939 resultados para Primal Joints


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The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.


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Timber connections represent the crucial part of a timber structure and a great variability exists in terms of types of connections and mechanisms. Taking as case study the widespread traditional timber frame structures, in particular the Portuguese Pombalino buildings, one of the most common timber connection is the half-lap joint. Connections play a major role in the overall behaviour of a structure, particularly when assessing their seismic response, since damage is concentrated at the connections. For this reason, an experimental campaign was designed and distinct types of tests were carried out on traditional half-lap joints to assess their in-plane response. In particular, pull-out and in-plane cyclic tests were carried out on real scale unreinforced connections. Subsequently, the connections were retrofitted, using strengthening techniques such as self-tapping screws, steel plates and GFRP sheets. The tests chosen were meant to capture the hysteretic behaviour and dissipative capacity of the connections and characterise their response and, therefore, their influence on the seismic response of timber frame walls, particularly concerning their uplifting and rotation capacity, that could lead to rocking in the walls. In this paper, the results of the experimental campaign are presented in terms of hysteretic curves, dissipated energy and equivalent viscous damping ratio. Moreover, recommendations are provided on the most appropriate retrofitting solutions.


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An exterior body panel solution containing a polydicyclopentadiene skin attached to an interior metallic reinforcement through adhesive bonding is being studied to be applied in the MobiCar bonnet. With this solution is expected to achieve lightness, adequate structural integrity and cost-efficiency. However, there is uncertainty regarding to the bonnet adhesiveness since different metallic materials and adhesive types are being considered for its development. Thus, in this paper, several samples are tested through shear loading with the aim of understanding the loading magnitude expected by using polydicyclopentadiene, steel DC04+ZE and aluminum alloy AW5754-H111 as substrates adhesively bonded by an epoxy or a methacrylate. Methacrylate adhesive have shown greater shear strength in all types of adhesive joints. PDCPD joints presented the highest displacements. Surface degradation was considered adequate over abrading once none strength difference was seen between the different surface treatments. Steel treated by cataphoresis has shown the highest joint interface strength.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Materials Engineering


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"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"


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Objective: To assess reproducibility and feasibility of amusculoskeletal ultrasound (US) score for rheumatoid arthritis amongrheumatologist with diverse expertise in US, working in private orhospital practice.Methods: The Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism(SONAR) group has developed a semi-quantitative score for RA usingOMERACT criteria for synovitis and erosion. The score was taught torheumatologists trained in US through two workshops. Subsequently,they were encouraged to practice in their office. For the study, we used6 US machines of different quality, each with a different patient.19 readers randomly selected among rheumatologists who haveattended both workshops, were asked to score anonymously at leastone patient. To assess whether some factors influence the score, weasked each reader to answer questionnaire describing his experiencewith US.Results: 19 rheumatologists have performed 29 scans, each patienthaving been evaluated by 4 to 6 readers. Median time for examcompletion was 20 minutes (range 15 to 60 mn). 53% ofrheumatologists work in private practice. Graph 1 show the global greyscale score for each patient. Weighted kappa was calculated for eachpair of reader using stata11. Almost all kappa of poor agreement wereobtained with a low quality device or by an assessor who havepreviously performed less than 5 scores himself.Conclusions: This is the first study to show an US score for RAfeasible by rheumatologists with diverse expertise in US both in privateand hospital practice. Reproducibility seemed to be influenced by thequality of device and previous experience with the score.


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Le Syndrome de Bruck (Bruck Syndrome; BS) est une maladie autosomique récessive assemblant la combinaison inhabituelle de fragilité osseuse semblable à celle de l'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite (0I) avec des contractures congénitales tendineuses et cutanées des grandes articulations («ptérygia»). Les cas décrits jusqu'à ce jour mettent en évidence une grande hétérogénéité du tableau clinique, liée en partie au manque d'un diagnostic biochimique ou moléculaire. Nous savons que dans le BS les gènes codant pour le collagène 1 ne sont pas mutés, mais savons néanmoins, grâce à l'étude du collagène extrait de biopsies osseuses, qu'il y a un déficit d'hydroxylation des résidus de lysine dans les télopeptides du collagène 1 qui servent à la formation des liens intermoléculaires (crosslinks) et donc à la stabilisation des fibres de collagène. Un locus génétique du BS à été mappé sur 17q12, mais le gène responsable sur ce locus reste inconnu; plus récemment, deux mutations dans le gène de la lysyl hydroxylase 2 (PLOD2, position chromosomique 3q23-q24) ont été identifiées, démontrant l'hétérogénéité génétique du ES. La proportion de ES liée à 17p22 (BS type 1) et celle liée à une mutation dans PLOD2 (BS type 2) est encore incertaine et nous manquons de données sur la corrélation phenotype-génotype. Nous avons étudié le cas d'un garçon avec des contractures et des ptérygia dès la naissance, combinées à une ostéopénie sévère de type OI menant à des fractures multiples. Ses urines contenaient une quantité élevée d'hydroxyproline, indiquant un remaniement important du tissu osseux, mais peu de produits de dégradation des crosslinks du collagène, indiquant donc une réduction de la proportion de crosslinks dans le collagène in vivo. Nous avons pu démontrer chez lui la présence d'une nouvelle mutation homozygote dans le gène PLOD2 menant à une substitution Arg598His; les deux parents du sujet étaient hétérozygotes pour la mutation et celle-ci était absente dans notre population témoin. La mutation est adjacente aux deux mutations rapportées précédemment (Gly601Val et Thr608Ile), ce qui suggère la présence d'un ''hotspot'' mutationnel mais aussi d'une région de grande importance fonctionnelle sur PLOD2 : cette observation est importante pour la création d'inhibiteurs de PLOD2, recherchés en ce moment pour le traitement de la fibrose. La combinaison de ptérygia et de fragilité osseuse, comme illustrée par notre patient est apparemment contradictoire et donc difficilement explicable mais indique que l'hydroxylation des résidus lysyl des télopeptides est importante non seulement pour la stabilité osseuse mais aussi dans la morphogénèse et la formation des articulations dans la période prénatale. Finalement, la mesure des produits de dégradation du collagène dans l'urine et l'analyse de mutation de PLOD2 permet le diagnostic du syndrome de Bruck et permet de le différencier de l'Osteogénèse Imparfaite. -- Bruck syndrome (BS) is a recessively-inherited phenotypic disorder featuring the unusual combination of skeletal changes resembling osteogenesis imperfecta (0I) with congenital contractures of the large joints. Clinical heterogeneity is apparent in cases reported thus far. While the genes coding for collagen 1 chains are unaffected in BS, there is biochemical evidence for a defect in the hydroxylation of lysine residues in collagen 1 telopeptides. One BS locus has been mapped at 17p12, but more recently, two mutations in the lysyl hydroxylase 2 gene (PLOD2, 3q23-q24) have been identified in BS, showing genetic heterogeneity. The proportion of BS cases linked to 17p22 (BS type 1) or caused by mutations in PLOD2 (BS type 2) is still uncertain, and phenotypic correlations are lacking. We report on a boy who had congenital contractures with pterygia at birth and severe 0I-like osteopenia and multiple frac-tures. His urine contained high amounts of hydroxyproline but low amounts of collagen crosslinks degradation products; and he was shown to be homozygous for a novel mutation leading to an Arg598His substitution in PLOD2. The mutation is adjacent to the two mutations previously reported (Gly601Val and Thr608Ile), suggesting a functionally important hotspot in PLOD2. The combination of pterygia with bone fragility, as illustrated by this case, is difficult to explain; it suggests that telopeptide lysyl hydroxylation must be involved in prenatal joint formation and morphogenesis. Collagen degradation products in urine and mutation analysis ofPLOD2 maybe used to diagnose BS and differentiate it from M.


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Purpose. This study was conducted to determine whether newer infrared or laser welding technologies created joints superior to traditional furnace or torch soldering methods of joining metals. It was designed to assess the mechanical resistance, the characteristics of the fractured surfaces, and the elemental diffusion of joints obtained by four different techniques: (1) preceramic soldering with a propane-oxygen torch, (2) postceramic soldering with a porcelain furnace, (3) preceramic and (4) postceramic soldering with an infrared heat source, and (5) laser welding. Material and methods. Mechanical resistance was determined by measuring the ultimate tensile strength of the joint and by determining their resistance to fatigue loading. Elemental diffusion to and from the joint was assessed with microprobe tracings. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the fractured surface were also obtained and evaluated. Results. Under monotonic tensile stress, three groups emerged: The laser welds were the strongest, the preceramic joints ranged second, and the postceramic joints were the weakest. Under fatigue stress, the order was as follows: first, the preceramic joints, and second, a group that comprised both postceramic joints and the laser welds. Inspection of the fractographs revealed several fracture modes but no consistent pattern emerged. Microprobe analyses demonstrated minor diffusion processes in the preceramic joints, whereas significant diffusion was observed in the postceramic joints. Clinical Implications. The mechanical resistance data conflicted as to the strength that could be expected of laser welded joints. On the basis of fatigue resistance of the joints, neither infrared solder joints nor laser welds were stronger than torch or furnace soldered joints.


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Macrophages play key roles in inflammatory disorders. Therefore, they are targets of treatments aiming at their local destruction in inflammation sites. However, injection of low molecular mass therapeutics, including photosensitizers, in inflamed joints results in their rapid efflux out of the joints, and poor therapeutic index. To improve selective uptake and increase retention of therapeutics in inflamed tissues, hydrophilic nanogels based on chitosan, of which surface was decorated with hyaluronate and which were loaded with one of three different anionic photosensitizers were developed. Optimal uptake of these functionalized nanogels by murine RAW 264.7 or human THP-1 macrophages as models was achieved after <4h incubation, whereas only negligible uptake by murine fibroblasts used as control cells was observed. The uptake by cells and the intracellular localization of the photosensitizers, of the fluorescein-tagged chitosan and of the rhodamine-tagged hyaluronate were confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. Photodynamic experiments revealed good cell photocytotoxicity of the photosensitizers entrapped in the nanogels. In a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis, injection of free photosensitizers resulted in their rapid clearance from the joints, while nanogel-encapsulated photosensitizers were retained in the inflamed joints over a longer period of time. The photodynamic treatment of the inflamed joints resulted in a reduction of inflammation comparable to a standard corticoid treatment. Thus, hyaluronate-chitosan nanogels encapsulating therapeutic agents are promising materials for the targeted delivery to macrophages and long-term retention of therapeutics in leaky inflamed articular joints.


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We develop a mathematical programming approach for the classicalPSPACE - hard restless bandit problem in stochastic optimization.We introduce a hierarchy of n (where n is the number of bandits)increasingly stronger linear programming relaxations, the lastof which is exact and corresponds to the (exponential size)formulation of the problem as a Markov decision chain, while theother relaxations provide bounds and are efficiently computed. Wealso propose a priority-index heuristic scheduling policy fromthe solution to the first-order relaxation, where the indices aredefined in terms of optimal dual variables. In this way wepropose a policy and a suboptimality guarantee. We report resultsof computational experiments that suggest that the proposedheuristic policy is nearly optimal. Moreover, the second-orderrelaxation is found to provide strong bounds on the optimalvalue.


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O tema da Programação Linear, com as suas particularizações do Problema dos Transportes e do Problema da Afectação de Recursos, é hoje estudado em cursos diversos onde uma disciplina de Investigação Operacional esteja presente. Trata-se, em última análise, de um problema de cálculo de extremos condicionados, seja de máximo ou de mínimo, que apresenta características muito particulares e de grande elegância simbólica. Também os Problemas dos Transportes e da Afectação de Recursos se podem resolver como problemas de Programação Linear, através do Algoritmo Simplex, embora seja preferível o recurso a algoritmos próprios, de muitíssimo maior simplicidade: o Algoritmo dos Transportes e o Algoritmo Húngaro, respectivamente. De molde a facilitar a compreensão do que realmente está em jogo, consideram-se aqui dois casos de determinação de extremos e de extremos condicionados, mas ao nível do final do ensino secundário.