974 resultados para Pattern Mining
Multi-document summarization addressing the problem of information overload has been widely utilized in the various real-world applications. Most of existing approaches adopt term-based representation for documents which limit the performance of multi-document summarization systems. In this paper, we proposed a novel pattern-based topic model (PBTMSum) for the task of the multi-document summarization. PBTMSum combining pattern mining techniques with LDA topic modelling could generate discriminative and semantic rich representations for topics and documents so that the most representative and non-redundant sentences can be selected to form a succinct and informative summary. Extensive experiments are conducted on the data of document understanding conference (DUC) 2007. The results prove the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach.
This paper presents a method to generate new melodies, based on conserving the semiotic structure of a template piece. A pattern discovery algorithm is applied to a template piece to extract significant segments: those that are repeated and those that are transposed in the piece. Two strategies are combined to describe the semiotic coherence structure of the template piece: inter-segment coherence and intra-segment coherence. Once the structure is described it is used as a template for new musical content that is generated using a statistical model created from a corpus of bertso melodies and iteratively improved using a stochastic optimization method. Results show that the method presented here effectively describes a coherence structure of a piece by discovering repetition and transposition relations between segments, and also by representing the relations among notes within the segments. For bertso generation the method correctly conserves all intra and inter-segment coherence of the template, and the optimization method produces coherent generated melodies.
Multi-relational data mining enables pattern mining from multiple tables. The existing multi-relational mining association rules algorithms are not able to process large volumes of data, because the amount of memory required exceeds the amount available. The proposed algorithm MRRadix presents a framework that promotes the optimization of memory usage. It also uses the concept of partitioning to handle large volumes of data. The original contribution of this proposal is enable a superior performance when compared to other related algorithms and moreover successfully concludes the task of mining association rules in large databases, bypass the problem of available memory. One of the tests showed that the MR-Radix presents fourteen times less memory usage than the GFP-growth. © 2011 IEEE.
Over the years, people have often held the hypothesis that negative feedback should be very useful for largely improving the performance of information filtering systems; however, we have not obtained very effective models to support this hypothesis. This paper, proposes an effective model that use negative relevance feedback based on a pattern mining approach to improve extracted features. This study focuses on two main issues of using negative relevance feedback: the selection of constructive negative examples to reduce the space of negative examples; and the revision of existing features based on the selected negative examples. The former selects some offender documents, where offender documents are negative documents that are most likely to be classified in the positive group. The later groups the extracted features into three groups: the positive specific category, general category and negative specific category to easily update the weight. An iterative algorithm is also proposed to implement this approach on RCV1 data collections, and substantial experiments show that the proposed approach achieves encouraging performance.
Relevance Feedback (RF) has been proven very effective for improving retrieval accuracy. Adaptive information filtering (AIF) technology has benefited from the improvements achieved in all the tasks involved over the last decades. A difficult problem in AIF has been how to update the system with new feedback efficiently and effectively. In current feedback methods, the updating processes focus on updating system parameters. In this paper, we developed a new approach, the Adaptive Relevance Features Discovery (ARFD). It automatically updates the system's knowledge based on a sliding window over positive and negative feedback to solve a nonmonotonic problem efficiently. Some of the new training documents will be selected using the knowledge that the system currently obtained. Then, specific features will be extracted from selected training documents. Different methods have been used to merge and revise the weights of features in a vector space. The new model is designed for Relevance Features Discovery (RFD), a pattern mining based approach, which uses negative relevance feedback to improve the quality of extracted features from positive feedback. Learning algorithms are also proposed to implement this approach on Reuters Corpus Volume 1 and TREC topics. Experiments show that the proposed approach can work efficiently and achieves the encouragement performance.
It is a big challenge to guarantee the quality of discovered relevance features in text documents for describing user preferences because of the large number of terms, patterns, and noise. Most existing popular text mining and classification methods have adopted term-based approaches. However, they have all suffered from the problems of polysemy and synonymy. Over the years, people have often held the hypothesis that pattern-based methods should perform better than term- based ones in describing user preferences, but many experiments do not support this hypothesis. This research presents a promising method, Relevance Feature Discovery (RFD), for solving this challenging issue. It discovers both positive and negative patterns in text documents as high-level features in order to accurately weight low-level features (terms) based on their specificity and their distributions in the high-level features. The thesis also introduces an adaptive model (called ARFD) to enhance the exibility of using RFD in adaptive environment. ARFD automatically updates the system's knowledge based on a sliding window over new incoming feedback documents. It can efficiently decide which incoming documents can bring in new knowledge into the system. Substantial experiments using the proposed models on Reuters Corpus Volume 1 and TREC topics show that the proposed models significantly outperform both the state-of-the-art term-based methods underpinned by Okapi BM25, Rocchio or Support Vector Machine and other pattern-based methods.
Information mismatch and overload are two fundamental issues influencing the effectiveness of information filtering systems. Even though both term-based and pattern-based approaches have been proposed to address the issues, neither of these approaches alone can provide a satisfactory decision for determining the relevant information. This paper presents a novel two-stage decision model for solving the issues. The first stage is a novel rough analysis model to address the overload problem. The second stage is a pattern taxonomy mining model to address the mismatch problem. The experimental results on RCV1 and TREC filtering topics show that the proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art filtering systems.
With the growing number of XML documents on theWeb it becomes essential to effectively organise these XML documents in order to retrieve useful information from them. A possible solution is to apply clustering on the XML documents to discover knowledge that promotes effective data management, information retrieval and query processing. However, many issues arise in discovering knowledge from these types of semi-structured documents due to their heterogeneity and structural irregularity. Most of the existing research on clustering techniques focuses only on one feature of the XML documents, this being either their structure or their content due to scalability and complexity problems. The knowledge gained in the form of clusters based on the structure or the content is not suitable for reallife datasets. It therefore becomes essential to include both the structure and content of XML documents in order to improve the accuracy and meaning of the clustering solution. However, the inclusion of both these kinds of information in the clustering process results in a huge overhead for the underlying clustering algorithm because of the high dimensionality of the data. The overall objective of this thesis is to address these issues by: (1) proposing methods to utilise frequent pattern mining techniques to reduce the dimension; (2) developing models to effectively combine the structure and content of XML documents; and (3) utilising the proposed models in clustering. This research first determines the structural similarity in the form of frequent subtrees and then uses these frequent subtrees to represent the constrained content of the XML documents in order to determine the content similarity. A clustering framework with two types of models, implicit and explicit, is developed. The implicit model uses a Vector Space Model (VSM) to combine the structure and the content information. The explicit model uses a higher order model, namely a 3- order Tensor Space Model (TSM), to explicitly combine the structure and the content information. This thesis also proposes a novel incremental technique to decompose largesized tensor models to utilise the decomposed solution for clustering the XML documents. The proposed framework and its components were extensively evaluated on several real-life datasets exhibiting extreme characteristics to understand the usefulness of the proposed framework in real-life situations. Additionally, this research evaluates the outcome of the clustering process on the collection selection problem in the information retrieval on the Wikipedia dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed frequent pattern mining and clustering methods outperform the related state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, the proposed framework of utilising frequent structures for constraining the content shows an improvement in accuracy over content-only and structure-only clustering results. The scalability evaluation experiments conducted on large scaled datasets clearly show the strengths of the proposed methods over state-of-the-art methods. In particular, this thesis work contributes to effectively combining the structure and the content of XML documents for clustering, in order to improve the accuracy of the clustering solution. In addition, it also contributes by addressing the research gaps in frequent pattern mining to generate efficient and concise frequent subtrees with various node relationships that could be used in clustering.
The quality of discovered features in relevance feedback (RF) is the key issue for effective search query. Most existing feedback methods do not carefully address the issue of selecting features for noise reduction. As a result, extracted noisy features can easily contribute to undesirable effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a novel feature extraction method for query formulation. This method first extract term association patterns in RF as knowledge for feature extraction. Negative RF is then used to improve the quality of the discovered knowledge. A novel information filtering (IF) model is developed to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results conducted on Reuters Corpus Volume 1 and TREC topics confirm that the proposed model achieved encouraging performance compared to state-of-the-art IF models.
Topic modeling has been widely utilized in the fields of information retrieval, text mining, text classification etc. Most existing statistical topic modeling methods such as LDA and pLSA generate a term based representation to represent a topic by selecting single words from multinomial word distribution over this topic. There are two main shortcomings: firstly, popular or common words occur very often across different topics that bring ambiguity to understand topics; secondly, single words lack coherent semantic meaning to accurately represent topics. In order to overcome these problems, in this paper, we propose a two-stage model that combines text mining and pattern mining with statistical modeling to generate more discriminative and semantic rich topic representations. Experiments show that the optimized topic representations generated by the proposed methods outperform the typical statistical topic modeling method LDA in terms of accuracy and certainty.
Text categorisation is challenging, due to the complex structure with heterogeneous, changing topics in documents. The performance of text categorisation relies on the quality of samples, effectiveness of document features, and the topic coverage of categories, depending on the employing strategies; supervised or unsupervised; single labelled or multi-labelled. Attempting to deal with these reliability issues in text categorisation, we propose an unsupervised multi-labelled text categorisation approach that maps the local knowledge in documents to global knowledge in a world ontology to optimise categorisation result. The conceptual framework of the approach consists of three modules; pattern mining for feature extraction; feature-subject mapping for categorisation; concept generalisation for optimised categorisation. The approach has been promisingly evaluated by compared with typical text categorisation methods, based on the ground truth encoded by human experts.
Topic modelling has been widely used in the fields of information retrieval, text mining, machine learning, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel model, Pattern Enhanced Topic Model (PETM), which makes improvements to topic modelling by semantically representing topics with discriminative patterns, and also makes innovative contributions to information filtering by utilising the proposed PETM to determine document relevance based on topics distribution and maximum matched patterns proposed in this paper. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PETM by using the TREC data collection Reuters Corpus Volume 1. The results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art term-based models and pattern-based models.
This thesis presents a promising boundary setting method for solving challenging issues in text classification to produce an effective text classifier. A classifier must identify boundary between classes optimally. However, after the features are selected, the boundary is still unclear with regard to mixed positive and negative documents. A classifier combination method to boost effectiveness of the classification model is also presented. The experiments carried out in the study demonstrate that the proposed classifier is promising.