102 resultados para Patience
Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) was a pioneering ichthyologist who made major contributions to the study of fishes of the American West. As chairman of the Department ofZoology at Leland Stanford Junior University in Palo Alto, Calif., during 1891-1925, Gilbert was extremely devoted to his work and showed little patience with those ofa different mindset. While serving as Naturalist-in-Charge of the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during her exploratory expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in 1902, Gilbert engaged in an acrimonious feud with the ship's captain, Chauncey Thomas, Jr. (1850-1919), U.S.N., over what Gilbert perceived to be an inadequate effort by the captain. This essay focuses on the conflict between two strong figures, each operatingf rom different world views, and each vying for authority. Despite the difficulties these two men faced, the voyage of the Albatross in 1902 must be considered a success, as reflected by the extensive biological samples collected, the many new species of animals discovered, and the resulting publication of important scientific papers.
Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre a influência exercida por Mário de Andrade na formação humana e no processo criativo do poeta Carlos Drummond de Andrade, a partir do encontro do mineiro com o movimento modernista brasileiro. Utilizando como corpus a correspondência trocada entre os dois poetas, durante o período de 1924 até 1945, incluída integralmente na obra Carlos & Mário (2002), buscamos apontar o movimento de doação compartilhada que ocorreu entre eles, a atuação recíproca na construção da amizade, tomando por base a premissa de que cartas são veículos de subjetividade, instrumentos que desencadeiam trocas, adesões e sociabilidades, e, quando trocadas entre escritores, deixam de ser simples relatos biográficos e extrapolam seus limites, passando a ser um objeto de investigação literária. Por vivenciarem o contexto revolucionário do movimento modernista, os dois artistas encontraram na escrita epistolográfica um espaço estratégico para o debate e a formulação de seus pensamentos e ideais. Nesse sentido, procuramos esclarecer a importância da formação estética de Mário no combate à resistência passadista drummondiana; o esforço do escritor paulista em apresentar, com a paciência didática de um professor-amigo, as ideias modernistas presentes em sua plataforma teórica, fontes inovadoras de ensinamentos poéticos; e a gradativa incorporação, pelo poeta mineiro, das lições do amigo Mário de Andrade, a tal ponto que os dois correspondentes passam a dialogar não mais como mestre e discípulo, mas como intelectuais e artistas de igual porte e autonomia de pensamento
Marine mammal diet is typically characterized by identifying fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks retrieved from stomachs and fecal material (scats). The use and applicability of these techniques has been the matter of some debate given inherent biases associated with the method. Recent attempts to identify prey using skeletal remains in addition to beaks and otoliths are an improvement; however, difficulties incorporating these data into quantitative analyses have limited results for descriptive analyses such as frequency of occurrence. We attempted to characterize harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) diet in an area where seals co-occur with several salmon species, some endangered and all managed by state or federal agencies, or both. Although diet was extremely variable within sampling date, season, year, and between years, the frequency and number of individual prey were at least two times greater for most taxa when prey structures in addition to otoliths were identified. Estimating prey mass in addition to frequency and number resulted in an extremely different relative importance of prey in harbor seal diet. These data analyses are a necessary step in generating estimates of the size, total number, and annual biomass of a prey species eaten by pinnipeds for inclusion in fisheries management plans.
Along the west coast of the United States, the potential impact of increasing pinniped populations on declining salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) stocks has become an issue of concern. Fisheries managers need species-specific estimates of consumption by pinnipeds to evaluate their impact on salmonid stocks. To estimate consumption, we developed a model that estimates diet composition by reconstructing prey biomass from fecal samples. We applied the model to data collected from harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) that are present year-round in the lower Columbia River where endangered stocks of salmonids pass as returning adults and as seaward-migrating smolts. Using the same data, we applied the split-sample frequency of occurrence model, which avoids reconstructing biomass by assuming that each fecal sample represents an equal volume of consumption and that within each sample each prey item represents an equal proportion of the volume. The two models for estimating diet composition yielded size-specific differences in consumption estimates that were as large as tenfold for the smallest and largest prey. Conclusions about the impact of harbor seal predation on adult salmonids, some of their largest prey species, remain uncertain without some appropriate rationale or further information (e.g. empirical captive studies) to discriminate between these models.
If one grants that meanings are constructed through exclusions, one must acknowledge and take responsibility for the exclusions involved in one's own project. (Wallach Scott 1988, 7)
Names can be important, as an identity marker and public persona, especially if they shape our own and others' expectations – ask any woman named Hope or Patience. In this short piece we consider what the Women and Geography Study Group of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) represents to both those inside and outside the group in the 21st century and make a case for change to a more inclusionary title.
Background: The steady increase in the number of people living and dying with dementia, coupled with the recent focus on quality of care, has highlighted the importance of dementia training for health care professionals. This exploratory study aimed to discover which skills health care students felt were important in providing quality end-of-life care to dementia patients.
Methods: Ninety-four medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students participated in a larger study using open-ended and closed questions to explore attitudes related to caring for dementia patients at the end of life. This study looks at the student responses to an open-ended question regarding the skills and knowledge they believe are needed to provide end-of-life care to dementia patients. Individual responses were reviewed by the researchers, coded into key issues, and tabulated for frequency of occurrences and group differences.
Results: Several common issues emerged: knowledge, patience, empathy, understanding, family involvement, compassion, medication knowledge, respect/patient autonomy, communication, quality of life, and patient education. Significant differences were observed among the participant groups on the following issues: Patience and understanding (pharmacy students mentioned these issues less frequently than medical and nursing students), compassion (medical students mentioned this issue more frequently than pharmacy students), and medication knowledge (pharmacy students mentioned this issue more frequently than medical and nursing students).
Conclusions: Different health care disciplines (in-training) value different skill sets for the provision of dementia care at the end-of-life. As health care education for dementia patients at the end of life is expanded, it will be important to understand which skills both patients and health care students value.
Tese de doutoramento, História (História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
The main goal of training activities is to improve motor performance. After strenuous workouts, it is physiological to experience fatigue, which relieves within two weeks, and then induce an improvement in motor capacities. An overtraining syndrome is diagnosed when fatigue is postponed beyond two weeks, and affects mainly endurance athletes. It is a condition of chronic fatigue, underperformance and an increased vulnerability to infection leading to recurrent infections. The whole observed spectrum of symptoms is physiological, psychological, endocrinogical and immunological. All play a role in the failure to recover. Monitoring of athletes activities helps to prevent the syndrome with days with no sports. Rest, patience and empathy are the only ways of treatment options.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on luoda liiketoimintamalli, joka tukee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden markkinoiden luomista kehittyvillä markkinoilla. Teoreettinen osa tarkastelee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden liiketoimintamallin kehittämisen tärkeimpiä elementtejä CIS maissa. Teoreettisen kappaleen tuloksena saadaan puitteet, jonka avulla liiketoimintamalli matkaviestintäpalveluille voidaan kehittää. Tutkielman empiirinen osa on toteutettu case tutkimuksena, jonka tavoitteena on ollut langattomien matkaviestintäpalvelujen markkinoiden luominen CIS maissa. Pääasiallinen empiirisen tiedon lähde on ollut teemahaastattelut. Tuloksena saatuja empiirisen osan tietoja verrataan teoriakappaleen vastaaviin tuloksiin Tulokset osoittavat, että radikaalin korkean teknologian innovaation markkinoiden luominen on hidas prosessi, joka vaatii kärsivällisyyttä yritykseltä. Markkinoiden, teknologian ja strategian epävarmuustekijät tuovat epävarmuutta kehittyvälle toimialalle ja markkinoille, joka vaikeuttaa liiketoimintamallin kehittämistä. Tärkein tekijä on palvelujen markkinointi ennemmin kuin teknologian. Avain kyvykkyys markkinoiden luomisessa on oppiminen, ei tietäminen.
Contient : 1° « Remonstrances sur les miseres et abuz de ce monde, pour retraire ung chascun de peché » ; 2° « Instruction et doctrine à bien vivre et mourir » ; 3° « Aux jeunes mariez » ; 4° « Plusieurs beaulx Dictz et enseignemens de la saige CHRISTINE DE PISAN à son filz » ; 5° « Plusieurs Enseignemens utiles et prouffitables » ; 6° « Contre aulcuns exces qui se commettent chascun jour à boire et menger » ; 7° « De la Beaulté tres excellente-de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ » ; 8° « La Voye de paradis » ; 9° « Plusieurs devotes Contemplations sur les injures, derisions et opprobres faictz à Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ, touchant les parolles dictes par Pylate : Eccehomo » ; 10° De la Patience ; 11° « De la Brefveté de la vie humaine » ; 12° « Rondeau contre les mal parlans ». Refrain : « Entre vivans » ; 13° « Les douze Vertuz et qualitez » ; 14° De la Nécessité de mourir ; 15° « Calcul de plusieurs pieces de monnoye » ; 16° « Ballade contre les aveuglez mondains » (fol. 54). Refrain : « C'est parce que sommes pervers » ; 17° « Aultre Ballade moralle contre les aveuglez mondains » (fol. 55). Refrain : « Quant de voz maulx vous fauldra rendre compte » ; 18° « Rondeau double de la misere du monde » (fol. 56). Refrain : « Où pensez vous ? » ; 19° « Bons Enseignemens et authoritez » ; 20° « Bon Regime fort utile pour le corps et l'ame d'ung chascun » ; 21° « Destruction du corps humain » ; 22° « Dicton utile pour chascune personne » ; 23° « Ballade faicte en l'honneur de la croix, la couronne d'espines et la lance de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ ». Refrain : « Tant que les larmes en yssent de noz yeux » ; 24° « Aultre Ballade en l'honneur de la glorieuse Vierge Marie » (fol. 62). Refrain : « Mere de Dieu, que veult on plus ? » ; 25° « Aultre Ballade en l'honneur de monsieur sainct Jehan l'evangeliste » (fol. 63). Refrain : « Mignon de Dieu, que veult on plus ? » ; 26° Enseignements
Suite à une recension des écrits sur les soins d’hygiène des personnes atteintes de démence de type Alzheimer (DTA), force est de constater la rareté, voire l’absence de recherches sur la question des soins d’hygiène (SH) dispensés à domicile par les conjointes. Pourtant, la conjointe à domicile est confrontée aux mêmes difficultés que les intervenants des établissements de santé et doit ainsi faire face aux comportements, parfois difficiles de la personne atteinte. Dans la pratique, les infirmières questionnent peu les difficultés rencontrées par les aidantes au moment des soins d’hygiène, ce qui permet difficilement de prendre conscience de leurs sentiments d’isolement et de détresse et de les réduire, le cas échéant. Pour pallier cette lacune, la présente recherche vise à comprendre l’expérience que vivent des conjointes d’hommes atteints de DTA lorsqu’elles leur dispensent des SH à domicile. Un second objectif vise à identifier les dimensions qui sont associées à cette expérience. Une approche de recherche qualitative est utilisée. Les participantes ont été recrutées par l’entremise des Sociétés Alzheimer de Laval et des Laurentides. La stratégie de collecte des données a impliqué la réalisation de deux entrevues individuelles, face à face, de même que l’administration d’un court questionnaire portant sur les aspects sociodémographiques. La démarche retenue pour l’analyse de l’ensemble de données est inspirée de l’approche proposée par Miles et Huberman (2003). Les résultats permettent d’abord de mettre en évidence des profils de conjointes qui, tout en étant variables, présentent certaines similarités. Eu égard aux SH, toutes ont à consacrer des efforts soutenus, quotidiens et intenses. Elles doivent faire montre de patience et compter sur des capacités personnelles les amenant à ressentir des sentiments positifs malgré les situations difficiles. Les résultats montrent par ailleurs que la dispensation des SH provoque aussi des sentiments négatifs associés au fardeau que ces soins impliquent. Les conjointes mettent toutefois en œuvre une variété de stratégies d’adaptation au stress telles la résolution de problème, la recherche de soutien social et le recadrage. Cinq ensembles de dimensions personnelles et contextuelles sont associés à l’expérience des aidantes : 1) En ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques personnelles des conjointes, l’avancement en âge et l’état de santé physique ou psychologique influencent négativement l’expérience lors des SH. Par contre, les ressources personnelles intrinsèques (acceptation de la réalité, capacité de trouver un sens à l’évènement, habileté à improviser et sens de l’humour) sont utilisées de manière naturelle ou acquise; 2) Les caractéristiques personnelles du conjoint (année du diagnostic, pertes d’autonomie et troubles de comportement) affectent négativement l’expérience vécue; 3) La relation conjugale présente un intérêt important puisqu’il apparaît qu’une relation conjugale pré-diagnostic positive semble favoriser des sentiments positifs chez la conjointe en ce qui a trait aux SH; 4) Les dimensions familiales ont un impact favorable, étant donné le soutien psychologique reçu de la famille; 5) Les dimensions macro-environnementales, incluant l’aide reçue du réseau informel plus large de même que du réseau formel, ainsi que les divers aménagements matériels de l’environnement physique du couple, ressortent enfin comme ayant un impact positif. Au terme de l’analyse des résultats, l’auteure est en mesure de proposer une synthèse de l’expérience des conjointes. La discussion aborde quatre enjeux qui se dégagent des résultats observés : impacts des difficultés rencontrées lors des SH dans la décision d’hébergement, réticence des aidantes à faire appel aux ressources du réseau formel pour obtenir de l’aide eu égard aux SH, importance des ressources personnelles des aidantes et potentiel de l’approche relationnelle humaine (human caring) pour faire face aux défis que pose la dispensation des SH.
Travail créatif / Creative Work
The present work is mainly concentrated on setting up a NIR tunable diode laser absorption (TDLA) spectrometer for high-resolution molecular spectroscopic studies. For successfully recording the high-resolution tunable diode laser spectrum, various experimental considerations are to be taken into account like the setup should be free from mechanical vibrations, sample should be kept at a low pressure, laser should be in a single mode operation etc. The present experimental set up considers all these factors. It is to be mentioned here that the setting up of a high resolution NIR TDLA spectrometer is a novel experiment requiring much effort and patience. The analysis of near infrared (NIR) vibrational overtone spectra of some substituted benzene compounds using local mode model forms another part of the present work. An attempt is made to record the pulsed laser induced fluorescence/Raman spectra of some organic compounds. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is used as the excitation source. A TRIAX monochromator and CCD detector is used for the spectral recording. The observed fluorescence emission for carbon disulphide is centered at 680 nm; this is assigned as due to the n, p* transition. Aniline also shows a broad fluorescence emission centered at 725 nm, which is due to the p,p* transition. The pulsed laser Raman spectra of some organic compounds are also recorded using the same experimental setup. The calibration of the set up is done using the laser Raman spectra of carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulphide. The observed laser Raman spectra for aniline, o-chloroaniline and m-chlorotoluene show peaks characteristics of the aromatic ring in common and the characteristics peaks due to the substitutuent groups. Some new peaks corresponding to low-lying vibrations of these molecules are also assigned
Background: Violence against women is associated with serious health problems, including adverse maternal and child health. Antenatal care (ANC) midwives are increasingly expected to implement the routine of identifying exposure to violence. An increase of Somali born refugee women in Sweden, their reported adverse childbearing health and possible links to violence pose a challenge to the Swedish maternity health care system. Thus, the aim was to explore ways ANC midwives in Sweden work with Somali born women and the questions of exposure to violence. Methods: Qualitative individual interviews with 17 midwives working with Somali-born women in nine ANC clinics in Sweden were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: The midwives strived to focus on the individual woman beyond ethnicity and cultural differences. In relation to the Somali born women, they navigated between different definitions of violence, ways of handling adversities in life and social contexts, guided by experience based knowledge and collegial support. Seldom was ongoing violence encountered. The Somali-born women’s’ strengths and contentment were highlighted, however, language skills were considered central for a Somali-born woman’s access to rights and support in the Swedish society. Shared language, trustful relationships, patience, and networking were important aspects in the work with violence among Somali-born women. Conclusion: Focus on the individual woman and skills in inter-cultural communication increases possibilities of overcoming social distances. This enhances midwives’ ability to identify Somali born woman’s resources and needs regarding violence disclosure and support. Although routine use of professional interpretation is implemented, it might not fully provide nuances and social safety needed for violence disclosure. Thus, patience and trusting relationships are fundamental in work with violence among Somali born women. In collaboration with social networks and other health care and social work professions, the midwife can be a bridge and contribute to increased awareness of rights and support for Somali-born women in a new society.
This study aims to identify the social representations built on senior care health workers of Primary Care. This is an exploratory research within the subsidized social representations held in 100 Basic Health Units in the city of João Pessoa-PB, with a sample of n= 204 workers of both sexes, who agreed to participate. To collect the data used to set an interview in two parts: the first looked at the Test of Free Association of Words using the inductive stimulus "senior care". The interviews were analyzed with the help of a software for quantitative analysis of textual data ALCESTE (version 2010). The results were interpreted from the theoretical framework of social representations. The study included 178 women (87.25%) and 26 men (12.75%), working in Family Health Units in the city of João Pessoa, the majority are aged between 40-49 years of age ( 28.92%), and have higher education with 81.86%. The results of Alceste link to the term inducer six (6) where the hierarchical classes representing senior care workers as synonymous with care and attention, showing situations neglect of the elderly, for that patience is required to promote the increase of disease prevention and living with the elderly to generate humanization in health services. It is considered that the social representations of health workers on assistance to the elderly may support modeling of strategic actions in health services with health promotion programs for large groups, able to modify practices and behavior in elder care and strengthening the policy was directed at the elderly