759 resultados para Pobreza, pesquisa. Brasil, Região Nordeste


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Os solos arenosos apresentam fragilidade estrutural e textural. Atualmente, esses solos vêm sendo amplamente cultivados, com destaque para as culturas de mangueira e videira, em perímetros irrigados da região Nordeste. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos físicos e químicos de um Neossolo Quartzarênico em área cultivada com a cultura da mangueira sob irrigação de longo prazo e uma área de referência (vegetação de caatinga). O estudo foi realizado, em área comercial em Petrolina-PE, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de solo em: 1) sob caatinga; 2) sob cultivo de mangueira (Mangifera indica L.), dispostas de forma pareada, em transecto contendo 10 pontos distanciados de 30 m entre si. Amostras compostas foram coletadas nas profundidades (m): 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,40; 0,40-0,60; 1,00-1,20; 1,60-1,80, no início do período chuvoso, em novembro de 2011. Em laboratório, determinaram-se a reação do solo pH-H2O, cátions trocáveis (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+), fósforo disponível (P-disp.) e o teor de carbono orgânico total. A CTC a pH 7,0 (T) e a saturação por bases (V%) foram calculadas. Para determinação dos atributos físicos foram coletadas amostras indeformadas, em anéis volumétricos (100 cm3), nas camadas de 0,00- 0,10 m e 0,10-0,20 m. Determinaram-se o teor de água volumétrica na capacidade de campo (? cc), no ponto de murcha permanente (? pmp), densidade do solo, densidade de partículas, o volume de macro e de microporos e poros totais. A água disponível foi calculada pela diferença entre (? cc) e (? pmp). Os resultados indicam elevação do pH-H2O, K+, P-disp, Ca2+ e V% em área de fruticultura irrigada, em especial, na camada de 0,00-0,10 m do solo e menores teores de Al3+. A adubação com potássio e fósforo, em sistemas irrigados de produção de manga incrementa a translocação desses nutrientes para camadas profundas do solo. O cultivo de mangueira irrigada após 20 anos promoveu redução do volume de macroporos na camada de 0,0-0,10 m do solo. No entanto, não foi suficiente para indicar um grau acentuado de compactação. Os atributos químicos e físicos se correlacionaram de forma linear e positiva com os teores de carbono orgânico. Isso demonstra a importância de estratégias de manejo que visem o incremento de matéria orgânica do solo, em clima semiárido.


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MARIANO, J. L. ; FIGUEIREDO, ERIK A. . Efeitos da composição domiciliar e da escala equivalente sobre as medidas de desigualdade de renda e pobreza no Brasil. In: XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Economia,Salvador 2008.


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This work aims to study the problem of the formal job in the Brazilian Northeast region and its effect in the social inclusion, taking for base the analysis of variables defined in the Atlas of Social Exclusion, which is based on the 2000 Brazilian Census, choosing the county as unit of analysis. As methodological options, an exploratory data analysis was performed, followed by multivariate statistical techniques, such as weighted multiple regression analysis, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis of spatial data. The results pointed out to low rates of formal job for the active age population as well as low indexes of social inclusion in the Northeast region of Brazil. A strong association of the formal job with the indicators of social inclusion under investigation, was evidenced (schooling, inequality, poverty, youth and income form government transfers), as well as a strong association of the formal job with the new index of social inclusion (IIS), modified from the IES. At the Federative Units, in which better levels of formal job had been found, good indexes of social inclusion are also observed. Highlights for the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, with the best conditions of life, and for the states of the Maranhão and Piauí, with the worst conditions. The situation of the Northeast region, facing the indicators under study, is very precarious, claiming for the necessity of emphasizing programs and governmental actions, specially directed to the raise of formal job levels of the region, reflecting, thus, in improvements on the income inequality, as well as in the social inclusion of the population of Northeastern natives.


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Poverty is a main theme in Brazil: according to official data, poverty reachs 70 million Brazilian people, and, between them, 20 million are unable to provide their basic needs. Psychology, as a welfare profession, and given its historical concerns with social actions, could not be away from this theme. Based on this, we ask: Which answers Psychology can provide, toward both the production of knowledge and the practice about social reality? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the psychological scientific production on poverty and the propositions, limits and impacts of psychological actions. We carried out a three stages documental based study analyzing Brazilian psychological literature: (1) online databases survey (312 papers identified); (2) 109 scientific abstracts accessed and coded; (3) selected 47 scientific papers read and analyzed. Results are presented in three sections: general description of the selected scientific production; characterization of the role of poverty in psychological literature; and themes presented at the papers. The academic production about the main theme (poverty) is dispersed, heterogeneous, and related to other fields of knowledge. Poverty is presented at these studies in many ways, such as: a criterium for sample design and the assessment of its psychological impacts; reports on professional experience with poor population; descriptions of this population group; relationship between poverty and others social themes; developmental and learning problems of poor children. In general, it appears that Psychology has improved the scientific production and experiences with poor population. However, it is necessary to build up theories and technical innovations and also to understand structural boundaries for professional practice with this population group


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This work verifies the impact caused by the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy (energy-rationing program) in the results of the concessionary private companies of the public service of electric energy distribution localized in the Northeast Area. As the rationing invigorated from June 2001 to February 2002, its effects are diluted in the results presented by these companies in the second semester of 2001 and first quarter of 2002, with prominence for the last quarter of 2001, when the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore was instituted by the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), consequence of the so-called General Agreement of the Electric Sector made between the federal government and the companies of the electric sector. The structure of a generic electric sector and a historical review of the Brazilian electric sector from the time it was controlled by the private enterprises, including the State control period, about 1960, and returning to the control of the private enterprises in 1990, under a new regulation structure are presented. An explanation of the models of economic regulation that Brazil used for the electric sector is made, with prominence for the price cap that is the actual effective model. The process of tariff revision foreseen in the concession contracts signed by the federal government and the concessionary companies is presented, highlighting its two stages: the tariff rebalancing that defines the new price cap and the calculation of the factor X that establishes the efficiency goals for the companies. There is made a presentation of the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy and of the consequent General Agreement of the Electric Sector, which created the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore. A conceptual revision on reviews is presented, regarding to concepts, accomplishment and recognition. A brief review of the six companies that made part of the worked sample is also presented. Analyzing the quarters historical review and of amount of sold energy, it was possible to conclude that the energy-rationing altered the results of the studied companies significantly and that alteration was masked by the accounting process of the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a etiologia da mastite em ovelhas na região nordeste do Pará, além de estabelecer o perfil de sensibilidade das bactérias isoladas frente a antimicrobianos. Foram examinadas 176 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, em lactação, mantidas em sistema semi-intensivo, pertencentes a sete propriedades especializadas na criação de ovinos. Foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula mamária, o exame macroscópico da secreção láctea por meio do Teste da Caneca Telada, o California Mastitis Test (CMT), o exame microbiológico do leite e o antibiograma. Das 352 metades mamárias estudadas (176 ovelhas), 21 (5,97%) apresentaram mastite clínica, 26 (7,39%) apresentaram mastite subclínica e 305 (86,64%) metades mamárias foram negativas. A maioria dos animais acometidos pela mastite estava no terço médio da lactação, com menor número de crias e maior número de lactações. Na mastite clínica (MC) as bactérias isoladas foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (42,9%); Staphylococcus aureus (9,52%); Streptococcus spp. (4,76%) e Escherichia coli (4,76%). As associações observadas foram Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus spp. (4,76%); Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo não hemolítica, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo hemolítica e Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo pigmento não hemolítica (4,76%). Já na mastite subclínica (MSC), as bactérias isoladas foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (26,9%); Staphylococcus aureus (15,4%); Streptococcus spp. (7,69%); Escherichia coli (7,69%) e Citrobacter freundii (11,5%). A associação observada foi Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo não hemolítica e Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo hemolítica (3,85%). Os antimicrobianos com maior eficácia contra os agentes isolados Gram positivos foram penicilina/novobiocina (100%), cefalotina (100%) e florfenicol (100%) e contra o Citrobacter freundii foram a ampicilina (100%) e florfenicol (100%). Já em relação a Escherichia coli, 66,7% dos isolados mostraram-se resistentes à ampicilina, cefalotina, florfenicol e tetraciclina. A mastite está presente em ovelhas no estado do Pará, havendo a necessidade de estimar, em estudos futuros, as perdas econômicas causadas por essa enfermidade. O CMT apresentou resultados satisfatórios, podendo ser recomendado como teste de triagem para o diagnóstico de casos individuais de mastite subclínica em ovinos, uma vez que apresentou boa relação com o exame microbiológico. No antibiograma foi observado que a maioria dos agentes isolados apresenta-se sensível aos diferentes antimicrobianos testados, sendo os antibióticos com melhor eficiência o florfenicol e a cefoxitina.


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Since the 60's, the population censuses have revealed a high degree of social inequality in Brazil. The concentration of income, as measured by the Gini index, showed persistently high since then. After the year 2001, we note that the trajectory stability is disrupted and the Gini index begins to show a downward trend. In relation to poverty, there has been two periods in recent history in which there was consistent decrease in the proportion of poor in the years immediately after the Real Plan in 2003 and in the year 2003 onwards. This research aimed to analyze poverty and income distribution in rural Brazil. In this crop sector, it is noted that the average perceived by the rural population is below the Brazilian income and, therefore, there is an increase in the number of poor. In addition, income in rural areas is less concentrated compared to the urban environment. Finally, as occurred in Brazil, there is a rural improvement in indicators of poverty and inequality in the last 10 years. Finally, this paper analyzes the changes that may have contributed to the fall in inequality and rural poverty, including the policy of rural settlement, the credit program to the family farmer (PRONAF) and rural retirement


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MARIANO, J. L. ; FIGUEIREDO, ERIK A. . Efeitos da composição domiciliar e da escala equivalente sobre as medidas de desigualdade de renda e pobreza no Brasil. In: XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Economia,Salvador 2008.


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MARIANO, J. L. ; FIGUEIREDO, ERIK A. . Efeitos da composição domiciliar e da escala equivalente sobre as medidas de desigualdade de renda e pobreza no Brasil. In: XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Economia,Salvador 2008.