1000 resultados para Parts of speech


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This correspondence describes a method for automated segmentation of speech. The method proposed in this paper uses a specially designed filter-bank called Bach filter-bank which makes use of 'music' related perception criteria. The speech signal is treated as continuously time varying signal as against a short time stationary model. A comparative study has been made of the performances using Mel, Bark and Bach scale filter banks. The preliminary results show up to 80 % matches within 20 ms of the manually segmented data, without any information of the content of the text and without any language dependence. The Bach filters are seen to marginally outperform the other filters.


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We use parallel weighted finite-state transducers to implement a part-of-speech tagger, which obtains state-of-the-art accuracy when used to tag the Europarl corpora for Finnish, Swedish and English. Our system consists of a weighted lexicon and a guesser combined with a bigram model factored into two weighted transducers. We use both lemmas and tag sequences in the bigram model, which guarantees reliable bigram estimates.


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A new method based on unit continuity metric (UCM) is proposed for optimal unit selection in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. UCM employs two features, namely, pitch continuity metric and spectral continuity metric. The methods have been implemented and tested on our test bed called MILE-TTS and it is available as web demo. After verification by a self selection test, the algorithms are evaluated on 8 paragraphs each for Kannada and Tamil by native users of the languages. Mean-opinion-score (MOS) shows that naturalness and comprehension are better with UCM based algorithm than the non-UCM based ones. The naturalness of the TTS output is further enhanced by a new rule based algorithm for pause prediction for Tamil language. The pauses between the words are predicted based on parts-of-speech information obtained from the input text.


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A total of 76 species of macrolichens were recorded from 16 transects of 50 m x 10 m between altitudes of 2100 m and 4500 m in western parts of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve of Garhwal Himalayas. Forty-one of these are lignicolous species occurring on woody, 14 are terricolous growing on soil and 10 are saxicolous inhabiting rocks only, The other 11 species occur on more than one major types of substrate, Lichen species diversity is at its highest in middle altitudes between 2700 m and 3700 m where all three major substrates are simultaneously available, Lichen species diversity of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve appears to be under threat from deforestation and fires, as well as from loss of soil microhabitats due to overgrowth of weeds seemingly caused by cessation of summer grazing in alpine pastures.


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We consider the speech production mechanism and the asso- ciated linear source-filter model. For voiced speech sounds in particular, the source/glottal excitation is modeled as a stream of impulses and the filter as a cascade of second-order resonators. We show that the process of sampling speech signals can be modeled as filtering a stream of Dirac impulses (a model for the excitation) with a kernel function (the vocal tract response),and then sampling uniformly. We show that the problem of esti- mating the excitation is equivalent to the problem of recovering a stream of Dirac impulses from samples of a filtered version. We present associated algorithms based on the annihilating filter and also make a comparison with the classical linear prediction technique, which is well known in speech analysis. Results on synthesized as well as natural speech data are presented.


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A joint analysis-synthesis framework is developed for the compressive sensing (CS) recovery of speech signals. The signal is assumed to be sparse in the residual domain with the linear prediction filter used as the sparse transformation. Importantly this transform is not known apriori, since estimating the predictor filter requires the knowledge of the signal. Two prediction filters, one comb filter for pitch and another all pole formant filter are needed to induce maximum sparsity. An iterative method is proposed for the estimation of both the prediction filters and the signal itself. Formant prediction filter is used as the synthesis transform, while the pitch filter is used to model the periodicity in the residual excitation signal, in the analysis mode. Significant improvement in the LLR measure is seen over the previously reported formant filter estimation.


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This paper describes a spatio-temporal registration approach for speech articulation data obtained from electromagnetic articulography (EMA) and real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rtMRI). This is motivated by the potential for combining the complementary advantages of both types of data. The registration method is validated on EMA and rtMRI datasets obtained at different times, but using the same stimuli. The aligned corpus offers the advantages of high temporal resolution (from EMA) and a complete mid-sagittal view (from rtMRI). The co-registration also yields optimum placement of EMA sensors as articulatory landmarks on the magnetic resonance images, thus providing richer spatio-temporal information about articulatory dynamics. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America


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We propose apractical, feature-level and score-level fusion approach by combining acoustic and estimated articulatory information for both text independent and text dependent speaker verification. From a practical point of view, we study how to improve speaker verification performance by combining dynamic articulatory information with the conventional acoustic features. On text independent speaker verification, we find that concatenating articulatory features obtained from measured speech production data with conventional Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) improves the performance dramatically. However, since directly measuring articulatory data is not feasible in many real world applications, we also experiment with estimated articulatory features obtained through acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. We explore both feature level and score level fusion methods and find that the overall system performance is significantly enhanced even with estimated articulatory features. Such a performance boost could be due to the inter-speaker variation information embedded in the estimated articulatory features. Since the dynamics of articulation contain important information, we included inverted articulatory trajectories in text dependent speaker verification. We demonstrate that the articulatory constraints introduced by inverted articulatory features help to reject wrong password trials and improve the performance after score level fusion. We evaluate the proposed methods on the X-ray Microbeam database and the RSR 2015 database, respectively, for the aforementioned two tasks. Experimental results show that we achieve more than 15% relative equal error rate reduction for both speaker verification tasks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An account of Pittier's travels around Panama. Written as a travel guide, Pittier describes the flora and fauna of the different regions as well as the topography, people and geology of the area.


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Joan Nieuhoff, viajante alemão, nasceu em Usen, Vesfália, em 1618, e morreu em Madagascar, em 1672. Trabalhou na Companhia das Índias Orientais, foi nomeado agente em Batávia, em 1654. Em 1655, foi à China tratar da abertura dos portos daquele país ao comércio holandês. Governou o Ceilão de 1662 a 1667. Em 1672, desembarcando em Madagascar, foi morto pelos nativos.


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The importance of fishing gear in fishing cannot be over-emphasized; as without it fish cannot be obtained. The method used to catch fish affects the condition in which the product is landed. This means that a bad-catching method would produced bad fish to the consumer. To achieve the goal of self-sufficiency in fish production in Nigeria, there is need to address the lingering problems of fishing gear and craft technology, especially in terms of availability of materials and their cost. The sale and making of fishing gear materials are two areas of fisheries, which are yet to be exploited by the general public as forms of businesses for livelihood. The study is conducted in villages around the lower part of Kainji Lake, towards the dam, including New Bussa. It reveals that only the fishermen themselves are involved in making their own fishing gears while those involved in the selling of fishing gear materials like the sheet netting, ropes, twines, floats, sinkers etc are business men and women who may not have any experience of fishing. Also considered in the study is the art of making fishing crafts like the canoe and gourd. Very few entrepreneurs are involved and they are so skilled that each is specialized in the making of only one kind of craft or gear