871 resultados para Practical exercises
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La investigación trata de mostrar cuatro acciones habitualmente empleadas al proyectar arquitectura. La tesis narra el discurso que construyen cuatro acciones como mecanismos optimizadores, fundamentales, activos y necesarios cuando creamos nuevos proyectos. En este trabajo se estudian en profundidad cuatro acciones optimizadoras a través de numerosos casos de estudio. Se estudia también la presencia de estas acciones en otros campos creativos, como la biología, el arte, la literatura, la filosofía, la matemática o la psicología de la creatividad. Se busca qué tienen en común estas cuatro acciones y se indaga sobre la posible narración que construyen entre ellas. La mayor parte de los textos que constituyen este trabajo se escriben en un formato próximo al del ensayo, empleando tiempos verbales presentes evitando los tiempos verbales pretéritos o imperfectos para potenciar la acción a través el estilo narrativo. La investigación se ha realizado a partir de fuentes bibliográficas existentes en numerosas bibliotecas. Se han llevado a cabo estudios de campo realizados a través de entrevistas personales a interlocutores expertos, no sólo de teoría arquitectónica sino también de prácticas constructivas, así como visitas a lugares íntimamente relacionados con el tema de investigación. Se ha completado el estudio de casos con ejercicios prácticos realizados por el autor de esta tesis, para profundizar con la propia investigación por empatía con los autores estudiados. La investigación bibliográfica principal se ha desarrollado en las bibliotecas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, de la Universidad de Alicante, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, de la Universidad Camilo José Cela, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, de la Columbia University, de la Harvard University, de la Delft University, de Heidelberg University, de la Biblioteca Central de Madrid y de la Regional de Murcia, así como de la del COAMU. También se ha utilizado recursos bibliográficos propios. La metodología utilizada muestra desde diferentes perspectivas el problema de las acciones optimizadoras, desde obras artísticas, pasando por ejemplos de arquitectura construida hasta ejercicios puramente intelectuales. La acumulación ha sido el método de obtención de conocimiento de esta tesis. Se han acumulado conocimientos y posteriormente se ha profundizado, reflexionando sobre los datos que se han ido obteniendo. Al profundizar se enlazan unas pruebas con otras, hilando y ensamblándolas en un discurso que hace continuo y coherente la aparición de cada caso estudiado. Estas entidades probatorias son acciones que han sido aplicadas frecuentemente por distintas generaciones de autores que proyectan utilizando alguna de estas cuatro acciones. Partimos de una extensa bibliografía general y de otra específica. A través de citas e imágenes se muestra el repertorio de objetos y textos estudiados. Los casos de estudio seleccionados exponen los efectos que produce cada acción en el ejercicio del proyectar. Se ha estudiado la necesidad de cada acción en todas y cada una de las partes del ciclo creativo del proyecto, tanto en prácticas imaginadas como en construidas, de los autores que proyectan. Se citan y se interpretan las descripciones de biólogos, sociólogos, antropólogos, psicólogos, escritores, artistas, arquitectos, matemáticos, ingenieros, físicos, médicos y filósofos en los cuales estas acciones se encuentran conscientemente incorporadas en su procedimiento de proyectar y de pensar. Por último, hemos obtenido unos resultados adecuados a la metodología empleada y a los objetivos planteados gracias a la acumulación y clasificación de pruebas. Los resultados se exponen a modo de discursos conclusivos con un intencionado carácter abierto que despliega nuevas posibles nuevas vías de investigación entorno a los temas estudiados. ABSTRACT. The research seeks to show four commonly used actions in designing architecture. Thesis recounts the speech that built four actions like optimizer, fundamental, active and necessary mechanisms when we create new projects. In this work it studies in depth four optimizer actions through numerous case studies. Also, it considers the presence of these actions in other creative fields, such as biology, art, literature, philosophy, mathematics or psychology of creativity. It is intended what these four actions have in common and it explores the possible narrative constructed among them. Most of the texts that constitute this work are written in a format close to the essay, using present tenses avoiding past or imperfect tenses of enhancing the action through the narrative style. Research has been done from literature sources available in numerous libraries. Field studies have been carried out through personal interviews with expert speakers, not just of architectonic theory but also from constructive practices, as well as visits to sites closely related to the research topic. case studies with practical exercises conducted by the author of this thesis has been completed, to deepen with the own research by empathy with the studied authors. Main bibliographical investigation has been developed in the libraries of UPM, UA, UAM, UEM, the CJC, the UCM, Columbia University, Harvard University Delft University, Heidelberg University, Madrid Central Library, Regional Murcia Library and COAMU Library. Also it has been used own bibliographical resources. Methodology shows from different perspectives the problem of optimizers actions, from art, passing through examples of architecture built up to puré intellectual exercise. Accumulation has been the method of obtaining knowledge of this thesis. it has been accumulated knowledge and later it has been deepened, reflecting on the data that have been obtained. By deepening tests are linked with other, spinning and locking into a discourse that makes continuous and consistent the development of each case study. These evidentiary entities are actions that have been frequently applied by different generations of authors who project using some of these four stocks. We leave from an extensive general bibliography and another specific one. Through quotes and pictures it shows the repertoire of objects and texts studied. The selected study cases set out the effects that each action produces in the exercise of projecting. It has studied the need of each action in every parts of creative cycle of the project, both imagined as constructed practices, by the authors who project. It is quoted and interpreted the descriptions of biologists, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, writers, artists, architects, mathematicians, engineers, physicists, physicians and philosophers in which these actions are consciously incorporated into his projecting and thinking procedure. Finally, we have obtained adequate results to the used methodology and to the stated objectives through the accumulation and classification of evidence. The results are presented as conclusive speeches with an intentional open character that unfolds new possible research routes around the studied topics.
El presente trabajo está enfocado a facilitar la realización de prácticas con equipamiento de laboratorio físico, permitiendo que se tenga acceso a diferentes escenarios virtuales (topologías de ejercicios) sin necesidad de variar la configuración física (conexionado) de dos kits de laboratorio oficial para CCNA Routing & Switching[1] y CCNA Security[2]. Para ello se plantea la creación de diferentes escenarios o topologías virtuales que puedan montarse sobre el mismo escenario de conexionado físico. Es necesario revisar y seleccionar los ejercicios prácticos más destacados en términos de importancia de las curriculas de CCNA Routing & Switching y CCNA Security. Naturalmente, estos ejercicios han de variar en sus interfaces, nomenclatura y documentación para que cuadren con las especificaciones disponibles del laboratorio físico, todo ello sin perder nada de su fundamento. Los escenarios físicos deben de ser lo más versátiles posibles para dar soporte a las topologías requeridas en los ejercicios prácticos de los cursos oficiales de CISCO CCNA Routing & Switching y CCNA Security, con el objetivo de realizar los mínimos cambios de configuración física posibles, y poder simultanear la realización de diferentes prácticas y entre alumnos de diferentes asignaturas. También se pretende posibilitar que los profesores desarrollen sus propios ejercicios prácticos compatibles con el conexionado físico escogido. Para ello se utilizará un servidor de acceso (Access Server) para que los alumnos puedan configurar de forma remota los diferentes equipos sin necesidad de acudir en persona al laboratorio, aunque esta también sea una opción más que viable. Los dos escenarios contarán con tres routers, tres switches y un firewall, de forma que han sido montados en su respectivo armario, al igual que sus conexiones y cableado. La deshabilitación de puertos en los diferentes equipos de red que forman el kit de laboratorio (routers, switches y firewalls) dará lugar a los diferentes escenarios virtuales. Se crearán VLANs en los switches para establecer diferentes conexiones. Estos escenarios deberán ofrecer la variedad necesaria para realizar las diferentes prácticas necesarias en las asignaturas “Tecnologías de Red CISCO: CCNA” [3], “Redes y Comunicaciones” [4] y “Diseño y Seguridad de Redes” [5]. Además, para facilitar y agilizar el cambio entre topologías, se debe automatizar la configuración básica de cada escenario virtual (activación/desactivación de puertos) en base a la topología deseada, y el establecimiento de una configuración inicial. De forma que los alumnos puedan comenzar los ejercicios de igual forma a lo que ven en los documentos explicativos, y en el caso de terminar su sesión (o cerrarla voluntariamente) que sus progresos en el mismo se guarden para posteriores sesiones de forma que puedan proseguir su tarea cuando deseen.---ABSTRACT---The present work is aimed at facilitating the experiments with equipment Physical Laboratory, allowing access to different virtual scenarios (topologies exercises) without changing the physical configuration (connection) with two kits of official laboratory for CCNA Routing & Switching[1] and CCNA Security[2]. This requires the creation of different scenarios or virtual topologies that can be mounted on the same physical connection scenario arises. It is necessary to review and select the most prominent practical exercises in terms of importance of curricula of CCNA Routing and Switching, and CCNA Security. Naturally, these exercises must vary in their interfaces, nomenclature and documentation available that fit the specifications of the physical laboratory, all without losing any of its foundation. The physical setting should be as versatile as possible to support topologies required in the practical exercises of official courses CISCO Routing and Switching CCNA, and CCNA Security, in order to make the minimum possible changes in physical configuration, and can simultaneous realization of different practices, and between students of different subjects. It also aims to enable teachers to develop their own practical exercises compatible with the physical connection chosen. For this, we will use an Access Server will be used by the students to access remotely to configure different computers without having to go in person to the laboratory, but this is also an other viable option. The two scenarios have three routers, three switches and a firewall, so that have been mounted in their respective rack, as well as their connections and wiring. Disabling ports on different network equipment that make up the lab kit (routers, switches and firewalls) will lead to different virtual scenarios. These scenarios should provide the variety needed to perform the necessary practices in different subjects "Network Technologies CISCO: CCNA"[3], "Networking and Communications"[4] and "Design and Network Security." [5] Moreover, to facilitate and expedite the exchange topologies, it was necessary to automate the basic configuration of each virtual setting (on/off ports) based on the desired topology, and the establishment of an initial configuration. So that, the students can begin the exercises equally to what they see on explanatory documents, and if they finish their session (or close voluntarily) their progress on the exercise will be saved for future sessions so that they can continue their work when they want.
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) tiene el objetivo de aportar un sistema de enseñanza innovador, un sistema de enseñanza mediante el cual se consiga involucrar a los alumnos en tareas y prácticas en las que se adquieran conocimientos a la vez que se siente un ambiente de juego, es decir, que se consiga aprender de forma divertida. Está destinado al sistema educativo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, en concreto a las asignaturas relacionadas con los Procesadores de Lenguajes. La aplicación desarrollada en este trabajo está destinada tanto a los profesores de las asignaturas de Procesadores de Lenguajes como a los alumnos que tengan alguna relación con esas asignaturas, consiguiendo mayor interacción y diversión a la hora de realizar la tareas y prácticas de las asignaturas. Para los dos tipos de usuarios descritos anteriormente, la aplicación está configurada para que puedan identificarse mediante sus credenciales, comprobándose si los datos introducidos son correctos, y así poder acceder al sistema. Dependiendo de qué tipo de usuario se identifique, tendrá unas opciones u otras dentro del sistema. Los profesores podrán dar de alta, ver, modificar o dar de baja las configuraciones para los analizadores de los lenguajes correspondientes a las diferentes asignaturas que están configurados previamente en el sistema. Además, los profesores pueden dar de alta, ver, modificar o dar de baja los fragmentos de código que formarán los ficheros correspondientes a las plantillas de pruebas del analizador léxico que se les ofrece a los alumnos para realizar comprobaciones de las prácticas. Mediante la aplicación podrán establecer diferentes características y propiedades de los fragmentos que incorporen al sistema. Por otra parte, los alumnos podrán realizar la configuración del lenguaje, definido por los profesores, para la parte del analizador léxico de las prácticas. Esta configuración será guardada para el grupo al que corresponde el alumno, pudiendo realizar modificaciones cualquier miembro del grupo. De esta manera, se podrán posteriormente establecer las relaciones necesarias entre los elementos del lenguaje según la configuración de los profesores y los elementos referentes a las prácticas de los alumnos.Además, los alumnos podrán realizar comprobaciones de la parte léxica de sus prácticas mediante los ficheros que se generan por el sistema en función de sus opciones de práctica y los fragmentos añadidos por los profesores. De esta manera, se informará a los alumnos del éxito de las pruebas o bien de los fallos ocasionados con sus resultados, bien por el formato del archivo subido como resultado de la prueba o bien por el contenido incorrecto de este mismo. Todas las funciones que ofrece esta aplicación son completamente on-line y tendrán una interfaz llamativa y divertida, además de caracterizarse por su facilidad de uso y su comodidad. En el trabajo realizado para este proyecto se cumplen tanto las Pautas de Accesibilidad para Contenidos Web (WCAG 2.0), así como las propiedades de un código HTML 5 y CSS 3 de manera correcta, para así conseguir que los usuarios utilicen una aplicación fácil, cómoda y atractiva.---ABSTRACT---This Final Year Project (TFG) aims to contribute the educational system of the School of Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, especially in subjects related with Language Processors. This project is an interactive learning system whose goal is to learn in an amusing environment. To realize this target, the system involves students, using environments of games in tasks and practices. The application developed in this project is designed for both professors of the subjects of Language Processors and students who have some relation to these subjects. This perspective achieve more interaction and a funny environment during the subject‘s tasks. The application is configured in order to the users can be identified by their credentials, checking whether the identification data are correct to have access to the system. According on what type of user is identified, they will have different options within the system. Professors will be able to register, modify or delete settings for the scanner of languages for all the subjects preconfigured in the system. Additionally, professors can register, show, modify or remove the code of the templates from scanner tests that are offered to students for testing the practical exercises. The professors may provide also different characteristics and properties of fragments incorporated in the system. Moreover, students can make the configuration of languages, getting in the systems by the administrators, for the scanner module of their practical exercises. This configuration will be saved for the group of the student. This model can also be changed by any group member. The system permits also establish later the relationships between the elements of language fixes by professors and elements developed by the students. Students could check the lexical part of their practical exercises through files that are created according to their practical options and the fragments added by professors. Thus students will be informed of success or failure in the uploaded files format and in the content of them. All functions provide by this application are completely on-line and will have a striking and funny interface, also characterized by its ease of use and comfort.The work reaches both the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), and the properties of an HTML 5 and CSS 3 code correctly, in order to get the users to get an easy, convenient application and attractive.
This paper presents an online C compiler designed so that students can program their practical assignments in Programming courses. What is really innovative is the self-assessment of the exercises based on black-box tests and train students’ skill to test software. Moreover, this tool lets instructors, not only proposing and classifying practical exercises, but also evaluating automatically the efforts dedicated and the results obtained by the students. The system has been applied to the 1st-year students at the Industrial Engineering specialization at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Results show that the students obtained better academic performance, reducing the failure rate in the practical exam considerably with respect to previous years, in addition that an anonymous survey proved that students are satisfied with the system because they get instant feedback about their programs.
Colección de problemas de la asignatura "Estructuras Metálicas" correspondientes a los estudios de Ing. Técnica de Obras Públicas y Grado en Ingeniería Civil.
Except for the "practical exercises" section, this work is registered under the following ISBN numbers: 978-84-15768-61-6 and 978-84-15768-62-3
The subject of Construction of Structures I studies, from a constructive point of view and taking into account current legislation, reinforced concrete structures used in buildings, through the acquisition of knowledge and construction criteria required in the profession of a Technical Architect. The contents acquired in this course are essential for further professional development of technicians and are closely related to many of the subjects taught in the same or other courses of the Degree in Technical Architecture at the University of Alicante. The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and discuss the development of a new methodology proposed in the mentioned subject, as it supposed an important change in the traditional way of teaching Construction and Structures I. In order to incorporate new teaching tools in 2013-2014, the course has been implemented by using a Moodle software tool to promote blended learning with online exercises. Our Moodle community allows collaborative work within an open-source platform where teachers and students share a new and personalized learning environment. Students are easily used to the interface and the platform, value the constant connection with teachers or other fellows and completely agree with the possibility of making questions or share documents 24 hours a day. The proposed methodology consists of lectures and practical classes. In the lectures, the basics of each topic are discussed; class attendance, daily study and conducting scheduled exercises are indispensable. Practical classes allow to consolidate the knowledge gained in theory classes by solving professional exercises and actual construction problems related to structures, that shall be compulsorily delivered online. So, after the correction of the teacher and the subsequent feedback of students, practical exercises ensure lifelong learning of the student, who can download any kind of material at any time (constructive details, practical exercises and even corrected exams). Regarding the general evaluation system, goals achievement is assessed on an ongoing basis (65% of the final mark) along the course through written and graphic evidences in person and online, as well as a individual development of a workbook. In all cases, the acquisition of skills, the ability to synthesize, the capacity of logical and critical thinking are assessed. The other 35 % of the mark is evaluated by a complementary graphic exam. Participation in the computing platform is essential and the student is required to do and present, at least 90% of the practices proposed. Those who do not comply with the practices in each specific date could not be assessed continuously and may only choose the final exam. In conclusion, the subject of Construction of Structures I is essential in the development of the regulated profession of Technical Architect as they are considered, among other professional profiles, as specialists in construction of building structures. The use of a new communication platform and online teaching allows the acquisition of knowledge and constructive approaches in a continuous way, with a more direct and personal monitoring by the teacher that has been highly appreciated by almost 100% of the students. Ultimately, it is important to say that the use of Moodle in this subject is a very interesting tool, which was really well welcome by students in one of the densest and important subjects of the Degree of Technical Architecture.
In the School of Mines of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) the first course of different degrees has been implemented and adapted to the European Higher Educational Area (EHEA). In all of the degrees there is a first semester course which gathers all the contents of basic mechanics: from the first kinematics concepts to the rigid solid plane motion Before the Bologna process took place, the authors had established the final assessment of the theoretical contents through open questions of theoretical-practical character In the present work, the elaboration of a wide database containing theoretical-practical questions that students can access on line is presented. The questions are divided in thirteen different questionnaires composed of a number of questions randomly chosen from a certain group in the database. Each group corresponds to a certain learning objective that the student knows. After answering the questionnaire and checking the grade assigned according to the performance of the student, the pupils can see the correct response displayed on the screen and widely explained by the professors. This represents a 10% of the final grade. As the student can access the questionnaires as many times as they want, the main goal is the self-assessment of each learning objective and therefore, getting the students involved in their own learning process so they can decide how much time they need to acquire the required level.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: Frost's practical grammar.
Mode of access: Internet.