981 resultados para Phasor measurement unit (PMUs)


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This paper presents a new algorithm based on a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA) called PSO-SA to estimate harmonic state variables in distribution networks. The proposed algorithm performs estimation for both amplitude and phase of each harmonic currents injection by minimizing the error between the measured values from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and the values computed from the estimated parameters during the estimation process. The proposed algorithm can take into account the uncertainty of the harmonic pseudo measurement and the tolerance in the line impedances of the network as well as uncertainty of the Distributed Generators (DGs) such as Wind Turbines (WT). The main feature of proposed PSO-SA algorithm is to reach quickly around the global optimum by PSO with enabling a mutation function and then to find that optimum by SA searching algorithm. Simulation results on IEEE 34 bus radial and a realistic 70-bus radial test networks are presented to demonstrate the speed and accuracy of proposed Distribution Harmonic State Estimation (DHSE) algorithm is extremely effective and efficient in comparison with the conventional algorithms such as Weight Least Square (WLS), Genetic Algorithm (GA), original PSO and Honey Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) algorithm.


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A non-linear Kalman filter based control strategy for SVCs located in major load groups is presented. This focusses on the limitation and damping of inter-area modes. It does this through treating local modes as noise and uses a tunable nonlinear control algorithm to improve both first swing stability and system damping. Simulation on a four machine system shows that the Kalman filer can successfully lock on to a desired inter-area mode and obtain a 31% improvement in critical clearing time as well as improved damping.


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Loading margin sensitivity (LMS) has been widely used in applications in the realm of voltage stability assessment and control. Typically, LMS is derived based on system equilibrium equations near bifurcation and therefore requires full detailed system model and significant computation effort. Availability of phasor measurement units (PMUs) due to the recent development of wide-area monitoring system (WAMS) provides an alternative computation-friendly approach for calculating LMS. With such motivation, this work proposes measurement-based wide-area loading margin sensitivity (WALMS) in bulk power systems. The proposed sensitivity, with its simplicity, has great potential to be embedded in real-time applications. Moreover, the calculation of the WALMS is not limited to low voltage near bifurcation point. A case study on IEEE 39-bus system verifies the proposed sensitivity. Finally, a voltage control scenario demonstrates the potential application of the WALMS.


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This paper outlines the use of phasor measurement unit (PMU) records to validate models of fixed speed induction generator (FSIG)-based wind farms during frequency transients. Wind turbine manufacturers usually create their own proprietary models which they can supply to power system utilities for stability studies, subject to confidentiality agreements. However, it is desirable to confirm the accuracy of supplied models with measurements from the particular installation, in order to assess their validity under real field conditions. This is prudent due to possible changes in control algorithms and design retrofits, not accurately reflected or omitted in the supplied model. One important aspect of such models, especially for smaller power systems with limited inertia, is their accuracy during system frequency transients. This paper, therefore, assesses the accuracy of FSIG models with regard to frequency stability, and hence validates a subset of the model dynamics. Such models can then be used with confidence to assess wider system stability implications. The measured and simulated response of a wind farm using doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) technology is also assessed.


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This paper presents a new method for tracking Thévenin equivalent parameters for a power system at a node using local Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) measurements. Three consecutive phasor measurements for voltage and current, recorded at one location, are used. The phase drifts caused by the measurement slip frequency are first determined and phase angles of the measured phasors are corrected so that the corrected phasors are synchronized to the same reference. The synchronized phasors are then used to determine the equivalent Thévenin parameters of the system.


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This paper analyzes data captured by a phasor measurement unit at a wind farm, employing two-speed induction generators, and investigates aspects of the control system's interaction with the power system. Composite superimposed transient events are proposed as a method to improve the quality of the analysis and reduce errors caused by unknowns, such as wind speed variation. A Mathworks SimPowerSystems model validates the inertia contribution of the wind farm, which is an important parameter in power systems with high wind penetration. Transients caused by turbine speed transitions are identified and explained. The analysis also highlights areas where wind farm control should be improved if useful inertia contribution is to be provided.


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Anti-islanding protection is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid installation of distributed generation from renewable resources like wind, tidal and wave, solar PV, bio-fuels, as well as from other resources like diesel. Unintentional islanding presents a potential risk for damaging utility plants and equipment connected from the demand side, as well as to public and personnel in utility plants. This paper investigates automatic islanding detection. This is achieved by deploying a statistical process control approach for fault detection with the real-time data acquired through a wide area measurement system, which is based on Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) technology. In particular, the principal component analysis (PCA) is used to project the data into principal component subspace and residual space, and two statistics are used to detect the occurrence of fault. Then a fault reconstruction method is used to identify the fault and its development over time. The proposed scheme has been used in a real system and the results have confirmed that the proposed method can correctly identify the fault and islanding site.


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Two case studies are presented in this paper to demonstrate the impact of different power system operation conditions on the power oscillation frequency modes in the Irish power system. A simplified 2 area equivalent of the Irish power system has been used in this paper, where area 1 represents the Republic of Ireland power system and area 2 represents the Northern Ireland power system.

The potential power oscillation frequency modes on the interconnector during different operation conditions have been analysed in this paper. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of different operation conditions involving wind turbine generator (WTG) penetration on power oscillation frequency modes using phasor measurement unit (PMU) data.

Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis was performed to identify the frequency oscillation mode while correlation coefficient analysis was used to determine the source of the frequency oscillation. The results show that WTG, particularly fixed speed induction generation (FSIG), gives significant contribution to inter-area power oscillation frequency modes during high WTG operation.


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The availability of electricity is fundamental to modern society. It is at the top of the list of critical infrastructures and its interruption can have severe consequences. This highly important system is now evolving to become more reliable, efficient, and clean. This evolving infrastructure has become known as the smart grid; and these future smart grid systems will rely heavily on ICT. This infrastructure will require many servers and due to the nature of the grid, many of these systems will be geographically diverse requiring communication links. At the heart of this ICT infrastructure will be security. At each level of the smart grid from smart metering right through to remote sensing and control networks, security will be a key factor for system design consideration. With an increased number of ICT systems in place the security risk also increases. In this paper the authors discuss the changing nature of security in relation to the smart grid by looking at the move from legacy systems to more modern smart grid systems. The potential planes of attack for future smart grid systems are identified, and the general anatomy of a cyber-attack is presented. The authors then introduce the various threat levels of different types of attack and the mitigation techniques that could be put in place for each. Finally, the authors' introduce a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) communication system (operated by the authors) that can be used as a test-bed for some of the proposed future security research.


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Systematic principal component analysis (PCA) methods are presented in this paper for reliable islanding detection for power systems with significant penetration of distributed generations (DGs), where synchrophasors recorded by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are used for system monitoring. Existing islanding detection methods such as Rate-of-change-of frequency (ROCOF) and Vector Shift are fast for processing local information, however with the growth in installed capacity of DGs, they suffer from several drawbacks. Incumbent genset islanding detection cannot distinguish a system wide disturbance from an islanding event, leading to mal-operation. The problem is even more significant when the grid does not have sufficient inertia to limit frequency divergences in the system fault/stress due to the high penetration of DGs. To tackle such problems, this paper introduces PCA methods for islanding detection. Simple control chart is established for intuitive visualization of the transients. A Recursive PCA (RPCA) scheme is proposed as a reliable extension of the PCA method to reduce the false alarms for time-varying process. To further reduce the computational burden, the approximate linear dependence condition (ALDC) errors are calculated to update the associated PCA model. The proposed PCA and RPCA methods are verified by detecting abnormal transients occurring in the UK utility network.


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This paper presents the practical use of Prony Analysis to identify small signal oscillation mode parameters from simulated and actual phasor measurement unit (PMU) ringdown data. A well-known two-area four-machine power system was considered as a study case while the latest PMU ringdown data were collected from a double circuit 275 kV main interconnector on the Irish power system. The eigenvalue analysis and power spectral density were also conducted for the purpose of comparison. The capability of Prony Analysis to identify the mode parameters from three different types of simulated PMU ringdown data has been shown successfully. Furthermore, the results indicate that the Irish power system has dominant frequency modes at different frequencies. However, each mode has good system damping.


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In this brief, a hybrid filter algorithm is developed to deal with the state estimation (SE) problem for power systems by taking into account the impact from the phasor measurement units (PMUs). Our aim is to include PMU measurements when designing the dynamic state estimators for power systems with traditional measurements. Also, as data dropouts inevitably occur in the transmission channels of traditional measurements from the meters to the control center, the missing measurement phenomenon is also tackled in the state estimator design. In the framework of extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm, the PMU measurements are treated as inequality constraints on the states with the aid of the statistical criterion, and then the addressed SE problem becomes a constrained optimization one based on the probability-maximization method. The resulting constrained optimization problem is then solved using the particle swarm optimization algorithm together with the penalty function approach. The proposed algorithm is applied to estimate the states of the power systems with both traditional and PMU measurements in the presence of probabilistic data missing phenomenon. Extensive simulations are carried out on the IEEE 14-bus test system and it is shown that the proposed algorithm gives much improved estimation performances over the traditional EKF method.


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In this paper, a recursive filter algorithm is developed to deal with the state estimation problem for power systems with quantized nonlinear measurements. The measurements from both the remote terminal units and the phasor measurement unit are subject to quantizations described by a logarithmic quantizer. Attention is focused on the design of a recursive filter such that, in the simultaneous presence of nonlinear measurements and quantization effects, an upper bound for the estimation error covariance is guaranteed and subsequently minimized. Instead of using the traditional approximation methods in nonlinear estimation that simply ignore the linearization errors, we treat both the linearization and quantization errors as norm-bounded uncertainties in the algorithm development so as to improve the performance of the estimator. For the power system with such kind of introduced uncertainties, a filter is designed in the framework of robust recursive estimation, and the developed filter algorithm is tested on the IEEE benchmark power system to demonstrate its effectiveness.


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This paper describes a smart grid test bed comprising embedded generation, phasor measurement units (PMUs), and supporting ICT components and infrastructure. The test bed enables the development of a use case focused on a synchronous islanding scenario, where the embedded generation becomes islanded from the mains supply. Due to the provisioned control components, control strategy, and best-practice ICT support infrastructure, the islanded portion of the grid is able to continue to operate in a secure and dependable manner.


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The OpenPMU project is a platform for the development of Synchrophasor measurement technology, Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), in an open source manner. The project has now been operating for a number of years and has seen increased adoption at Universities and interest from electrical utilities. The OpenPMU device has recently been tested against the IEEE C37.118 standard and shown to operate within the specification. This paper discusses the OpenPMU project from the perspective of the past two years of experience and evaluates successes and opportunities for improvements in both the OpenPMU device and the philosophy of the design.