53 resultados para PTX
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of pentoxifylline (PTX) in experimental acute pancreatitis (AP) starting drug administration after the induction of the disease. METHODS: One hundred male Wistar rats were submitted to taurocholate-induced AP and divided into three groups: Group Sham: sham-operated rats, Group Saline: AP plus saline solution, and Group PTX: AP plus PTX. Saline solution and PTX were administered 1 hour after induction of AP. At 3 hours after AP induction, peritoneal levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 levels were assayed by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Determinations of lung myeloperoxidase activity (MPO), histological analysis of lung and pancreas, and mortality study were performed. RESULTS: PTX administration 1 hour after induction of AP caused a significant decrease in peritoneal levels of TNF-alpha and in serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 when compared to the saline group. There were no differences in lung MPO activity between the two groups with AP. A decrease in mortality was observed in the PTX treatment compared to the saline group. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of PTX after the onset of AP decreased the systemic levels of proinflammatory cytokines, raising the possibility that there is an early therapeutic window for PTX after the initiation of AP.
Lipid nanoemulsions (LDE) may be used as carriers of paclitaxel (PTX) and etoposide (ETP) to decrease toxicity and increase the therapeutic action of those drugs. The current study investigates the combined chemotherapy with PTX and ETP associated with LDE. Four groups of 10-20 B16F10 melanoma-bearing mice were treated with LDE-PTX and LDE-ETP in combination (LDE-PTX + ETP), commercial PTX and ETP in combination (PTX + ETP), single LDE-PTX, and single LDE-ETP. PTX and ETX doses were 9 mu mol/kg administered in three intraperitoneal injections on three alternate days. In two control groups mice were treated with saline solution or LDE alone. Tumor growth, metastasis presence, cell-cycle distribution, blood cell counts and histological data were analyzed. Toxicity of all treatments was evaluated in mice without tumors. Tumor growth inhibition was similarly strong in all treatment groups. However, there was a greater reduction in the number of animals bearing metastases in the LDE-PTX + ETP group (30 %) in comparison to the PTX + ETP group (82 %, p < 0.05). Reduction of cellular density, blood vessels and increase of collagen fibers in tumor tissues were observed in the LDE-PTX + ETP group but not in the PTX + ETP group, and in both groups reduced melanoma-related anemia and thrombocytosis were observed. Flow cytometric analysis suggested that LDE-PTX + ETP exhibited greater selectivity to neoplastic cells than PTX-ETP, showing arrest (65 %) in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle (p < 0.001). Toxicity manifested by weight loss and myelosuppression was markedly milder in the LDE-PTX + ETP than in the PTX + ETP group. LDE-PTX + ETP combined drug-targeting therapy showed markedly superior anti-cancer properties and reduced toxicity compared to PTX + ETP.
Background. Cardiac remodeling in uremia is characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis and microvascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in uremic patients, but coronary events alone are not the prevalent cause, sudden death and heart failure are. We studied the cardiac remodeling in experimental uremia, evaluating the isolated effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and phosphorus. Methods. Wistar rats were submitted to parathyroidectomy (PTx) and 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx); they also received vehicle (V) and PTH at normal (nPTH) or high (hPTH) doses. They were fed with a poor-phosphorus (pP) or rich-phosphorus (rP) diet and were divided into the following groups: 'Sham': G1 (V + normal-phosphorus diet (np)) and 'Nx + PTx': G2 (nPTH + pP), G3 (nPTH + rP), G4 (hPTH + pP) and G5 (hPTH + rP). After 8 weeks, biochemical analysis, myocardium morphometry and arteriolar morphological analysis were performed. In addition, using immunohistochemical analysis, we evaluated angiotensin II, alpha-actin, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and nitrotyrosine, as well as fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR-1) and runt-related transcription factor-2 (Runx-2) expression. Results. Nx animals presented higher serum creatinine levels as well as arterial hypertension. Higher PTH levels were associated with myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis as well as a higher coronary lesion score. High PTH animals also presented a higher myocardial expression of TGF-beta, angiotensin II, FGF-23 and nitrotyrosine and a lower expression of alpha-actin. Phosphorus overload was associated with higher serum FGF-23 levels and Runx-2, as well as myocardial hypertrophy. FGFR-1 was positive in the cardiomyocytes of all groups as well as in calcified coronaries of G4 and G5 whereas Runx-2 was positive in G3, G4 and G5. Conclusion. In uremia, PTH and phosphorus overload are both independently associated with major changes related to the cardiac remodeling process, emphasizing the need for a better control of these factors in chronic kidney disease.
Weltweit existiert keine zum Tierversuch alternative Methode, um adsorbierte Pertussis-Impfstoffe auf restliche Toxin-Aktivität hin zu untersuchen. Der im Europäischen Arzneibuch vorgeschriebene Tierversuch besitzt nach Erfahrungen der Industrie, internationaler Prüfbehörden sowie des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes eine schlechte Aussagekraft. Er ist wenig standardisierbar und weist häufig ein zweifelhaftes Ergebnis auf, so dass Wiederholungen und damit einhergehend ein hoher Verbrauch an Versuchstieren unumgänglich sind. Enthält der Impfstoff Reste von nicht-inaktiviertem Pertussis-Toxin (PTx), muss mit schweren und schwersten Nebenwirkungen bei den Impflingen gerechnet werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein In vitro-Nachweis für aktives PTx entwickelt. rnAngeregt durch Publikationen, wonach Pertussis-Toxin humane Monozyten aktiviert, wurde zunächst versucht, diesen Effekt zum Toxin-Nachweis auszunutzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt jedoch eindeutig, dass Pertussis-Toxin selbst nicht zur Stimulation humaner Monozyten führt. Vielmehr konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen auf Kontaminationen durch Lipopolysaccharide zurückzuführen ist. Damit wurden die Aussagen in den oben erwähnten Veröffentlichungen widerlegt. Dieses Ergebnis wurde bereits zur Publikation eingereicht.rnNunmehr wurden verschiedene Ansätze zum Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin entwickelt, welche seine enzymatischen Aktivitäten als NAD-Glycohydrolase und ADP-Ribosyltransferase ausnutzen. Zunächst wurde versucht, die Hydrolyse von NAD zu ADP-Ribose und Nicotinamid photometrisch nachzuweisen. Wegen unbefriedigender Sensitivität wurde dieses Verfahren zu einem fluorometrischen Nachweis weiterentwickelt. Verwendet wurde hier fluorogenes etheno-NAD, welches von Pertussis-Toxin als Substrat akzeptiert wird. Letzteres Prinzip ist zum In vitro-Nachweis von Pertussis-Toxin geeignet, wird jedoch durch das in Impfstoffen häufig verwendete Adsorbens Aluminiumhydroxid gestört. Deshalb wurde dieser Ansatz aufgegeben und ein neuer Weg verfolgt, welcher am Energiestoffwechsel von humanen Zellen ansetzt. Eine Konsequenz des Angriffs von Pertussis-Toxin auf seine Zielzellen im Respirationstrakt besteht – nach komplexen Reaktionen des Signaltransduktionsweges – im Absenken des ATP-Gehaltes. Als menschliche Surrogat-Zellen wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononukleäre Zellen (PBMCs) sowie die permanente Lymphozyten-Zelllinie Jurkat eingesetzt und deren ATP-Gehalt mittels Luziferin-Luziferase-Lumineszenz gemessen. Der Test wird nicht durch Lipopolysaccharid gestört und auch Aluminiumhydroxid übt erst nach mehreren Stunden Inkubation einen interferierenden Einfluss aus. Ebenso konnte aktives Pertussis-Toxin mit Hilfe kryokonservierter PBMCs detektiert werden, auch in orientierenden Versuchen mit komplexen Impfstoffen. Der Pertussis-ATP-Test kommt der In vivo-Situation in der Zelle sehr nahe, weil beide Untereinheiten des Toxins in einem Test überprüft werden. Demnach soll er Bestandteil einer geplanten internationalen Studie zu alternativen Pertussis-Toxin-Testungen sein.
Lo studio CAVE PTX ha lo scopo di valutare la reale prevalenza della paratiroidectomia nei pazienti dializzati in Italia, verificare l’aderenza ai targets ematochimici proposti dalle linee guida internazionali K/DOQI e ricercare la presenza di fratture vertebrali e calcificazioni vascolari. Al momento attuale riportiamo i dati preliminari sulla prevalenza e le caratteristiche cliniche generali dei pazienti finora arruolati. Il nostro studio ha ricevuto contributi da 149 centri dialisi italiani, su un totale di 670, pari al 22%. La popolazione dialitica dalla quale sono stati ottenuti i casi di paratiroidectomia è risultata pari a 12515 pazienti;l’87,7% dei pazienti effettuava l’emodialisi mentre il 12,3% la dialisi peritoneale. Cinquecentoventotto, pari al 4,22%, avevano effettuato un intervento di paratiroidectomia (4,5%emodializzati, 1,9% in dialisi peritoneale;p<0.001). Abbiamo considerato tre gruppi differenti di PTH: basso (<150 pg/ml), ottimale (150 -300 pg/ml) ed elevato (>300 pg/ml). I valori medi di PTH e calcemia sono risultati significativamente diversi (più alti) tra casi e controlli nei due gruppi con PTH basso (PTX = 40±39 vs controllo = 92±42 pg/ml; p<.0001) e PTH alto (PTX= 630 ± 417 vs controllo 577 ±331; p<.05). La percentuale di pazienti con PTH troppo basso è risultata più elevata nei pazienti chirurgici rispetto al resto della popolazione (64vs23%; p<0.0001), mentre la percentuale dei casi con PTH troppo alto è risultata significativamente più alta nel gruppo di controllo (38%vs19%; p<0.003). Il 61% dei casi assumeva vitamina D rispetto al 64 % dei controlli; l’88% vs 75% un chelante del fosforo ed il 13%vs 35% il calciomimentico. In conclusione, la paratiroidectomia ha una bassa prevalenza in Italia, i pazienti sono più spesso di sesso femminile, in emodialisi e con età relativamente giovane ma da più tempo in dialisi.
BACKGROUND: Pneumothoraces are a common injury pattern in emergency medicine. Rapid and safe identification can reduce morbidity and mortality. A new handheld, battery powered device, the Pneumoscan (CE 561036, PneumoSonics Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA), using micropower impulse radar (MIR) technology, has recently been introduced in Europe for the rapid and reliable detection of PTX. However, this technology has not yet been tested in trauma patients. This is the first quality control evaluation to report on emergency room performance of a new device used in the trauma setting. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was performed at a Level I trauma centre in Switzerland. All patients with thoracic trauma and undergoing chest X-ray and CT-scan were eligible for the study. Readings were performed before the chest X-ray and CT scan. The patients had eight lung fields tested (four on each side). All readings with the Pneumoscan were performed by two junior residents in our department who had previously received an instructional tutorial of 15min. The qualitative MIR results were blinded, and stored on the device. We then compared the results of the MIR to those of the clinical examination, chest X-ray and CT-scan. RESULTS: 50 patients were included, with a mean age of 46 (SD 17) years. Seven patients presented with PTX diagnosed by CT; six of these were detected by Pneumoscan, leading to an overall sensitivity of 85.7 (95% confidence interval 42.1-99.6)%. Only two of seven PTX were found during clinical examination and on chest X-ray (sensitivity 28.6 (95% CI 3.7-71.0)%). Of the remaining 43 of 50 patients without PTX, one false-positive PTX was found by the Pneumoscan, resulting in a specificity of 97.7 (95% CI 87.7-99.9)%. DISCUSSION: The Pneumoscan is an easy to use handheld technology with reliable results. In this series, the sensitivity to detect a PTX by the Pneumoscan was higher than by clinical examination and chest X-ray. Further studies with higher case numbers and a prospective study design are needed to confirm our findings.
The Hungry Bone Syndrome (HBS) represents an important cause of prolonged hypocalcemia after parathyreoidectomy (PTX) due to primary, secondary or tertiary hyperparathyreoidism. The sudden postoperative withdrawal of parathyroid hormone (PTH) induces a stop in osteoclastic bone resorption without affecting the osteoblastic activity. Consequently, an increased bone uptake of calcium, phosphate and magnesium is observed. Risk factors for the development of HBS include: Large parathyroid adenomas, age > 60 years, high preoperative levels of serum PTH, calcium and alkaline phosphatase. In these patients a careful monitoring of clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia as well as the laboratory parameters are warranted during the immediate postoperative period. Treatment with oral calcium, and especially in patients with renal failure, additionally active vitamin D should be started as soon as possible after PTX. In severe cases of HBS, the administration of intravenous calcium is necessary. The duration of therapy is governed by symptoms and severity of the HBS and may last for up to 12 or more months. While prevention of HBS in high risk patients includes preoperative Vitamin D, the role of bisphosphonates has yet to be established.
To investigate whether nasal salmon calcitonin (CT; 200 U/day) given in addition to calcium helps to restore the bone mass after parathyroidectomy (PTX) in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT).
Background. A nonrecognized pneumothorax (PTX) may become a life-threatening tension PTX. A reliable point-of-care diagnostic tool could help in reduce this risk. For this purpose, we investigated the feasibility of the use of the PneumoScan, an innovative device based on micropower impulse radar (MIR). Patients and Methods. addition to a standard diagnostic protocol including clinical examination, chest X-ray (CXR), and computed tomography (CT), 24 consecutive patients with chest trauma underwent PneumoScan testing in the shock trauma room to exclude a PTX. Results. The application of the PneumoScan was simple, quick, and reliable without functional disorder. Clinical examination and CXR each revealed one and PneumoScan three out of altogether four PTXs (sensitivity 75%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 95%). The undetected PTX did not require intervention. Conclusion. The PneumoScan as a point-of-care device offers additional diagnostic value in patient management following chest trauma. Further studies with more patients have to be performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the device.
Monocyte developmental heterogeneity is reflected at the cellular level by differential activation competence, at the molecular level by differential regulation of gene expression. LPS activates monocytes to produce tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF). Events occurring at the molecular level necessary for TNF regulation have not been elucidated, but depend both on activation signals and the maturation state of the cell: Peripheral blood monocytes produce TNF upon LPS stimulation, but only within the first 72 hours of culture. Expression of c-fos is associated with monocytic differentiation and activation; the fos-associated protein, c-jun, is also expressed during monocyte activation. Increased cAMP levels are associated with down regulation of macrophage function, including LPS-induced TNF transcription. Due to these associations, we studied a region of the TNF promoter which resembles the binding sites for both AP-1(fos/jun) and CRE-binding protein (or ATF) in order to identify potential molecular markers defining activation competent populations of monocytic cells.^ Nuclear protein binding studies using extracts from THP-1 monocytic cells stimulated with LPS, which stimulates, or dexamethasone (Dex) or pentoxyfilline (PTX), which inhibit TNF production, respectively, suggest that a low mobility doublet complex may be involved in regulation through this promoter region. PTX or Dex increase binding of these complexes equivalently over untreated cells; approximately two hours after LPS induction, the upper complex is undetectable. The upper complex is composed of ATF2 (CRE-BP1); the lower is a heterodimer of jun/ATF2. LPS induces c-jun and thus may enhance formation of jun-ATF2 complexes. The simultaneous presence of both complexes may reduce the amount of TNF transcription through competitive binding, while a loss of the upper (ATF2) and/or gain of the lower (jun-ATF2) allow increased transcription. AP-1 elements generally transduce signals involving PKC; the CRE mediates a cAMP response, involving PKA. Thus, this element has the potential of receiving signals through divergent signalling pathways. Our findings also suggest that cAMP-induced inhibition of macrophage functions may occur via down regulation of activation-associated genes through competitive binding of particular cAMP-responsive nuclear protein complexes. ^
A homeodomain gene Ptx3 has highly restricted brain expression in mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons
The mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) system regulates behavior and movement control and has been implicated in psychiatric and affective disorders. We have identified a bicoid-related homeobox gene, Ptx3, a member of the Ptx-subfamily, that is uniquely expressed in these neurons. Its expression starting at E11.5 in the developing mouse midbrain correlates with the appearance of mesDA neurons. The number of Ptx3-expressing neurons is reduced in Parkinson patients, and these neurons are absent from 6-hydroxy-dopamine-lesioned rats, an animal model for this disease. Thus, Ptx3 is a unique transcription factor marking the mesDA neurons at the exclusion of other dopaminergic neurons, and it may be involved in developmental determination of this neuronal lineage.
Inwardly rectifying potassium (K+) channels gated by G proteins (Kir3.x family) are widely distributed in neuronal, atrial, and endocrine tissues and play key roles in generating late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, slowing the heart rate and modulating hormone release. They are directly activated by Gβγ subunits released from G protein heterotrimers of the Gi/o family upon appropriate receptor stimulation. Here we examine the role of isoforms of pertussis toxin (PTx)-sensitive G protein α subunits (Giα1–3 and GoαA) in mediating coupling between various receptor systems (A1, α2A, D2S, M4, GABAB1a+2, and GABAB1b+2) and the cloned counterpart of the neuronal channel (Kir3.1+3.2A). The expression of mutant PTx-resistant Gi/oα subunits in PTx-treated HEK293 cells stably expressing Kir3.1+3.2A allows us to selectively investigate that coupling. We find that, for those receptors (A1, α2A) known to interact with all isoforms, Giα1–3 and GoαA can all support a significant degree of coupling to Kir3.1+3.2A. The M4 receptor appears to preferentially couple to Giα2 while another group of receptors (D2S, GABAB1a+2, GABAB1b+2) activates the channel predominantly through Gβγ liberated from GoA heterotrimers. Interestingly, we have also found a distinct difference in G protein coupling between the two splice variants of GABAB1. Our data reveal selective pathways of receptor activation through different Gi/oα isoforms for stimulation of the G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channel.
Stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs)-coupled receptors activated by luteinizing hormone, vasopressin, and the catecholamine isoproterenol (luteinizing hormone receptor, type 2 vasopressin receptor, and types 1 and 2 beta-adrenergic receptors) and the Gi-coupled M2 muscarinic receptor (M2R) were expressed transiently in COS cells, alone and in combination with Gbeta gamma dimers, their corresponding Galphas (Galpha(s), or Galpha(i3)) and either Galpha(q) or Galpha(16). Phospholipase C (PLC) activity, assessed by inositol phosphate production from preincorporated myo[3H]inositol, was then determined to gain insight into differential coupling preferences among receptors and G proteins. The following were observed: (i) All receptors tested were able to stimulate PLC activity in response to agonist occupation. The effect of the M2R was pertussis toxin sensitive. (ii) While, as expected, expression of Galpha(q) facilitated an agonist-induced activation of PLC that varied widely from receptor to receptor (400% with type 2 vasopressin receptor and only 30% with M2R), expression of Galpha(16) facilitated about equally well the activation of PLC by any of the tested receptors and thus showed little if any discrimination for one receptor over another. (iii) Gbeta gamma elevated basal (agonist independent) PLC activity between 2- and 4-fold, confirming the proven ability of Gbeta gamma to stimulate PLCbeta. (iv) Activation of expressed receptors by their respective ligands in cells coexpressing excess Gbeta gamma elicited agonist stimulated PLC activities, which, in the case of the M2R, was not blocked by pertussis toxin (PTX), suggesting mediation by a PTX-insensitive PLC-stimulating Galpha subunit, presumably, but not necessarily, of the Gq family. (v) The effects of Gbeta gamma and the PTX-insensitive Galpha elicited by M2R were synergistic, suggesting the possibility that one or more forms of PLC are under conditional or dual regulation of G protein subunits such that stimulation by one sensitizes to the stimulation by the other.
Ionotropic receptors for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are important to inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian retina, mediating GABAA and GABAC responses. In many species, these responses are blocked by the convulsant picrotoxinin (PTX), although the mechanism of block is not fully understood. In contrast, GABAC responses in the rat retina are extremely resistant to PTX. We hypothesized that this difference could be explained by molecular characterization of the receptors underlying the GABAC response. Here we report the cloning of two rat GABA receptor subunits, designated r rho 1 and r rho 2 after their previously identified human homologues. When coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, r rho 1/r rho 2 heteromeric receptors mimicked PTX-resistant GABAC responses of the rat retina. PTX resistance is apparently conferred in native heteromeric receptors by r rho 2 subunits since homomeric r rho 1 receptors were sensitive to PTX; r rho 2 subunits alone were unable to form functional homomeric receptors. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that a single amino acid residue in the second membrane-spanning region (a methionine in r rho 2 in place of a threonine in r rho 1) is the predominant determinant of PTX resistance in the rat receptor. This study reveals not only the molecular mechanism underlying PTX blockade of GABA receptors but also the heteromeric nature of native receptors in the rat retina that underlie the PTX-resistant GABAC response.
The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27 and PACAP38) on isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac and submandibular ganglia were examined under voltage clamp using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. VIP and PACAP (less than or equal to 10 nm) selectively and reversibly increased the affinity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels (nAChRs) for their agonists resulting in a potentiation of acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked whole-cell currents at low agonist concentrations. VIP-induced potentiation was observed with either ACh or nicotine as the cholinergic agonist. The VIP- but not the PACAP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked currents was inhibited by [Ac-Tyr(1), D-Phe(2)]-GRF 1-29, amide (100 nm), a selective antagonist of VPAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptors; whereas the PACAP38- but not the VIP-induced potentiation was inhibited by 100 nm PACAP6-38, a PAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptor antagonist. The signal transduction pathway mediating VIP- and PACAP-induced potentiation of nicotinic ACh-evoked currents involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. Intracellular application of 200 mu m GTP gamma S or GDP beta S inhibited VIP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked whole-cell currents. GTP gamma S alone potentiated ACh- and nicotine-evoked currents and the magnitude of these currents was not further increased by VIP or PACAP. The G-protein subtype modulating the neuronal nAChRs was examined by intracellular dialysis with antibodies directed against alpha(o), alpha(i-1,2), alpha(i-3) or beta G-protein subunits. Only the anti-G alpha(o) and anti-G beta antibodies significantly inhibited the effect of VIP and PACAP on ACh-evoked currents. The potentiation of ACh-evoked currents by VIP and PACAP may be mediated by a membrane-delimited signal transduction cascade involving the PTX-sensitive G(o) protein.