78 resultados para Pleurotus ostreatus.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Ethanol production has gained great prominence in the investment new renewable energy sources and Brazil is among the leaders of production. However, this activity generates large amounts of waste being the largest volume of the sugar cane bagasse. For this reason looking up ways to use this material as burning for energy production and composition of forage in the diet of ruminants, however there are difficulties to use this production for this last one. This paper proposes a microbiological treatment with Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus in order to enable the bagasse in ruminant feed composition in order to be used more noble than their burning. After treatment with the fungus, tests were performed for quantifying crude protein by the method of Kjeldhal. It was verified that the protein content in the pure bagasse was 1.0% after fermentation the protein content was 4.2% with L.edodes and 4.9% with P. ostreatus. To evaluate the protein quality of the product fermented by L. edodes and P. ostreatus was applied microbiological method for growth of Enterococcus zimogenes verifying that after fermentation the protein quality was 76 and 27.4% with L. edodes and P.ostreatus, respectively, compared with casein. The quantification of amino acids showed significant improvement of protein with altered amino acid profile with treatments of fungos. About of DQO and BOD were also found considerable improvement besides considerable drop in toxicity as measured by acute toxicity test with Daphinia similis
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The production of ethanol and sugar from sugarcane juice generate as byproduct, the bagasse. Currently, the bagasse, an industrial lignocellulosic biomass, can be used for production of second-generation ethanol, since when it is submitted to hydrolytic processes generates fermentable sugars. The objective of this study was to produce fungal enzymes capable of hydrolyzing this lignocellulosic biomass to generate glucose. For this, we used the mushroom species Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, and Pycnoporus sanguineus as potential sources of laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase enzymes, capable of hydrolyzing the crushed sugarcane. The hydrolysis process was performed with the highest enzymatic activities observed from laccase in L. edodes (39.23 U-mL after 25 day incubation), P. ostreatus (2.5 U U-mL after 27 day incubation), P. sanguineus (80 U-mL after 27 days of incubation) and P. eryngii (16.45 U-mL 15 days incubation). MnP and LiP showed no significant results. The enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse in natura (32,17% hemicellulose, cellulose 52,45% and 10,62% lignin) and bagasse hydrolyzate with 7,0% H2SO4 (0,20% hemicellulose, 68,82% to 25,33% cellulose and lignin) were evaluated for each enzymatic obtained. Compared to others, the enzymes produced by P. sanguineus incubated in sugarcane bagasse showed better efficiency resulting in glucose with an average content of 0,14 g-L. Although the levels of glucose determined in this work were low in relation to the literature, it can be stated that the laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase enzymes demonstrated good hydrolytic potential, especially those produced by the fungus P. sanguineus.
La demolizione idrolitica delle pareti cellulari delle piante tramite enzimi lignocellulosici è quindi uno degli approcci più studiati della valorizzazione di scarti agricoli per il recupero di fitochimici di valore come secondary chemical building block per la chimica industriale. White rot fungi come il Pleurotus ostreatus producono una vasta gamma di enzimi extracellulari che degradano substrati lignocellulosici complessi in sostanze solubili per essere utilizzati come nutrienti. In questo lavoro abbiamo studiato la produzione di diversi tipi di enzimi lignocellulosici quali cellulase, xilanase, pectinase, laccase, perossidase e arylesterase (caffeoilesterase e feruloilesterase), indotte dalla crescita di Pleurotus ostreatus in fermentazione allo stato solido (SSF) di sottoprodotti agroalimentari (graspi d’uva, vinaccioli, lolla di riso, paglia di grano e crusca di grano) come substrati. Negli ultimi anni, SSF ha ricevuto sempre più interesse da parte dei ricercatori, dal momento che diversi studi per produzioni di enzimi, aromi, coloranti e altre sostanze di interesse per l' industria alimentare hanno dimostrato che SSF può dare rendimenti più elevati o migliorare le caratteristiche del prodotto rispetto alla fermentazione sommersa. L’utilizzo dei sottoprodotti agroalimentari come substrati nei processi SSF, fornisce una via alternativa e di valore, alternativa a questi residui altrimenti sotto/o non utilizzati. L'efficienza del processo di fermentazione è stato ulteriormente studiato attraverso trattamenti meccanici di estrusione del substrato , in grado di promuovere il recupero dell’enzima e di aumentare l'attività prodotta. Le attività enzimatiche prodotte dalla fermentazione sono strettamente dipendente della rimozione periodica degli enzimi prodotti. Le diverse matrici vegetali utilizzate hanno presentato diversi fenomeni induttivi delle specifiche attività enzimatiche. I processi SSF hanno dimostrato una buona capacità di produrre enzimi extracellulari in grado di essere utilizzati successivamente nei processi idrolitici di bioraffinazione per la valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari.
Mycelium Tectonics è un lavoro multidisciplinare che interseca l’architettura con la biologia e con la tecnologia. Il concetto di tettonica - qui definito come il territorio in cui si costruiscono le relazioni tra l’organizzazione formale e i processi di funzionamento endogeni - viene indagato partendo da un punto di vista materico, dai limiti fisici e meccanici della materia e dalle differenze che ne possono emergere attraverso il cambio di scala. Procedendo dunque dal basso, sono stati studiati fenomeni quali l’auto-organizzazione e le intelligenze collettive, costituite da elementi con comportamenti autonomi, in cui l’organizzazione globale non è pianificata a priori ma emerge dalle interrelazioni degli elementi stessi. Si è tentato di descrivere una tettonica in cui fosse proprio la differenziazione e la variazione, di cui il sistema è intrinsecamente capace, a produrre una propria forma di organizzazione tettonica ed estetica su cui la funzionalità potesse essere mappata in modi non convenzionali. La biologia fornisce in questo diversi stimoli circa il concetto di costruire in termini di articolazione spaziale e adattabilità: in natura ogni struttura viene generata mediante processi di crescita intrinsecamente coerenti, e le relazioni che la regolano rendono impossibile scindere le parti dal tutto; una logica profondamente differente dai processi produttivi - e costruttivi – odierni, che racchiude in questo il potenziale per superarne i limiti. L’esperienza di laboratorio ha permesso un’ indagine approfondita sulle capacità esplorative e di morfogenesi del micelio: un organismo pluricellulare molto semplice formato da numerosi filamenti (ife), capaci di ramificarsi e riconnettersi tra loro per formare una rete biologica di trasporto. Le strategie messe in atto durante la crescita, poi simulate digitalmente, si sono evidenziate durante tutto il percorso di ricerca pratica, fornendo non solo motivo di dibattito teorico, quanto stimoli e possibilità a livello operativo. Partendo dagli esperimenti in vitro, lo studio si è poi soffermato sulla possibilità di far crescere il micelio (della specie Pleurotus Ostreatus) su strutture fibrose di canapa. Queste sono state simulate ed indagate digitalmente, al fine di costruire prototipi fisici da far colonizzare attraverso una crescita controllata del micelio. I modelli, lasciati essiccare, mostrano caratteristiche e performance emergenti, coerentemente alle premesse architettoniche. Considerando i risultati - seppur parziali - dell’attività teorico-sperimentale condotta, diviene necessario considerare un significato più esteso del termine sostenibilità, oltre ad un esame più approfondito delle ripercussioni a scala ecologica conseguenti l’applicazione di soluzioni qui soltanto ipotizzate.
Extracellular enzymes that white-rot fungi secrete during lignin decay have been proposed as promising agents for oxidizing pollutants. We investigated the abilities of the white-rot fungi Punctularia strigosozonata, Irpex lacteus, Trichaptum biforme, Phlebia radiata, Trametes versicolor, and Pleurotus ostreatus to degrade Number 6 fuel oil in wood sawdust cultures. Our goals are to advise bioremediation efforts at a brownfield redevelopment site on the Blackstone River in Grafton, Massachusetts and to contribute to the understanding of decay mechanisms in white-rot fungi. All species tested degraded a C10 alkane. When cultivated for 6 months, Irpex lacteus, T. biforme, P. radiata, T. versicolor and P. ostreatus also degraded a C14 alkane and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene. Gene expression analyses of P. strigosozonata indicate differential gene expression in the presence of Number 6 oil and on pine and aspen sawdust.
Os cogumelos comestíveis são apreciados em todo o mundo não só pela sua textura e sabor, também pelas suas propriedades nutricionais e funcionais. Estas propriedades devem-se ao facto dos cogumelos possuírem na sua constituição compostos bioativos, nomeadamente, compostos fenólicos, tocoferóis, ácido ascórbico e carotenoides, que pelos seus efeitos no organismo estão associados à prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. O presente trabalho pretendeu comparar três espécies de cogumelos silvestres (Boletus edulis, Lactarius deliciosus e Macrleptiota procera) com cogumelos de cultura (Agaricus bisporus e Pleurotus ostreatus) relativamente à sua composição em macronutrientes, à sua capacidade antioxidante e ao seu teor em fenóis totais. A escolha destas espécies fundamentou-se no seu elevado consumo pela população.As amostras foram analisadas, quanto à composição de macronutrientes (humidade, proteínas, lípidos, cinzas e hidratos de carbono). Constatou-se que os cogumelos, independentemente da sua origem (selvagens ou de cultura), são maioritariamente constituídos por água com valores que oscilam entre os 76,6% -93,4% e hidratos de carbono (82 g% - 92 g% de matéria seca). Possuem ainda, quantidades baixas de gordura (0,8 g% - 1,5 g% de matéria seca). Já os valores de proteína, obtidos oscilaram entre 1,4 g% - 4,9 g% de matéria seca, apresentando os cogumelos silvestres valores mais elevados deste macronutriente. O teor de minerais totais foi variável dependendo do local onde as amostras se colheram. A avaliação da composição fenólica e da capacidade antioxidante foi feita em extratos de metanol: ácido acético (98:2) e de acetona: água (60:40). Para determinação dos compostos fenólicos recorreu-se ao método de Folin Cioacalteau, tendo-se utilizado os métodos do DPPH (radical 2,2-defenil -1- picrilhidrazilo) e do ABTS [ácido 2,2`-azino-bis (3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfónico)] para análise da atividade antioxidante.Para todas as espécies analisadas o conteúdo em compostos fenólicos totais foi mais elevado para o extrato metanólico. Os cogumelos de cultura apresentavam teores de compostos fenólicos mais elevados do que os silvestres, mostrando o Pleurotus ostreatus os valores mais elevados (1,5 mg EAG/g).Em ambas as metodologias utilizadas para avaliação da capacidade antioxidante o extrato metanólico apresentou valores mais elevados tendo as espécies silvestres exibido valores superiores aos de cultura, com particular destaque para o Boletus edulis e para o Macroleptiota procera. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos demonstram que os cogumelos são uma boa fonte de proteína e de compostos com capacidade antioxidante, apresentando variações entre espécies com destaque para os cogumelos silvestres.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Mushrooms are rich in several bioactive metabolites among them are phenolic compounds, terpenoids, polysaccharides, lectins, and steroids including mycosterols, namely ergosterol [1]. Ethanolic extracts prepared by maceration of several mushroom species have been recently described as having antiinflammatory properties [2]. In the present work, ethanolic extracts of Agaricus bisporus L., Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Pegler and Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P.Kumm., purchased from a local supermarket in the Northeast of Portugal, were obtained by Soxhlet and chemically characterized in terms of ergosterol content by HPLC-UV. The antioxidant properties of these extracts were evaluated through DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity (RSA), reducing power (RP), p. carotene bleaching inhibition (CBI) and lipid peroxidation inhibition in TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) assay (LPI); the antioxidant activity of ergosterol was also evaluated by the DPPH assay. The anti-inflammatory activity of the same extracts and ergosterol was evaluated in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, through the inhibition of NO production. A. bisporus revealed the highest content in ergosterol (44.8 ± 0.4 mg/ g extract) followed by P. ostreatus (34 ± 3 mg/ g extract) and finally L. edodes (8.9 ± 0.1 mg/ g extract). A. bisporus showed the highest RSA, RP and CBI (EC50 values= 7.0 ± 0.8, 2.3 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.1 mg/mL, respectively), while L. edodes presented the highest LPI (2.5 ± 0.1 mg/mL ); ergosterol revealed higher RSA (0.46±0. 0 I mg/mL) than the extracts. Concerning the anti-inflammatory potential, the most efficient species was L. edodes (lC50 value = 164 ± 16 J.lg/mL), followed by A. bisporus (185 ± 16 J.lg/mL) and finally P. ostreatus (290 ± 10 J.lg/mL). However, ergosterol presented lower activity (338 ± 23 J.lg/mL) due to its low solubility in the culture medium. The higher antioxidant properties displayed by A. bisporus can be related with its higher ergosterol content, while in the anti-inflammatory activity this relation cannot be established also due to the low solubility of ergosterol in the cells culture medium, decreasing the ergosterol availability. More studies are being conducted regarding the ergosterol solubility. Several compounds have been implicated in the bioactivity of mushrooms and in this study we have found that ergosterol can give an important contribution.
No Brasil são gerados anualmente toneladas de resíduos agroindustriais de composição lignocelulósica, os quais podem ser utilizados como biomassa para produção de etanol de segunda geração (2G). Nesse trabalho avaliou-se a aplicação de uma rota biológica para a remoção da lignina de materiais lignocelulósicos e posterior sacarificação por celulases. Extratos brutos enzimáticos ricos em lacase foram produzidos em cultivo líquido estático pelo fungo Pleurotus ostreatus e utilizados na presença e ausência de mediadores químicos para o pré-tratamento de casca de arroz e serragem de eucalipto urofila. O pré-tratamento da casca de arroz com lacases possibilitou um aumento de 2,6 vezes na concentração de açúcares após a sacarificação em comparação com a biomassa não pré-tratada. Não foram obtidos resultados significativos na sacarificação com o prétratamento da serragem de eucalipto pelas lacases, no entanto, modificações em picos correspondentes a lignina e a celulose foram observadas em análises realizadas por FTIR.
Bioethanol is a liquid fuel obtained from fermentation of sugar/starch crops. Lignocellulosic biomass being less expensive is considered a future alternative for the food crops. One of the main challenges for the use of lignocellulosics is the development of an efficient pre-treatment process. Pretreatments are classified into three - physical, chemical, and biological pretreatment. Chemical process has not been proven suitable so far, due to high costs and production of undesired by-products. Biologically, hydrolysis can be enhanced by microbial or enzymatic pretreatment. Studies show that the edible mushrooms of Pleurotus sp. produce several extracellular enzymes which reduce the structural and chemical complexity of fibre. In the present study, P. ostreatus and P. eous were cultivated on paddy straw. Spent substrate left after mushroom cultivation was powdered and used for ethanol production. Saccharomyces sp. was used for fermentation studies. Untreated paddy straw was used as control. Production of ethanol from P. ostreatus substrate was 5.5 times more when compared to untreated paddy straw, while the spent substrate of P. eous gave 5 times increase in ethanol yield. Assays showed the presence of several extracellular enzymes in the spent substrate of both species, which together contributed to the increase in ethanol yield
Phenol is an aromatic hydrocarbon which exists as a colorless or white solid in its pure state. Over the past several decades, there is growing concern about wide spread contamination of surface and ground water by phenol, due to rapid development of chemical and petrochemical industries. Phenol affects aquatic life even at relatively low concentration (5-25mg/L). Treatment for removal of phenol includes chemical as well as biological processes. Studies show that ligninases such as Lignin Peroxidase and Laccase, produced by Pleurotus sp., can degrade phenol. Spent substrate of Pleurotus mushrooms consists of ligninases. Present work was to investigate the potential of spent substrate of edible mushroom P. ostreatus for biodegradation of phenol. P. ostreatus was cultivated on paddy straw. After harvest, spent substrate was utilized for phenol degradation. According to the enzyme profile of two ligninases present in the spent substrate of P. ostreatus, maximum specific activity for Laccase was observed in 35 day old spent substrate and LiP activity was maximum in 56 day old spent substrate, which together contributed significantly for removal of phenol. Spent substrate of 35th and 56th day were each incubated with phenol sample (1:1w/v) for one day, which resulted in degradation of phenol by 48% and 45% respectively. From these results it appears that, spent substrate of P. ostreatus can be used effectively to remove phenol from industrial effluents
The particular characteristics of growth and development of mushrooms in nature result in the accumulation of a variety of secondary metabolites, several of them with biological activities. The genus Pleurotus is a cosmopolitan group of mushrooms with high nutritional value and therapeutic properties, besides a wide array of biotechnological and environmental applications. Scope and approach: The present report aims to provide a critical review on aspects related to chemical compounds isolated from the genus Pleurotus with possible biotechnological, nutritional and therapeutic uses. Investigations on the genus have immensely accelerated during the last ten years, so that only reports published after 2005 have been considered. Key findings and conclusions: The most important Pleurotus species cultivated in large scale are P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius. However, more than 200 species have already been investigated to various degrees. Both basidiomata and mycelia of Pleurotus are a great renewable and easily accessible source of functional foods/nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and immunomodulatory effects. A series of compounds have already been precisely defined including several polysaccharides, phenolics, terpenes and sterols. However, intensification of structure determination is highly desirable and demands considerable efforts. Further studies including clinical trials need to be carried out to ascertain the safety of these compounds as adequate alternatives to conventional drugs. Not less important is to extend the search for novel bioactives to less explored Pleurotus species.