1000 resultados para Phonological adaptation


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From 27 January to 8 February during the summer of 2009, southern Australia experienced one of the nation‘s most severe heatwaves. Governments, councils, utilities, hospitals and emergency response organisations and the community were largely underprepared for an extreme event of this magnitude. This case study targets the experience and challenges faced by decision makers and policy makers and focuses on the major metropolitan areas affected by the heatwave — Melbourne and Adelaide. The study examines the 2009 heatwave‘s characteristics; its impacts (on human health, infrastructure and human services); the degree of adaptive capacity (vulnerability and resilience) of various sectors, communities and individuals; and the reactive responses of government and emergency and associated services and their effectiveness. Barriers and challenges to adaptation and increasing resilience are also identified and further areas for research are suggested. This study does not include details of the heatwave‘s effects beyond Victoria and South Australia, or its economic impacts, or of Victoria‘s 'Black Saturday‘ bushfires.


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Alexander’s Ecological Dominance and Social Competition (EDSC) model currently provides the most comprehensive overview of human traits in the development of a theory of human evolution and sociality (Alexander, 1990; Finn, Geary & Ward, 2005; Irons, 2005). His model provides a basis for explaining the evolution of human socio-cognitive abilities. Our paper examines the extension of Alexander’s model to incorporate the human trait of information behavior in synergy with ecological dominance and social competition as a human socio-cognitive competence. This paper discusses the various interdisciplinary perspectives exploring how evolution has shaped information behavior and why information behavior is emerging as an important human socio-cognitive competence. This paper outlines these issues, including the extension of Spink and Currier’s (2006a,b) evolution of information behavior model towards a more integrated understanding of how information behaviors have evolved (Spink & Cole, 2006).


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This article discusses the interaction between original and adaptation in the fashion system; the study also analyses, at a micro level, practices of adaptation adopted by consumers when making and re-making fashionable clothes. The article shows that the distinction between original and copy is historically determined as it grew out of the romantic notion of the authentic work of art. This article suggests that, in the impossibility to determine copyright in fashion, adaptation is a better descriptor of practices that transform garments; the concept of adaptation also abolishes trite notions of fashion as pastiche or bricolage, arguing for as a way to look at the many variations and re-contextualisations of garments historically and cross-culturally.


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Linking real-time schedulability directly to the Quality of Control (QoC), the ultimate goal of a control system, a hierarchical feedback QoC management framework with the Fixed Priority (FP) and the Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) policies as plug-ins is proposed in this paper for real-time control systems with multiple control tasks. It uses a task decomposition model for continuous QoC evaluation even in overload conditions, and then employs heuristic rules to adjust the period of each of the control tasks for QoC improvement. If the total requested workload exceeds the desired value, global adaptation of control periods is triggered for workload maintenance. A sufficient stability condition is derived for a class of control systems with delay and period switching of the heuristic rules. Examples are given to demonstrate the proposed approach.


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This pre-production script for a non-verbal, multimedia performance is the outcome of three rounds of creative development (2009-10) focussed on adapting a children's picture book for the stage. Protoype versions of this script were realised at work-in progress performances at the Queensland Performing Arts Complex in January 2009, and the Woodward Theatre in July 2009. Supported by the Australia Council, Arts Queensland, Windmill Theatre (SA) and QUT


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RÉSUMÉ. La prise en compte des troubles de la communication dans l’utilisation des systèmes de recherche d’information tels qu’on peut en trouver sur le Web est généralement réalisée par des interfaces utilisant des modalités n’impliquant pas la lecture et l’écriture. Peu d’applications existent pour aider l’utilisateur en difficulté dans la modalité textuelle. Nous proposons la prise en compte de la conscience phonologique pour assister l’utilisateur en difficulté d’écriture de requêtes (dysorthographie) ou de lecture de documents (dyslexie). En premier lieu un système de réécriture et d’interprétation des requêtes entrées au clavier par l’utilisateur est proposé : en s’appuyant sur les causes de la dysorthographie et sur les exemples à notre disposition, il est apparu qu’un système combinant une approche éditoriale (type correcteur orthographique) et une approche orale (système de transcription automatique) était plus approprié. En second lieu une méthode d’apprentissage automatique utilise des critères spécifiques , tels que la cohésion grapho-phonémique, pour estimer la lisibilité d’une phrase, puis d’un texte. ABSTRACT. Most applications intend to help disabled users in the information retrieval process by proposing non-textual modalities. This paper introduces specific parameters linked to phonological awareness in the textual modality. This will enhance the ability of systems to deal with orthographic issues and with the adaptation of results to the reader when for example the reader is dyslexic. We propose a phonology based sentence level rewriting system that combines spelling correction, speech synthesis and automatic speech recognition. This has been evaluated on a corpus of questions we get from dyslexic children. We propose a specific sentence readability measure that involves phonetic parameters such as grapho-phonemic cohesion. This has been learned on a corpus of reading time of sentences read by dyslexic children.


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Acute exercise has been shown to exhibit different effects on human sensorimotor behavior; however, the causes and mechanisms of the responses are often not clear. The primary aim of the present study was to determine the effects of incremental running until exhaustion on sensorimotor performance and adaptation in a tracking task. Subjects were randomly assigned to a running group (RG), a tracking group (TG), or a running followed by tracking group (RTG), with 10 subjects assigned to each group. Treadmill running velocity was initially set at 2.0 m s− 1, increasing by 0.5 m s− 1 every 5 min until exhaustion. Tracking consisted of 35 episodes (each 40 s) where the subjects' task was to track a visual target on a computer screen while the visual feedback was veridical (performance) or left-right reversed (adaptation). Resting electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded before and after each experimental condition (running, tracking, rest). Tracking performance and the final amount of adaptation did not differ between groups. However, task adaptation was significantly faster in RTG compared to TG. In addition, increased alpha and beta power were observed following tracking in TG but not RTG although exhaustive running failed to induce significant changes in these frequency bands. Our results suggest that exhaustive running can facilitate adaptation processes in a manual tracking task. Attenuated cortical activation following tracking in the exercise condition was interpreted to indicate cortical efficiency and exercise-induced facilitation of selective central processes during actual task demands.


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Background: Although the potential to reduce hospitalisation and mortality in chronic heart failure (CHF) is well reported, the feasibility of receiving healthcare by structured telephone support or telemonitoring is not. Aims: To determine; adherence, adaptation and acceptability to a national nurse-coordinated telephone-monitoring CHF management strategy. The Chronic Heart Failure Assistance by Telephone Study (CHAT). Methods: Triangulation of descriptive statistics, feedback surveys and qualitative analysis of clinical notes. Cohort comprised of standard care plus intervention (SC + I) participants who completed the first year of the study. Results: 30 GPs (70% rural) randomised to SC + I recruited 79 eligible participants, of whom 60 (76%) completed the full 12 month follow-up period. During this time 3619 calls were made into the CHAT system (mean 45.81 SD ± 79.26, range 0-369), Overall there was an adherence to the study protocol of 65.8% (95% CI 0.54-0.75; p = 0.001) however, of the 60 participants who completed the 12 month follow-up period the adherence was significantly higher at 92.3% (95% CI 0.82-0.97, p ≤ 0.001). Only 3% of this elderly group (mean age 74.7 ±9.3 years) were unable to learn or competently use the technology. Participants rated CHAT with a total acceptability rate of 76.45%. Conclusion: This study shows that elderly CHF patients can adapt quickly, find telephone-monitoring an acceptable part of their healthcare routine, and are able to maintain good adherence for a least 12 months. © 2007.


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Prolonged near work is associated with myopia development in children and young adults but the reason underlying this association is unknown. Two potentially important factors are the near work induced ocular adaptations of contrast and accommodative adaptation. This study measured the degrees of contrast and accommodative adaptation during and following reading in myopic and emmetropic children and young adults in Singapore, where myopia is highly prevalent. Reading caused significantly greater contrast and accommodative adaptations in myopic children and myopic young adults compared to that measured in emmetropes of comparable ages. The adaptations were greater in magnitude in children than young adults, suggesting that children are more susceptible to ocular changes induced by reading and thus are potentially at greater risk of adverse refractive outcomes from these adaptations. In addition to the magnitude of the adaptations the regression time of these adaptations, (i.e. their durations) are also important. Longer accommodative adaptation regression times were measured for myopic children than for emmetropic children. Although the regression of contrast adaptation was not measured, its duration may likewise be important. The refractive effects of both of these adaptations are likely to be cumulative across the day and this could promote myopia in susceptible individuals performing considerable amounts of near work. Whether the type of text read affected the magnitude of the adaptations was also explored. Given the high prevalence of myopia in Chinese children and the fact that Chinese text is more complicated to write than English text, it was hypothesized that Chinese text would induce greater adaptation. However, both Chinese and English text produced similar amounts of accommodative and contrast adaptation in young adult subjects. We propose that children who spend prolonged periods reading at a young age are most vulnerable to near work induced adaptations and hence near work induced myopia. Both Chinese and English texts produce these effects and we propose that these adaptations are likely to occur for all types of common reading texts.


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Recent years have seen a rapid increase in SMEs working collaboratively in inter-organizational projects. But what drives the emergence of such projects, and what types of industries breed them the most? To address these questions, this paper extends the long running literature on the firm and industry antecedents of new venturing and alliance formation to the domain of project-based organization by SMEs. Based on survey data collected among 1,725 small and medium sized organizations and longitudinal industry data, we find an overall pattern that indicates that IOPV participation is primarily determined by a focal SME’s scope of innovative activities, and the munificence, dynamism and complexity of its environment. Unexpectedly, these variables have different effects on whether SMEs are likely to engage in IOPVs, compared to with how many there are in their portfolio at a time. Implications for theory development are discussed.


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Discovering factors that help or impede business model change is an important quest, both for researchers and practitioners. In this study we present preliminary findings based on the CAUSEE survey of young and nascent firms in Australia. In particular, we seek to determine an association between business model adaptation and external orientation among young and nascent firms within the random sample and amongst an oversample of high potential firms. The concept of external orientation is made operational by asking respondents whether, and to what extent, they rely on certain sources of advice and information. We find that high potential firms are more likely to have made at least some change to their business model, that greater use of external sources of advice is generally significantly associated with business model adaptation, but also that there appear to be different patterns of behaviour between the random sample and the over sample.


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This paper discusses and summarises a recent systematic study on the implication of global warming on air conditioned office buildings in Australia. Four areas are covered, including analysis of historical weather data, generation of future weather data for the impact study of global warming, projection of building performance under various global warming scenarios, and evaluation of various adaptation strategies under 2070 high global warming conditions. Overall, it is found that depending on the assumed future climate scenarios and the location considered, the increase of total building energy use for the sample Australian office building may range from 0.4 to 15.1%. When the increase of annual average outdoor temperature exceeds 2 °C, the risk of overheating will increase significantly. However, the potential overheating problem could be completely eliminated if internal load density is significantly reduced.