750 resultados para Practice-Led Research
Practice is subject to increasing pressure to demonstrate its ability to achieve outcomes required by public policy makers. As part of this process social work practice has to engage with issues around advancing knowledge-based learning processes in a close collaboration with education and research based perspectives. This has given rise to approaches seeking to combine research methodology, field research and practical experience. Practice research is connected to both “the science of the concrete” – a field of research oriented towards subjects more than objects and “mode 2 knowledge production” – an application-oriented research where frameworks and findings are discussed by a number of partners. Practice research is defined into two approaches: practice research – collaboration between practice and research – and practitioner research – processes controlled and accomplished by practitioners. The basic stakeholders in practice research are social workers, service users, administrators, management, organisations, politicians and researchers. Accordingly, practice research is necessarily collaborative, involving a meeting point for different views, interests and needs, where complexity and dilemmas are inherent. Instead of attempting to balance or reconcile these differences, it is important to respect the differences if collaboration is to be established. The strength of both practice and research in practice research is to address these difficult challenges. The danger for both fields is to avoid and reject them.
This conclusion to the Dialog proposes a strategy-as-practice based approach to bringing strategy research and education closer to practice. Strategy-as-practice rejects the choice, proposed in the previous articles, between theory and practice. The authors argue for strategy research based rigorously on sociological theories of practice. Such research complements the parsimony and generalizability of economics-driven theory, extending strategy research to incorporate the messy realities of doing strategy in practice, with a view to developing theory that is high in accuracy. The authors suggest that practice-based research can also inform strategy teaching by providing students with rich case studies of strategy work as actually practiced, analyzed through such sociological lenses as ethnomethodology, dramaturgy, and institutional theory. Strategy-as-practice research does not aim to give students parsimonious models for analysis or expose them to cases of best practice but rather to help them develop practical wisdom through a better understanding of strategy in practice.
The TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, “Shaping the New Future of Paratransit”, held in Monterey, CA in the United States (US) in October 2014 represented the first coming together of the international paratransit community in conference format since 1997. The conference itself drew a worldwide attendance from a cross-section of operators, technology providers, policymakers and researchers. The presentations from the conference were organised around a number of themes which, when brought together, represented a substantial manifesto for the flexible and demand responsive transport community. This paper looks at a number of these themes with an analysis to highlight the key points and common strands of worldwide experience.
This study, using a Delphi approach, sought the opinion of a self-selected panel of 320 district nurses regarding research priorities for district nursing in Australia. Over three rounds of questionnaires, the 419 research clinical problem areas requiring research as suggested by the panel were each rated in importance by the panel and then ranked through analysis from high to low average rating scores, thereby, whittling down the list to the top 15% (68) research questions and to a final list of the top 10 research priorities overall. Research questions focusing on discharge planning are dominant in these top 10 priorities, with documentation issues the second most common focus. Other foci in the top 10 priorities are staffing, aged care, palliative care, and assessment. The organization-specific top 10 research priorities focus on wound care, funding, education, and communication issues. Additionally, the top 68 priorities, which are either finitely practice-based or contextual-issues research questions, were categorized into 20 themes. The results will hopefully lead to scarce human and financial resources being directed to practice-relevant research programs that will facilitate improved health for district nursing (primarily home-nursing) clients in Australia and elsewhere. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, inserida no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, durante o ano letivo 2013/2014, atribuindo qualificação profissional no contexto de pré-escolar. Este documento pretende descrever e analisar o percurso formativo desenvolvido pela mestranda ao longo da sua prática pedagógica supervisionada, numa perspetiva reflexiva sobre a construção dos saberes profissionais para a Educação. Este percurso formativo comprometeu uma atitude investigativa, bem como a mobilização de saberes científicos e legais por forma a articular as vertentes de teoria e prática, perspetivando uma construção integrada dos saberes. A prática pedagógica foi sustentada numa perspetiva construtivista, atribuindo um papel ativo à criança na construção das suas aprendizagens. Esta baseou-se num trabalho de equipa cooperativo, o qual se concretiza através do debate e da partilha de ideias, entre os vários intervenientes da ação, como meio para a transformação da realidade educativa. Ao longo da prática foi, ainda, atribuído um papel fundamental à observação do contexto, sendo esta essencial para a compreensão e conhecimento pleno da criança. Em suma, todo o percurso formativo no qual está englobado a prática pedagógica, levou a uma problematização das questões emergentes da prática, desenvolvendo uma atitude indagadora e reflexiva. Apesar da significante contribuição para a aquisição de competências pessoais e profissionais, o percurso formativo deve ser assumido como uma construção contínua, fundamentado num princípio da aprendizagem ao longo da vida.
Overview Part One • Background/context  – defining and thinking about health • The role of the health psychologist • Promoting the psychosocial well being of children and young people • Early intervention and prevention in Ireland • Intervening in the lives of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties  Part Two • Case-study  – The Incredible Years Ireland Study: theory, practice and research  Part Three • Some key considerations in intervention science for research, policy and practice with children and young people  Sinead McGilloway: Putting children first. The role of health psychology
Framework for commissioning needs-led and opportunity-led research
This paper describes a study that aimed to identify research priorities for the care of infants, children and adolescents at the sole tertiary referral hospital for children in Western Australia. The secondary aim was to stimulate nurses to explore clinical problems that would require further inquiry. Background. Planning for research is an essential stage of research development; involving clinicians in this exercise is likely to foster research partnerships that are pertinent to clinical practice. Nursing research priorities for the paediatric population have not previously been reported in Australia. Design. Delphi study. Method. Over 12 months in 2005-2006, a three-round questionnaire, using the Delphi technique, was sent to a randomly selected sample of registered nurses. This method was used to identify and prioritise nursing research topics relevant to the patient and the family. Content analysis was used to analyse Round I data and descriptive statistics for Round II and III data. Results. In Round I, 280 statements were identified and reduced to 37 research priorities. Analysis of data in subsequent rounds identified the top two priority research areas as (1) identification of strategies to reduce medication incidents (Mean = 6 center dot 47; SD 0 center dot 88) and (2) improvement in pain assessment and management (Mean = 6; SD 1 center dot 38). Additional comments indicated few nurses access the scientific literature or use research findings because of a lack of time or electronic access. Conclusions. Thirty-seven research priorities were identified. The identification of research priorities by nurses provided research direction for the health service and potentially other similar health institutions for children and adolescents in Australia and internationally. Relevance to clinical practice. The nurse participants showed concern about the safety of care and the well-being of children and their families. This study also enabled the identification of potential collaborative research and development of pain management improvement initiatives.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are heterogeneous and uncommon malignancies characterized by an aggressive clinical course and a mostly poor outcome with current treatment strategies. The recent genome-wide molecular characterization of several entities has provided novel insights into their pathobiology and led to the identification of new biomarkers with diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic implications for PTCL patients. Cell lineage and differentiation antigens (markers of γδ or NK lineage, of cytotoxicity, of follicular helper T cells) reflect the tumour's biological behaviour, and their detection in tissue samples may refine the diagnostic and prognostic stratification of the patients. Previously unrecognized gene rearrangements are being discovered (ITK-SYK translocation, IRF4/MUM1 and DUSP22 rearrangements), and may serve as diagnostic genetic markers. Deregulated molecules within oncogenic pathways (NF-κB, Syk, PDGFRα) and immunoreactive cell-surface antigens (CD30, CD52) have been brought to the fore as potential targets for guiding the development of novel therapies.
Self-presentation is the process by which individuals attempt to monitor and control how others perceive and evaluate them (Leary, 1992; Leary & Kowalski, 1990). Self-presentational concerns have been shown to influence a number of exercise-related behaviours, cognitions, and affective responses to exercise (e.g., social anxiety). Social anxiety occurs when an individual wants to create a specific impression on others, but is unsure (s)he will be successful (Leary & Kowalski, 1995). Social physique anxiety (SPA) is a specific form of social anxiety related the evaluation of one's body (Hart, Leary, & Rejeski, 1989). Both social anxiety and SPA may act as deterrents to exercise (Lantz, Hardy, & Ainsworth, 1997; Leary, 1992), so it is important to examine factors that may influence social anxiety and SPA; one such factor is self-presentational efficacy (SPE). SPE is one's confidence in successfully making desired impressions on others (Leary & Atherton, 1986) and has been associated with social anxiety and SPA (Leary & Kowalski, 1995; Gammage, Martin Ginis, & Hall, 2004). Several aspects of the exercise environment, such as the presence of mirrors, clothing, and the exercise leader or other participant characteristics, may be manipulated to influence self-presentational concerns (e.g., Gammage, Martin Ginis et aI., 2004; Martin & Fox, 2001; Martin Ginis, Prapavessis, & Haase, 2005). Given that the exercise leader has been recognized as one of the most important influences in the group exercise context (Franklin, 1988), it is important to further examine how the leader may impact self-presentational concerns. The present study examined the impact of the exercise leader's gender and physique salience (i.e., the extent to which the body was emphasized) on SPE, state social anxiety (SSA), and state social physique anxiety (SPA-S) of women in a live exercise class. Eighty-seven college-aged female non- or infrequent exercisers (i.e., exercised 2 or fewer times per week) participated in a group exercise class led by one of four leaders: a female whose physique was salient; a female whose physique was non-salient; a male whose physique was salient; or a male whose physique was non-salient. Participants completed measures of SPE, SSA, and SPA-S prior to and following completion of a 30- minute group exercise class. In addition, a measure of social comparison to the exercise leader and other participants with respect to attractiveness, skill, and fitness was completed by participants following the exercise class. A MANOV A was conducted to examine differences between groups on postexercise variables. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups on measures ofSPE, SSA, or SPA-S (allp's > .05). However, when all participants were collapsed into one group, a MANOV A showed a significant time effect (F(3, 81) = 19.45,p < .05, 1')2= .419). Follow-up ANOVAs indicated that post-exercise SPE increased significantly, while SSA and SPA-S decreased significantly (SPE: F(I, 83) = 30.87,p < .001,1')2 = .27; SSA: F(I,83) = 11.09,p < .001, 1')2 = .12; SPA-S: F (1,83) = 42.79,p < .001, 1')2 = .34). Further, results of a MANOVA revealed that participants who believed they were less fit than other group members (i.e., made negative social comparisons) reported significantly more post-exercise SSA and SP A-S than those who believed they were more fit than the other participants (i.e., made positive comparisons; SSA: F(2, 84) = 3.46, p < .05, 1')2 = .08; SPA-S: F(2, 84) = 5.69, p < .05, 1')2 = .12). These results may indicate that successfully completing an exercise class may serve as a source of SPE and lead to reduced social anxiety and SPA-S in this population. Alternatively, characteristics of the exercise leader may be less important than characteristics of the other participants. These results also suggest that the types of social comparisons made may influence self-presentational concerns in this sample. Future research should examine how the type of social comparison (i.e., negative or positive) made to the other group members may either generate or reduce anxiety. Also, factors that contribute to the types of social comparisons made with other exercisers should be examined. Implications for practice and research are discussed.
Les progrès spectaculaires réalisés dans le traitement de la fibrose kystique font en sorte qu'un nombre de plus en plus élevé de familles comptant un adolescent atteint de ce problème de santé, peut maintenant envisager d'effectuer la transition depuis l'adolescent vers l'âge adulte. À ce jour, les recherches à ce sujet demeurent peu nombreuses, principalement en ce qui a trait à la nature des interations entre les adolescents, leurs parents et les professionnels de la santé qui préparent ces familles en vue du transfert, depuis un établissement pédiatrique vers un établissement adulte. L'appréhension de ce phénomène s'est réalisée dans une perspective constructiviste et systémique, ce qui a permis de mettre en relief certaines des multiples facettes du phénomène et de jeter un éclairage novateur sur des dynamiques entre les membres de la famille et entre ces derniers et les professionnels de la santé. Le but de cette étude de cas, de type qualitavive, était de modéliser de manière systémique, le processus de transtion pour des familles ayant un adolescent atteint de la fibrose kystique qui est en phase pré transfert, depuis l'établissement pédiatrique vers le milieu adulte. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés avec sept familles comptant un adolescent atteint de la fibrose kystique. De plus, un entretien de groupe a également été effectué avec une équipe interprofessionnelle oeuvrant dans une clinique qui traite des adolescents atteints de la fibrose kysitque. L'analyse qualitative des données a mené au développement d'un modèle systémique de la transition pour ces familles. Ce modèle souligne qu'en évoluant de façon parallèle, les familles et les professionnels de la santé poursuivent la même finalité de favoriser le développement de l'autonomie de l'adolescent. Ce processus de transition chez ces familles s'inscrit, par ailleurs, dans un espace-temps signifié par le transfert inter-établissements, avec peu de considération pour la souffrance parentale liée au pronostic de la maladie. Ainsi, le développement de l'autonomie est marqué par la confiance qui doit s'établir entre l'adolescent et son parent, en passant par la surveillance du parent envers l'adolescent et par la responsabilisation graduelle chez ce dernier. Cette étude propose donc une modélisation systémique de ce processus de transition qui contribue non seulement au développement du concept de la transition en sciences de la santé, mais aussi de la pratique clinique et de la recherche dans le domaine des soins à la famille aux prises avec un adolescent atteint de la fibrose kystique.
Depuis la fin de la Guerre froide, la pratique de l’aide humanitaire est principalement devenue l’apanage des Occidentaux et de ses alliés, contribuant à l’émergence d’une norme d’intervention (néo)libérale. Cette recherche vise à déterminer s’il existe une pratique alternative; dans cette optique, le cas de l’humanitarisme cubain sera analysé. À partir d’une revue de la littérature et d’un travail de terrain conduit à Cuba auprès de coopérants ayant servi dans le cadre de « missions internationalistes », cette recherche se déroule selon trois étapes principales. Dans un premier temps, il s’agira, à partir des études réalisées par les auteurs post-foucaldiens tels que Duffield, Pupavac, McFalls et Pandolfi, de déterminer la nouvelle tendance de l’aide humanitaire apparue au sortir de la Guerre froide. Cette dernière a été représentée sous une forme idéal-typique par Laurence McFalls qui a identifié l’exercice de la gouvernementalité (thérapeutique) (néo)libérale sur les terrains d’intervention. Dans un deuxième temps, le coeur du travail consistera à élaborer l’idéal-type du modèle d’intervention cubain à partir des entrevues réalisées à Cuba. Dans cette seconde étape, il conviendra de caractériser la logique de l’action de l’humanitarisme cubain n’ayant pas encore été établie par les chercheurs. La troisième étape reposera sur la comparaison critique entre les deux idéauxtypes ayant été présentés, dans le but, ultimement, de déterminer si l’humanitarisme cubain s’inscrit dans la norme (néo)libérale ou si, au contraire, il présente une alternative à celle-ci. Ceci permettra d’élaborer une réflexion sur l’hégémonie, la domination légitime et la place de l’humanitaire dans les relations internationales.
Résumé Introduction : L’entrainement avec le ballon d’exercice pendant la grossesse a des effets positifs sur le déroulement de l’accouchement. Le but de l’étude était d’identifier si une association existe entre le volume d’entrainement avec le ballon d’exercice durant la grossesse en milieu naturel sur l’issue du déroulement de l’accouchement, soit la durée des phases 1 (dilatation/phase active) et 2 (expulsion), ainsi que l’usage de la péridurale et de la césarienne. Méthode: Cette étude quasi-expérimentale a été menée auprès d'un échantillon de convenance composée de 32 femmes enceintes qui ont pris part entre un et 28 cours d'exercice supervisé durant la grossesse (programme Ballon Forme), avec la possibilité d'effectuer des exercices supplémentaires à la maison avec le ballon d’exercice. Un questionnaire et un journal de bord ont été remplis par les participantes, avec l'aide d'une infirmière de l’hôpital pour les données médicales. Résultats: Un volume d’entrainement élevé, incluant l’entraînement sous forme de cours et à domicile, a été significativement associé à une durée plus courte d’accouchement, que ce soit pour le temps total de l’accouchement (r = -0,408, p = 0,031) ou pour les deux phases spécifiques de l’accouchement [la phase 1: r = -0,372 ; p = 0,043 et la phase 2: r = -0,415, p = 0,028]. Un volume d’entrainement élevé a aussi été lié à une réduction de la deuxième phase chez les femmes qui donnaient naissance pour la première fois. La durée totale des exercices exécutés lors des cours a été significativement associée à cette réduction comparativement aux exercices à la maison. Aucun effet indésirable n'a été observé avec le volume d’entrainement élevé sur les paramètres de l’accouchement et la santé du bébé (Apgar et poids du bébé à la naissance). En fait, un nombre très faible de césarienne (6%), de recours à la péridurale (47%) et d'extraction instrumentale (forceps ou ventouse: 13%) a été observé dans notre échantillon de femmes. Conclusion: La pratique du ballon d’exercice est une avenue prometteuse pour les femmes enceintes et un niveau élevé d’entraînement est associé à un accouchement plus rapide et sans complications pour le bébé. L’implantation de ce programme pourrait éventuellement contribuer à réduire considérablement les coûts de santé au Québec en favorisant l’accouchement naturel. Des interventions et des recherches ultérieures devront considérer et examiner cette modalité spécifique d’entrainement pour les femmes enceintes.