915 resultados para Power Law Distribution
The statistical distributions of different software properties have been thoroughly studied in the past, including software size, complexity and the number of defects. In the case of object-oriented systems, these distributions have been found to obey a power law, a common statistical distribution also found in many other fields. However, we have found that for some statistical properties, the behavior does not entirely follow a power law, but a mixture between a lognormal and a power law distribution. Our study is based on the Qualitas Corpus, a large compendium of diverse Java-based software projects. We have measured the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics suite for every file of every Java project in the corpus. Our results show that the range of high values for the different metrics follows a power law distribution, whereas the rest of the range follows a lognormal distribution. This is a pattern typical of so-called double Pareto distributions, also found in empirical studies for other software properties.
Analytical bearing capacity of strip footing in weightless materials with power-law failure criteria
Sokolovskii’s method of characteristics is extended to provide analytical solutions for the ultimate load at the moment of plastic failure under plane-strain conditions of shallow strip foundations on weightless rigid-plastic media with a noncohesive power-law failure envelope. The formulation is made parametrically in terms of the instantaneous friction angle, and the key idea to obtain the bearing capacity is that information can be transmitted from the free surface (where external loads are known) to the contact plane of the foundation. The methodology can consider foundations adjacent to a slope, external surcharges at the free surface, and inclined loads (both on the slope and on the foundation). Sensitivity analyses illustrate the influence on bearing capacity of changes in the different geometrical parameters involved. An application example is presented and design plots are provided, and model predictions are compared with results of bearing capacity tests under low gravity.
Experimental intramolecular vibrational dephasing transients for several large organic molecules are reanalyzed. Fits to the experimental data, as well as full numerical quantum calculations with a factorized potential surface for all active degrees of freedom of fluorene indicate that power law decays, not exponentials, occur at intermediate times. The results support a proposal that power law decays describe vibrational dephasing dynamics in large molecules at intermediate times because of the local nature of energy flow.
Darwin observed that multiple, lowly organized, rudimentary, or exaggerated structures show increased relative variability. However, the cellular basis for these laws has never been investigated. Some animals, such as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, are famous for having organs that possess the same number of cells in all individuals, a property known as eutely. But for most multicellular creatures, the extent of cell number variability is unknown. Here we estimate variability in organ cell number for a variety of animals, plants, slime moulds, and volvocine algae. We find that the mean and variance in cell number obey a power law with an exponent of 2, comparable to Taylor's law in ecological processes. Relative cell number variability, as measured by the coefficient of variation, differs widely across taxa and tissues, but is generally independent of mean cell number among homologous tissues of closely related species. We show that the power law for cell number variability can be explained by stochastic branching process models based on the properties of cell lineages. We also identify taxa in which the precision of developmental control appears to have evolved. We propose that the scale independence of relative cell number variability is maintained by natural selection.
Context. Accretion onto supermassive black holes is believed to occur mostly in obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). Such objects are proving rather elusive in surveys of distant galaxies, including those at X-ray energies. Aims. Our main goal is to determine whether the revised IRAC criteria of Donley et al. (2012, ApJ, 748, 142; objects with an infrared (IR) power-law spectral shape), are effective at selecting X-ray type-2 AGN (i.e., absorbed N_H > 10^22 cm^-2). Methods. We present the results from the X-ray spectral analysis of 147 AGN selected by cross-correlating the highest spectral quality ultra-deep XMM-Newton and the Spitzer/IRAC catalogues in the Chandra Deep Field South. Consequently it is biased towards sources with high S/N X-ray spectra. In order to measure the amount of intrinsic absorption in these sources, we adopt a simple X-ray spectral model that includes a power-law modified by intrinsic absorption at the redshift of each source and a possible soft X-ray component. Results. We find 21/147 sources to be heavily absorbed but the uncertainties in their obscuring column densities do not allow us to confirm their Compton-Thick nature without resorting to additional criteria. Although IR power-law galaxies are less numerous in our sample than IR non-power-law galaxies (60 versus 87 respectively), we find that the fraction of absorbed (N_H^intr > 10^22 cm^-2) AGN is significantly higher (at about 3 sigma level) for IR-power-law sources (similar to 2/3) than for those sources that do not meet this IR selection criteria (~1/2). This behaviour is particularly notable at low luminosities, but it appears to be present, although with a marginal significance, at all luminosities. Conclusions. We therefore conclude that the IR power-law method is efficient in finding X-ray-absorbed sources. We would then expect that the long-sought dominant population of absorbed AGN is abundant among IR power-law spectral shape sources not detected in X-rays.
Many papers claim that a Log Periodic Power Law (LPPL) model fitted to financial market bubbles that precede large market falls or 'crashes', contains parameters that are confined within certain ranges. Further, it is claimed that the underlying model is based on influence percolation and a martingale condition. This paper examines these claims and their validity for capturing large price falls in the Hang Seng stock market index over the period 1970 to 2008. The fitted LPPLs have parameter values within the ranges specified post hoc by Johansen and Sornette (2001) for only seven of these 11 crashes. Interestingly, the LPPL fit could have predicted the substantial fall in the Hang Seng index during the recent global downturn. Overall, the mechanism posited as underlying the LPPL model does not do so, and the data used to support the fit of the LPPL model to bubbles does so only partially. © 2013.
This paper focuses on the move from buyer dominance toward interdependence between buyers and suppliers in a distribution channel. The paper introduces a case study collected through in-depth interviews and participative observations. It examines the relationships between a timber supplier and its customers in the builders' merchants sector. We stress the relevance of considering actions intended to change the power balance, rather than focusing only on trust. The power balance in a dyadic relationship is dynamic, and power positions need to be constantly re-evaluated. An important power resource is information asymmetry, manifested in the supplier's information about: products, regional and local demand, and the usage of the products. For practitioners, we highlight the possibility of exerting a non-coercive power resource, such as information asymmetry, in order to increase the relative power. Furthermore, being open about the power position between a buyer and a seller can foster a more efficient collaboration.
We define a sample of 62 galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field-North whose Spitzer IRAC SEDs exhibit the characteristic power-law emission expected of luminous AGNs. We study the multiwavelength properties of this sample and compare the AGNs selected in this way to those selected via other Spitzer color-color criteria. Only 55% of the power-law galaxies are detected in the X-ray catalog at exposures of >0.5 Ms, although a search for faint emission results in the detection of 85% of the power-law galaxies at the ≥2.5 σ detection level. Most of the remaining galaxies are likely to host AGNs that are heavily obscured in the X-ray. Because the power-law selection requires the AGNs to be energetically dominant in the near- and mid-infrared, the power-law galaxies comprise a significant fraction of the Spitzer-detected AGN population at high luminosities and redshifts. The high 24 μm detection fraction also points to a luminous population. The power-law galaxies comprise a subset of color-selected AGN candidates. A comparison with various mid-infrared color selection criteria demonstrates that while the color-selected samples contain a larger fraction of the X-ray-luminous AGNs, there is evidence that these selection techniques also suffer from a higher degree of contamination by star-forming galaxies in the deepest exposures. Considering only those power-law galaxies detected in the X-ray catalog, we derive an obscured fraction of 68% (2 : 1). Including all of the power-law galaxies suggests an obscured fraction of <81% (4 : 1).
The existence of juxtaposed regions of distinct cultures in spite of the fact that people's beliefs have a tendency to become more similar to each other's as the individuals interact repeatedly is a puzzling phenomenon in the social sciences. Here we study an extreme version of the frequency-dependent bias model of social influence in which an individual adopts the opinion shared by the majority of the members of its extended neighborhood, which includes the individual itself. This is a variant of the majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. We assume that the individuals are fixed in the sites of a square lattice of linear size L and that they interact with their nearest neighbors only. Within a mean-field framework, we derive the equations of motion for the density of individuals adopting a particular opinion in the single-site and pair approximations. Although the single-site approximation predicts a single opinion domain that takes over the entire lattice, the pair approximation yields a qualitatively correct picture with the coexistence of different opinion domains and a strong dependence on the initial conditions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations indicate the existence of a rich distribution of opinion domains or clusters, the number of which grows with L(2) whereas the size of the largest cluster grows with ln L(2). The analysis of the sizes of the opinion domains shows that they obey a power-law distribution for not too large sizes but that they are exponentially distributed in the limit of very large clusters. In addition, similarly to other well-known social influence model-Axelrod's model-we found that these opinion domains are unstable to the effect of a thermal-like noise.
In this paper we study the possible microscopic origin of heavy-tailed probability density distributions for the price variation of financial instruments. We extend the standard log-normal process to include another random component in the so-called stochastic volatility models. We study these models under an assumption, akin to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, in which the volatility has already relaxed to its equilibrium distribution and acts as a background to the evolution of the price process. In this approximation, we show that all models of stochastic volatility should exhibit a scaling relation in the time lag of zero-drift modified log-returns. We verify that the Dow-Jones Industrial Average index indeed follows this scaling. We then focus on two popular stochastic volatility models, the Heston and Hull-White models. In particular, we show that in the Hull-White model the resulting probability distribution of log-returns in this approximation corresponds to the Tsallis (t-Student) distribution. The Tsallis parameters are given in terms of the microscopic stochastic volatility model. Finally, we show that the log-returns for 30 years Dow Jones index data is well fitted by a Tsallis distribution, obtaining the relevant parameters. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A Lei de Potência é uma particularidade de um sistema não linear, revelando um sistema complexo próximo da auto-organização. Algumas características de sistemas naturais e artificiais, tais como dimensão populacional das cidades, valor dos rendimentos pessoais, frequência de ocorrência de palavras em textos e magnitude de sismos, seguem distribuições do tipo Lei de Potência. Estas distribuições indicam que pequenas ocorrências são muito comuns e grandes ocorrências são raras, podendo porém verificar-se com razoável probabilidade. A finalidade deste trabalho visa a identificação de fenómenos associados às Leis de Potência. Mostra-se o comportamento típico destes fenómenos, com os dados retirados dos vários casos de estudo e com a ajuda de uma meta-análise. As Leis de Potência em sistemas naturais e artificiais apresentam uma proximidade a um padrão, quando os valores são normalizados (frequências relativas) para dar origem a um meta-gráfico.
The capability to anticipate a contact with another device can greatly improve the performance and user satisfaction not only of mobile social network applications but of any other relying on some form of data harvesting or hoarding. One of the most promising approaches for contact prediction is to extrapolate from past experiences. This paper investigates the recurring contact patterns observed between groups of devices using an 8-year dataset of wireless access logs produced by more than 70000 devices. This effort permitted to model the probabilities of occurrence of a contact at a predefined date between groups of devices using a power law distribution that varies according to neighbourhood size and recurrence period. In the general case, the model can be used by applications that need to disseminate large datasets by groups of devices. As an example, the paper presents and evaluates an algorithm that provides daily contact predictions, based on the history of past pairwise contacts and their duration. Copyright © 2015 ICST.
L'étude du mouvement des organismes est essentiel pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Dans le cas des écosystèmes marins exploités, cela amène à s'intéresser aux stratégies spatiales des pêcheurs. L'une des approches les plus utilisées pour la modélisation du mouvement des prédateurs supé- rieurs est la marche aléatoire de Lévy. Une marche aléatoire est un modèle mathématique composé par des déplacements aléatoires. Dans le cas de Lévy, les longueurs des déplacements suivent une loi stable de Lévy. Dans ce cas également, les longueurs, lorsqu'elles tendent vers l'in ni (in praxy lorsqu'elles sont grandes, grandes par rapport à la médiane ou au troisième quartile par exemple), suivent une loi puissance caractéristique du type de marche aléatoire de Lévy (Cauchy, Brownien ou strictement Lévy). Dans la pratique, outre que cette propriété est utilisée de façon réciproque sans fondement théorique, les queues de distribution, notion par ailleurs imprécise, sont modélisée par des lois puissances sans que soient discutées la sensibilité des résultats à la dé nition de la queue de distribution, et la pertinence des tests d'ajustement et des critères de choix de modèle. Dans ce travail portant sur les déplacements observés de trois bateaux de pêche à l'anchois du Pérou, plusieurs modèles de queues de distribution (log-normal, exponentiel, exponentiel tronqué, puissance et puissance tronqué) ont été comparés ainsi que deux dé nitions possible de queues de distribution (de la médiane à l'in ni ou du troisième quartile à l'in ni). Au plan des critères et tests statistiques utilisés, les lois tronquées (exponentielle et puissance) sont apparues les meilleures. Elles intègrent en outre le fait que, dans la pratique, les bateaux ne dépassent pas une certaine limite de longueur de déplacement. Le choix de modèle est apparu sensible au choix du début de la queue de distribution : pour un même bateau, le choix d'un modèle tronqué ou l'autre dépend de l'intervalle des valeurs de la variable sur lequel le modèle est ajusté. Pour nir, nous discutons les implications en écologie des résultats de ce travail.
In this paper we study the evolution of the kinetic features of the martensitic transition in a Cu-Al-Mn single crystal under thermal cycling. The use of several experimental techniques including optical microscopy, calorimetry, and acoustic emission, has enabled us to perform an analysis at multiple scales. In particular, we have focused on the analysis of avalanche events (associated with the nucleation and growth of martensitic domains), which occur during the transition. There are significant differences between the kinetics at large and small length scales. On the one hand, at small length scales, small avalanche events tend to sum to give new larger events in subsequent loops. On the other hand, at large length scales the large domains tend to split into smaller ones on thermal cycling. We suggest that such different behavior is the necessary ingredient that leads the system to the final critical state corresponding to a power-law distribution of avalanches.