefinir las metas y objetivos a Pan el Country en busca de un desarrollo continuo y un futuro exitoso.
To retain competitiveness, succeed and flourish, organizations are forced to continuously innovate. This drive for innovation is not solely limited to product/process innovation but more profoundly relates to a continuous process of improving how organizations work internally, requiring a constant stream of ideas and suggestions from motivated employees. In this chapter we investigate some recent developments and propose a conceptual framework for creative participation as a personality driven interface between creativity and innovation. Under the assumption that employees’ intrinsic willingness to contribute novel ideas and solutions requires a set of personal characteristics and necessary skill that might well be unique to each organizational unit, the chapter then explores personal characteristics associated with creativity, innovation and innovative behavior. Various studies on the correlation between creativity and personality types are also reviewed. The chapter provides a discussion of solutions and future development together with recommendations for the future research.
Poucos temas apresentam tanta concordância entre os pesquisadores organizacionais como a importância da inovação para o desempenho e a efetividade organizacional. O tema inovação é tão importante quanto é vasta e diversificada a sua literatura. Mas, se por um lado, se reconhece a importância do tema, por outro, se constata que o entendimento do comportamento inovador nas organizações permanece ainda relativamente pouco desenvolvido, sobretudo no setor público. Do ponto de vista da gestão da inovação, interessa saber quais são os fatores organizacionais que determinam a capacidade que a organização tem para inovar. Nesse aspecto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características e os fatores organizacionais indutores ou inibidores dos processos de inovação no Instituto Nacional de Criminalística e na Diretoria Técnico-Científica da Polícia Federal, na percepção dos sujeitos que se envolveram com o desenvolvimento de ideias inovadoras no ambiente pesquisado. Com esse propósito, foi realizado um levantamento a fim de avaliar a percepção dos sujeitos da pesquisa quanto a 15 fatores característicos relevantes para os processos de inovação, postulados pelos pesquisadores do Minnesota Innovation Research Program – MIRP, da Universidade de Minnesota. A amostra obtida foi composta de 62 atores organizacionais que retornaram o questionário, encaminhado para 79 peritos, que se envolveram no desenvolvimento ou implantação de 42 diferentes ideias inovadoras. Os resultados indicaram que dos 15 fatores analisados, dez fatores (67%) foram percebidos como indutores dos processos de inovação enquanto três fatores (20%) foram percebidos como inibidores desses processos. Dois fatores obtiveram pouca convergência das respostas, de forma que os dados obtidos não permitiram concluir se tais fatores atuavam favorecendo ou inibindo o desenvolvimento de inovações no ambiente pesquisado. Os resultados confirmaram o pressuposto levantado na pesquisa de que o ambiente organizacional pesquisado apresenta elementos característicos que favorecem o desenvolvimento de inovações.