859 resultados para Poly(hydroxybutyrate)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Weizenstroh als erneuerbare Ressource zur Produktion von Biopolymeren und wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine ökologisch sinnvolle Alternative dar. Durch die vom PFI durchgeführte Thermodruckhydrolyse konnte das Weizenstroh und die darin enthaltenen Zucker fast vollständig mobilisiert werden. Ein umfangreiches Screening nach Organismen, welche die Zucker des Weizenstrohs verwerten konnten, ergab, dass einige wenige Stämme zur PHB-Bildung aus Xylose befähigt waren (10 %). Zur PHB-Synthese aus Glucose waren indes ca. doppelt so viele Organismen in der Lage (20 %). Zwei der insgesamt 118 untersuchten Organismen zeigten besonders gute PHB-Bildung sowohl mit Xylose als auch mit Glucose als Substrat. Dabei handelte es sich um die hauseigenen Stämme Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2. Nach Enttoxifizierung der hemicellulosischen Fraktion konnte diese als C-Quelle im Mineral Medium eingesetzt werden. Burkholderia sacchari DSM 17165 und Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava DSM 1034, sowie die hauseigenen Isolate Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 wurden für die Synthese von PHB aus der hemicellulosischen Fraktion verwendet. Die Zucker der hemicellulosischen Fraktion (Xylose, Glucose, Arabinose) konnten durch diese Organismen zur PHB-Synthese genutzt werden. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass die beiden Bacillus-Stämme besser zur Produktion von PHB aus dem hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat geeignet waren als die Stämme der DSMZ. Die alternative Umsetzung der im hemicellulosischem Hydrolysat enthaltenen Zucker (Xylose, Glucose und Arabinose) in die wichtigen Grundchemikalien Lactat und Acetat konnte durch die Verwendung von heterofermentativen Milchsäurebakterien verwirklicht werden. Die Bildung dieser wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine interessante Alternative zur PHB-Synthese dar. Die Menge an teuren Zusätzen wie Tomatensaft, welcher für das Wachstum der MSB essentiell war, konnte reduziert werden. Die Glucose der zweiten Fraktion des Weizenstrohs, der cellulosischen Fraktion, konnte ebenfalls durch den Einsatz von Mikroorganismen in PHB umgewandelt werden. Kommerzielle Cellulasen der Firma Novozymes konnten große Mengen an Glucose (≥10 g/l) aus der cellulosischen Fraktion freisetzen. Diese freie Glucose wurde mit Hilfe von Cupriavidus necator DSM 545, Cupriavidus necator NCIMB 11599, Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 zu PHB fermentiert. Wie auch beim hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat konnten hier die beiden Bacillus-Stämme die besten Ergebnisse erzielen. Bei ihnen machte die PHB mehr als die Hälfte der Trockenmasse aus. Die Abtrennung des Zielprodukts ohne die Verwendung von umweltschädlichen Lösungsmitteln wurde durch die Lyse der Zielzellen durch eigens isolierte Enzyme aus Streptomyceten verwirklicht. Die Zelllyse durch die Enzyme aus Streptomyces globisporus subsp. caucasius DSM 40814 und Streptomyces albidoflavus DSM 40233 war erfolgreich und zeigte vor allem bei den Bacillen hohe Wirkung (83 % und 99 % Zelllyse). Bei dem Gram-negativen Organismus Cupriavidus necator DSM 428 konnte die anfangs niedrige Zelllyse von 38 % durch Ultraschallbehandlung auf ca. 75 % erhöht werden.


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The disintegration under composting conditions of films based on poly(lactic acid)–poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PLA–PHB) blends and intended for food packaging was studied. Two different plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl-tri-n-butyl citrate (ATBC), were used to limit the inherent brittleness of both biopolymers. Neat PLA, plasticized PLA and PLA–PHB films were processed by melt-blending and compression molding and they were further treated under composting conditions in a laboratory-scale test at 58 ± 2 °C. Disintegration levels were evaluated by monitoring their weight loss at different times: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Morphological changes in all formulations were followed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of plasticizers on the disintegration of PLA and PLA–PHB blends was studied by evaluating their thermal and nanomechanical properties by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the nanoindentation technique, respectively. Meanwhile, structural changes were followed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The ability of PHB to act as nucleating agent in PLA–PHB blends slowed down the PLA disintegration, while plasticizers speeded it up. The relationship between the mesolactide to lactide forms of PLA was calculated with a Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry device (Py–GC/MS), revealing that the mesolactide form increased during composting.


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Blends of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with a lactic acid oligomer (OLA) added at three different concentrations (15, 20 and 30 wt% by weight), were prepared by an optimized extrusion process to improve the processability and mechanical properties of these biopolymers for flexible film manufacturing. Morphological, chemical, thermal, mechanical, barrier and migration properties were investigated and formulations with desired performance in eco-friendly films were selected. The efficiency of OLA as plasticizer for PLA_PHB blends was demonstrated by the significant decrease of their glass transition temperatures and a considerable improvement of their ductile properties. The measured improvements in the barrier properties are related to the higher crystallinity of the plasticized PLA_PHB blends, while the overall migration test underlined that all the proposed formulations maintained migration levels below admitted levels. The PLA_PHB blend with 30 wt% OLA was selected as the optimum formulation for food packaging, since it offered the best compromise between ductility and oxygen and water vapor barrier properties with practically no migration.


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Microencapsulation processes, based upon the concept of solvent evaporation, have been employed within these studies to prepare microparticles from poly--hydroxybutyrate homopolymers and copolymers thereof with 3-hydroxyvalerate [P(HB-HV) polymers]. Variations in the preparative technique have facilitated the manufacture of two structurally distinct forms of microparticle. Thus, monolithic microspheres and reservoir-type microcapsules have been respectively fabricated by single and double emulsion-solvent evaporation processes. The objective of the studies reported in chapter three is to asses how a range of preparative variables affect the yield, shape and surface morphology of P(HB-HV) microcapsules. The following chapter then describes how microcapsule morphology in general, and microcapsule porosity in particular, can be regulated by blending the fabricating P(HB-HV) polymer with poly--caprolactone [PCL]. One revelation of these studies is the ability to generate uniformly microporous microcapsules from blends of various high molecular weight P(HB-HV) polymers with a low molecular weight form of PCL. These microcapsules are of particular interest because they may have the potential to facilitate the release of an encapsulated macromolecule via an aqueous diffusion mechanism which is not reliant on polymer degradation. In order to investigate this possibility, one such formulation is used in chapter five to encapsulate a wide range of different macromolecules, whose in vitro release behaviour is subsequently evaluated. The studies reported in chapter six centre on the preparation and characterization of hydrocortisone-loaded microspheres, prepared from a range of P(HB-HV) polymers, using a single emulsion-solvent evaporation process. In this chapter, the influence of the organic phase viscosity on the efficiency of drug encapsulation is the focus of initial investigations. Thereafter, it is shown how the strategies previously adopted for the regulation of microcapsule morphology can also be applied to single emulsion systems, with profound implications for the rate of drug release.


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Pesquisas com microalgas estão crescendo devido aos possíveis bioprodutos oriundos de sua biomassa, bem como as suas diferentes aplicabilidades. Microalgas podem ser cultivadas para a produção de biopolímeros com características de biocompatibilidade e biodegradabilidade. Nanofibras produzidas por electrospinning a partir de poli-β-hidroxibutirato (PHB) geram produtos com aplicabilidade na área de alimentos e médica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar microalgas com maior potencial para síntese de biopolímeros, em diferentes meios de cultivo, bem como purificar poli-β-hidroxibutirato e desenvolver nanofibras. Este trabalho foi dividido em cinco artigos: (1) Seleção de microalgas produtoras de biopolímeros; (2) Produção de biopolímeros pela microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18 em cultivo com diferentes fontes de carbono e redução de nitrogênio; (3) Síntese de biopolímeros pela microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18 em cultivos autotróficos e mixotróficos; (4) Purificação de poli-β- hidroxibutirato extraído da microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18; e (5) Produção de nanofibras a partir de poli-β-hidroxibutirato de origem microalgal. Foram estudadas as microalgas Cyanobium sp., Nostoc ellipsosporum, Spirulina sp. LEB 18 e Synechococcus nidulans. Os biopolímeros foram extraídos nos tempos de 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 d de cultivo a partir de digestão diferencial. Para os experimentos com diferentes nutrientes, foi utilizado como fonte de carbono, bicarbonato de sódio, acetato de sódio, glicose e glicerina modificando-se as concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo. Os cultivos foram realizados em fotobiorreatores fechados de 2 L. A concentração inicial de inóculo foi 0,15 g.L-1 e os ensaios foram mantidos em estufa termostatizada a 30 ºC com iluminância de 41,6 µmolfótons.m -2 .s -1 e fotoperíodo 12 h claro/escuro. Para a purificação de PHB, foi utilizada a biomassa da cianobactéria Spirulina sp. LEB 18, cultivada em meio Zarrouk. Após a extração do biopolímero bruto, a amostra foi desengordurada com hexano e purificada com 1,2-carbonato de propileno. Foram determinadas as purezas e as propriedades térmicas no PHB purificado. O biopolímero utilizado para produzir as nanofibras apresentava 70 % de pureza. A técnica para produção de nanofibras foi o electrospinning. As microalgas que apresentaram máxima produtividade foram Nostoc ellipsosporum e Spirulina sp. LEB 18 com rendimento de biopolímero 19,27 e 20,62 % em 10 e 15 d, respectivamente, na fase de máximo crescimento celular. O maior rendimento de biopolímeros (54,48 %) foi obtido quando se utilizou 8,4 g.L-1 de NaHCO3, 0,05 g.L-1 de NaNO3 e 0,1 g.L-1 de K2HPO4. A condição que proporcionou maior pureza do PHB foi a 130 ºC e 5 min de contato entre o solvente (1,2-carbonato de propileno) e o PHB. As análises térmicas para todas as amostras foram semelhantes em relação ao PHB padrão (Sigma-Aldrich). A purificação com 1,2-carbonato de propileno foi eficiente para o PHB extraído de microalga, alcançando pureza acima de 90 %. A condição que apresentou menores diâmetros de nanofibras foi ao utilizar solução contendo 20 % de biopolímero solubilizado em clorofórmio. As condições do electrospinning que apresentou nanofibras com diâmetros de 470 e 537 nm foram, vazão 150 µL.h-1 , diâmetro do capilar 0,45 mm e voltagens entre 24,1 e 29,6 kV, respectivamente. A microalga Spirulina sp. LEB 18 produz PHB ao utilizar menores concentrações de nutrientes no meio de cultivo, que pode ser purificado com 1,2-carbonato de propileno. Este biopolímero possui aplicabilidade para produção de nanofibras.


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The impellent global environmental issues related to plastic materials can be addressed by following two different approaches: i) the development of synthetic strategies towards novel bio-based polymers, deriving from biomasses and thus identifiable as CO2-neutral materials, and ii) the development of new plastic materials, such as biocomposites, which are bio-based and biodegradable and therefore able to counteract the accumulation of plastic waste. In this framework, this dissertation presents extensive research efforts have been devoted to the synthesis and characterization of polyesters based on various bio-based monomers, including ω-pentadecalactone, vanillic acid, 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. With the aim of achieving high molecular weight polyesters, different synthetic strategies have been used as melt polycondensation, enzymatic polymerization, ring-opening polymerization and chain extension reaction. In particular, poly(ethylene vanillate) (PEV), poly(ω-pentadecalactone) (PPDL), poly(ethylene vanillate-co-pentadecalactone) (P(EV-co-PDL)), poly(2-hydroxymethyl 5-furancarboxylate) (PHMF), poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PEF) with different amount of diethylene glycol (DEG) unit amount, poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PPF), poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate), (PHF) have been prepared and extensively characterized. To improve the lacks of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV), its minimal formulations with natural additives and its blending with medium chain length PHAs (mcl-PHAs) have been tested. Additionally, this dissertation presents new biocomposites based on polylactic acid (PLA), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), and PHBV, which are polymers both bio-based and biodegradable. To maintain their biodegradability only bio-fillers have been taken into account as reinforcing agents. Moreover, the commitment to sustainability has further limited the selection and led to the exclusive use of agricultural waste as fillers. Detailly, biocomposites have been obtained and discussed by using the following materials: PLA and agro-wastes like tree pruning, potato peels, and hay leftovers; PBS and exhausted non-compliant coffee green beans; PHBV and industrial starch extraction residues.


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In this work is reported the sensitization effect by polymer matrices on the photoluminescence properties of diaquatris(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)europium(III), [Eu(tta)(3)(H(2)O)(2)], doped into poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with doping percentage at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10% (mass) in film form. TGA results indicated that the Eu(3+) complex precursor was immobilized in the polymer matrix by the interaction between the Eu(3+) complex and the oxygen atoms of the PHB polymer when the rare earth complex was incorporated in the polymeric host. The thermal behaviour of these luminescent systems is similar to that of the undoped polymer, however, the T(onset) temperature of decomposition decreases with increase of the complex doping concentration. The emission spectra of the Eu(3+) complex doped PHB films recorded at 298 K exhibited the five characteristic bands arising from the (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) intraconfigurational transitions (J = 0-4). The fact that the quantum efficiencies eta of the doped film increased significantly revealed that the polymer matrix acts as an efficient co-sensitizer for Eu(3+) luminescent centres and therefore enhances the quantum efficiency of the emitter (5)D(0) level. The luminescence intensity decreases, however, with increasing precursor concentration in the doped polymer to greater than 5% where a saturation effect is observed at this specific doping percentage, indicating that changes in the polymeric matrix improve the absorption property of the film, consequently quenching the luminescent effect.


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The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) was studied. The PHB investigated is produced from microbial fermentation using saccharose from sugarcane as the carbon source to the bacteria. The material was exposed to artificial UV-A radiation for 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks. The photodegradation effect was followed by changes of molecular weight, of chemical and crystalline structures, of thermal, morphological, optical and mechanical properties, as well as of biodegradability. The experimental results showed that PHB undergoes both chain scission and cross-linking reactions, but the continuous decrease in its mechanical properties and the low amount of gel content upon UV exposure indicated that the scission reactions were predominant. Molar mass, melting temperature and crystallinity measurements for two layers of PHB samples with different depth suggested that the material has a strong degradation profile, which was attributed to its dark colour that restricted the transmission of light. Previous photodegradation initially delayed PHB biodegradability, due to the superficial increase in crystallinity seen with UV exposure. The possible reactions taking place during PHB photodegradation were presented and discussed in terms of the infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. A reference peak (internal standard) in the infrared spectra was proposed for PHB photodegradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a very promising biopolymer. In order to improve its processability and decrease its brittleness, PHB/elastomer blends can be prepared. In the work reported, the effect of the addition of a rubbery phase, i.e. ethylene - propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM) or poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB), on the properties of PHB was studied. The effects of rubber type and of changing the PHB/elastomer blend processing method on the crystallinity and physical properties of the blends were also investigated. For blends based on PHB, the main role of EPDM is its nucleating effect evidenced by a decrease of crystallization temperature and an increase of crystallinity with increasing EPDM content regardless of the processing route. While EPDM has a weak effect on PHB glass transition temperature, PVB induces a marked decrease of this temperature thank to its plasticizer that swells the PHB amorphous phase. A promising solution to improve the mechanical properties of PHB seems to be the melt-processing of PHB with both plasticizer and EPDM. In fact, the plasticizer is more efficient than the elastomer in decreasing the PHB glass transition temperature and, because of the nucleating effect of EPDM, the decrease of the PHB modulus due to the plasticizer can be counterbalanced. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by fermentation was examined under both restricted- and ample-oxygen supply conditions in a single fed-batch fermentation. Recombinant Escherichia coli transformed with the PHB production plasmid pSYL107 was grown to reach high cell density (227 g/l dry cell weight) with a high PHB content (78% of dry cell weight), using a glucose-based minimal medium. A simple flux model containing 12 fluxes was developed and applied to the fermentation data. A superior closure (95%) of the carbon mass balance was achieved. When the data were put into use, the results demonstrated a surprisingly large excretion of formate and lactate. Even though periods of severe oxygen limitation coincided with rapid acetate and lactate excretion, PHB productivity and carbon utilization efficiency were not significantly impaired. These results are very positive in reducing oxygen demand in an industrial PHA fermentation without sacrificing its PHA productivity, thereby reducing overall production costs.


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A quantitatively repeatable protocol was developed for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by Escherichia coli XL1-Blue (pSYL107). Two constant-glucose fed-batch fermentations of duration 25 h were carried out in a 5-L bioreactor, with the measured oxygen volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (k(L)a) held constant at 1.1 min(-1). All major consumption and production rates were quantified. The intracellular concentration profiles of acetyl-CoA (300 to 600 mug.g RCM-1) and 3-hydroxy-butyryl-CoA (20 to 40 mug.g RCM-1) were measured, which is the first time this has been performed for E. coli during PHB production. The kinetics of PHB production were examined and likely ranges were established for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) enzyme activity and the concentration of pathway metabolites. These measured and estimated values are quite similar to the available literature estimates for the native PHB producer Ralstonia eutropha. Metabolic control analysis performed on the PHB metabolic pathway showed that the PHB flux was highly sensitive to acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio (response coefficient 0.8), total acetyl-CoA + CoA concentration (response coefficient 0.7), and pH (response coefficient -1.25). It was less sensitive (response coefficient 0.25) to NADPH/NADP ratio. NADP(H) concentration (NADPH + NADP) had a negligible effect. No single enzyme had a dominant flux control coefficient under the experimental conditions examined (0.6, 0.25, and 0.15 for 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase, PHA synthase, and 3-ketothiolase, respectively). In conjunction with metabolic flux analysis, kinetic analysis was used to provide a metabolic explanation for the observed fermentation profile. In particular, the rapid onset of PHB production was shown to be caused by oxygen limitation, which initiated a cascade of secondary metabolic events, including cessation of TCA cycle flux and an increase in acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 74: 70-80, 2001.


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Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from recombinant E. coli was recovered using homogenization and continuous centrifugation with a purity of 94%. Final protein and DNA concentrations were 1.0% w/w and 1.9% w/w, respectively, when a hypochlorite treatment was employed prior to centrifugation. High fractional cell debris removal (94%) was achieved with two centrifugation steps.


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Recombinant Escherichia coli strains harboring the genes from Alcaligenes eutrophus for polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis were constructed and compared for their ability to synthesize poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) in a defined medium with whey as the sole carbon source. The highest PHB concentration and PHB content obtained were 5.2 g/L and 81% of dry cell weight, respectively.