1000 resultados para Perturbation techniques


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Three new procedures for the extrapolation of series coefficients from a given power series expansion are proposed. They are based on (i) a novel resummation identity, (ii) parametrised Euler transformation (pet) and (iii) a modifiedpet. Several examples taken from the Ising model series expansions, ferrimagnetic systems, etc., are illustrated. Apart from these applications, the higher order virial coefficients for hard spheres and hard discs have also been evaluated using the new techniques and these are compared with the estimates obtained by other methods. A satisfactory agreement is revealed between the two.


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The widespread use of service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and Web services in commercial software requires the adoption of development techniques to ensure the quality of Web services. Testing techniques and tools concern quality and play a critical role in accomplishing quality of SOA based systems. Existing techniques and tools for traditional systems are not appropriate to these new systems, making the development of Web services testing techniques and tools required. This article presents new testing techniques to automatically generate a set of test cases and data for Web services. The techniques presented here explore data perturbation of Web services messages upon data types, integrity and consistency. To support these techniques, a tool (GenAutoWS) was developed and applied to real problems. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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With nine examples, we seek to illustrate the utility of the Renormalization Group approach as a unification of other asymptotic and perturbation methods.


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An identity expressing formally the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of an inverse of a matrix is deduced employing operator techniques. Several well-known perturbation expressions for the self-energy are deduced as special cases. A new approximation and other applications following from the above formalism are briefly indicated through illustrations from a perturbed harmonic oscillator, chemisorption approximations and Kelly's result in the problem of electron correlation.


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In Part I a class of linear boundary value problems is considered which is a simple model of boundary layer theory. The effect of zeros and singularities of the coefficients of the equations at the point where the boundary layer occurs is considered. The usual boundary layer techniques are still applicable in some cases and are used to derive uniform asymptotic expansions. In other cases it is shown that the inner and outer expansions do not overlap due to the presence of a turning point outside the boundary layer. The region near the turning point is described by a two-variable expansion. In these cases a related initial value problem is solved and then used to show formally that for the boundary value problem either a solution exists, except for a discrete set of eigenvalues, whose asymptotic behaviour is found, or the solution is non-unique. A proof is given of the validity of the two-variable expansion; in a special case this proof also demonstrates the validity of the inner and outer expansions.

Nonlinear dispersive wave equations which are governed by variational principles are considered in Part II. It is shown that the averaged Lagrangian variational principle is in fact exact. This result is used to construct perturbation schemes to enable higher order terms in the equations for the slowly varying quantities to be calculated. A simple scheme applicable to linear or near-linear equations is first derived. The specific form of the first order correction terms is derived for several examples. The stability of constant solutions to these equations is considered and it is shown that the correction terms lead to the instability cut-off found by Benjamin. A general stability criterion is given which explicitly demonstrates the conditions under which this cut-off occurs. The corrected set of equations are nonlinear dispersive equations and their stationary solutions are investigated. A more sophisticated scheme is developed for fully nonlinear equations by using an extension of the Hamiltonian formalism recently introduced by Whitham. Finally the averaged Lagrangian technique is extended to treat slowly varying multiply-periodic solutions. The adiabatic invariants for a separable mechanical system are derived by this method.


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This thesis presents recent research into analytic topics in the classical theory of General Relativity. It is a thesis in two parts. The first part features investigations into the spectrum of perturbed, rotating black holes. These include the study of near horizon perturbations, leading to a new generic frequency mode for black hole ringdown; an treatment of high frequency waves using WKB methods for Kerr black holes; and the discovery of a bifurcation of the quasinormal mode spectrum of rapidly rotating black holes. These results represent new discoveries in the field of black hole perturbation theory, and rely on additional approximations to the linearized field equations around the background black hole. The second part of this thesis presents a recently developed method for the visualization of curved spacetimes, using field lines called the tendex and vortex lines of the spacetime. The works presented here both introduce these visualization techniques, and explore them in simple situations. These include the visualization of asymptotic gravitational radiation; weak gravity situations with and without radiation; stationary black hole spacetimes; and some preliminary study into numerically simulated black hole mergers. The second part of thesis culminates in the investigation of perturbed black holes using these field line methods, which have uncovered new insights into the dynamics of curved spacetime around black holes.


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Understanding combustion instabilities requires accurate measurements of the acoustic velocity perturbation into injectors. This is often accomplished via the use of the two microphone technique, as this only requires two pressure transducers. However, measurements of the actual velocities emerging from the injectors are not often taken, leaving questions regarding the assumptions about the acoustic velocity. A comparison of velocity measured at downstream of the injector with that of two-microphone technique can show the accuracy and limitations of two-microphone technique. In this paper, velocity measurements are taken using both particle image velocimetry (PIV) and the two-microphone technique in a high pressure facility designed for aeroengine injector measurements. The flow is excited using an area modulation device installed on the choked end of the combustion chamber, with PIV measurements enabled by optical access downstream of the injector through a quartz tube and windows. Acoustic velocity perturbations at the injector are determined by considering the Fourier transformed pressure fluctuations for two microphones installed at a known distance upstream of the injector. PIV measurements are realized by seeding the air flow with micrometric water particles under 2.5 bar pressure at ambient temperature. Phase locked velocity fields are realized by synchronizing the acquisition of PIV images with the revolution of the acoustic modulator using the pressure signal measured at the face of injector. The mean velocity fluctuation is calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum velocities, normalized by the mean velocity of the unforced case. Those values are compared with the peak-to-peak velocity fluctuation amplitude calculated by the two-microphone technique. Although the ranges of velocity fluctuations for both techniques are similar, the variation of fluctuation with forcing frequencies diverges significantly with frequency. The differences can be attributed to several limitations associated with of both techniques, such as the quality of the signal, the signal/noise ratio, the accuracy of PIV measurements and the assumption of isentropic flow of the particle velocity from the plenum through the injector. We conclude that two-microphone methods can be used as a reference value for the velocity fluctuation in low order applications such as flame transfer functions, but not for drawing conclusions regarding the absolute velocity fluctuations in the injector. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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This work is concerned with the development of a numerical scheme capable of producing accurate simulations of sound propagation in the presence of a mean flow field. The method is based on the concept of variable decomposition, which leads to two separate sets of equations. These equations are the linearised Euler equations and the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. This paper concentrates on the development of numerical schemes for the linearised Euler equations that leads to a computational aeroacoustics (CAA) code. The resulting CAA code is a non-diffusive, time- and space-staggered finite volume code for the acoustic perturbation, and it is validated against analytic results for pure 1D sound propagation and 2D benchmark problems involving sound scattering from a cylindrical obstacle. Predictions are also given for the case of prescribed source sound propagation in a laminar boundary layer as an illustration of the effects of mean convection. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Laser driven proton beams have been used to diagnose transient fields and density perturbations in laser produced plasmas. Grid deflectometry techniques have been applied to proton radiography to obtain precise measurements of proton beam angles caused by electromagnetic fields in laser produced plasmas. Application of proton radiography to laser driven implosions has demonstrated that density conditions in compressed media can be diagnosed with million electron volt protons. This data has shown that proton radiography can provide unique insight into transient electromagnetic fields in super critical density plasmas and provide a density perturbation diagnostics in compressed matter.


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Durant la dernière décennie, les développements technologiques en radiothérapie ont transformé considérablement les techniques de traitement. Les nouveaux faisceaux non standard améliorent la conformité de la dose aux volumes cibles, mais également complexifient les procédures dosimétriques. Puisque des études récentes ont démontré l’invalidité de ces protocoles actuels avec les faisceaux non standard, un nouveau protocole applicable à la dosimétrie de référence de ces faisceaux est en préparation par l’IAEA-AAPM. Le but premier de cette étude est de caractériser les facteurs responsables des corrections non unitaires en dosimétrie des faisceaux non standard, et ainsi fournir des solutions conceptuelles afin de minimiser l’ordre de grandeur des corrections proposées dans le nouveau formalisme de l’IAEA-AAPM. Le deuxième but de l’étude est de construire des méthodes servant à estimer les incertitudes d’une manière exacte en dosimétrie non standard, et d’évaluer les niveaux d’incertitudes réalistes pouvant être obtenus dans des situations cliniques. Les résultats de l’étude démontrent que de rapporter la dose au volume sensible de la chambre remplie d’eau réduit la correction d’environ la moitié sous de hauts gradients de dose. Une relation théorique entre le facteur de correction de champs non standard idéaux et le facteur de gradient du champ de référence est obtenue. En dosimétrie par film radiochromique, des niveaux d’incertitude de l’ordre de 0.3% sont obtenus par l’application d’une procédure stricte, ce qui démontre un intérêt potentiel pour les mesures de faisceaux non standard. Les résultats suggèrent également que les incertitudes expérimentales des faisceaux non standard doivent être considérées sérieusement, que ce soit durant les procédures quotidiennes de vérification ou durant les procédures de calibration. De plus, ces incertitudes pourraient être un facteur limitatif dans la nouvelle génération de protocoles.


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Le risque de chute est une problématique bien présente chez les personnes âgées ou ayant une atteinte neurologique et reflète un déficit des mécanismes neuronaux assurant l’équilibre. De précédentes études démontrent que l’intégration des informations sensorielles est essentielle au contrôle de l’équilibre et que l’inhibition présynaptique (IP) serait un mécanisme important dans le contrôle de la transmission sensorielle. Ainsi, le but de cette étude était d’identifier la contribution du mécanisme d’IP à l’induction de réponses posturales efficaces suite à une perturbation d’équilibre. Notre hypothèse est qu’une diminution d’IP contribuerait à l’induction des ces réponses, en augmentant l’influence de la rétroaction sensorielle sur les réseaux de neurones spinaux. Afin de démontrer cette hypothèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l’excitabilité spinale pendant les perturbations vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière, à l’aide du réflexe H. L’excitabilité spinale était modulée selon la direction de la perturbation et cette modulation survenait dès 75 ou 100 ms (p<0.05), soit avant l’induction des réactions posturales. Puis, à l’aide de techniques plus précises de convergence spinale, nous avons démontré que l’IP était diminuée dès 75 et 100 ms dans les deux directions, suggérant que la transmission des informations sensorielles vers la moelle épinière est accrue juste avant le déclenchement de la réponse posturale. Cette étude met en évidence un mécanisme-clé permettant d’augmenter la rétroaction des informations sensorielles nécessaires à l’induction de réponses posturales appropriées. L’évaluation de ce mécanisme pourrait mener à une meilleure identification des individus à risque de chute.


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Medical fields requires fast, simple and noninvasive methods of diagnostic techniques. Several methods are available and possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. The present thesis details the work done in the field of voice signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize complexities of pathological voice from healthy signals and to differentiate stuttering signals from healthy signals. Efficiency of various acoustic as well as non linear time series methods are analysed. Three groups of samples are used, one from healthy individuals, subjects with vocal pathologies and stuttering subjects. Individual vowels/ and a continuous speech data for the utterance of the sentence "iruvarum changatimaranu" the meaning in English is "Both are good friends" from Malayalam language are recorded using a microphone . The recorded audio are converted to digital signals and are subjected to analysis.Acoustic perturbation methods like fundamental frequency (FO), jitter, shimmer, Zero Crossing Rate(ZCR) were carried out and non linear measures like maximum lyapunov exponent(Lamda max), correlation dimension (D2), Kolmogorov exponent(K2), and a new measure of entropy viz., Permutation entropy (PE) are evaluated for all three groups of the subjects. Permutation Entropy is a nonlinear complexity measure which can efficiently distinguish regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the change in dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. The results shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Permutation entropy is well suited due to its sensitivity to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. Pathological groups have higher entropy values compared to the normal group. The stuttering signals have lower entropy values compared to the normal signals.PE is effective in charaterising the level of improvement after two weeks of speech therapy in the case of stuttering subjects. PE is also effective in characterizing the dynamical difference between healthy and pathological subjects. This suggests that PE can improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. The work establishes the application of the simple, inexpensive and fast algorithm of PE for diagnosis in vocal disorders and stuttering subjects.


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Trade-off between settling time and micropower consumption in MOS regulated cascode current sources as building parts in high-accuracy, current-switching D/A converters is analyzed. The regulation-loop frequency characteristic is obtained and difficulties to impose a dominant-pole condition to the resulting 2nd-order system are discussed. Raising pole frequencies while meeting consumption requirements is basically limited by parasitic capacitances. An alternative is found by imposing a twin-pole system in which design constraints are somewhat relaxed and settling slightly faster. Relationships between pole frequencies, transistor geometry and bias are established. Simulated waveforms obtained with PSpice of designed circuits following a voltage perturbation suggest a good agreement with theory. The proposed approach applied to the design of a micropower current-mode D/A converter improves its simulated settling performance.


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In this paper, we prove a stability result about the asymptotic dynamics of a perturbed nonautonomous evolution equation in ℝn governed by a maximal monotone operator. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The intent of the work presented in this thesis is to show that relativistic perturbations should be considered in the same manner as well known perturbations currently taken into account in planet-satellite systems. It is also the aim of this research to show that relativistic perturbations are comparable to standard perturbations in speciffc force magnitude and effects. This work would have been regarded as little more then a curiosity to most engineers until recent advancements in space propulsion methods { e.g. the creation of a artiffcial neutron stars, light sails, and continuous propulsion techniques. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to thrust the human race into interstellar, and hopefully intergalactic, travel in the not so distant future. The relativistic perturbations were simulated on two orbit cases: (1) a general orbit and (2) a Molniya type orbit. The simulations were completed using Matlab's ODE45 integration scheme. The methods used to organize, execute, and analyze these simulations are explained in detail. The results of the simulations are presented in graphical and statistical form. The simulation data reveals that the speciffc forces that arise from the relativistic perturbations do manifest as variations in the classical orbital elements. It is also apparent from the simulated data that the speciffc forces do exhibit similar magnitudes and effects that materialize from commonly considered perturbations that are used in trajectory design, optimization, and maintenance. Due to the similarities in behavior of relativistic versus non-relativistic perturbations, a case is made for the development of a fully relativistic formulation for the trajectory design and trajectory optimization problems. This new framework would afford the possibility of illuminating new more optimal solutions to the aforementioned problems that do not arise in current formulations. This type of reformulation has already showed promise when the previously unknown Space Superhighways arose as a optimal solution when classical astrodynamics was reformulated using geometric mechanics.